All Shocking Evidence in Christopher Gregor's Child Murder Trial So Far

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Corey and the defendant went into the gym and you'll see what happened next because that gym had a surveillance system and you will see what this defendant did to his son inside that gym after that day when Corey went back to school during the week his teacher his first grade teacher started to know us some bruises on Cory she was concerned she's going to tell you that after March 25th of 2021 Corey was never physically back in person in school ever again during this time Corey's mom was also concerned she had seen bruises as well she was so concerned that she filed an emergent application with the court to get custody on April 1st of 2021 Corey's mom picked him up for her only visitation she had had that week or during the week which was 3 hours and she brought him to a pediatrician Cory spoke to the pediatrician the pediatrician saw Cory's bruises she too was concerned on that same date 3 hours before Corey died he took a selfie with Corey on the couch he also ordered McDonald's during that afternoon and he did a search on his phone for loss of consciousness sleepy and nauseous you're going to have information before you and I'd ask you to consider it about what this defendant was doing all day at home at the hospital after he left what he was saying to the people at the hospital to Corey's mom and everyone else his text his phone calls his web searches his selfie even his garbage I'm going to ask that you pay attention to all of that and when you do that please pay attention to what's happening to Corey that day that afternoon on April 2nd 2021 when Cory was brought back to his father he vomited he defecated in his pants and his body was slowly shutting down consider what the defendant's doing while you consider what's happening to Corey between the two families going back and forth over this poor child but you will see and what I will agree with is what M just told you about a treadmill video you're going to see that on March 20th Christopher takes that young boy into a gym that's part of his residential complex and in that gym you see him put quaring on the treadmill and he begins to work out while he's watching him from across the room at some point you're going to see Christopher go over to that treadmill and speed it up and you're going to see Cory fall and you're going to see him pick that boy up six times and six times put him back on the treadmill and I'm going to tell you right now you're not going to like him and I don't care if you like him when you see that video you're going to be horrified you're going to be mortified he left the hospital he was distraught he was upset he told the nurse I need privacy and he left you're going to hear testimony that he called his parents immediately said Corey passed they Dave and Carolyn you will hear went immediately to the hospital and called the Stafford Police Department to tell them their grandson had just died in a hospital you need to do an investigation here they reported it what did Brianna and Rebecca do immediately talk about him leaving Rebecca and Brianna immediately turned to social media where they tortured and crucified that man posting a picture the same day of him in a prison outfit Behind Bars wishing him death they formed a chat group on Facebook dedicated to Corey but evidence going to show really wasn't dedicated to Corey it was dedicated into harassing the Gregor family so much so you're going to hear testimony that both Brianna and Rebecca were arrested in Monroe New Jersey and pled guilty for harassing Dave and Carolyn Gregor by protesting in front of the house to remember that you guys were chosen by all of us out of hundreds of people hundreds of people we went through and we chose you because we all believed you would be fair you would be impartial you would listen to their evidence I don't have to give you any evidence I'm going to give it to you but I don't have to and I know you will listen and this is important as judge Ryan explains to you all the time this is one of the most important things you could do as a citizen he uses the example that our men and women are fighting in foreign countries and dying so you can sit here right now this is an unbelievable not only civic responsibility but a human responsibility you as a human are going to judge another human and that is an awesome responsibility and I know you all take it very seriously thank you all right ladies and gentlemen before we go any further it's my function to give you some instruction on the multiple charges you're going to consider this is a relatively brief instruction uh it's not like my opening instructions to something a page and a half so and there was also an adult male located on the surveillance video and can you tell the jury who that was the defendant and there's also a child located on the surveillance video can you tell the jury who that is my son Cory does that video accurately depict when you dropped Cory off to his father's apartment complex gym on March 20th 2021 at approximately 4:15 p.m. yes now there was a time stamp located on the video correct correct and is that accurate Within a an approximate reasonable time yes uh permission to publish videos b c and d your honor thank you sorry sorry at the beginning for for who is the child located in that video um that's Cory and how old was Cory in that video he was six and who was the adult male located in that video the defendant and again you're familiar with that area yes now when was the first time that you ever saw that video um a few weeks ago and have you ever had possession of that video no do you have a son named Cory