ALL the Secret TESLA EASTER EGGS Revealed!

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("Wizards in Winter" by Trans-Siberian Orchestra) - There goes the doors! They're flying! Hey guys, we found out how to access almost all of the Easter eggs that are in the Tesla Model X. So today, we wanted to make a video and show you Tesla Model X Easter Eggs. - Tesla Model X Easter Eggs. - And then of course you know I push my foot on the brake, and the door just closes by itself. That's no Easter egg, but every time I do it, I'm happy about it. - Yeah. - Seatbelt. All right, so here's the deal guys. When we first got the Tesla Model X, we were driving down to St. George, Utah, and I was pulling back on the autopilot button, and I pulled on it four times, and it started doing this crazy Rainbow Road thing. I was dying laughing. I put it on Twitter. A lot of you guys came out and said it's the Easter eggs! - No, your Instagram Story! - Okay, so Instagram Story. Well, he also saw it 'cause he was in the car. - I wasn't, I was already in St. George. - Never mind, he's totally right. So we did that and we learned that there are a bunch of Easter eggs, but the problem is I could never access them. I looked online and there were tutorials on how to do it, but all of them were outdated because it seemed like those Easter eggs just popped up at certain random times. Well, Tesla has done something. I don't know if this is for everybody, but they have made it so you can access a bunch of the Easter eggs right from your screen, so we're gonna show you that process. So first, take a look at this Tesla logo. This is how you look at all of your updates. We touch that, it shows the Tesla but then watch this. (chimes) (singing fanfare music) It's a little present! There they are! - [Lincoln] More cowbell? - One, two, three, four, five, so five of the Easter eggs are just right there. This one is More Cowbell. We will show you that in a minute once we're on the road. This one we'll show you in a minute. That one we'll show you in a minute. Actually no, what is this one? Let's try this one first. I don't even know what this one is. - [Lincoln] Why does it say LinkPie? - The flying DeLorean one, I don't know what it does. Let's find some of these. This one has a rainbow unicorn on it. So if you push that, it pulls up an entire drawing screen. Lincoln draw us a picture and it goes to Tesla. - Okay. (upbeat rock music) - [Lincoln] Wait, let's just clear it all. - Oh, the whole thing? (upbeat rock music) Okay, nice job buddy, I'm gonna add mine to it. Ooh! Looking sharp. Okay, so that's our artwork. Now this is the funny thing, watch this. Let's publish this. Are you sure you want Tesla to critique your artistic masterpiece? - [Lincoln] Yes, I'm an artist! - There you go, there's the first one that we sent to Tesla. Mars, our car is no longer our car and we are no longer on streets, but then when we drive. All right, so there's your rover. We are now driving officially on Mars. Let's turn, the Mars Rover's turning. We're turning in a circle, and it's turning the Mars Rover around. - Whoah! - Dizzy. We are now this guy instead of our Tesla, that is it. Let's show you the next. Okay, and the next one is a really fun one. We're saving the best for last. We really are. The next one is for autopilot. When you wanna put your car into autopilot, there's this little knob right here that if you pull it four times, it shows a rainbow on there, rainbow road. (cowbell chimes) And then do you hear that music? It's cowbell from Saturday Night Live. - I have a fever. More cowbell. - That's it, and it just plays this cowbell song. You can't stop it. ("Don't Fear the Reaper" by Blue Oyster Cult) There's no way to stop it other than turning off the car and getting out. You can't turn down the audio. It's about to stop in a second here. (cowbell chimes) Like look, I'm not even on autopilot anymore, and it's still doing it. Why did they do this? Because they can. We have the last one. It's a good one. For the last one, we came to our local mall. This is not an Easter egg, this is just something that it does. Okay, the car just parked itself. We are right in front of the Apple store at the outdoor mall. You have to have the key. Take your seatbelt off. You touch this right here and then you push this Christmas one right here, and then it says, "The show will begin after you exit Model X, close all doors "and press the lock button on your key fob. "Happy Holidays!" We are doing this randomly in public. Are you ready for it? Doors are closed. You ready, buddy? I take the key fob and I push the button. Windows start rolling down, here we go. Okay, ready? Oh it's going! See the lights? Listen to the music. ("Wizards in Winter" by Trans-Siberian Orchestra) Just playing music! (laughs) Look at Lincoln over there. All the people in the Apple Store are like, what's happening? There goes the doors! They're flying! (laughs) Almost over. There's the end of the show right there. Wow, well done, car. There goes the windows back up. All by itself, it just does that. That's pretty cool, right? - [Man In Blue Sweatshirt] That thing's dope. - That's the last Easter egg that the Tesla has that we wanted to show you, so now I need to go take Lincoln back to school and we're gonna do it in front of all his classmates. Right, Lincoln? - [Lincoln] Nope! - [Daniel] No? (laughs) Why not? - That's so strange. - You don't wanna do it in school? Tesla, Elon Musk, if you are listening to this. Please let this Christmas thing be there. How cool would it be to pull up to a car show with all these gas-powered cars, and I just pull up and park, get a crowd, turn it on, and let it do it's thing. Let us know in the comments if you have a Tesla Model X. If you have one, let us know if you have all these options, 'cause I looked on YouTube and I didn't find anybody else that had this update, but it is pretty rad. So, Lincoln, yes you like these? - It's awesome. - [Daniel] What's your favorite one? - The Christmas one. - The Christmas one for sure. So we're gonna take Lincoln to school now, and then do the song there. - Yep, totally.
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Keywords: tesla, model x, easter eggs, all the tesla easter eggs revealed secret, model s, easter egg, elon musk, tesla model 3, model 3, tesla model s, tech, review, tesla model x, autopilot 2.0, enhanced autopilot, technology, tesla motors
Id: 0o8vc5wWCb0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 33sec (333 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 26 2017
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