ALL Episodes of Season 5 🚨 Talking Tom & Friends Cartoon Collection

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wow I can't believe Tom's image will be next to the Ruby that fell from space it's around this corner prepare to Marvel at some marble huh uh pardon me but uh quick question why does this statue of me uh not look like me because it's not you a cooler guy moved to town so he got a statue instead what some fell named Roy Roy bab sat for our family once and planted two gardens just for fun I choked on a grape once and Roy saved my life who the heck is Roy oh one little Museum statue isn't a big deal this isn't going to change our lives or anything well yeah I guess that's true guys look we're getting a new neighbor and they have a bunch of cool stuff I wonder who it is what if he's a jerk n just kidding he's me hi new neighbors I'm Roy [Music] H what do you think of my welcome to the neighborhood present for Roy huh what a nice gesture especially after Roy dethroned you as the coolest person in town ACC to the museum but what a museums know it's fine in fact that's why I'm giving him this pie so that Roy can be like a homemade pie Tom is way cooler than I am so it's not a nice gesture at all mhm hey guys just dropping by to give you a little something just to show you how much I appreciate being your new neighbor a Lightning Man action figure stop making these after all lightning injuries a blue flame 5,000 that's the best buns and burner you can buy wow the Bako and the Gill cuty complete box set m m MW it even has the Christmas special everyone hated wao are these real gold mhm and real microphones well Ro you shouldn't have yeah Roy you shouldn't have I wanted us to get off on the right foot so I did a little research on yall to see what you like well that's creepy oh Tom I wish I could be as hilarious as you by the way I didn't forget about you oh wow that pie looks amazing well it's not a contest Oh and before I go I'm having a little housewarming shindig tonight y'all should come if you're not too busy yeah you know we'd love to I just don't know understand why we are going to some stranger party Roy is not a stranger he's your neighbor stop being such a grump fine but don't come complaining to me when this party is super [Music] lame all your memories so I said Senator that's not an avocado the funny thing is it wasn't avocado he was right I was wrong [Music] [Music] everybody give a toast to the host with the most oh boy Sho Roy has his own game room come play extreme foosball with me Ginger which one of these way too many doors did you go into H [Music] oh [Music] there you are Roy's about to show pictures from when he climbed Mount Everest and built an orphanage on it Angela these are blueprints for the town Museum what are you snooping in here no I just got lost but there is something weird about this guy look he's got this thing just laying around I mean what even is this I know right it's it's silly but what can I say I collect cool things and this antique Crown is cool right soon I'll get something even more out of this world anyway you're obviously lost I'll take you both back to the party the hallways in this house can be really really confusing totally not your fault happens to a lot of people h Tom are you coming or not and there was a secret door behind it I mean I am telling you this dude is hiding something calm down it was probably some ugly utility closet he was simply trying to cover up oh Tom a strange mail delivery that none of us knew about is here oh a box let me open it wa check it out I look like Star Bandit from space conflix uh I did not order that Ben says it's for Roy I guess it was delivered here by mistake Roy wait this is burglary gear it all makes sense Roy had mum blueprints he collects Museum things and he said he was getting something out of this world Roy's going to steal the space Ruby wow I know you're mad about the Statue but give it a rest yeah Roy's already got it all why would he need to steal to get more okay you're right yeah sure Roy is just a cool guy with a cool house so I think I'll just take this back to him and and thank him for all of the coolness that he gives us that's the spirit Tom [Music] sure huh aha what busted Roy oh Tom what are you doing here stopping you from stealing this [Music] huh [Music] gotcha not so cool now are you oh no Tom what have you done I just happened to catch Roy trying to steal the space Ruby Roy yeah that's right Tom I'm afraid you're mistaken I caught you sneaking into the museum how dare it's true why I was sneaking into the museum because I was so touched when you all honored me with my statue I wanted to make a donation for my own collection as a thank you could someone pull that cord W the Lost crown of the city of Secrets come on what an incredible piece yeah I studied the museum blueprints so I could sneak in and drop off the crown while the museum was closed I guess I should have told someone about it but I wanted the donation to be anonymous my gram always said it's important to be humble no don't a all right he said he was going to add something out of this world to his collection as in from space oh that Tom I meant that I bought the star Bandit costume from the space conflict movies actually it's a lot like your outfit where'd you get that but I you space Ruby all right folks nothing to say here Roy was just trying to do something nice and Tom spoiled it excuse me officer don't be mad at Tom he was only trying to help we're lucky to have such a concerned citizen let's give Tom a round of applause for Tom hip the museum accepted