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Hello everyone, you're watching JAME TIME, and today I'm going to showcase my CS2 settings, I have been thinking about them for a week now. I have tested all the resolutions, all the sound settings. I've changed all the binds. Generally, I figured out what's relevant now. We've got new updates coming out every week, adding new commands. But I don't think it's all gonna change fundamentally. So sit back and we're gonna quickly review all the main settings of this game. First thing what I wanna show you are the video settings. I still play on the same resolution. Brightness - whatever... they've increased it overall, it's a lot brighter now. So the classic option Valve Corporation suggests us to set is 93. I'm playing at 93% right now, but depending on the map I play I can change it. On Mirage I can decrease it, on Anubis I can increase it, I haven't come to a single number I wanna use. Now, refresh rate. I prefer to play at 239 Hz instead of 60. Well, because it's smoother and my monitor supports this refresh rate. Fullscreen. With CS2 coming out, there's now a discussion whether or not it's worth to switch to Full HD. But there are exactly two reasons why I am not going to switch to Full HD. At least at this point. Firstly, Full HD drastically decreases FPS, it's unplayable. My intel CPU just doesn't support it properly. I discussed with a lot of programmers, who told me that Radeon [probably means Ryzen - TN] handles it much better. Some kind of 3D modelling or whatever... I won't dig deep into the world of technologies. For now, we're just waiting for intel compatibility updates from Valve. After all, the current FPS doesn't fully represent the power of the hardware people have. Everyone's FPS decreased twice the amount of what was previously, well, at least for 40%. That was reason number one. Now, reason number two. Now, not a single pro player or sniper has yet moved to Full HD. Those who already played at Full HD also have Full HD now. Well, 5% of pro players might have moved to it. We gotta give the game some time, see what's gonna be. All the main stars like m0NESY, ZywOo, s1mple, I believe they all still have the same stretched resolution. Now, the custom resolutions some YouTube channels are talking about. I don't wanna talk about them yet. I believe Cloud9 moved to some sort of custom resolutions, but again, that might be just a hoax. The info isn't confirmed or anything, so we'll just stay at this resolution for now We'll see what's gonna be up. Advanced. I have been testing all of this for a really long time. I've watched like a million videos on YouTube, probably every single one out there. At least every single one that had more than 50K views. So I can explain every single option here. Boost Player Contrast - Enabled. So, the models are going to look better in front of all the walls. Absolutely everyone has this option enabled. Well, if you've got a really poor PC you can disable it. Next, Vertical Sync. Absolutely everyone-- there's not a single person in the world who has it enabled - so, Disabled it is. Moving on. Anti-Aliasing. Well, in general you can set whatever you want to. The most popular are 8x, 4x, then CMAA2 and 2x. What does it do? It sort of blurs out the edges, the pixels. It all sorta gets smoother. Let me just turn it off for a second and you're gonna feel the difference. You feeling it now? See it? You might not see anything, so just test it out yourselves. But I can already see all those boxes' edges flickering. I've set it to 8x, but only because the majority has it at 8x. Generally, you can have 4x and CMAA2, I dunno. ropz has CMAA2, s1mple has 8x, m0NESY has 8x. That's all I can say for now. Shadows. It's vital that you set them on High or Very High. Let's see the example. Everyone has already discussed it a million times, but let's do it for the million first time. Alright, you see this shadow here? It won't be there if Shadows are set to Low. It's not here now. Simply speaking, it's like making spray worse for yourself. That's already a part of the game. So when you're going to be playing in this spot, you can always go here without concrentrating too much, because a guy could always peek you in any time, now you can just go and look if there's a shadow. This shadow will make you clear corners in some other way, not hugging the far wall. Probably now we'll have to be hugging the close wall in order not to be seen. And then wide swing-- but I guess it's impossible here. It's possible here, though. So basically, there will be maps where you'll have to stop peeking from here, instead you'll have to specifically hug this wall, move up until some point, and then come out real quick. This is all to prevent the enemy from getting early extra info. Moving on. Model / Texture Detail - Low. Well, all these models, textures, detailes... an unnecessary option. Just set it on Low. We all need those FPS. Texture Filtering - I've seen people setting it to different values, but the majority of people, like 90%, have Bilinear here. Shader Detail - the majority has it set to Low. When you set it to High, your knife, for instance, will be glowing better. Obviously, who needs this when we're all pro CS players here? To be honest, I've never a person in my entire life who would deem it important that his knife needs to be glowing. Like, the game is not about this. Or it's just that I have other kind of people around me. Ambient something-something... This thing, I've seen it in a video - I mean, everyone tells to disable it. But actually it gives you one slight advantage. Let's switch the map to de_vertigo. Alright, lads, take a look. Right now, I've got this option disabled. There are no dark spots around the model. Let's now set it to High. And there they are, look. Some kind of shadows, some kind of a dark spot on the wall... Well, I don't really know about the wall, but there's totally a shadow on the ground. Like, this is a sort of shadow that is being used in the areas without sun. So to speak. There will be moments on some maps