All Terrain! A Braille Skateboarding Film

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Seven Cities nine skaters one RV 2941 miles 45 hours of driving and one bear this is my chance to take the Braille skateboarding team back to my hometown to show them the skate park that we got built this is the all-terrain tour [Music] s [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] this is just something I've always always wanted to do and I feel like this is one of those once in a lifetime opportunities where you just throw everybody into an RV get in and go and I don't know there's just something so exciting about not really knowing what's going to happen especially because you're in an RV with a bunch of guys you don't have it totally planned out but it's like it's just planned out enough it's like we have to be at the skate park at this hour and we think we know where we're going to sleep go [Music] Melissa [Music] Mississippi [Music] enough to be here [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you so we arrive into Portland and we get there and the first thing that I know about Portland is these guys are telling me bro Portland is fried it is like the Lawless land of zombies we're driving around and they're like Gabe there's no laws just go as fast as you want in the RV or whoever was driving I think it might have been Nigel and then I was like what are you guys talking about and then they were just like Aaron zombie Aaron zombie look look I was like what in the world but when we got to the skate park it was so rad there were tons of kids there it was really really cool and they were all shredding we have went from going to Stockton did you rip it off of the street no no it was in the back of the car I just ran across the whole entire [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] and then one of the greatest things occurred ever this random guy pulls up and he's in like a full face mask and we're like who is this and then lo and behold please yeah it is the long lost Braille skateboarding member Kelly wakasa those he didn't know it was he didn't know no way yeah he did until I touched his nipples [Music] [Music] first thing first oh we're making dreams come true out here why was this tour important to you because it definitely got us closer together and we don't have times like that often they usually we just come into work skate film go home I mean we'll hang out here and there but for us to be together an RV for a long time really got to know y'all love and hate thing right now it's great and as you can see we have a wild McNugget over here doing the lunges spontaneous lunge event I had such a good time just bonding with everyone and as we're traveling through the different states meeting all the kids it was really special time for me it's really important you meet people I like meeting people it was important because I got to check out like all the cool States Montana which I never thought I would go there because I feel like Montana is like one of those states where we think no one lives there or like Wyoming they know it's cool because there wasn't like buildings like here in the city there's so much buildings out here and it was all like trees and stuff it was so beautiful and it really like made me appreciate nature more wow Montana had the best people I'm not gonna lie we had some great times I'm trying to get back to Montana it was just a blast all around I can't wait to do it again this was the first time we really got to get together with Aaron as a full team and actually just go somewhere and it was probably the longest Braille trip we've ever done we've done a few trips that were maybe like five seven days tops 12 freaking days is a long time to spend with people in a very small condensed RV area but I think it was really important for us to all go out have a good time and just Bond because you don't really get to do that much and especially when you hear filming videos all the time you don't really get to bond in ways that aren't related to skating or videos or meeting people going out into the Wilderness and into the world in the new cities I think it's really cool it was a lot of fun why was this tour important for you to be on it was important because it's important to have fun [Music] oh so we're kind of going from like campsite to campsite and then in between sometimes there's a person's house so we had made videos with BMX Caden if you don't know who he is he's a rad little dude who rides BMX he's really good and he just happens to have basically a giant skate park [Music] oh and myself in my head so we get to his house and we're just like literally nobody's there he ended up having to take a trip so they're just like Yeah the code to get into the house is blah blah blah so just go ahead and we're just like you're just literally giving us your house and then he has a super trampoline and this thing is it's so bouncy it's freaking scary so I have been on trampolines many many many times in my life and I can backflip anything so I get on this trampoline and I do a backflip and my jump is too high and I and I land sort of on my feet but I'm way too far back so I did a back flip and then a half back flip and straight I literally landed straight on my head and my neck popped and I was like dude we're one day into the tour and I literally just broke my neck AKA okay oh my gosh [Music] oh yeah I could have died literally could have died but you know what I didn't and I was totally fine and I lived another day and then we jumped off this giant mega ramp into this foam pit and JD did all kinds of tricks on the ramps I mean BMX Kaden's house was so so so so sick shout out BMX Caden thank you so much for letting us use your spot it was amazing gotta aim for the top like hello yeah I could never doubt myself I know better all of you critics be acting like you know better blowing the smoke but I know when it does settles I'm in my element is evidence [Music] [Music] set the pace as long as you finish consumers find a way inside your business they may have to get repeat [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] it's crazy [Music] thank you go get them go get him Seattle man Seattle I love that we get to Seattle and then we meet up with Gnarls shout out Gnarls