All These Rare Video Games For $20?

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twenty dollars and you can have the whole thing twenty dollars to this table all right and then and then what twenty dollars for all of it [Music] just looking around seeing what you got well basically what you'll see out this way there's some receivers cassette deck speakers i have another set other than that one um these are receivers um the receiver is in the house you don't have any more ants or sans sewing receivers do you no you don't no i got rid of those years ago little cards those are baseball cards yeah those are given to my son years and years ago you want them no i was hoping to get them rid of them are you selling that bubble wrap no i just got that for some stuff i'm trying to downsize my wife passed away a year and a half ago and i'm trying to i'm sorry to hear that now to get most of this stuff out of here there's this that's new i don't think it's ever been used i opened it up to make sure it's in one piece tried that it works how much is that what do you want to give me for i don't know 25 bucks then only 150 but all right let me think about it still in the house years ago they used to make that kind of stuff and what we you said 20 bucks for this one yeah i'll just do that oh here's a pioneer receiver yeah look for the older ones kind of like that or the oh okay san sewell or marantz ones yeah i don't think i kept my sand silly i think the only thing i have is the sansui is my uh receiver i mean my young take reel the reel and the relay bro died again twice now second time you don't want to sell that well i probably couldn't use it you want to try it i can take a look at it can you fix it i know a guy that works on him yeah he's not like a he kind of does it from his house i kind of know him yeah yeah it's not like a shop or nothing gentlemen come on thank you i could take a look at it if you i i can i but i yeah yeah right now i just have the ladies because the box has some stuff that's got some kid stuff in it and there's a chair i don't know how that seat all of a sudden did that like in three weeks yeah so let me go what did you say oh yeah okay hang on do you do you have any of the metal reels or not um there's one that comes with it yeah if you have them i'll buy those too if you have them i don't know if you had any oh yeah i got the metal rails i have 100 reel-to-reel tapes in there oh yeah oh yeah are they the metal ones oh no they're the um okay the original uh tape that was worth something yeah if you have any metal ones i'll buy those too if you're not using them anymore this should be one that comes with it all right hang on here really can put together a way for um somewhere special that's the remote controller that goes with it it plugs into right here and what's wrong with it is the center yeah that plugs in the back all right this one this works though oh yeah this one does oh yeah what happened was it's the center relay the one that shifts it from one direction to the other [Music] how about 30 bucks for the and this is the cover that goes on it see it ties into here and it goes over to here to keep that people from touching it yeah i'll do that 30 bullets yeah and if you leave me your phone number i'll find the metal rails all right yeah i live right i look kind of close if you want good good but of course everything's in on the kitchen counter so i have to find a piece of paper here that remote has a funny story to go with it oh yeah i was over in okinawa when i bought it the whole package the remote controller they didn't have it went into this one store and i told the guy i knew the guy and i said the guy at the street selling them for 25 bucks he was selling for 50. i wasn't going to tell them the guy up the street didn't have any more hits oh he sold them all so he he sold me this for 25 bucks good morning what's a good phone number it's eight six three seven and if i find that i will call you i'm doing a lot of cleaning lately oh fantastic thank you sir and then anything else like that yeah any metal reels or anything like that oh yeah well as i dig this stuff out because as you can see i'm still digging um now this one the only thing that was wrong with it as i said is that center relay that switches it from one side there because that's a direct drive all right if you remember that all right i'll throw this in and i'll grab that and what was the name of that justin justin yeah you got it thank you how you doing all right looks like you only got some game stuff left yeah i'm just looking for tools of that our guy hasn't shown up so what did you want for the game oh there are a dollar each what would you do if i took everything do you do you want to look or do i want to look i mean do you want to kind of did you even think about maybe just because i bought but game stuff for my shop these are like a dollar each yeah so and these are three dollars each what does it each mean like each thing yeah yeah if somebody was going to but i mean 20 and you can have the whole thing 20 to this table all right and then and then what twenty dollars for all of it for all the games too yeah you know i'm going to give you 40 dollars because there's some i'm not even looking but there's probably some good games here and i'm going to get at least a few dollars each up to who knows what so i'm going to do 40 for you yeah if that because i'm just saying that you probably have a lot of did you just put it out have people come here yeah oh no people have been here we've sold several different