where a player goes alongside a wall, and you can sorta spot them sooner. That's really just a detail, not as big as the general shadows, but you can consider turning it on anyway. I personally have it disabled because it's not a really big advantage. FPS is more important for me. Moving on. HDR, right. Generally, you can have it on or off. But if there's not enough FPS, disable it. The opinions differ. ropz has this set to Quality. m0NESY and s1mple have set it to Perfomance. The main idea is, it better handles with lighting in darker or brighter areas of a map. There's a more smooth transition, and you're gonna be having a better vision. It won't trigger your attention as much when you're gonna move from a darker space to a brighter one. Just looks more realistic, I guess. But again, it decreases your FPS. Some people have also told me that with this option you can see through mollies better. So... That's not a fact, that might just be a hoax. Super Resolution - we've got it Super Disabled. Absolutely everyone has it disabled. And now, NVIDIA Reflex Low Latency. I believe this is responsible for the input lag. If you set it to Enabled + Boost, it decreases the input lag as much as possible in the game. So all the moments when you throw a nade, when you take out your gun, everything we dislike CS2 for - it has a big input lag. Add ping, too. It's unpleasant to play when you compare it to 128tick in CS:GO. But it decreases your performance, so if you have a low-end PC, it's better if you disable it. That's what everyone is saying. I've only played the game at 'Enabled + Boost'. I didn't like the way CS2 felt when I had it disabled. Moving on to the second part of the video. Sound. They've added a bunch of Sound options. An unprepared person comes from CS:GO to CS2, their mind just explodes when they hear all these sounds, all these nades exploding. For instance, a molly has now this sort of 'sour' sound. It triggered me so much initially. Got used to it, though. Look. Hear it? Sounds kinda sour to me. That's when it explodes. But when it explodes in the air, it's not there. They've added a lot of these details. All the things we haven't really thought about, they're now here. One thing they've made particularly sick... basically, the most vital change about the sound. Before, the sound was horizontal. When you're making steps here, you will be making noise, as if you stand close to this person above you. Sound wasn't spreading diagonally. It just had one dimension to travel across. Now, the sound is calculated with different factors, such as walls, for example. If people are running below, the sound you're hearing is much more muffled. This mainly occurs on Vertigo and Nuke. This isn't really a thing on other maps. Although they have their own sound-related things. This circle on the radar represents where you can surely be heard. When you jump, it gets bigger. When you're walking in water, it gets even bigger. And there are many other details for us to discover in this new game. So let's dig into it all together. Write down in the comments things you might've found in this game. All this will be a lot of help for me, my team and the community of JAME TIME. Let's get back to the Sound settings. The main settings are 'EQ Profile' - Natural, 0% here and 'Yes' here. This config is good. I've been playing with it for around 5 days. But then my teammates adviced me to change the config to this variant. I haven't really felt a difference on this config. I'm still testing it out, but both of these configs are good. It feels nice both ways. Some people set this setting to 70%... And there are many other different variants of these settings, but all of them differ more from the sound I got used to in CS:GO. So the two I've shown are my main priority at the moment. But there are many videos where people compare how it all should be. Time will pass and I'll set whatever the majority and the best players will have. So let's just wait. Everyone might eventually switch to this config. Time will tell. And here we've got all set to zero apart from the Ten Second Warning. Everything else is unnecessary. We've got an old music kit as well. You can select it in the inventory. Everyone was given this CS:GO Music Kit. And you wanna select it in the loadout. So you can choose between CS:GO and CS2. All my 22 thousand hours in this game weren't for nothing. This is like the mother's lullaby she sang to me. A nice, enjoyable sound. So the next thing I wanted to discuss is HUD. I won't get too much into detail about this HUD. I adapted the HUD Edge Positions for my personal liking. Got my old radar settings back, in general all the commands are still here. There's no more of that famous color I had. So now I've got blue color at the CT-side and yellow at the T-side. Adjusted size and all that. That's all up to your personal preference. It's nice that we still have a possibility to adjust all this. I've gotten used to it by now. I see no differences. Good buy menu. I adapted to the point where I now press '2' to buy pistols. You can refund stuff. There aren't many problems with the interface. So let me just scroll through my HUD settings to showcase you all. Let me just do this as well. Maybe you'll find something for yourself. Crosshair. I'll share it with you. Hundreds of people ask me to send them the code. I'm going to do that, I'll leave the crosshair code in the description of this video. Use it if you can't manage to set up this dot. It's not even a bunch of console commands you'd have to manually input, instead just paste the code, everything for you, my little casuals. Interesting new features. Press 'New'. We've got 'Follow Recoil'. The idea is that your crosshair will follow the spray when you're shooting. I personally haven't tested this thing, I shot for, like, 5 seconds, realised this isn't my thing and turned it off. But there are some new binds and aliases that turn this option off when using a pistol and turn it back on when using everything else. Time will tell if this is of any use. We won't focus on it too much for