or CM yes and is Cory no longer with us yes and what day did Corey pass April 2nd and what is Cory's date of birth May 1st 2014 and how old was Cory when he passed six and who is cor's biological father the defendant and what is the defendant's name Christopher Gregor and have you known Christopher Gregor for several years yes now calling your attention to Saturday March 27th 2021 did you attend Cory's flag football try out yes and did you meet the defendant there yes and did you have a conversation with the defendant about you taking Corey back to your home in English town for visitation yes and can you please tell the court about this conversation and what the defendant said um the defendant just told me I could take Corey back for the weekend at my house now calling your attention to April 1st of 2021 at approximately 8:41 did you have a phone conversation at Jersey Shore Medical Center with the defendant in regard to where you were yes and can you tell the court about that conversation yes the defendant called me and he wanted me to bring Corey home he didn't want him at the hospital but I insisted because he was there for a child abuse exam and um we started arguing and he just started verbally attacking me give me that date and time again M lanto sure um the question was for April um 2nd 20 um I'm sorry April 1st of uh 2021 at approximately 8:41 p.m. thank you go ahead now calling your attention to April 2nd of 2021 at approximately 3:30 p.m. did you have a phone conversation with the defendant in regard to your son Corey yes and can you tell the court what the defendant said in that phone conversation he told me Cory wasn't feeling good did I he was lethargic and up he was throwing up and his legs hurt he was just sick and um he had asked me for cor's insurance card and deci to and did the defendant tell you where he was taking Cory he said he was going to the hospital he was taking Cory to the hospital and did he tell you which hospital he was going to take Cory to no so calling your attention to April 2nd of 2021 at approximately 348 p.m. was a patient brought to the emergency room named Cory mitello yes and can you tell the court who brought Cory into the emergency room Chris Gregor and ultimately did you learn the relationship of Chris Gregor and Cory yes and can you tell the jurors what the relationship was Chris Greger is Corey's father and Corey is Chris's son and where were you when you first saw Mr Gregor with Cory I was in the waiting room I was speaking to another patient at the time uh I'm right near the door uh speaking to another patient uh I did not hear any commotion I did not hear any uh urgent sound that would redirect my attention uh a registar came up to me uh and said bill you have to look at this so I went over to Corey and he was in the arms of Chris uh at the uh at the waiting room entrance or or just past the a waiting her entrance near the desk now the first time that you observed the defendant with Cory can you explain to the jurors the position of Corey in relation to the defendant Corey was over um he he Cory was in Chris's arms uh his arms were over um Chris's shoulders his legs were dangling uh he his arms did not look like uh they had much movement to them um his legs did not fact they had much movement to him uh his head was rested on Chris's shoulder uh his head was difficult to his face was difficult to visualize uh so when I first approached them I knew that something was concerning but I couldn't see everything I needed to see so I was depending on Chris to convey a sense of urgency or unwellness that he that I did not get from him at first um it was more of a clinical descript deson of what was going on and I did not uh immediately uh feel I had to rush them back I definitely knew it was concerning but I need a little just a little more information uh if I saw Cory's face right away it would have been much easier uh but but Cory's uh face was um on Chris's shoulder so the first time that you made this observation um that would be um the two of them would have been in the lobby area yes and did you you approach the defendant in the lobby area of the emergency room yes and what immediate observations were you able to make of Corey in in the lobby area very so I went over to them and I was splitting my attention between Chris and Corey um what I could tell was that uh there wasn't a lot of spontaneous movement from from from Corey uh he was not really moving on his own he appeared to have um lack of tone to his muscles and there was a lot of support coming from um from Chris and keeping him in the position that he was in um did you speak to the defendant in the lobby area of the emergency room yes and would this be a practice or a common prac practice to engage in something like that yes and can you tell the jurors what the defendant said Chris told me that um he introduced himself who he was he was the Father the Son and he told me that um this was around 3: um nearly 400 p.m. um he told me that earlier in the day about 9:00 a.m. uh his his son was dropped off to him was with his mother the night before uh he did tell me me that the patient was at Jersey Shore University Hospital uh and and had a um you know a workup and was discharged and just a side note once you hear that you know less than 12 hours later you kind of go okay like maybe he's not that sick so you know I need more information so talk more so Chris told me that earli that morning he he was appear loopy was very drowsy and and he he put him in the bed and later in the afternoon Chris um Cory was continued to be loopy and drowsy and uh when all that time passed and he was still fatigued and not himself that's when he brought him into the ER so that's