All for One Steals the ONE QUIRK HE NEEDS.. My Hero Academia Chapter 385 Spoilers Explained

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my hero Academia chapter 385 is finally here and it's titled young impulses and thank you to Ruka sudabi's pole dancing Justice for getting the leaks out and let's get right into it we see a page of a giant dust cloud in the middle of it coming from the Massive Attack that everyone did on all for one sending trees and Rubble flying everywhere across the battlefield into areas nearby and the chapter begins of that and a map of the ganga battle showing everyone who's fighting in the army of twice's and their location my lady's weapon breaks and yui throws another at her saying that it's a death or item that was laying on the ground and she made it bigger with her Quirk and whereas before Mount lady had like a giant rocket-powered naginata or something this time instead she has like a multi kind of layered I don't really know it's some sort of spiked Whip or something I'm not entirely sure what it is it might even be like a sort of like renji sword if you remember renji from bleach it has that multi-layered sword it's kind of something like that but she's ready to swing it down on all for one as on the same page we see tokoyami getting ready to take another punch now despite the fact that both her and tokuyami are panting they go for another attack anyway but Hawks apologizes to tokyami for only being there as support however tokoyami says that his support is making Dark Shadow balder stronger and this is likely because Hawks is holding on to tokiyami or I guess tokiyami is holding on to Hawks and that's probably why Dark Shadow has those massive wings that he has so it's kind of like Hawks is really good at giving support with his wings because he did the exact same thing to Endeavor in the manga in the anime during that fight and it just seems like he really likes giving his wings away remember that as we see tokoyami about to land this massive punch as Mount lady is also about to slam something down onto all for one we see multiple pillars and Twisters of air crashing down into the location that all for one apparently is but something suddenly is wrong out of nowhere from the crater where all for one is apparently Lane getting attacked something comes out and pierces right into Mount lady lifting her straight up into the air and apparently doing some damage to her stomach Mountain lady falls to the ground after getting knocked in the air and instantly taken out by this one attack and on the page we see Hawks and magnetic giving their reaction but everyone again screams her name out because this is a very very big person to be taken out in just one blow but that's not where the hits stop here because we see Macchio's reaction to mount lady getting knocked out in the distance and Below Makia the ground starts to crack at his feet in a path from the crater over to him and this is where we see that Makia actually gets hit by a large laser beam that comes up from out of the ground as we see all for one's arm on the page completely missing almost all of its muscle fibers as apparently all for one is getting nearly down to the bone but regardless desperate times call for desperate measures so all for one uses his laser beam to cut right up the side of gigantom machia and actually manages to pierce his skin causing the massive monster to start bleeding and just like that with another one hit maneuver another massive Force for the heroes is taken out of the fight all for one is extremely injured like we just mentioned a moment ago but despite that thanks to Aries rewind he continues to heal and he says that the younger that he gets the harder it is for him to contain his dark urges we then see all for one rising out of the pit in the ground that he was just in and as he's floating into the air we get a good look at him as he prepares another attack towards Dark Shadow and all for one is literally just a floating torso like his legs literally have to rewind and heal back because he doesn't have them it's kind of just a floating pelvis bone and leg bone he's really in the worst state that we've seen any character in so far in the entire series of my hero Academia with rukusu even letting us know that he looks worse than shigaraki after being hit by the USA bombs and everything that star and Stripes had to offer so they really did do some amazing damage to all for one here and it is really really awesome how much they were able to do together as a unit but all for one like I was saying in my chapter predictions finally had enough and it was time for him to stop playing around all for one raises is still rewinding arm up as a big ball of electricity kind of forms in his hand and we see energy beginning to shoot out the back of his arm as the big ball of his hand shoots forward in another laser-like attack that completely destroys Dark Shadow the issue is though this technique was extremely power powerful and all for one wasn't just aiming randomly into Dark Shadow actually the technique hits Hawks and tokoyami really really hard but Hawks protects tokiyami and gets even more injured because of it all for one is rather impressed with the strength of his own attacks taking out everyone that he's hit so far in just one hit and he says oh how good it is to be young and as kiroshima and shinso worry about what's happening of hawks and tokoyami who get absolutely blown away by this technique by all for one inasa tells everyone the focus and just keep attacking all for one and now is their time however everything here is just useless because the next page cuts to a black panel and we see that all for one is actually already defeated everyone on this battlefield and as the rain is coming down and lightning begins to strike we see that all for one is the youngest that we've ever seen him before maybe like an 18 year old all for one or possibly even somewhere around hawks's age because he looks actually very similar to Hawks in this chapter we actually see all for one holding Hawks in the air by his neck with tokoyami on the ground beside him and in this moment we're actually picking up on a conversation that it seems like all for one and Hawks were having now that everyone is defeated it seems like all for one was walking his way over to tokayami but Hawks even as defeated as he currently is got in his way and now he's in all for one's hands all for one says he wants to seal tokoyami's Quirk and that Hawk should get out of