for showing us the school to skate at and for being gnarly legendary spot and then he's just doing pop shove a tail grab down like I think an 11 stair in a line and then going and hitting the rail and then we show up to the skate park fashionably late again there's all these kids Russian RV and then we get there and then I just loved the energy at the park it was so crazy then we played a game escape with Seattle and they skated the handrail and people were just going off and then JD skated the ball and did some incredible tricks and then this dude is like come to my restaurant let's get it it's so awesome I'll just treat all of you guys and then we go there we go to the restaurant the food is amazing and we're all going like is this real it was almost like too good to be true and we're like this is like actually happening and it was I don't know it was awesome super super fun foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] like this [Music] [Music] [Music] we are going to the mean ingredient folk man we're trying to figure out where to park oh my God [Music] my name's Aaron Cairo I'm a sponsored skateboarder from the San Francisco Bay area and today we're in Spokane Washington you guys better go insane foreign then we get to Spokane and we're driving underneath this bridge and we're like dude zombies and then we're like we have to get a megaphone so we drive to the store we go in we buy a megaphone and then we go to this restaurant and one of the servers there is like oh my gosh Braille and we're like what up and then we eat this delicious food and then we go I think the skatepark might have even been across the street and then we go there and there's tons of kids and they're all just like hucking themselves down this Gap and there's this one kid who's like trying I think it was like 360 double flip down the Gap and he snaps his board and I'm like dude just do it we'll give you a board first right 100 bucks oh my goodness what a fantastic attempt can we get a rebate [Music] big actors always told the upcoming actors you want to be a big actor go meet the people Legend without mail I met this dude in a fedora that reminded me of Elijah Burl and he was like Mowgli yelling in my ear and I was like trying to help this other dude dual heel flip is like the energy is so wild it's just literally one person another person but the everything's happening inside the skate park and there's nothing else that really is as exciting as that the building and he's going down he's going at Mock of Jesus and then he does not stop bam Splat dead and then the bartender looks at the guy and he says you're a real dick when you're drunk Superman [Music] all terrain s you come visit [Music] Sleepless [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] save us [Music] oh [Music] my God [Applause] [Music] la la la la la la la la [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] what is your funniest moment that you can remember on the whole culture we get to Missoula and we go to this sandwich shop and I'm like I'm ready to go jump off some Cliffs and then Gabe's like no we're gonna go to the campground we don't want to jump off the cliffs it's kind of like split up so then I leave with my friend from Montana JD and I go cliff jumping and then I get this call Aaron we got kicked out of the KOA I was like what happened it's like they're racist they're all Races here and I was like okay no problem we do not need to use their Campground we're not going there no matter what and then they're like okay we're going to a steakhouse and then I go and then I look up like campgrounds in the area and then I drive up there and then I go to this random place and there's just this little Hut in this giant monster of a man comes out and he's like you want to stay in the campground and I'm like yeah we could just stay one night we have an RV and we'll pitch a couple tents and just pull it into your Campground he's like great it's a good night too because it's nude night I was like what afro game [Music] us trying to find bears that's crazy that's crazy like that that it may not be funny but that that's on a whole different scale of crazy like hey don't ever go into the woods where it says Bears that's too crazy [Music] [Music] [Music] everything [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] don't hit me oh let's go oh my god dude I'm gonna cry go chase him go chase him are you good why are you freaking out we'll watch like three videos a day three videos a day my name is Aaron Cairo and I'm a sponsored skateboarder from Montana wait what yeah you're home Aaron Red Lodge Montana and this is where I grew up this is actually where I grew up my parents ran this Motel the yodeler motel [Music] this is my room this is room one and my me and my brother lived in there and then it's so cool actually felt pretty privileged because I could come right out and I could skate the parking lot and this right out here is where I learned kick flip heel flip front side 180 backside 180 Pop Shop front Chef heel flip all the basics I'll just sit in this parking lot and just work on it for hours and hours and hours [Music] [Music] right here we put a hose across this and then boom [Music] I used to just skate flat here all the time you see the ground is pretty rough there was like patches and you would like do tricks over the patches I used to watch The Plan B video Rodney mom's part and I just have the song in my head Dream On Dream On Dream until your dream comes true I know remember just being here thinking about Sunday I'll ride skateboards all over the world [Music] oh [Music] wow oh [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] I love Montana because that's where I'm from so I have some like deep rooted connections there and then I got to do an interview with the Montana skate park Association which helped me get the Red Lodge Park built this is a skate park that I originally got built before I left for college and then over the 18 years or so it had just gotten weather beaten and destroyed and then I helped to get the new skate park built I donated money I worked with Montana skate park Association I worked with the city council and we got it all done and we got it pushed through and so being there and seeing the parents and