that's what he told me after you made your initial observations and and you spoke to the defendant can you tell the jurors what you did next regarding Cory's care you repeat the question I'm sorry I said after you uh made your observations in the lobby and spoke to the defendant what did you do next regarding Cory's care I continued the history taking uh which is um you know pretty standard as a tri nurse uh to get history from the patient uh I would have spoken uh to um I would have spoken to Corey but he was not in a place to speak uh he was not making any sound hardly uh I continued my brief conversation ation with Chris uh until um there was a moment when Corey tilted his head back and that's when I got the what I needed to see to really kick up the speed on this emergency uh he so where was Cory taken at that point he was taken to the emergency room that once I saw that then I rushed it so I called um you know his eyes were in the back of his head he didn't look well he was pale um he I called the Chargers uh immediately after that uh and then I got a room and um being that um Chris was holding him well uh I I didn't waste time getting a stretcher or wheelchair uh I said hey like you okay to go to the Y he goes yes and and we we went to the ER to room six in the emergency room what room did you go to in the emergency room room six and while you were in room six of the emergency room can you tell the jurors who else came into that room so but I already alerted help um so they were waiting for me in that room uh was uh various emergency nurses uh and our R physician and and uh Patient Care Tech and what if anything did the defendant say while you were in room six at that time uh my now that as a triage nurse my role was to uh get them to help get the patient to help uh so at that time I you know I focused more on Corey uh than the conversation with Chris uh but that's because that Dr um our ER physician was speaking with Chris um getting essentially what I I just got uh from from Chris he basically reiterated the story how he was uh loopy and tired all day and how he felt concerned that he didn't um he didn't kind of shake out of that uh so he brought him into the emergency room uh he told him about the uh Jersey Shore hospital visit the night before um but was more um I was I was working on Corey at the time okay and what um if anything did you do regarding the treatment of Cory so we we uh we placed him on the heart monitor before that we took off his clothes uh that's when I noticed the bru in his chest um and uh we still had to act quickly uh so uh I we put the heart monitor on him uh we I uh got an iv uh drew blood from him uh while um the rest the team was uh doing their various roles uh including our physician who was talking to um talking to Chris what was the defendant's demeanor while you were in room six while we were in room six was similar to when I first interacted with him in the waiting room uh it was a um it was it was like a like a just I would say it was a clinical aspect ECT in that uh he was uh describing what was going on um without much more um difference than anyone else would regardless of the role with with the person uh so he was uh conveying the information uh but there wasn't um much more than that and after you uh drew blood from Corey where did you go after that well Cory required a lot of attention so we still had an emergency room the run so uh I told the charge nurse uh I'll take the charge phone which which handles the the uh ambulances um you you do you focus on this so I handled the charge nurse and the triage phone and I and I went to various things throughout the ER uh while everyone worked on um on Cory he was like an all hands on deck type of situation I'm sorry I could not hear that judge uh he was an all all hands on deck type of situation please start from the earliest date in s 122 and describe for the jury the information that's there sure uh so the first hit in the Safari web browser on this was a search conducted on March 25th 2021 at 93631 p.m. uh the body of the search States will red marks turn into bruises thank could you please move on to the next one sure uh the next search is on April 1st 2021 at 8:43 36 p.m. uh the search was Neptune not emergency police the next one uh next search is on April 1st 20121 at 8495 p.m. uh the message or the search was Jersey Shore Medical Center please move on to the next one the next one is a uh web history on April 2nd 2021 at 30837 p.m. uh the search was lost Consciousness sleepy and nauseous DG Google search please move on to the next one next entry is April 2nd 2021 at 61022 p.m. uh the search was can your phone be tracked in airplane mode the next one the next search was for April 2nd 2021 at 61:35 p.m. for can my car be tracked the next one the next search is on April 3rd of 2021 at 31424 p.m. the search is what causes a rise in blood sugar in white blood cells the next one got to rip your stap can't see the time uh next search was uh for April 3rd 2021 at 35540 p.m. uh the search is could internal bleeding raise your blood sugar levels please move on to the next one the next search is on April 3rd 2021 at 35655 p.m. the search is how does gastrointestinal bleeding happen could you please move on to the next one next search is on April 3rd 2021 at 428 21 p.m uh the search is how does gastrointestinal bleeding how pong to die it's p to die could you please move on to the next one sure uh the next search is April 3rd 202 1 at 65522 p.m. the search is can a GI bleed be slow can you please move on to the next one next search is going to be on April 4th 2021 uh the value is McGee Tyson Airport parenthesis tys and parenthesis comma 2055 Alcoa Highway Alcoa tennessy 37701 