units that we had i wonder why they didn't buy these that's weird because people like games you know it's like it's like a thing but if you want to let me go ahead and give you 40 bucks did you have a box or anything i can tell you oh i can take one of them yeah all right let me go ahead and pay you and i'll load them up and well thank you very much oh you're more than welcome this is a good deal i can't believe they're still here to tell you the truth because to be honest i don't have a clue what we have somebody these are good people look for these games i don't i don't know i mean i don't even look at them you see i don't know exactly but i know these games are all these games are good so okay yeah you want the blue or the black cup yourself i'll just take the blue one and just leave them and just leave them in there whatever you want how did you end up with these things were they just stuff that you this was the stuff the daughter didn't want to take or mailed with her to the state of washington okay so i'm just what i'm going to do is put the games first and then i can just put the other stuff right on top of them that's fine no you're good you're good that's cool i'm just kind of stack them in there yeah she says well just sell it i said i didn't even know what i got any of these video game stuff people look for them so i mean they're they're it's a good deal i mean it's a really good deal tell you the truth because i sell them in my store and we do some online if they sell for a whole lot or whatever but i mean if you or you want another toe take the other i mean if you look honestly if you don't want it obviously that'll work because my husband would have signed and just tell the truth i don't care yeah if you're well it looks like it looks like for the first time somebody sold everything at their sale perfect yeah there you go then you don't have to bother with it anymore and you're good to go oh you're welcome i'm just going to walk these out here oh you got that i know there you go all right that works i sure appreciate it thank you ma'am all right as you saw in the video um these are some games i picked up at a community sale i was at it was kind of hard for me to believe but at 10 30 i walked up on a on a couple that were there and they had video games on the table i asked them kind of how much they were you saw me ask the first i thought they were talking about the first table and they said 20 bucks and i was i know i looked at the zelda game and i knew that was a good game justin's a lot better at pricing games than i am i always go by worst case scenario like five dollars each or so so uh you know when i saw those games i was like how much and they were like 20 bucks and i was like okay how much for the rest and she goes 20 bucks for everything and i was like oh my goodness i had to i had to jump on it so i knew 20 wasn't enough i threw 40 out there i really don't know games that well um i did see the zelda i know that's you know that would cover me so that's what i went with i just threw an extra 20 give them 40 dollars they seemed like a nice couple and uh yeah i i was surprised justin can go over some of the prices but i was really surprised at what uh what some of these games go for yeah when he sent me a text and he just and uh that saturday and was like hey i just bought a bunch of games and i was asking them what they were and he was like well i really don't know i just bought a lot of them i didn't know if any of them were that good i didn't even really look i just you saw me throw them into the tub and i just i kind of like i said i know we like the zelda game i know it sells i i just figured some of the other ones would be worth something there was a good system in there so i just jumped on it yeah so that's probably the most expensive game right there which i knew what it was when i seen it but like you said you don't know a ton of the price values but i'm just kind of a gamer so i know a lot of them but when i seen the titles i was surprised myself i mean even this manual right here that chrono trigger is crazy that surprised me 200 bucks for a for a manual so that's crazy yeah he got a really good deal on them but well like last week i bought like 50 games for ten dollars a piece in the last video you've seen but all those went straight to the five dollar show it's mostly all these right here so it's where all those win that's most likely where well that is where all these are going to go we look at some of these and they go for 10 15 20 bucks but we we got a lot of people that come in for our five dollar shelf so we uh put them on there to to give them a you know good reason to come back keep on getting games we've got a lot of a lot of people that really like our game show so there it is i was just as surprised to see that as anybody think about that 10 30 walking up on a sale and seeing this there but anyways like our our channel subscribe it really helps us out a lot [Music]
Channel: PawnBroker Pickers
Views: 12,692
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: video games, playstation 2, reseller, picker, Cincinnati picker, Commonwealth picker, pawn stars, american picker, pawn shop, mj pawn, rare video games, video game find, froggy flips, hairy tornado, Sansui, teac, reel to reel, tape deck, unreal find, shocked, yard sales, garage sales, Community sale, estate sale
Id: -TrF2vHk0YY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 32sec (812 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 06 2022
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