seeing people from all the local Montana communities and you have to understand like this is a small town and to have that many people show up and just have a blast and my dad I could tell my dad was like super proud of me for what I did for that community and seeing everybody there and how stoked they were is really really an incredible experience [Music] oh my god I've been watching you guys for literally ever yeah that guy over there yeah yeah Nigel we got Aaron yeah that guy oh my God this is awesome [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] I got that confidence that's right let's go [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh my God first try 100 bucks I blame it on my confidence yeah promise I'm really just astonishing and yeah you're now viewing the greatest of all time no need for thank yous the pleasure is all mine that's my confidence [Music] come on [Applause] what did you think of Aaron's driving that man needs his license revoked bro I love you stop driving bro my driving my driving in the RV was good but now apparently I've apparently I scared everybody what is going on you know he doesn't get lost he's not a guy to get lost we'll be on the freeway it'll say like go straight for 80 miles or go straight for 200 miles and he'll be like this looking at the GPS [Music] I was enjoying Gabe Cruz's driving I was enjoying Nigel's driving Aaron's driving was the one where I would put the seat belt on for sure when we got to Montana he's like don't trip fellas this is my road he hits the lights on a one-way and he's like you got to go count 10 seconds man that was like seeing the end of a path that I never thought I'd see I got my license in Montana when I was 15 years old 39 years old right now I've been driving for 14 years I've been in zero accidents zero I doubt any of those guys could say that could get terrifying you know like you're leaving your your life on someone else's uh hand so if I love them you know I trust him when he was driving he was like literally like this every second [Music] okay I I understand maybe why my driving might people say my driving is a little rough because I was trying to go fast to get to my parents house on time I had been driving with Heron for many many many years he even taught me how to drive myself he has always driven like that in any vehicle that we've ever been in and I feel like out of every way I could potentially go out of this life that I am living I don't think it would be by Aaron doing something stupid on the Wheel even though it may come close I don't think that's going to happen but to my brothers who are not used to that I understand your pain [Music] I do I don't know I trust I trust two people here with my life you and Aaron [Music] 's [Music] my head [Music] screaming your mouth [Music] a place to hide I won't let you come inside [Music] of my head [Music] if I let you get inside of my head no surprise hi hey [Music] get inside of my head and I'll be there [Music] [Applause] [Music] Daniel's got a good kickflip that was super good okay okay thank you so much you taught me how to kick Pro too okay you guys ready oh my gosh it's a very special day today do you guys know what day it is [Applause] [Music] [Applause] bring me [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] City out here with the best crowd of skaters there ever was up you can subscribe thank you only from Russia you cannot find this [Music] gotta put him down [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] now one two three Salt Lake City hands down was the best skate park we went to had the best crowd had the best kids they were going off the entire time they were just so excited that we were there and they were just like wow wow and everybody was sending every trick you could imagine the energy there was unlike anything I've ever seen before and I think that the guys were so so hyped to see that because a lot of times you gotta understand we're in this giant sometimes cold sometimes dark warehouse and it can seem kind of lonely or alone and even when we got to Fremont or some of the skate parks here this is where we always go and sometimes there's literally no one at the skate park and then we make these videos and we don't always get to associate or see the people on the other side of that phone or computer screen or wherever they're watching but on this trip we really gotta get out there and really connect with people and I feel like between all of the Cities everywhere was amazing but Salt Lake City was beyond amazing it was super super cool the magic of the Braille trip is truly magical thank you [Applause] foreign foreign [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] thank you [Music] we out here in Reno it is above 100 degrees my man's right here the boss if you can't understand this I was not feeling good out there yeah I feel like I need to go to the hospital baby let's go get you a smoothie let's go get you a smoothie Reno much love kidney stones no love brother final step of the tour is Reno Nevada and I feel like at this time we're fried we're like dude we just went through probably one of the most intense two-week time periods of our entire lives which is completely amazing completely worth it and then we show up in Reno we skated this amazing roof which was if you fall you're literally dead and then the cops came and they kicked us off the roof and we were like what do you mean we're not supposed to escape the roof and maybe die yeah and then he was like oh yeah you're not supposed to do that but I love Braille skateboarding can I take a picture with you and then we're like yes this is the most hilarious moment in our entire lives taking a picture with the police officer who just kicked us out off the roof I mean he probably could have given us tickets but he didn't so thank you so much Reno is like in the middle of the desert and it was like 500 degrees Fahrenheit and I was melting and I just felt like my brain turned into Moosh I barely landed anything and then I took this picture of myself in the RV and I said skateboarding is War people were like dang Aaron Kyle going through it it is war it's battle mental physical battle [Applause] [Music] get out [Music] and then there's this person there in this red suit and I'm