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Bro We're doing the marker challenge except. We get to use any markers. We want and again. We're doing it with dad. Hey guys dodroy me dodry me dodo Okay I've got these special markers here, and I can blend in your oil better make markers, and I think you're really cool I did a couple of drawings with them and I think they're very cool. You can use any markers you want to make the best picture you guys are gonna comment down below who has made the most beautiful picture in the world Let's just get started! Alright What do we have first We have donald trump Guess we took the black there's a thin edge, and there's a fat edge I'm gonna start with the skin the black with the back edge Whoa, and why are these markers so good? Why are you skin yellow, what should it be That's skin color this is perfect so we can use all the Marches we want woah That's a nice face color. Oh wow here's a very light face. Let's make the lips Super bright. Oh, okay. You're using orange yellow tea for light. What should it be I'm gonna give him some amazing fingernails Yes of course, but also what a deep okay? See skin all right now, I'm moving on to the Hat I think blue is the perfect one for his tie interesting choice And I'm all about it it is fabulous I bet this one it's going to win Are you done He's got an extra wrinkles all right, so we are done. This is mine, and this is mine, and this is mine That is the most copper mine is probably the most realistic it Raoul is Very interesting so that take it close take an even closer look at mine And vote for me in the comment section Alright so moving on to the next drawing And I'm really excited about this one because I think I'm gonna do really well on this one and the rest of them What is the next one we're gonna do Moana? Wow I really liked the movie Moana us and if they were doing it all right here you go Doesn't have to be realistic Could we whatever you want, but I'll make my realistic is that okay? Let's go friend. She's gonna be all black she'll black on the whole page I Bet, that's not gonna be a winning mother So fabulous-looking already With extra red lips yeah Very concentrated That is all you say It should be the hair pink yellow red its Wow so much detailing dress all right, I'm done to her I'm almost finished Wow looks really good is so much work All right, I am done. I think it's perfect Chibi are you are you sure you want to do that yeah? Okay guys first one to finish this extra mouth pages. I was about to say I'm done, but I don't want to be that anymore What about them oh My god your neck is done. You're not done. That is not even possible I didn't mind like my gosh. I do this is the worse I am so finished I Need extra work get hostesses having something So we all play glasses on my baby There were less chibi wait a finish away Done you are done. You are so done let it go okay? One more dog okay? That's a Realistic look and I think I and I was going for the most fabulous look And the reflection of the Sun in the water - very outlined and very detailed Two hours guys take a close look This lady from Monster thinks she looks interesting so that's why we're doing here. Yes it she's red I'm driving around no rain. No she's pimple mine will be great come on shooters like a frog that doesn't she That's a problem, I guess it's great. It is actually a powerful yes Some reason she reminds me of you Now do you reminds me of Donald Trump rocky the double kid? He monetize achieving is doing some handiwork Check the pressure is Angie look at my page Do we need to get our mental hospital cheers like in them trying to be like oh It's not really the right people's ears. It's not good Let me put a final dot then finished This is mine, I'm rocking with the purple skin and a blue sweater She's rocking to fabulous green skin with pink hair with highlights. Yeah, this is mine It really looks similar to Karina Guys take a close look god damn. You look that mine is the best let me know How about this one it's the best guys obviously Go for the one on the right snow on this video See you good bye
Channel: SIS vs BRO
Views: 10,592,665
Rating: 4.7344527 out of 5
Keywords: 3 marker challenge, all markers challenge
Id: 9h6UI5RTr1M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 5sec (665 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 07 2018
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