now. What do we have next... Zoom. So, inititally there were issues when you had to click twice to get the max zoom. Now it's fixed. You can even turn off the re-scoping after shooting. When you are shooting, the scope will reappear unless you necessarily cancel it. In the same section of the settings there is the option which allows you to change it. It's somewhere here. Whatever. You can now disable the ability to take off silencer. I probably already have it enabled, so I can't take off my silencer now. This is to prevent random presses. I recommend to enable this option to everyone. Now, the last option is Show Animated Avatars. No, we don't need that anime in Counter-Strike. One thing is when you watch them in your private space, but it's different when you're playing fully focused, why would you need all that anime, right? I don't think this is right, so we disable it. A lot of new details, one of them is the ping. It's now a little bit less noticeable. Before, it was as annoying as iPhone's alarm. So it's now a bit more pale and quiet, sometimes you can't even recognise it. Plus, I don't think it highlights the guns the same way it did before. Before it would totally highlight a gun for you, like, "Look, here's the AWP you're looking for" And now it's a bit more simple. NVIDIA. Right, so everyone keeps asking about NVIDIA. I and the majority of the pro players I know-- PCs on LANs are getting set up beforehand, so the most necessary option to change is the Power Plan. You set it to Max Perfomance in game or whatever. Any other option doesn't really make that much of a difference, generally speaking. Just set it to Performance and that's gonna be good enough. But for the future pros I wanna say that it's important to have knowledge about all this, because on some PCs you'll have a different image and there were situations when admins' NVIDIA settings were so different from what I had at home, that I couldn't see some of the grenade lineups. That happened, but rarely. I even know different lineups for the same nades. So it was easier for me to learn different lineups than to figure out stuff. One interesting stuff I know about NVIDIA - I can say that it has a similar setting to Reflex Low Latency here, and there you set whatever works best for you. Test it all out yourselves. I've got that setting disabled there and enabled here in game. And the last thing I wanted to talk about... Launch options. There are a lot of commands that no longer work. For instance, we've got cl_interp, cl_interp_ratio, rate. All these five commands no longer work in CS2. Although they should be working. cl_interp_ratio should be working for sure. No real need not to leave them here. If they don't work, nothing will change. If they work-- I've learnt about interp ratio from someone's YouTube video. Decided to set it, although I don't feel any real difference. It's just there. fps_max and +console - clear. -language English - clear. Whatever this command from CS:GO is, I'm not sure if it works or not. Not sure about this one either. -allow_third_party_software is the command for streaming with OBS. You get it. All this will be in the description of the video. Can't say anything else regarding launch options. autoexec is the new thing everyone has. I would send you all my config, and I wouldn't be explaining too much, but I geniunely cannot find my config. I've got my old config in the csgo folder, but I've changed some of the commands, buying an M4A4 and M4A1-S at the moment requires different commands. I didn't care too much before, I'd just press my bind and that'd be it. That'd give me my A1-S. But now you gotta write _silencer too. Otherwise you'll get the M4A4. So it's all the little details I've fixed, but overall all the commands I've changed - I haven't talked about them. So the old cfg is still relevant, you can move it to CS2. Add new autoexec. I've got only two commands in my autoexec. The first is dropping the bomb, that's basic stuff. And the jumpthrow bind. I dunno what's happening now, there are LMB+RMB nades that I have to throw while standing. So, how can I throw them while crouching? I don't really know how do I walk and release all that or whatever, these nades are kinda hard. So you use LMB+RMB while standing and you gotta release it while jumping, too many of them will be failed, so I've set this alias, the same old alias from our beloved CS:GO. Two binds. Dropping the bomb and jumpthrow. Nothing big. Autoexec will also be in the description for those who can't set the binds up. Sending it for you just in case. Thanks for watching. There will be more settings videos in the future, but we need it all to settle down first, for now these are just the most basic and most optimal choices people found. I use all that and share it with you. Don't forget to like and subscribe, write down in the comments what you've found. Resolutions, cfgs. I can test anything, just write anything good. Alright, it was Jame. Subscribe, like the video. Write down in the comments different combinations. I might've said something incorrect about some settings. What I bought is what I sell. I trust in all this. Still an amateur though. So let's all find the optimal settings. I'm definitely gonna record another video about how it all should be. Bye!
Channel: JAME TIME
Views: 423,077
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: jame, jametime, major, стрим, elo, face it, face it prem, faceit prem, demo, boost elo, jame time, aim botz, awp cup map 2, csgo hub, dm, virtus pro, vp, cs2, cs 2, кс2, кс 2, джейм, виртус про, вп, csgo, pro, ксго, про, тактики, Инферно, Inferno, фейсит, smokes, Tactics, outsiders, Демка, Демо, Demo, default, move, takeover, фишки, secrets, Разбор демки, COUNTER STRIKE 2, ANCIENT, VERTIGO, CS 2, CS GO 2, МИРАЖ, АНУБИС, ANUBIS, FACEIT, ФЕЙСИТ, КС2, КС 2, ИНФЕРНО, INFERNO, GABE, VALVE, настройки, settings, video, audio
Id: S2GyX588G-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 48sec (1008 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2023
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