uh position is parenthesis 35.81 033 comma D 83.99 3889 is there a next one there is could you please tell us what it is uh next search was on April 4th 2021 at 9583 a.m. the search was there was a murder determined from excuse me there was a murder determined from an autopsy how long to file charges is there another one uh the last one is on April 4th 21 at 102116 a.m. uh the search was how long after an autopsy to file charges get filed thank you now in addition to the texts calls emails searches the things you saw on Miss mello's phone were you asked to analyze other data and render any opinions I wasn't okay I'd like to go through those with you now how many tasks were asked of you sure they proposed uh seven questions to me they want to know more details about okay when you say they uh the state and the case officer and did you analyze all seven of those tasks and render opinions I did okay could you please describe to me what the first task was and what you did sure uh the first uh thing they proposed to me was to identify if conversations between Christopher Gregor and Brianna mitello were deleted from Christopher Gregor's iPhone if messages were deleted please identify when they were deleted what did you do with regard to that so essentially I opened up uh Miss micho's phone extraction and I opened up Mr Gregor's phone extraction uh Mr Gregor's phone extraction there were zero text messages with Miss mcho on Miss melo's phone extraction there were 3,466 text messages saved with a conversation with Mr Gregor um you know that was the first indicator that something was deleted from Mr Gregor's phone I looked at the message retention settings within Mr Greer's iPhone and saw the value for message retention duration on his phone was set to forever as then messages would not be deleted unless uh user did it themselves in order to kind of really dig in to make sure they were received on this device I opened up the um sms.db that's going to be the text message database for Mr Gregor's iPhone and to give you an idea of what a database is or what it looks like the best way I can describe it is to compare it to a Microsoft Excel spreadsheet the Excel spreadsheet is going to have multiple rows and columns um on Excel you can have different pages and essentially inside the database there's going to be different tables these tables cross reference with what's known as the primary key where you can search additional data from different Tables by referencing the uh primary key ID of an entry uh databases will generally run sequentially as then they'll go you know 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 910 um if there's gaps in the sequence it's indicative that content is no longer present on the device what that means was automated or automatically deleted by the phone itself or if a user might have gone in and deleted the uh entry so in this casee what I did is I opened up just you know six random messages from Miss Gregor's phone that were sent to Mr Gregor's phone I compared the native Tim stamp of when those messages were sent from her phone and I corresponded that with the text message database on Mr Gregor's phone and during that I identified a sequence gap of approximately seven messages which would be consistent with entries that would have been there from Miss melo's phone um I repeat that again just again picking a random message searching Mr Gregor's iPhones text message database and identified that the time of a sent message from Miss melo's phone was consistent with a missing entry from Mr Gregor's phone uh last thing I did is I checked to make sure that Miss Gregor's contact was not blocked at the time uh when I received the phone and her phone contact was not blocked um sorry can I stop you do you mean Miss Brianna mitello I do yes okay so miss melo's phone number was not blocked by Mr Gregor's iPhone um So based off this you know seeing as we're missing gaps in his text message database consistent with messages that were sent from her phone it's my opinion that uh Mr Gregor deleted the text message conversations with him and Miss uh mitello on his phone I have no way to tell you when those messages were deleted and that's the opinion that you rendered um with regard to tasks it was and were you able to print out all of the text correspondence between Miss mitello and the defendant from Miss Mitchell's extraction I did approximately how many pages was that 880 so 880 pages of text messages were gone from the defendant's phone that's correct what was the next task that you were asked to complete so when the case officer reviewing the phone extraction they notified there was really no messages sent or received to the device uh between the afternoon of or evening of April 2nd of 2021 until approximately you know 2:00 on April 3rd of 2021 their primary goal was to identify if the phone was either shut off or what the status of the phone was during that time frame and what did you do with regard to that second request sure uh so the first place I really went to was it's called the knowledge c. DB database uh knowledge C at the time was mostly like an event logging feature of an iPhone tracking different activities going on that device um I looked at the device uh Lo device being unlocked and I could see that his device was unlocked multiple times between uh the hours of approximately 7 p.m. until 700 p.m. on April 2nd until 1 p.m. on April 3rd any other involvement did you have in this investigation uh we wrapped up after that and then the next morning which would be later in the morning for after the search at English town the autopsy was conducted at 9 at 9:00 a.m. on Saturday the 3rd April 3rd April 3rd okay and did you go to that yes and