Roy's generous donation which was going to be anonymous until it was spoiled by a citizen who shall remain unnamed but he looks like this it's okay Tom people will forget about this in a few days or weeks I mean definitely in a few months hey uh tommo I wanted to make sure there were no hard feelings about what happened today friends Shero friends oh oh I was hoping you'd say that because nobody's going to believe you now that you made a fool of yourself in front of the whole town wait what I was right about you see you around Tom I mean fix those Forks wipe that glass when the big guy shows up everything has to be perfect we don't usually fancy up tables like this who's the Hot Shot The Big Cheese the top noodle you'll know him by the yellow pin on his collar I I that's Becca's favorite flower you're looking great for your date gee thanks Angela I guess all I have left to say is don't make me go in there please I've never been on a date before Oh Hank you can do this buddy yeah well what if I can't I don't know the first thing about Romance I'm only good at hanging with the boys see just be confident fake like you know what you're doing and everything will be fine yeah you're going to be great now get in [Music] there [Music] hello Madam I am here for a date a lot of people have dates do you have a reservation res res is that something I need remember what I said man fake like you know what you're doing and everything will be fine gotcha I think you'll find that I do you have a reservation for uh that table right over there oh oh my goodness of course right this way we've been expecting you hey I guess Tom knows his tough this is a nice place I didn't know this is how you roll I'm full of surprises like the babysitter in that classic Thriller I think my babysitter an alien I've seen that movie five times I love it when the aliens get exploded it's so cool I think you'll find there's a lot about me that's cool I'm sorry I goofed it up it's okay I'll just run to the bathroom and wipe the flowers off this is going great keep faking it because you are making it I guess I am imaginary Tom I never would have thought that the secret to dating is confidence what's this boy you've got a a lot of nerve oh thank you as a dating man who does dating having nerve is key I'm not talking about your date you stole this table from Pony macaroni big mistake pal you just made an enemy of the most dangerous pasta Smuggler in town huh Tony macaroni has escaped from prison police should be looking for him but they're way too [Music] scared go check my table hey who's that sitting at Mr macaroni's table out the table will be ready in just a moment Nobody Breaks Tony macaroni's stuff get him Becca we have to go what but we just got here yeah well like I said I'm full of surprises what H that was weird we normally you D in dash after you eat yeah that place was stuffy besides we'll have a much better date outside I better her come on nice throw but watch this wow it's so romantic being on the beach on the light sorry part me excuse [Music] me come back here [Music] [Applause] hey [Applause] [Applause] oh isn't this fun this is a date activity called quiet dumpster the goal is to see who can be the quietest one in the dumpster let's try no I'm done if you didn't want to date me you should have stood me up like a normal person instead of torturing me what Becca I'm not doing that really then what are you doing why has this entire date been so weird remember fake it and you'll oh wow maybe stop taking my advice oh I ruined our date I forgot to make a reservation for dinner so I accidentally impersonated Tony macaroni and stole his table and now his goods are after us and that's why we're here what oh Becca I'm so sorry Hank that is such a relief but I goofed it all up I know I thought you were being mean but you were just bumbling through an adventure total Hank thing to do by the way it's cute I'm can you see him anywhere no I think we lost them Let's go ask the boss what to do have you ever faked like you knew what you were doing huh huh I have an idea I can't believe this some nobody steal my table and you cheese heads let those bread sticks slip away nobody escapes from Tony macaroni boss they was real slippery like but we'll find them you had better what kind of a noodlehead picks a fight with the best past Smuggler in the country me whoa Tony man macaroni us kind of a noodle head it's them put the boil on them boys not so fast the name is Sammy spaghetti this is my associate Penny pen we were sent here by the big bosses the big bosses what F making sure Tony macaroni ain't gone soft no no soft yeah pretty good work chasing us you prove that no one can mess with you but stay sharp because the big bosses will be [Music] watching wow maybe you really can do anything if you're confident this was like so fun you and I make a great team whoo whoo whoo what's this sweet moment over here huh oh that's just how we big bosses do business right take your L greedy back Linguini huh tell me Sammy what kind of cheese fills a lingu oh hey whatever cheese you want question Linguini ain't fil with cheese It's a pasta in the form of narrow ribons these two is Impostors [Music] run I don't know if it's going to taste good but I'm just not cut out for dating don't say that we had fun kind of but I goofed it all up not one thing went romantic H stop whining Hank there's still time to save this state Let's Dance the dads [Music] why hey knock that off your dancing is untying the Rope n that's the idea go go can't dance on of this one nobody escapes from Tony macaroni you're going