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hi guys today I have what I think is a really exciting video because somebody commented a while back on my video saying they love reading classics but they never have anyone to talk to them about or don't know where to go to talk about them so I thought I would start a series on my channel just talking about classics within at the moment I'm reading a mixture of classic my a and sometimes I feel like the wire can really overshadowing the classic so I wanted a proper place where I can talk to you about plastics and only classics so yes I'm going to eat talking about in genre or a series of authors or a specific author or a time period I'm going to do it by some kind of classification each time and I am super excited so I thought that the best way to kick this off was by talking about my favorite authors ever because I love them so much and we talk about them all day today I am going to talk about the Bronte's this is a lot of book to talk about I'm going to talk about one of my read fast and then the ones that I have yet to read or one I am currently reading so the suspects don't talk to you about my favorite Bronte sister I know that's quite a claim to make a probably shouldn't have a favorites but I definitely do my favourite Bronte sister is Emily she wrote weathering Heights which is my favorite or one of my favorite books of all time and she also wrote a collection or poetry this actual book specifically itself is probably one of my favorite books that I own it's got all of her poems in there and I love it but first let's talk about whether in Heights weathering Heights is one of these books that I try to read and just did not understand at the first time it has a really confusing narrative that if you don't really anticipate that it can be quite disconcerting but it is hopefully the perspective of a man called Lockwood who goes to the place that weathering Heights is set watering Heights wandering Heights is set in a farm place called weathering Heights and his landlord is somebody called mr. heathcliff's it is all about look we're finding out the story of Heathcliff's past as he was an orphan and he was taken in by a man who already had two children one who is Katherine they have quite a weird relationship Catherine and Heathcliff it's a seriously weird book and it's really wild and you can really tell what people at the time thought it was just the most horrific thing they'd ever read because it's so different to a lot of other Victorian fiction it goes completely against what was acceptable at the time but I really loved it my favorite thing about it is probably the wild landscapes and how the landscape feels like it is a character as well as the human characters in the book it is one of those books you need to read where it's gloomy and rainy outside my favorite time to read it is during November because you then go I like to call the buttering heights experience it is a book I think everyone should read not everyone is going to like it I find that either people love it or hate it it's like Marmite there is no in-between with this book you either like it or you don't like it and I absolutely adore it I can't wait to reread it soon because it is a book that I just I adore it it's all of those books really you can say oh that was amazing it was so cute and sweet but that's why I love it it's what makes it so special and then Emily Bronte's poetry is something different altogether she is my favorite poet I don't want to say that her poetry is better than weathering Heights because it is completely different but basically Emily Bronte's poetry's goes from when she was about 17 up to when she died and that is incredible because all of the poems are of such a high standard they are set in a fictional world called bond or which is pretty much my favorite place ever it's ruled by princes and princesses the only problem with it is that it can be quite outdated in the factors like colonisation things like that so to a modern audience it doesn't really translate in a way that's acceptable but it's not a huge huge part of the poem a lot of it is to do with dungeons and being trapped and there's a lot of death in here and war and it's so interesting and I think the quality of the poems the structure of their style is perfection my favorite poem from here is probably the night is darkening around me I love the atmosphere of it night is darkening around me the wild winds cold you blow but the tyrants always bound me and I cannot not going it's going on a bit longer than that but I love it all the times in here as I said our utter perfection and I read them all the time and never not reading this book is only once I've said I've read entirely but it's one that I go back to every single time and find something new in there that I can read or interpret and I would highly recommend everybody read Emily Bronte's poetry because it is truly magical the next Bronte also I want to talk to you about is an Bronte I read both of our books the first one I read was actually the first Bronte book I ever ever read and it was Agnes gray I loved this book but I think it's seriously underrated hardly anybody reads this it's not one it talks about widely I think it's a really special book it is about a governess could Agnes grow you have to become the governor's to support her family because her father's ill and so she goes away to two different families through the book and looks after their children they are awful children and I would scream if I have children like that to look after Agnes is synced with them basically it is a really lovely book I actually thought to review this when I read it and then I never uploaded it so maybe I should upload it with the caveat that I did form there ages ago but I love this book and I wish that more people would read it it's an interesting one to consider because Anne herself was a governess when she was alive and so it is very easy to read as an autobiographical work but I'm not really sure if we should do that because I think that it's quite dangerous to do so and then you assume things that Anne's life that may not be true but I think that there must be some things in here that align with Anne's experience that the governor's because it is just so realistic and when you read it you can tell that she knows a lot about her subjects the book actually does open by Anne or Agnes saying all true histories contain instruction so in some the treasure may be hard to find and when found so trivial in quantity that the dry river channels scarcely compensates for the trouble of cracking the nuts whether it must be the case of my history or not I am hardly competent to judge I sometimes think it might prove useful to some and entertaining to others but the worlds may judge for itself showed it by my own obscurity and by the lapse of years and few fictitious names I do not fear to venture and will can be laid full of public what I would not disclose to the most intimate friends and have such lovely writing style and if you're watching this and have read other branded books but having read and then I would definitely recommend reading Agnes gray and then the other Anne Bronte book is the tenant of Wildfell Hall which i think is stunning I don't know if it's my favorite Bronte but because I do love wandering Heights and I do love Agnes gray but the tenant of Wildfell Hall is just something else entirely and writes realism whereas in Wuthering Heights Emily is writing in the Gothic genre and in Jane Eyre Charlotte is writing Gothic literature too but and ability to make you feel like these events actually took place and how they just feel like