when you went where was that located uh Community Medical Center in Tom River and when you got there was anybody else there did you go with anyone else uh there were two detectives from my unit detective Daniel lesnikowski and detective Ral Cena as well as Detective purcel from Bara Township Police Department detective Dennis Mitchell Detective Joe Mitchell uh Sergeant John Carol and Lieutenant Brian Hagerty of the Ocean County prosecutor's office now while you were there what was your understanding of what your role was so our role in the autopsy is we basically work handin hand with the medical examiner which was uh who does the autopsy and we do all the photo phots and collection of any evidence uh from that um autopsy were photographs taken yes okay we took the photographs detective lesnikowski and were you in his presence while he was taking them yes right and who directed him to take the photographs that he took we have a set of standard photographs we take on every autopsy then everything else after that is done at the direction of the medical examiner uh pathologist conducting the examination judge may we approach cyborg so I could show the court the pictures first sure thank you so you were saying that um when you go to the autopsy your purpose there part of that is to take photographs right correct and I I think you had said that some of them are standard and some of them are at the direction of the medical examiner correct okay when you first get to the autopsy before you begin your pictures could you tell me um what happen so what happened in this one so the deceased is transported from the location of incident which this case was Southern Ocean Medical Center we seal the body bag every body bag is identified and sealed the decedent information um it also is the seal numbers placed on the bag and also in very large letters do not open so that bag is basically now treated as evidence from Southern Ocean Medical Center to Community Medical Center we have a funeral home we have funeral homes on contract that transport for us so in this case he was transport to Community Medical Center where he is then placed under the care of their security in morg where he signed in kept in the morg and remains there until we arrive for the autopsy the next day okay and when you arrived for the autopsy the next day what was the procedure initially so the initial procedure is the bag is brought into the examination room uh placed placed on a table and we then refo that bag as we last left it which would be sealed and marked we then refo all that again and then the bag is then unsealed by the medical examiner's personnel uh to begin the examination okay and was there h a name and markings contained on that bag yes what were those if you could tell me uh it would be the name Cory mitello and his date of birth social security number the bag time who bagged it and the seal number and all those things were present on there when you arrived at the autopsy yes Che and were they the same or substantially similar to the hospital the night before yes now after you photograph um the bag in that condition uh what is the the next part of the procedure generally speaking so the next part of the procedure is we open the bag uh that seal is broken uh as I said once the doctor's ready to begin the examination the bag is unzipped and we do a overall photography and examination of the body as the way it was cuz this is now the first time the pathologist is viewing the body so some of the photographs are taken then at the at the onset before the autopsy begin correct okay are there more photographs taken after those initial ones so the first one would be as he was the second set would then be after all the medical equipment clothing and any jewelry or anything else is removed is there a um another set that's taken after that then after that we do the posterior of the body and then that is when the examination begins and the doctor then pretty much runs the show from there and what pictures are taken on and then do you take pictures during the actual examination yes who is the mother to the child um that is the person I'm calling about her name is Brianna b r e a n n a same last name same last name is uh Cory correct okay and where does she live at I un do we have a phone number for her or any kind of contact I don't have it be available but you guys have been involved numerous times with us so I'm sure that it's in the in the documentation somewhere okay all right and U what were the concerns today for the sh so uh essentially uh his mother has put in an emergin application after filing um yeah so she allegation um which there's a worker that's AC involved the worker came out the housec for first visit um has discussed with my son prly what happened to the soluion that he had my son had described that it was from football um now yesterday actually weekend my son's mother had um she had the entire weekend and she had called on Friday she called again on Sunday which kind of made sense to my mind considering she had that entire time um now fast forward to yesterday yesterday um Dam workers that we have been working with me that my son needed to go get an evaluation done within seven business days or seven days excuse me um son's mother then we decided that uh to take it upon hering the 3our B yesterday to take my son to the doctor to the hospital and um she just my Sil essentally from 7:30 until 1:00 in the morning and um I had no idea what was going on she would not leave my son's side and I was not able to be there for my son and then furthermore my son came back this morning um and he Wasing to me that his mom said that he had to tell the doctor that I had hit him and things of that