'All' Scenes of Momo Yaoyorozu in Season 3 (BNHA)

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[Music] her quirk is creation she can create any non-living thing from the lipids in her body yeah apparently that's what the school said how unfortunate i was supposed to spend several weeks touring venice with my parents what is your life plus it'll be free so we'll save money that's way better than being cooped up in my room leave it to me i'll start working on a formal proposal right away just imagine how voluptuous the girls are gonna be outside of their uniforms oh hey hi minetta i didn't know you guys would be here set why don't you let us help you out with this yes please all right now everyone on your marks do your best of rest for you heroes in the making no one should be standing that is a safety hazard please stay cedar he's right we have no choice but to cut through these woods using the shortest possible route good hagakure perfect distraction that was amazing [Music] against my dirt monsters then i thought you would we owe you one momo also stuffing her face she hopes to amp up her creation work and shorten the amount of time needed for her to use it rely on others and you'll never learn to start a fire yourself we should focus on acquiring new skills here let me if i got this at a restaurant i'd send this crap back but after today i'll eat every bite yes my cork transforms lipids into brand new atoms to create inorganic materials that means the more i eat the more i can make apology i'm sorry more importantly tonight's going to be fun ah give me a break i just want to brew my car our goal is to collect those four ride with me from class a she made them for us i was just taking her to the rest of her class so she can help them too your rosu from class a she made them for us i was just taking her to the rest of her class so she can help them too oh yama i have to do what i can to help the rest of the class b students you take these two back to camp they should be safe there what the crap is this thing doing hey i'm always saying i'm alive but what happened to me when i came to i was on the ground it's so fuzzy oh no oh god i'm so sorry does this mean the villains have finished their mission don't tell me they have ago what would the worst case scenario be momo what's the smartest thing you can do right now oh i see use your cork to attach this what is it a button just hurry up and do it before he's gone and yay rosu took a pretty bad hit to the head she's hospitalized here though i just found out she finally woke up yesterday with the assistance of always from class b i attached a tracking device to one of the villains this is the creation that will receive that signal i hope it helps your search with a classmate still in danger it's frustrating that i can't help you more than this i hate it you are worthy of being a hero you want me to make a new receiver yes please you must know what we're planning i do let me think about it so how about it you decide [Music] i think why are you trying to make the same stupid mistakes i made didn't you learn because i didn't step in or are you saying that you don't care how i feel i trust in todoroki's judgment but still things could always go wrong so i'll join you as backup i'll stand behind my classmates forgive me i have some concerns eda what exactly is your justification for changing your mind and joining us hey it's fun to be clear i'm coming because i don't condone your behavior it's as simple as that the same goes for me rescuing bakago is a job for the pros however i understand how each of you feels so i'm compromising don't forget that a rescue without us fighting it's not plausible the others are so driven by frustration that they're blinded the coordinates indicate kamino ward yokohama city in kanagawa prefecture our travel time will be about two hours from here we should arrive around 10 o'clock tonight you know we're going against everyone's wishes and being completely selfish by doing this he's my friend meddling where you don't technically have to is the essence of being a hero wait a second from now on we're going to need to be extremely careful these criminals already know what we look like remember yeah you're right stealth mode you're standing out even more midoriya i have an idea though it is a bit old school now we're blending perfectly watch it you park skin what's all wrong you got to stick your chin out more great disguises we'd stand out in this district dressed like kids technically but that's against the rules we must ensure the flow of commerce that's right it's our civic duty as citizens sure so the rich girl just wants to go shopping huh everyone our destination is this way oh it's ua this time there were students who were gravely injured how did you explain this to their families they should be ashamed increased patrols okay this is the spot the tracker is broadcasting from so that's their hideout not a bad one i guess one villain is hiding here but that could be it they might have bakugo somewhere else we're going into this operation completely blind for the most part please try to proceed logically i won't hesitate to call the police either to make sure my friends are safe thank you eda the prerequisite is that we don't use our quirks to fight the villains and on top of that