to pay for [Music] this I got it [Music] wow [Applause] [Music] huh breaking news Tony macaroni the feared pasta Smuggler has been apprehended by two local Vigilantes police have finally arrested the macaroni Mastermind wow I'd ask how your date went but I guess I already know yeah the night took a weird turn Becca would you want to have a real doover date I'd love that only let's do it as just friends something tells me you're not really ready for romance Sho thank you Becca thank you so much you're right I'm so happy I could I am trying to eat here you people disgust me disgusting yikes it is rough out there good thing we have nothing to do and nowhere to be H lazy Monday Baby yep it's the best holiday we made up of the year you know I'm uncomfortable putting off work but if you're following my 10 steps of relaxation it can improve your brain power H way to make being lazy sound like a chore Ben I'm just saying I'm coming around to the idea that taking a day off won't cause some massive disaster holy raboli uh-oh what happened to this place it looks like it went upside down and downside up again I can explain it's lazy Monday so we can't do chores or jobs or anything but you know tomorrow don't talk to me about tomorrow a guy from impressive landlord's monthly is coming today to take pictures of this place H that's why I loan you my Priceless anti grandfather clock this is supposed to be the piece that fanes up the whole garage you loafers better clean all this before the photo man arrives or you're out of here for good [Music] [Music] oh this goes against everything lazy Monday stands for sitting and lying down and never standing lazy Monday is over now come on the landlord will evict us if we don't start cleaning don't turn your back on everything we believe in you must have some techn venant that can help us Ginger being lazy is not everything I believe in huh okay fine this this is the flat Jack I created it so students could fit more books in their backpacks but it can also compress this mess let's observe wa okay this is awesome if we use this we can stack the whole mess like a pile of paper easy as pie not quite we need to create a system to organize this place like a big filing cabinet Bing let's smash the [Music] trash nice let me [Music] try hold on we have to be efficient about our cleaning good point if we just stuff everything in there at once we can finish right away and get back to our lazy holiday come on he you guys stop it's not meant to handle all that at once you all what is going on oh no I'm missing my sideways we all are you bon heads wouldn't stop being lazy around dangerous technology and now you FL the entire room yeah this is weird but look on the bright side huh everything is flat so we can push this mess into a pile and be done cleaning woo It's a lazy Monday Miracle Plus while we're flat there are even more options for [Applause] lounging you're still going to Goof Off why not we have tons of time now sa that clock if we lose it the landlord will never forgive us help my body think it's a c got you chinger Ben pull us back in it's too dangerous let go of the clop before it drags you outside but then we'll get evicted you should have warned us this could have happened with your machine but if you what I did but you wouldn't give up on your made up holiday my machine I need to reverse this oh we're getting evicted aren't we maybe not I I see the clock we just have to get down to it this is too hard then you have another invention to fix this mess where's Ben the wind must have carried him in a different direction oh no sorry guys our day of doing nothing has turned into a disaster man lazy Monday was going so well remember when Hank lazily got rid of that baloney earlier today do I that was a proud moment in not getting off my butt huh [Music] yes well that won't get us down to wait maybe it will let's be like baloney and catch that clock science diary chapter 82 being flattened is going to take some getting used to movement is far more difficult this [Music] way m m You' done it [Music] again look there's two win no hey Ginger remember this morning when Tom asked you to pass him that takeout menu H laziness you've done it again um how are we going to cross the street without getting flattened H remember when we all lazily decided to play old video games yeah I'm okay now let's get back to the garage before the landlord gets there let's get [Music] lazy we're home soon we'll [Music] be oh no the landlord must have hired a yard crew for the photo shoot why is the world so dangerous that's a question I ask a lot wow how did you learn to move like that I calculated flat physics W thank you thank you wait how did you all get the clock back and get home did you finally stop lazing around nope we use laziness to solve problems of course you did I'm so glad you made it I figured out how to get past our lawn and get home but I couldn't do it alone look huh uh we're a big paper airplane weird oh o I think my foot is in Hank's eye I think my foot is also in my eye uh-oh you won't be able to see the grandfather clock it's ins no time to worry about feet now we're flying home on three one wow this is incredible yeah it is a stay on target do a barrel [Applause] roll woo yeah yay Ben you're a genius I mean I'll admit that was an awesome way not to be lazy yeah huh uhoh um we tried to clean but everything got flat and then there was wind enough excuses you obviously spent the whole day doing nothing well now you'll have plenty I love this room oh so many landlords try to show us these perfect places it feels boring it feels