nature and coaching him um I call worker but of course he's not answering he said that the case worker told her to disregard the visitation and to go to the hospital um so which I imagine is not the case we had up seven days to do so that it didn't have to be done the same day and against a court order yeah um so I mean I can tell you that even not knowing this case at all um it's not something that ccpn would you know restrict any sort of contact without any sort of um mentation or court order involvement you know kind of stating that so that does not that does not appear uh accurate um but I mean and I can obviously note what you're telling me I know that the worker um didn't answer the worker um is probably well the offices are closed okay so this information won't get you know passed on to a worker that way they can see this information as part of the case but no there's nobody uh available at this point in order for you to speak to no I figured as much but docent that my son had came home today after he was supposed to come home at 7:30 last evening his mother refused to leave his side so I was not able to be there for my son and he said it was at the direction of gcpm and furthermore uh the big issue for me is you know she put in an abuse allegation she's done over a doz time and every single time he had said that is not the case he had said it to the work twice once on Friday once on Sunday when the worker came back out now after she had for an extended period of time yesterday and had at the hospital and coaching things to say that I him he said so my big concern is just you know that her coaching is going to be disregarded and it's only going to be regarded in in his statement um I don't make note of what you're saying and the worker has to take all things into account and I obviously can't speak for how the case itself is going to be managed but I mean you know I will know everything that we're we're talking about and make sure that the worker gets um gets a copy of it yeah because realistically the worker has spoken to much on that my res and you know my son's very comfortable here so there's no issues with that then my son you know I need to know the worker was coming so even if I wanted to do something like she did and Coach my son to say a particular thing had zero time to do so so you know I I just wanted documenting that he came home and one of the first things he well you know first two things he said to me is I don't want to go with my mom anymore she's going to try to take me away from you and he also said that you know Mom told me to lie I had to lie and that was a huge concern of mine I'll definitely make notice um I do have some mandated questions to ask you about your household um as well as mom's household and if you don't know the answers you can just tell me that you're arew all right what's the race and language of everybody in mom white and English any domestic violence criminal history or current T issued by video none of my household their household yes the mother has significant C to issues with meamin anamin and heroin um and I actually am highly concerned that she's relasing at this time what that she's reling at she's actually very and um extremely character for and there's no rational any um special needs disabilities or diagnosed mental health issues well also I wanted to see that uh the mother's sister so my son's a whot order is not supposed to be around my son is around my son and she just got out of jail for drug and then there's also any indication that the ant is using around the child and what's her name actually name is Nicole n no indication that she's using around him at least that I'm aware of what were you say about the uhal grandmother also the household not supposed to be well every time my all right and related to Mom's drug issues um I know you said that um you believe she she relaxed any indication besides her acting erratic and IR rational way did anybody say they saw her be influence or any specific uh evidence of her using drugs not EV in that also started she was with fund as well which is all have court order any safety concerns in either home for a worker any just animals weapons uh no not somewh any child tion pornography or Force labor regarding anybody not here and not that I'm aware of go there any international travel for anybody within the last 14 days no anybody either having covid-19 or suspected to have covid-19 no and um any um anybody having any series of respiratory infections CA sore throat anything like that no but going back I remember you asked a question about um like mental disorders and things like that um the mother has PTSD from K in middle school and my son is diagnosed as emotionally disturbed uh with the classification he had when he Liv with his mother based on the C of behavior he show which does not anymore and I know he's with you now when is the next time he do to see uh believe it is next Tuesday what time uh do we know 7:30 but knowing it's going to go over she'll find me us to justifying the in that contact that she has with him um when it happens is it unsupervised yeah all right so this will go out to our ocean South office um that way they have this information um unication was there anything else I could do for you no that's really good I I'm you know worried that if she coached him to say something he came home and told me was you know maybe it's going be considered and it's just a huge concern of mine of everything else well hope everything does work out I'll definitely make this notification all right thank you you're welcome have a good nighte Corey's heart some of the findings that are associated with what's been called stress cardiomyopathy which is in the literature