we need to figure out itself this weird yeah this is truly peak midoriya we've gotten pretty close but i haven't seen anything move inside and not a single light design it doesn't look like anyone's home for a real man darling it's these losers and come drink with us come on don't go picking fights it's not crowded but there are people around we can't draw attention to ourselves so what's our next move this is so narrow i might get stuck we'll be blind in the darkness one second i'll make a night vision scope wait no need huh i actually brought one along with me for this oh really gang orca and mount lady whoa even best genius is here and mr tiger too everything's fine the heroes were on top of this way before we were this is great if all might's on the scene there's no reason for us to worry let's go quick right tomorrow has finally started and in that moment [Music] what is this it's not true we have to run i know that but i'm so scared that my legs [Music] you're acting like villains not heroes as heroes of training we're not allowed to fight we have to move when he's got some space between him and the villains it is a gamble but all things considered there's not much risk to us just as we thought all eyes on them this is our chance let's go yeah how about you guys no one saw you i don't think so we're on the street blending in with the crowd now some pros are here helping people evacuate good that includes your students the five of us took kachon to meet the police yeah your rosu even a courtyard so spacious and new this room is about the same size as my closet at home but i'll manage it's the size of my house huh yep we're just unwinding now well the girls and i have been talking and we have a great idea exactly what i pictured honestly i expected more their interior design skills should be held at the same standard as ours maybe even higher show us those dorms the most capable student in our class and that's sarah this is unexpected i think it's great that you have such a fun hobby sato would you bake something to go with my tea one day it's because jiro's totally punk rock can you play all these yeah at least a little the thing is i maybe miscalculated a few things my room's a little bit more cramped than i intended and maybe not as creative as some of yours it's my furniture from home so i thought it fit i had no idea how small these dorm rooms would end up being i forget how rich she is the cake was delicious i want some more that's what you guys know i thought i'd stopped you but it turns out i was worthless a complete please don't think we were trying to trick you or anything it's okay i apologize listen i won't make you sad again me either we promise justice it's the name yes sir i am so charged up for this two creations at the same time you may start with something simple yes sir how's your ultimate move coming hmm there's something i really want to do but my body just isn't ready yet i need time to develop my quirk and improve my general endurance or someone else come on spill yeah out with it you know we're not gonna give up until we know it's not good to force an investigation she's right more importantly it's late we should call it a night no i want to hear everything then you novice eggs will hatch into chicks you'll be semi-pros ua in the east shiketsu in the west there are over 1500 people taking this test i thought they said that about half of us would be passing on a quirk that allows you to make things yeah you're rosy you heard that right less than half of the spots remain we need to fight for ourselves and make sure we pass yes that would be wisest i don't understand why there are only four of them coming if that's the case all the other schools we've observed have moved in much larger groups than that that's not what this sounds like they're not stopping on the other floors are there more of them hiding somewhere is this a distraction it's not too bad for me but hearing it suddenly must have been a huge shock for cheering so they must know kyokus quirk and we're targeting her on purpose this isn't good now we can't tell where anyone is everyone hide the first thing they did was counteract jiro and shoji's quirks our opponents know exactly who we are and more importantly what we can do i'm not positive but it seems likely that they're trying to trap us here yes we should assume they're already close by waiting for the right moment to strike oh wait something are you injured they got my amp they knew what she'd do extremely intelligent among our opponents a student with an eye for strategy does it feel colder to you actually now that you mention it yes the temperature is subtly decreasing this place is turning into a freezer we need fire no i can't we'll set the sprinklers off our opponents have control over the air conditioner they've probably turned off the electricity as well welding it shut trapping us further those doors over there are the only ones we have left our opponents are definitely waiting on the other side we'd run the risk of causing a free addict explosion and they likely knew we'd think about that think momo you have to figure out a solution to this situation what should we smash the wall to escape no we need to do something about the air conditioning i could make some clay to seal off the vents i will end up using