fake but this this is exciting it's real I especially love the daring angle on that grandfather [Laughter] clog so I guess we're not evicted not this time we were lucky but there's still no substitute for hard work yeah we interrupt today's episode of dance dating with urgent news for all fans of the town's big donut statue this delicious historical landmark is going to be store that's great I used to love climbing the sprinkles on that thing when I was a kid the money for the restoration will be raised at a very fancy auction and the host of this glamorous event will be the town's most charitable citizen Roy I believe that anyone would help this treasure they could please don't think of me as a hero that's something a hero would say right classic hero humility how do you not all see through this guy he's up to something I mean remember when I found the secret door in his house wasn't that suspicious I don't know Tom houses have doors I bet it's a tuxedo closet or an extra bathroom no guys it doesn't matter what it is what matters is there's a fancy auction next door and we're going I'll bring [Music] donuts back to my regular side wa Ben what is that thing it's my new invention the shrink submarine it can shrink and then go inside someone's body to detect medical issues yeah yeah yeah that's nice but there is much more important wait a minute random question for you could this take you inside someone's head so you can see what they're seeing and learn all of their secrets theoretically yes thanks for taking an interest in my work Tom oh Ben I'm very interested [Music] [Music] wow thank you Hank these Donuts will be a sweet addition to my auction and I see one is just for me to eat H I must have frosted that one in my sleep not the first time that happened secret mission log entry one I borrowed B shrink sub and hidden my tiny self in a donut my journey into Roy to find proof of his Badness is about to begin [Music] woo made it oh okay let's see what you do when you think no one's watching you from inside your eyeballs oh oh oh oh secret mission log entry to Roy is at his secret door yeah this is definitely not an extra bathroom I mean I think that's even an eyeball recognizing scanner wait what no must tint windshield [Music] fluff fluff fluff [Music] W no Tom we're leaving for the auction go one go in twice I'm so old that he's not here he probably doesn't want to be anywhere near Roy Tom Ben hi I need your help uh I'm stuck in Roy's brain I uh I might have borrowed your shrink sub without asking what are you talking about the shrink sub is right God I should have seen this coming okay now before you yell at me you should know that I almost saw proof that Roy is bad Tom I can't believe you would do something so reckless look look look look we can figure out whose fault it is later but please rescue me I guess this auction is about to see some action hi thanks for coming hi come on in hi welcome to your auction I mean I made you tea to get your voice ready for some fast Talking Angela I would never turn down tea from a lovely lady such as yourself anyway sip sip [Music] I hope this works this taxi won't be as smooth a ride as the sub Tom took it wasn't built to shrink first of all I'd like to welcome you all to the save the donut auction a lot of people are saying I'm a hero for doing this but I say you're the real heroes now let's make sure the heroes in the back can hear me Ben we've got a code megaphone what no his Amplified voice will shake us all to pieces I chose this for my Personal Collection this classic work of little painting called woman looking at a rock do I hear 1,000 shut up buy something but I don't have any genuine art money 2,000 do I hear 2,000 for this painting I bid 10,000 wow going once going twice and so to the Apparently rich young lady what are you doing she did it to the brain ah you made it I'll be right there he can't get out the brain is blocking the door Andel we found Tom but we can't get to him you need to shake Roy to knock the shrink sub loose from his brain hold on Roy before you sell me this art I need to examine it to make sure it's real you already bought it I'll be the judge of that let's see if it moves like a work of art I'm so sorry it's it's okay it's it's fine just a little nose bed luckily I never host an auction without bringing a tissue it wasn't enough do it [Music] again she did it you're all Bo to the rescue let's go Tom be careful stopping on Roy's brain could affect him what kind of an auction is this well I don't want it now you owe me a submarine Tom okay I get it you're all mad but in my defense none of this would have happened if you all agreed with me that Roy we can't be trusted let's talk after we get out of Roy's nose oh we're almost there I can see the light at the end of the nostril that's not a light that's a giant tissue great the Taxi's broken now I have to grow up inside a face not not necessarily if Roy sneezes he'll eject the tissue and then us but to make that happen one of us has to stay behind to tickle Roy's [Music] nose guys I'm going to make Roy sneeze like he's never sneezed before and Tom if my sacrifice means you get to tell people about Ador that Roy has it was worth [Music] it you keep your fingers out of Roy's nose this is my fault I should be the one that gets left behind I hope you enjoyed yourselves and this weirdness today that was different uh but don't worry I promise everything will be completely doable starting now s God you time to booger sirf power Boer [Music] secret room opening secret room opening secret you know what this auction is over because