All Melee Weapons PVP Tier List and In-Depth Look - Armored Core 6 (Outdated)

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hello and welcome as promised I managed to put together a tier list of every melee weapon in the game in my labic and PVP experience I have come to realize melee weapons come down to two kinds openers and finishers open their weapons enable you to make the enemy get close to ACS overload whilst finisher weapons focus on punishing an ACS overload these will be the criteria I will tear them by their ability to finish or start a combo along with the little nuances each of them happen to have I will be showing PVP footage of every weapon in the tier list before actually tearing them so you can get a good idea as to how it would flow in an actual combat scenario my build the Silver Lining is built in a way to use a weapon of each type but the issue is that any of the bigger weapons usually cause overburden as it is a very lightweight build so to remedy this and actually use some of the heavier weapons I have come up with a new build say hello to the emerald lining this is another fast lightweight build that is capable of extreme movement much like the Silver Lining albeit slightly on the bulkier side this build was made with finisher weapons in maida as it doesn't use a melee weapon for its opener for this build I've chosen to run the viento pistols as they have a very quick fire rate and extremely good impact only really lacking in ammo added to the build we have the bullet orbit which also has an impressive amount of impact when combined with the pistols the video playing in the background should give you a gist of the bases I'm using the only shoulder left open is for the finisher weapon of your choosing which I will be showcasing throughout the tier list so with that said let us move on over to the armored Core 6 melee weapons tier list starting off we have the post plate also referred to as the starter melee its basic attack is a two slash combo that does all right damage and applies decent impact to the enemy but be advised it does not stagger enemies on hit leaving you open to weapon fire due to melee animation lock its charge attack is slowed but will aggressively track the enemies so long you're locked onto them in any way it will also stagger the anyone hit leaving them unable to act and open to any form of weapon fire on your end as for the melee canceling this weapons melee cancel works on both the basic and the charge slashes though I would highly advise you exclusively use the charge slash on this weapon as it will stagger the enemy on hit which makes you safe but it is also really convincing to use for mind games with melee consoles yes yes foreign all right listen here you creatures on the abyss you'll go to the comet and say oh but it's all zipper man it's all pile Bankers doing why do you think I specified open and finish your weapons huh what do you think it's job is if I see even one comment of this kind I'm earshoting your house okay sorry for the rant back to the tier list from my hours upon hours of using this weapon I can confidently say the postpaid is Esther the weapon is really versatile and works most matchups while being a gigantic threat if you know how to wield it up next is the laser slicer for its basic attack it slashes several times each hit deal in damage and accumulated impact this can be done twice in a row with quite a long animation in comparison to other weapons the hits do not stagger enemies so it is rather unsafe to use on non-acs overloaded enemies for the charge attack it has a slow startup which leads into a lunge several smaller hits and then a big slash the final slash staggers but the smaller hits do not making it terribly difficult to hit on mobile targets as for the melee councils this weapon has a certain Dash distance but will automatically initiate hits if you are close enough to the enemy this applies to both of the attacks but the basic attacks launches instant and the Damage total is equal in the end of both attacks so stick to the basic attacks for this one this weapons fall in the finisher category meaning it's better used both ACS overload as seen in the video this is specifically where the new build shines as it excels in getting that quick ACS overload to lead into your melee finisher the slicer basic combo will make your enemies watch an unskippable cutscene unless they use assault or holes armor yes yes all right thank you for the few matches I did play this weapon I would probably rank it at a it has really really good damage the melee cancel it is fantastic and the hitbox is rather why for what it is makes it an excellent finisher weapon next on the list is the laser dagger for its basic attack it is a three hit combo feeling okay damage with decent impact but ultimately no stagger and for its charge attack it starts with a delay followed up by a fixed distance slash that sweeps from left to right as for the melee cancels the lunge of the basic attack and the startup of the charge attack can be canceled while this weapon might seem like a finisher weapon due to the three hit combo it actually functions better as an opener due to the end lag canceled posted being absurdly quick something or not however is that this weapon has unbelievably terrible vertical tracking it will miss most enemies moving below you or under you to alleviate this try to keep them at an optimal range rather than directly below you or above you thank you foreign cooldown stagger and respectable damage I am inclined to put the laser dagger in a tier due to its sheer oppressive and threatening prowess only reason it doesn't get S is because of its fixed distance and bad vertical accuracy next on the list is the plasma thrower who even made this weapon is this some kind of joke from John Banda himself anyway the plasma thrower has a long range melee hit for its basic attack that can be done twice it can also miss if you're too far away as for its charge attack you spin up the weapon letting it go will do an AOE throw with a hit in there somewhere the size of a microbe you have to be in a perfect range to hit else it will all Miss melee cancel how about only being able to dash before you do the charge attack or never be able to cancel the basic attacks seriously this weapon only works for quads and wheelchairs because they get basic attack without stopping that is literally it I'm not gonna PvP with this you can't make me get out of here [Applause] and now we have the laser lens its basic attack is a single tap with good tracking the only one mistake in a particular and its charge attack has a slow startup followed up by a well tracking charge forward that hits the enemy several times before hitting them one final time after the initial hits as for the melee console you can dash out of the basic attacks launch and it will hit automatically through close enough to the enemy for the charge attack you can only cancel the startup but not after you've started lunging this of course is the finisher weapon with its absurd range and while tracking on its charge attack you can blow through enemy AP instantly but its charge cancel being bad and the recovery post hit being terrible is the