are associated with CPR because the heart is dying at that point and some of these findings can be seen also in CPR but the constellation of all of these findings and the distribution of them throughout the heart says to me that this is not related to CPR but it's related to Chronic ongoing stress so while qu's IM immediate cause of death was the blunt impact injuries that he sustained the day that he died the presence of stress cardiomyopathy suggests that there was ongoing physiological stress most likely due to ongoing mistreatment or abuse we now have up on the screen s97 can you please tell the jurors what that is that's a a very small contusion it looks like an AB braided contusion sort of a combination injury on Cory's forehead and is s97 a picture is s97 a photograph yes it's a digital image that uh was generated in conjunction with the autopsy okay and can you just explain again what's depicted in s97 in the photograph okay uh YN M stand is that and do you have he can come down for the witness stand I think he's having a little hard you want to come down from the witness stand or stand well I could point from here if you had a pointer I think we do actually I don't know if it's going to work they working no they weren't working witer is not working so if you may uh down or it's working oh okay we're good I don't know if it'll work just for purposes of the record weing the doctor understood so doctor standing a w stand and trying to use a pointer to point to the large screen TV sure and this is a um that's not to show it's not going to work yeah okay dror if you'd like to just come down from the witness stand if that's good yes sir thank you and so looks like we're looking at the left side of Cory's yeah you see his hairline is here this is just the outer edge of his eyebrow the left side there and that's Dr rasa's thumb for the measuring device so you can see a small a braided contusion that measures you know no more than a half an inch maybe 38 to a half an inch can we go to the next picture please okay and can you tell the jurors what s98 the photograph depicts a contusion up behind the ear is um it really requires some sort of explanation that's a a a an injury that at least raises it's not diagnostic up but it raises the question of mistreatment of a child and why would that raise that well because it's a it's a protected area it's not normally injured like in a slip and fall or now if you fall against something you know that it it could conceivably you know press your ear you know hard enough against that bony part the mid process there but um most of the time at least in in my experience it's generally associated with other injuries that suggest this treatment can we go to the next picture can you tell the jurors what is depicted in s99 the photograph just to orient you as to where we're at anatomically this is Cory's left shoulder left side of his neck left ear so there's this linear contusion sort of roundish yellowish contusion up under his chin you can also see what this is pretty regular I suspect this was some sort of EKG monitor bad so that's not an injury see how regular that is it's got a little whole on so the main thing here is this contusion under his chin and what's significant about that well the significance of a contusion under the chin in and of itself is very little but in the context of examining a child who has multiple injuries of varying ages in different parts of the body particularly under the chin and around the neck area once again raises the question of whether or not that child has been mistreated can we please go to the next photograph doctor I'm calling your attention to what has been moved into evidence s 101 can you please explain what has been depicted in that photograph to the jury in s101 Cory has been rolled up onto his right shoulder so this is Cory's left ear back of his head right shoulder left shoulder what is being emphasized in this image are two contusions now in and of themselves is a little ble of a contusion you know a dangerous thing no but a contusion over the shoulder blade and sort of directly over the spine in a child without some sort of history of how that came about is not an area that you typically see injured in the run and play and slip and fall of of childhood it is the context it is the pattern and the distribution that makes it an important find can we move to the next photograph please that is S100 can you tell the jury what that depicts so Cory is laying once again on his side and we're looking at the hip area so the buttocks would be down there the back would be up here we're looking at a fairly broad abrasion and we talked a lot about contusions but abrasions are a different kind of blunt impact injury it forces applied sort of tangentially or or uh you know sweeping across the skin it can raise um The Superficial layers of the skin up Raspberry right and that's the kind of injury that we're seeing here this is a an abrasion rather large confluent abrasion over his hip again the context is what makes that important that's not a lethal injury it's not a life-threatening injury but in the context of everything else that we're seeing it's a significant injury can we please move to the next photograph S60 doctor can you tell us what that depicts this depicts a contusion or bruise that captured a lot of people's attention so this is Cory's right shoulder armpit area there's the right Nick wall there's the left just above it there is this vaguely patterned contusion it's partially healed it's fairly large and it's in a very odd place um unless it's a good explanation for it was evaluated by several careers can we move to the next photograph please now we have s59 a photograph can you