surprise I'm cleaning the statue myself hey everyone I'm really sorry I went way too far trying to expose Roy I really messed up I'm just glad you're safe besides I guess Roy has something he's hiding after all I wonder what it is his embarrassing baby pictures or an embarrassing alien body it doesn't matter whatever Roy is hiding it's not worth risking my friends to find out what it is no secret is that [Music] important hey world I'm Becca Sparkles I'm Fierce and fresh and I want to shake things up it's Sparkle time cut this reality show audition tape is looking good maybe a little too much glitter Ginger no such thing do you really think you have a shot at getting on Chef Mansion I'd better I need a new place to live and a mansion would be a pretty sweet upgrade check it out this week on Chef Mansion the chefs have to drag a giant bag of flow up the grand staircase maybe one day I'll find a place that's right for me like you have this apartment and so Angela a thanks I'm happy with it he did it oh guys don't break Angela things save that for when we're home when we can break our own things oh it's okay that mirror was actually there when I moved in so I guess it wasn't really [Music] mine oh guys [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] he a you're always so loud ma'am are you a ghost what tipped you off Ace the floating or like moving through the wall listen ghost you don't need to haunt us oh I'm a ghost so I'm haunting you [Music] rude this is my apartment I've been here way longer than you so if anything you're haunting me wait why have I never seen you before uh du I was trapped behind that mirror you broke thanks for doing that I guess the chitchat this is not a drill let's school this ghoul we need taser packs ector traps and the breath of a newborn baby Ginger no but she lives here or un lives here I don't know either way I think that means she's my roommate what Angela no you can't live with a ghost Tom's right that entity breaks all the laws of known and unknown physics what plus she's very spooky don't be so judgy oh a ghost mate sounds like fun look ghost um we got off to a bad start but a bad start is just it's just the first step step of a good time I'm looking forward to being your roommate huh oh I think that was my fruit cup you didn't put your name on it oh no to my [Music] patunas when are you going to be done you're taking forever in here hey Angela how are things going with the ghost M oh uh super awesome so awesome it's not worth talking about so uh why don't you tell me how Becca's Chef Mansion audition is going well she's still pretty excited about the Mansion part but the chef part it's a problem I'm going to step outside no don't do that um you you don't want to let the smoke win what anel wait no no oh so uh yeah I know it looks like I'm living in your driveway but uh the truth is okay fine living with this ghost is awful I can't do it anymore Angela you've got to stand up for your home go tell all that goost to Packer bags sounds like we need to do things the ginger way I'm talking about ghost hunting baby you're right enough is enough let's toast this [Music] ghost total bore Fest yes now we're talking secure the perimeter go go go all right toast put your ectoplasm against the wall this roommate thing isn't working out you've got to go what I'm a great roommate I even did the dishes that's not how you do the dishes it's how I do now oh yeah oh rude that is so disrespectful yeah all right awesome we did it Ben what is it I don't know that was surprisingly easy I got you Ben I got you got me go stop it if you don't want to live with me you can buzz off you wouldn't be the first roommate I lost that went bad maybe Angela should just get on Chef mansion with me no Angela's not going anywhere all right we just need to think of a plan that doesn't come from Ginger wait where is Ginger Ginger Ginger Ginger Ginger Ginger guys I don't see you oh no the ghost has taken him to the other side that can't be Ginger just describe your surroundings it's weird here everything's all wrong there's a light no stay away from the light oh I can see the light too a door hey that's a portal to the Ghost World where the ghost first appeared you're right we have to go in be brave everyone oh w w isn't this place messed up what do you think this is a sacrifice dish or a demon eye wait this isn't the Ghost World this is just an extra bedroom it's my bedroom now get out hey I fell in here while you're doing haunting don't blame me hey stop don't touch my stop oh okay I get it it hey ghost what if I take this No don't touch my stuff stop that album was signed by all four of the cre give it back you'll get it back if you can be a good roommate to me and Angela what well I was thinking I need a place to live so what if I lived here why not hey if you can't just move in oh come on it'll be fun we could do a spa day and trade clothes and tell secrets spa day trade clothes tell secrets no no no you'd be terrible roommates I can't unlive like that my guess if you really can't live with us H you could move out I'd love to leave but I'm a mean ghost with like no friends there there's nowhere for me to go oh man I was terrified now I feel sad for the ghost this is an emotional roller coaster wait I may know a spot ghost how are your cooking skills uh this week on Chef Mansion it's a frittata Fiasco in the Foye I'm not here to make friends I'm here to make nightmares good job ghost good hustle ghost can you see that she was so creepy I have to admit that ghost is fun to watch sorry she took your spot on Chef Mansion though it's