they are really innovative and subversive literature I think that's the special thing about them the tenant of Wildfell Hall one critic described as the moment that Helens the main character slammed the door in her husband's face is the moment that feminist literature was born and I actually completely agree because this is a staple piece of feminist literature for sure it's about a woman called Helen who leaves her husband and runs away with her child because he is abusive he's an alcoholic but I think that the way that Anne writes him that you're not really sure at the start if he is as evil as he's meant to be and he's charming and he's got so much character but that's what makes him so abusive and what makes him such a bad person and I liked those conflicting emotions because you saw them just as helen is feeling them and having this one of these characters that I really really love I only read it last year for the first time but it's definitely but I'm going to be rereading a lots and lots in the future I would highly recommend it if you haven't already read it and now on to Charlotte I have read Jane Eyre I'm currently reading Shirley and I have two of her others to read let's start by talking about Jane Eyre which is my least favorite Bronte book that I have read so far I unfortunately don't like it as much as many people do I really enjoyed the start bit but it did take me a really long time to read because it is one of the bigger Bronte book it is about Jane Eyre who again is a governess a bit like Amos gray is but it's a very different book to Agnes gray so Jane Eyre is an orphan she lives with her aunt and when dies she then goes to a school called Lois which in fact some people think that is mirrored on Charlotte brontë's own experience at school at town bridge schools where in fact her two older siblings died they caught Alice's there and then died a few months later from them and it was a really horrible experience and I think reshaped all of the Bronte lives so Jane becomes a governess to a little girl called Adele who was really cute and Adele's minder is a man could mr. Rochester who is supposed to be a dreamy character but I hate him how could anyone find him attractive he is horrible I don't like him not as much as I hate useless but you're supposed to hate Heathcliff but I feel like Charlotte really idealizes mr. Rochester and I don't like it it's not my favorite I don't think miss Charlotte is a most talented front I'm just going to put my out there I don't like her writing styles much I don't like a character as much but it's still a very interesting piece of literature to consider not my favorite but but it is many people's favorite book I just don't like it as much sadly then at the moment I am currently reading Shirley and I am actually really enjoying this this was Charlotte Bronte second published books but as you'll see in a bit it was the third one that she wrote I'm really enjoying this because it doesn't have the gothic aspects that Gina has but I don't think were written as well as they were in watering Heights so the gothic aspects and J there are a lot more subtle and so you have to pick up on them but I think that Charlotte brontë writes of realism really well and I think that the most interesting thing for me about this book is that it talks about the Luddites writings and resolutions has in north lots of industrialization obviously taking place and workers rights and workers pay was very very low and so a lot of the workers would destroy equipment and things like that and it's really interesting but I'm not too far in I am only 63 pages in so far but it's certainly when I'm going to be continuing on reading is all I was hoping that I would read really quickly but in the end it didn't and kind of put it down in favor of some other books but it is still very good I find that Charlotte's books are really slow going I read Wuthering Heights in like three days all right Agnes gray really quickly and I read the tenant of Wildfell Hall really quickly but just can't spend a lot of time reading Starla's books I have to read them slowly and gradually well so when I finish this but I'm looking forward to reading the rest I don't have a lot to report because I haven't really got into the main plot yet but I will be talking about it once I have finished it and then there are the two remaining books I haven't read yet which actually are two very good ones because they are a little bit related so the first one is the professor which was the first book that Charlotte wrote she wrote at the same time Emily R it was erm heights and wrote happiness grade the other two were picked up and published but the professor wasn't so when the professor was turned down for publication she'll then wrote Jane Eyre and the publication of Jane Eyre was what made the publishers or whether in Heinsohn Agnes gray published those two books because they were taking ages to do it and then suddenly Jane Eyre came out it was a massive success and they finally decided to publish it so I suppose we should be very grateful to Jane Eyre but the professor was her first book it wasn't the best of her books it wasn't published until she dies both the professor and Villette draw on charlotte experiences in brussels when she went not a study and fell in love with a man called monsieur asia and she was pretty obsessed with him she was depressed for a while after she came back and he totally spurned her and I think we can really see his character or how Charlotte received him in characters like mr. Rochester her fascination with him comes out through these characters and you can really tell that because she just wrote some male characters in such a way that you can just tell Shirley is a bit different actually so in quite enjoying that but I think galette is one of the ones I'm most excited to read and I also really love this cover I love the penguin English library editions they don't have the best one in these because they don't have good introductions or notes but there are some notes in Charlotte's because she has this tendency to write a lot of French in her books the other Bronte's don't do it but Charlotte dislikes dropping French in randomly so sometimes you need translations if you can't fluently breed French is quite confusing and sometimes she doesn't mean to do it but she still does I'm really looking forward to reading with the professor and relax I'm going to read the professor first because I think you can probably tell how the lap was shaped by her writing the professor I don't know when I'm going to read these two but at some point in my life I will I would like it to be soon but I don't know where it will be so that was my video all about the Bronte books let me know if there any other branching related things you would like me to talk about or you'd like me to do individual videos on to these books let me know and also let me know if there any other authors genres or time periods that you want me to talk about in my classic series cuz I'm really excited to get started on it I hope you enjoyed this video and I will see you guys soon happy reading
Channel: lucythereader
Views: 54,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lucythereader, booktube, books, Lucy the Reader, Wuthering Heights, Emily Brontë, Emily Bronte poetry, poems, Agnes Grey, Anne Bronte, The Tenant of Wildfell Hall, classics, literature, Jane Eyre, Charlotte Brontë, The Professor, Villette, booktuber classics, booktuber literature, classic books
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 30sec (810 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 16 2017
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