a lot of my quirk but right now that's all i can do yaoirozu must utilize her power her quirk uses the lipids inside her body to create solid matter in other words there's a finite limit to how much she can create it will be the beginning of the end for you and your friends the enemies want me to use my quirk my quirk has many applications they can't account for all the things that i might make but i believe their true intention was to force my hand and exhaust me so i can't use it we'd just be playing right into their hands we wait for the need to arise come on think how would todoroki act in a time like this or eda shoji jiro and osui forget about my provisional exam focus on these three that's what really matters in order to get my friends out of here everyone please endure these conditions for a few more minutes hey are you crazy just bear with me first time i've made this device but its structure isn't all that complicated i'll just save enough lipids so i can still move and make it as big as possible please everyone seven more seconds and it'll be over now hit their targets you got it oh thank goodness it was a high-risk move i can't believe a ua student would choose such a method but because of that you can't fight now can you i can't give up now think of all the intensive training we've done at camp in school it's time to show off the results you guys it's how class 1a is we look out for each other the others their presence raises the standard for the entire class good i'm glad to see you pass todoroki i didn't doubt you have you seen the others no so far we're the only ones here just 30 spots left i hope everyone in our class passes oh hey what a relief i was starting to get so worried no need to worry about us yamamo what's up when did you guys pass you been here long we just finished some nine more to go and the announcement said only 18 spots left come on guys looks like our class still has nine people who haven't passed we really pulled it off you guys [Music] we learned about them in class remember their people at a disaster scene it can also simply refer to innocent citizens on the street girl is actually super scary please you're acting disgracefully this test isn't over you need to focus since most buildings collapse there are many injured this old man's conscious he needs help it hurts what are you waiting for please wait a moment look at the way the walls have collapsed around him right now the structure is balanced precariously like an intricate puzzle everything will topple first let's use a support beam to prop up this wall it'll take some time to get everything into place though now then your turn move the debris that doesn't affect the structure and make a path only do if you really understand the situation we'll disperse across the field and get to work roger that all right giro look for the next person in need of rescue i'm on it give me a sec candidates at the things who continue their rescue efforts while also hero candidates at the scene should continue their rescue huck evaluates whether or not someone's acting properly during their rescue looks like almost all of huck has been rescued they only have three people the rest of you are free to change clothes and wait wherever you like between huck and those of us at the hero's public safety commission another small step toward being a pro i can't believe this we're taught a rookie yeah you got 94 points with that deterrent gone criminals are sure to become bolder and more widespread hey we're trying to get through back here oh apologies i'd like all of you to learn from their diligence and remember that hard work there's still so much weird stuff at ua i don't know about midoriya and bakugo were doing well but now they're being treated as problem children this semester you'll have even harsher training than before he said there's something the upperclassmen participate in correct but there was lots of competition as people try to recruit you a student you're on a different level still in school but practically pro heroes i'll spell my secrets come get up close and personal you can do it opportunity he got more than half of them in an instant i think that's it for the long distance fighters that's how my warp works by adjusting the direction i'm facing or the pose i'm holding i can change the angle i come out at so i can aim at different spots that sounds like a buggy video game this was kind of a roundabout way to get the point across but that's why i wanted to fight to show you through experience rather than words he even gives pep pucks like a bro i can't believe he went through all of this for us even though he could have just explained it so get a story of how he went from last place to the top was so killer wasn't it yeah i suppose there's nothing we can do until mr ozawa gives us the to the go-ahead [Music]
Channel: Anime_Manic
Views: 255,518
Rating: 4.9400921 out of 5
Keywords: momo, yaoyorozu, Momo yaoyorozu, bnha, mha, boku no hero academia, my hero academia, momo bnha, yaoyorozu bnha, momo mha, yaoyorozu mha, mha season 3, bnha season 3, boku no hero academia season 3, my hero academia season 3
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 51sec (1131 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 17 2021
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