real reason that ends up as a finisher foreign [Music] [Music] thank you foreign I didn't play too many matches with the laser lens but the philosophy of it is clear enough to me this weapon gets a bit here sure it hits extremely hard but it's really slow the melee cancel is barely usable and it has a long cooldown definitely lower due to its lack of Versatility next up is the Moonlight the basic attack for this weapon is a unique long range slash that can be used twice with a relatively alright tracking yet no enemy struggle on it and for its charge attack it has an extremely slow startup leading into a sweeping AOE going outwards as for the melee cancel the basic attack can be canceled on its small startup and for the charge attack it can only be canceled during the slow charge up yeah this one is rough the only way you can even begin to make this weapon work is by using it as a finisher the double basic attack will extend the ACs overload but the damage bonus is really negligible and the charge attack is far too slow to be used post ACS overload [Music] [Music] all right yourself [Music] of all weapons this one is tragic so much potential but done so dirty the Moonlight is detier its damage is far too low the charge attack is far too slow and the melee councils are non-existent overshadowed by every other weapon in the list next up is the fan favorite the pile bunker the basic attack is a simple tab with surprisingly good tracking but no enemy stagger the judge attack has a very slow startup no range no lunge and all damage as for the melee cancel the basic attack can be canceled at any point during the lunge meanwhile the charge attack can only be canceled during the startup obviously this falls under the category of a finisher weapon the charge mainly has absolutely nuclear damage which is the trade-off you get for the lack of everything else as the canceling sucks and the basic attack is mediocre listen I forgot to record PVP for this specific but uh do you like pipes by chance [Music] [Music] unfortunately as much as I love this weapon to death it gets a very sad seat here technically speaking it is literally a harder to execute lens with equal damage and this is not a coolness tier list next we have the chainsaw its basic attack is a multi-hitting slash that has rather good tracking but no enemy stagger and for its charge attack the chainsaw can be revved up and if let go it will lunge at the enemy and stab them with the chainsaw dealing rapid hit and staggering the enemy all the while up until it does a final slash to push the enemy off as for the melee Council the launch of the basic attack can be canceled at any point the charge attack shares the same property only thing is that the revving is canceled and must be re-initiated as expected this is another finisher weapon the damage bonus from ACS overload pair is far too well with the chainsaw as it has the highest punish out of all the melee weapons but it wouldn't hurt too badly as an opener either I would be a bit cautious as well because sometimes the hitbox tends to go a bit silly [Music] okay [Music] 50 percent surprisingly enough of all the tiers the chainsaw is going to sit comfortably in a steer technically speaking the weapon has it all melee take his Peak the cooldown is short and its charge attack is way too busted the only challenge is the actual swap to charge which will be limited by practice alone next in the list is the laser Blade the basic attack is a simple slash that has really good tracking but doesn't stagger the enemy and for its charge attack after a short pause it spin slashes in an AOE all around the AC hitting twice and staggering each time as for the melee canceled the basic attack can be canceled at any point in the lunge meanwhile the charge attack it can only be canceled during the startup it is also worth mentioning that the weapon has horrible verticality so try to keep them at range to be more accurate or try to match their height naturally this is also another finisher weapon the range of the judge attack is surprisingly good along with its damage and the enemies can only do so much if they are ACS overloaded yes yes [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] people after fighting enough people and even making one rage quit I can safely say the laser blade sits at an 80 year the weapon's verticality is tragic but its damage and long range makeup for its weaknesses in other areas up next we have the stun baton its basic attack is a quick string of several hits back to back its charge attack has a startup which transitions into a lunge that stops the enemy and staggers them placing sort of an electric bomb into the enemy which detonates soon after micro staggering applying impact and damaging the enemy as for the melee cancels the basic attack can be canceled at any point in the lunge meanwhile the charge attack can be canceled during the startup or during the launch the stun baton is easily a finisher weapon as loving the charge hit is far too difficult an ACS overload confirms it which the explosion after not only micro staggers them but also sets them up for another ACS overload [Music] [Music] this may be unexpected to some but the stumb button for me sits at Esther the weapon's sheer potential of causing not only insane damage and ACS overload but set up for another combo is simply unmatched it's so good I'm willing to say it overshadows the difficulty of Landing the hit itself and for the final weapon we have the coral oscillator the basic attack is a 180 vertical slash that hits the enemy from above having extremely good tracking and staggering the enemy and for his charge attack the weapon flares as he grows in size starting a sweep from the left side of the screen over to the right hitting a crazy distance as for the canceling the basic attack can be canceled at any point in the lunge and for the charged melee it can be canceled only during the startup of the sweep now here's something to laugh about if you unlock and go into manual aim by positioning your mouse to the right of the screen you can initiate the sweep directly on top of the enemy's position hitting them near instantly without them being able to dodge it [Music] thank you thank you 30 percent after playing several matches and pulling the Forbidden Tech on people I must say the coral oscillator is absolutely Aster in technical terms as long as you're good enough you can constantly snipe people with its charge attack and if that's too difficult you can use it like a pulse blade but without the charge and a slightly worse hitbox and that's the tier list I hope you enjoyed watching the video and I sunk far too many hours collecting the gameplay and writing the whole script for it but the melee addict of all people simply had to do it uploads might slow down after this one as this really took a lot out of me but outside of that thank you for watching and I hope you have a wonderful day
Channel: Mood
Views: 49,369
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: dwWYX4fFH3k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 29min 33sec (1773 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 12 2023
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