tell the jurors what that is a photograph of this is an internal photogra from the autopsy the internal aspect of the autopsy and it's a picture of the liver and in specific the outer right side that that lateral edge of the liver so on the surface of the liver what you see is this there's a little bit of bleeding and you can see that the tissue is torn but Dr rasa made an incision into right in the middle of this injury to see what was underneath it and you can see that all of this is abnormal it should be uniformly this color what you're seeing here is a fracturing or disruption or laceration of the liver tissue and it comes when the liver tissue is compressed in some way uh and as I said CPR is performed in the front it's not performed out here on side doctor is that a significant injury it's not a life-threatening injury as ugly as it is it's not a life-threatening injury had Corey presented with this and nothing else they would have probably seen it on the CT scanner and they would have put him in the hospital and observed him to make sure that he had did not have ongoing blood loss and then discharge him to let with some physical restrictions to let it heal on its own so it's it's it's it's nasty but it's not life threaten can we move to the next photo doctor can you tell us what is depicted in s58 please this is likewise uh another internal photograph from the AOS in this instance you look looking at the heart now it doesn't look like any kind of a heart that you've ever seen before because it's been opened so the heart has been opened to reveal the inner side or the inner surface of the left ventricle the lower left chamber what is seeing here is an actual tear in the T this wall should be continuous there's a tear on the internal surface of the heart near the septum the septum is that mus muscular wall that divides the left from the right side so he's got a partial thickness tear of the heart on the left in inside the left V now doctor can you tell the jurors about the severity of the tear and the relation to thickness it's this is a severe injury this is an injury that triggered Cory's death why well he didn't believe the death this laceration didn't go all the way through the heart muscle it's not a hole in the heart it's not a tear that goes through the heart in that case there would have been an enormous amount of blood loss very quickly and he he he would have never survived as long as he did in this instance in that it was partial thickness his heart could at least for some hours compensate for this injury but I had mentioned the septum the septum is where these the specialized heart cells that control the rhythm of the heart withd so you've got these natural Pac makers on the upper part of the heart and then they divide into fibers specialized fibers that go down the septum disruption of this can trigger Rhythm disturbances arhythmia of the heart that's likely what happened to Corey in the CT scanner why he went into cardiac arrest with CPR they were able to restore some sort of normal Rhythm but couldn't maintain it he kept going into I believe it was a rhythm called ventricular tack of cardia and they ultimately could not resuscitate him from so that's how this injury mediates his death it's it's it's not you know trauma bleeding exanguination this is trauma the heart tries to compensate the heart eventually decompensates and he sustains a cardiac arrest due to his trauma now doctor are you able to view the inflammation which you spoke about before in that photograph no the inflammatory process is something that you see under the microscope so Dr rasa took samples well from other areas of the heart as well but from in and around this teir and that's where I saw the inflammation that allowed me to draw a an opinion or come to an opinion as to the age of that injury could we go to the next photo please doctor I'm now showing you or it's it's up in the courtroom what's been marked into evidence s152 B can you tell the jurors what that is I received uh this image subsequent to my initial report but I received it in conjunction with this question about timing we already talked about the video 9:00 it has been represented to me and I believe there's been some sort of analysis of the photograph that indicates it was taken you know on or about 2:00 in the after to me I don't know Cory could be sleeping but it's certainly not inconsistent at all with him already having had sustained what were ultimately his fatal injuries and if he he presents an hour later to the emergency room looking not much different than that save for the fact that he was his Vital sign stable and his color so doctor would that photograph be consistent with your opinion regarding the timing of the blunt force trauma injury yes can we move to the next photo please oh I think we are done okay if you could go back to the witness stands thank you now doctor in conclusion based upon everything that you have reviewed what is your medical opinion regard regarding the cause and manner of death of Corey Cory michelo died of blunt impact injury of the chest and abdomen with laceration of the heart contusion of the left lung and laceration and contusion of the liver it's a traumatic cause the manner of death is homicide it was at the hands of another person he didn't do it himself and it didn't happen accidentally
Channel: Law&Crime Network
Views: 129,689
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Keywords: law and crime, law and crime network, true crime, truecrime, true crime videos, court, trials, law&crime
Id: hAaNEH8nxWs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 29sec (3869 seconds)
Published: Mon May 13 2024
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