okay I really just wanted a new place to live and I found one um I can stay right I mean I know you have an empty room so now you kind of have to let me I'd love that welcome to the apartment roomie you're taking forever in here when are you going to be [Music] done Ronnie soon this trophy will be ours we're going to win this super Tome science fair go te J Rod class I have an announcement this year the super tusum science fair will be sponsored by a local super tusum Tom and Ben of Tom and Ben Enterprises and they're awarding the team with the best grade a trip to bug [Music] Camp a trophy and a funfilled summer swimming with bees we need this we got this now as for the TS Rachel your partnered with Sherry Drew F you're with Drew H and Ronnie you're with Derek what Aloha teammate Ronnie but miss vanthrax Ronnie's supposed to be my partner no Ginger you're with Tanya a but she's a girl [Music] hi my best friends who are the best can one of you sign this and and just write doctor next to your name sure it's never a bad day to practice handwriting hang on this says you broke your legs and can't go back to school until after the science fair I'm no doctor but those legs don't look broken fine detective the truth is I'm not hurt but I can't go to school until the fair is over oh I see what's happening here Ginger you don't have to drop out of the fair just because you know the judges we will treat you and every other contestant the same it's not that I have a world shattering problem my partner for the science fair is a girl G and what's wrong with someone being a girl I'm talking about a girl girl how am I even going to talk to her without barfing easy just treat her like an equal you may even have a lot in common that's ridiculous everybody tell Angela to stop being ridiculous okay I guess I'll just have to move to another planet before you skip the fair you should know that this summer bug campers will get to make friendship lanyards out of tie dye worms you really want to miss that you really want to miss that you really want to miss that you really want to miss that you really want to miss [Music] that let's get this terrible thing over with agreed but I refuse to make a doll my idea is to eat so many marshmallows we puke and then record our findings that's not science that's stupid I've been working on an idea for a solar powered toaster no one in our class is going to be able to beat that I guess that's that's an okay idea fine you're gluing that like a girl I'm about to glue your mouth shut give it to me needs a manly squeeze you touch my hand hand touch mine cies I'm sorry Ginger but I have to keep a safe distance from you I'm very Coy sensitive totally understandable I'm just happy to chill with the dude again least a solar powered toaster is a good idea for a project how's it going uh bad odd Tanya glued the sensor panel like a girl which is wrong and her girly fingers will probably mess up the conductor wires too are those important obviously Ronnie don't you know anything about solar toaster science here I'll show you how yes that's it explain it all to team darl hey everybody we are so excited for day one of the super tusum science fair teams will present their science projects all this week our first group today by special request is Darren and Ronnie thank you Miss vanthrax team Dron is very excited to present a solar power toaster and then you just glue the center panel to the top of the toaster we created it by gluing this sensor padle to the top of the toaster they copied our idea Ginger don't interrupt Darren and Ronnie's A+ presentation a plus is it a great indeed looks like we got ourselves some early Front Runners for bug Camp a greed that Appliance is going to toast the competition wonderful well who wants some solar toast you have to believe me ginger we know you don't like your partner that doesn't mean you can lie your way out of the fair it's not a lie and and that's the truth oh man how could you do this to me daral said we were helping you you told us you couldn't build a solar powered toaster with a girl no oh hi Tanya you blabbed about our project now I'll never get to bug camp and I love both bugs and C it's not my fault I only talked to Ronnie after you ruined everything I ruined everything yes thank you for admitting it because none of this would have happened if you weren't a girl because girls are gross get [Music] it oh you better watch out Ginger a gross girl is going to get you they're going to fall we got to do [Music] something use my gum to patch the Rope it's the only way just take [Music] it [Laughter] we're alive I didn't know gum could fix a rope Hey listen Tanya you're smart and I was a jerk and we should call it truce okay yeah truce huh Darren and Ronnie are the real jerks anyway I wish my gum could fix them maybe it can welcome to the final day of the science fair Ginger and Tanya do you have a project or should I Mark you both with a zero minus we do have a project Miss vanx what could it be getting married yes fellow classmates it's true I'm a boy and Tanya is a girl but we have one thing in common we both hate liars so we invented lie detector gum to show how it works we need a trustworthy volunteer like Darren yeah Darren should do it why detector gum no way that could even work now now Ronnie I'll test the gum after all I have nothing to hide no hey Darren did you steal the idea to make a solar powered toaster ridiculous the idea came to me in a dream as you can see if someone is lying the guns uses their mou shut for a 100 years does anyone one else want to volunteer okay I admit it we