the way because he's done too much already we see though that even now Hawk still hasn't given up he pierces all for one in the chest of his sword trying to take him out that way but it doesn't do anything because again all for one is still rewinding all for one says that it's impressive how Hawks has kept fighting so far and this is where we see that while all for one is grabbing Hawks he's actually stealing his Quirk so now Hawks is actually going to be quirkless since he's having his Quirk stolen by all for one and that really means that they absolutely did fail here because now all for one has a proper Quirk that can actually let him fly over to shigaraki and deku's location all for one says that he's impressed that Hawks has kept fighting even with so little of his Quirk Factor left and Hawks then angrily comments on how very unfair it is that the number of quirks at all for one has doesn't decrease even though his body is rewinding and I do think this is a little bit of foreshadowing because we know that Hawks is very smart to something that we could see in the future actually being a weakness for all for one it's at this moment where everything seems truly lost and all for one is about to just toss Hawks aside and walk over to tokayami and steal his Quirk where a small thing happens that could potentially have changed everything in this battle Minetta throws one of his monetta grapes at all for one and it attaches onto the back of his leg and doesn't keep him there on the ground or anything but it is stuck to his pants and I'm wondering if this is something from horikoshi that is going to end up adding up in the end like what if all for one only loses because of this Minetta pop-off ball that horikoshi showed us being put there I feel like that's kind of just the writing style the horiko she's had in this final half so let's see how that goes Minetta says that stealing Dark Shadow is only going to make all for one at edgy weirdo like tokoyami so it would be better for him to steal a quirk like minetta's pop off work all for one then kind of just stares into minetta's teary eyes as scared as he is and he recognizes that look at minetta's eyes from Jiro who's another weakling who's probably scattered on this battlefield now all for one then thinks to himself that he can't possibly waste another second here and he actually throws Hawks down on the ground and flies off saving tokayami from having his Quirk stolen so I guess Minetta did actually accomplish something because it seems like he saved tokoyami as all for one is flying off he sees the Press helicopters are nearby and he mocks the heroes on the cameras by saying that everyone will see this pathetic view once again that they'll see that they actually couldn't protect anything all this time it's here where we cut to the underground shelters in UA and the civilians are wondering why they've stopped moving not so what prepares to protect fuyimi and his mother and the young students at Shoto and the others had to take care of for a little while also there watching the ganga fight on a tablet the civilians are losing hope because of the situation as they see that the heroes are actually being cornered and here we cut to the command room in tsukauchi and labrava are both confused because Obama is already regain control of the system with some blocks already moving again but some seem to still be locked from the inside for some reason Tajima one of the spies that we've seen on all for one side before mixed into the civilian that the leakers pointed out looks just like ego jimpachi from Blue lock which is very true gets really desperate because he doesn't have any orders from skeptic right now even though all for one told him that's who he's supposed to be following so in this situation the Spy actually starts using his Quirk but he gets caught by gunhead however it's too late and some parts of the ceiling start to fall on the civilians and we see that Kendo and tattoo tattoo are in charge of protecting everyone and as they try to block the ceiling from hitting anyone death arms gets there first and protects the two civilians now if you remember death arms is one of the first Heroes that we saw in the series and he says that he knows what awaits him is a thorny path and that's why he gave up but seeing the other Heroes continue to fight his body moved on its own he starts to cry as he remembers Deku running the save bakugou from the sludge villain and realizing that he's only now catching up to the Deku from back then as Deku fights to save the rest of Japan really just reinforcing how Deku is doing his as I am here moment right now and everyone is watching on the last page we get a little bit of a POV change and in Camino Shoto is leaning on Eda and says that this is not over yet despite the fact that Shoto looks completely gassed we know that Eda actually hasn't really done anything yet so I wonder if he is going to get a bigger role in this Final War Arc and it seems like that is likely to be the case as on the building next to them is none other than stain who's looking over at Ida and Shoto in kamino and I wonder how he's going to get involved as he holds his sword looking at the two who took him down all the way back in stains are so that's everything that happened in this chapter of my hair Academia you can go watch my chapter 385 prediction video to see what I got wrong or what I got right because there actually are a couple things that I did get right and if you're interested in Demon Slayer I'd love for you to go check out my two videos explaining the original Sun breath user and upper Moon rank 1 which I did release earlier today because Demon Slayer is back in full swing so it was time to bring it back to the channel
Channel: Vocal Pineapple Academia
Views: 38,562
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: My Hero Academia, My Hero Academia Chapter 385 Spoilers, MHA 385, MHA 385 Spoilers, my hero academia 385 spoilers, my hero academia 385 spoilers reddit, mha spoilers, All for One Steals Hawks Quirk, All for One Steals Quirk, AFO MHA, AFO Steals Hawks Quirk, MHA Manga, Deku vs Shigaraki, Deku, Vocal Pineapple, Vocal Pineapple Academia, Vocal Pineapple My Hero academia, Vocal Pineapple MHA Spoilers, MHA New Chapter, New MHA Chapter, mha, reaction, deku vs class 1a, demon slayer
Id: L4UTvpAvl9c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 52sec (592 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 12 2023
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