like who is this is this somebody who's trying to like make fun of us or something and then he's like should I do the reveal and then we're like yeah and then he's like boom it's Brian Arnett and I'm like Brian I'm so happy you're here do every trick you can down the stairs we're exhausted we got nothing left [Applause] away putting myself on display one and two three a day I'm on my way on my way [Music] [Music] I [Music] think the best part about the Braille team is just how vastly different we are I think we're just having fun I think that was the best best thing about it I guess I don't know I can't explain it it's pretty cool we're kind of like Guardians of the Galaxy no one's too cool No One lets anything get to their heads or anything we're all we're all stuck together like glue they're always really funny and just like saying some dumb stuff like random stuff we're just a bunch of a lot of people we're just a bunch of a lot of people that make sense when we're together I think you know what's special about brailles that we're all very diverse and all very different people and I think it's cool that we can all come together Through Skateboarding and just appreciate and love skateboarding that is one thing that I really like about skating it doesn't matter if you you know a 10 year old yeah I like skate [Music] Something's Gonna Change [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] nice [Music] [Music] but then remember when brand new skateboarders come to the skate park help them support them help them land a new trick and let's get more people riding skateboards thank you for being such an awesome crowd and thank you for doing all the best tricks you guys are the absolute best let's go Arena what were your final thoughts when the tour was ending you know it was such a such an intense bonding experience for 13 days I'm pretty sure we're on the road so yeah it was it was sad to see it ending but you know I was very exhausted I was ready to rest and recover but I I was very happy with the tour I'm actually amazed that no one quit the tour early I thought for sure at least one person would quit but no we all stayed together and we all saw it through I am glad I get to get away from these people for a little bit this was fun but I gotta go so I was tired of driving I was ready to sleep was it so I think at the end everybody was like we're ready to sleep in normal beds ready to get back home but we kind of in the same way are like at the end of this trip that we kind of don't really want it to end you know what I mean like you kind of do want it to end because you want a life to go back to normal but then at the same time you're like we kind of don't at the same time I felt very sad because we don't all get to mess with each other I personally I like messing with everybody and now is my time to just mess with every single body and have a blast it was too much fun even if we got pissed off at each other or we whatever we were happiest could be mad or whatever we didn't land a trick it was still all fun it was just a blast oh no that tour was so much fun I never really done anything like that so that was my first ever team tour with anyone just skating and stuff so it was really cool and I was kind of it was very sweet when it ended because I was kind of happy to be back home and just not on the go all the time but it was also really bitter because it was a fun time hanging out with all the guys and just skating and doing some funny stuff with them when the tour was ending my immediate thought was just like thank God I get to go home and just sleep in my bed and see my family and see my lady and just sleep for like 48 hours straight second thought I had was just an immense gratitude for Aaron for making it all possible and for Braille skateboarding for allowing me to be a part of this whole massive insane team for the past almost 10 years of my life kind of all culminated in that moment and that was a lot of fun and then I think it was just kind of bouncing off of that going and and seeing Red Lodge where Aaron grew up and getting to meet his parents and and cook for them and get one of his mom's like old school famous recipes and and take that home I think all of that stuff is like I was close to Aaron but now I know Aaron in a whole different light that's even cooler than before so this whole trip was it's really cool hope we get to do the same thing over in different locations meet new people and hopefully it inspires people to keep skating because like skating is amazing and this is what brought me into this moment with everyone that also shares skateboarding and then we hit the road and that was it that was the last the final leg of driving home when everybody was just pure silence and the thing about the tour is like I always think to myself well what's next like what's the next tour I feel like this tour this original tour was probably one of those things that was on very very unlikely to happen ever and it's honestly very unlikely for it to ever happen again but I think it will and I think it can and I think there was so much magic that occurred on this one that I think it kind of has to and we'll see what we do we're working on a full-length video part and that'll be awesome and we'll be doing like trips for that but an actual like real tour in an RV going skate park to skate park to skate park [Music] we just gotta do it again we gotta do it again and see what happens and that just ruined the whole clip [Music] foreign [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause]
Channel: Braille Skateboarding
Views: 91,291
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: skate, skateboard, skater, skateboarding, skateboarder, skateboarders, skating, sk8, sk8ing, learn to skateboard, how to skateboard, secrets of skateboarding, aaron, kyro, braille, how to skate, braille skateboarding, aaron kyro, all terrain, skate tour, skate film, rv travel, skateboarding film, rv living, rv travel vlog, oregon, washington, montana, yellowstone national park, nevada, utah, idaho, california, skateboard team
Id: 3M8vGtkqcx4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 33sec (3333 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 15 2023
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