stole Ginger and Tanya's idea me and Darren didn't know what to make we just wanted to go a Bucky I am extremely disappointed also I'm slightly concerned about Darren is he going to be able to open his mouth again oh he'll be fine there's no such thing as lie detector gum it's just super sticky prank our real project is a solar powered toaster with a few improvements well since it was your idea I will allow it you both get an A+ which means you're the super tuum headed to bug camp [Music] Ginger why the long face you look like the saddest cowpoke in the west today is my school's family field trip to the dude ranch and my parents had to leave town for work so I can't go but hey the Dude Ranch isn't so great it's hot the tech leaves much to be desired and it smells like dust nice try Ben my dad and I were going to win the fatherson bean bag shootout I've been bragging to my friends about how I was going to crush them now the only Crush thing is my dreams too bad you don't know any other responsible adults who can take you we can be your parents for the day you really do that for me let me put it this way then let's mosy on out and hit the old dusty trail because family fun awaits [Music] [Music] us howdy Ronnie howdy Jer ready to get beaned huh all right beat my dad whatever Ronnie my fake dead Tom and I going kick your butt easy boys the shootout isn't until High Sundown there's a lot more Dude Ranch to do before then I want to ride the mechanical bull I wouldn't say no to a refreshing Sasa pill hang on everyone we should ask Ginger what he'd like to do after all this day is all about Roy where seldom is heard a discouraging word and the skies are not cloudy all day howdy Roy hey my favorite Neighbors what brings you around these parts well Ginger's parents couldn't take him on this trip so I kindly stepped up to make sure that he has the best day ever wa that's so nice and really similar to what I'm doing I asked the school if they needed a chaperon you know to come make sure the kids have fun in a way it's like I'm dad to all of them wow Roy that sounds super rewarding I don't do it for the rewards but I'll always take your compliments H you're not about to get all distracted by Roy again right you know that usually does not end well I you're right Roy today isn't about us I completely agree tommo I'm glad you don't think I'm volunteering here to cover up something evil that I'm doing obviously that would be silly wouldn't it now the key to tossing horseshoes is throwing it up but not out yes what oh okay my turn hey ocupado you're getting better no one got bashed in the knee that time [Music] [Music] [Applause] aha oh all right let's get [Music] lunch what are you up to now Roy Tom check this out I caught a real tumble weed oh what do you have there not something Roy dropped because I have not been following him okay all right I know I know I know I shouldn't get distracted by Roy but look at this an X it's a map of the ranch why would Roy have this we have to find out what's going on so let's just pop out really fast are you going somewhere hey there kiddo uh listen um something important came up and I have to run out for a little while but what about the bean bag shootout I'm going to be back in time I promise sorry [Music] it's so hot does that map say if there's an ice cream stand with a really comfortable couch in the area Tom you promised Ginger you'd be back in time for the ban bag battle wait there is somebody out there aha Tom you are turning out to be quite the pebble in my shoe who what am I up to huh Roy where are you catch me what did you see Tom a Jackalope it was Roy he's up to something come on follow [Music] me ginger check out the costumes they let you wear in the old timey photos I'm a cactus what's wrong my parents ditch me and now Tom ditch me too Tom will be back in time and if he isn't I'll be your partner uh oops sorry uh I just have to get out of this costume first oh oh well this is a bit of a pickle come on Tom where are you Roy where are you I know you don't want to hear this but maybe he didn't go into the dark and creepy mine that can't be true we're not losing him now we're so close run wait just get in huh you'll never catch me [Music] some that's it we've got her yes I don't understand where is Roy I may know Tom but you're not going to like hearing it see I think the desert was messing with your mind deserts are known to do that they can't be I know what I saw you know what you think you saw but could it have been a barrage there is somebody out there Ro where are where are you no although to be fair that shovel really does capture Roy's chin I ditched Ginger to chase a mirage all he wanted was family fun and I messed it up okay buckaroos rules are simple last unbe man standing wins on your marks get set if my sense of direction hasn't failed me those tracks head back to the ranch Hank get ready to turn shoot I'm never going to forgive you for this Tong hey there buddy where's Tom he not here he ditched me oh no sorry Ginger but a bean bag war is a bean bag [Music] War Tom you okay that thought you could use a little help partner now how about we finish this thing [Music] [Music] this trophy is taller than I am thanks for being my dad SLP partner no problem Ginger I'm just sorry that I almost let Roy and his dumb map get in the way of family fun uh Tom that's a little cow pokes activity Place Matt the kids here get them free with their [Laughter] lunch we're about to announce the winner of the friend for a day charity raffle here we go some lucky fan is about to win a whole day of hanging out with the greatest person in town you mean the mailman no Hank he's talking about Angela I wonder what my friend for a day and I will do [Laughter] together W it's time to pick a winner Angela do the honors thank you all for being here and my friend for the day will be 56 oh oh that's me coming through no I won you're all mine smiley Rhonda I had no idea you were a Fula uh so we can do anything you want how would you like to spend our day fun day of you working for me at the diner see you at 8:00 a.m. Shop Sugar [Music] oh [Music] come on Angela I'll be recording your day for the charity website so let's see a big friendly smile okay let's do that again uh maybe less like you want to bite someone I'm sorry I just wanted to help people by doing something fun but now I'm helping people by doing boring old hard work with r well maybe it won't be so bad if anyone can make hard work fun it's you remember when you turned cleaning the garage into a game it's always a good day except when we had a broomstick fight and Hank poked me in the [Music] eye you guys are right I can make this day fun I'm going to work my butt off and have a great time doing it Rhonda I'm here to work and boy am I excited about it hey oh a coworker uh-huh and she's a minute late and very [Music] excited [Music] [Music] h [Music] [Music] huh the trick to getting through the worst parts of the job is to sing a catchy work tune oh okay I know about Tunes oh good then you can join in like this scrub scrub good R to the grub grub um I don't know if that's catchy sure it is and it keeps going second verse toil toil wash nope no need for the second verse I'm done I hope today was everything you wanted it to be wait before you go there's one last thing you could do for me on our friend for a day day uh what now may I please have your autograph oh really sure I'm sorry I thought you wanted me to do more wait a minute this is an employment contract you don't want my autograph you want me working in the diner permanently well uh look over there stop it I already saw the paper but you're supposed to do whatever I want and I want you to sign that contract if you think I am signing this just because I try to help a charity look Angela the fulas are tuning in to see how the day going yeah you're the best Angela then you are right because you don't break raffle rules you signed the contract why I took a vow to do whatever my friend for a day wanted now what will it be hun H I'm trying to decide between the regular fries and the curly fries excuse regular fries are classic but cly fries are silly and fun just order I don't have all day just a glass of water please okay maybe she's a waffle fries girl I do not like what this place is doing to Angela hey coworker how's a new job treat yet not good I wanted to help people and now I'm stuck bringing Burgers flinging fries and slinging soup I'm never doing charity again look on the bright side you only have to work here one more day what are you saying Gumball ain't you H the diner's doomed someone stole ronda's entire spoon Supply and after she bought new ones she doesn't have enough money for the rent she's going to have to close the place down but the diner is our favorite hangout I mean I I don't like working here but I don't want it to close oh Rhonda tried everything to get the money that's why she signed up for your contest she was trying to get some extra help for free and that's why she's been such a mean boss uh maybe anyways her landlord is coming for that rent tomorrow night and if she doesn't have the money by then it'll be adio Steiner yeah they're turning it into a taco stand called edio Steiner what not if I can help it Jeremy forget that I said I was never doing charity again because I'm doing it again to save this Diner well old girl today's the day it's been fun but now you're closing what I thought charity was just for fun but now I know there's lots of work to be done oh my friends there's nothing finer then coming together to save this [Music] Diner hey if there hungry friends you can do your part yall like food so don't be rude just look into your heart and save the D what is going on in here Angela heard you needed money so she told told her fans to come over and people from the friend for a day site are sending donations it's a restaurant that we all love if it's our town it's true this place is Heaven Sent let all the and he's here wait Rhonda's landlord is the landlord yes I am the Lord of Many Lands Now give me my restaurant rent money or you are evicted not bad but this bucket feels $20 short landlord I'm sure someone In This Crowd has an extra $20 what do you say people who's got one more donation in them uhoh I think this crowd is totally C passed out wow so close yet so not close enough I can't keep the place open unless I can add the full ENT to my money collection hey landlord I've been singing songs for tips how about I sing you a $20 song you your sugary music gives me cavities you never sing about the good stuff hard work being tenacious struggle a song about that would be a $20 song but you don't have a song about that do you I uh no I guess I don't but I know someone who does Rhonda sing your dishwashing song what that's not a party song that's for working saving your Diner is working come on Rhonda I did what you said for a whole day now it's your turn Okay um here goes nothing uh this is uh Dy my non taught me about dishes scrub scrub to the grub grub work to clean the plate plate then soak it in the tub tub [Music] to ah what is this lovely tune it's a song about hard work just like you wanted sing it loud and proud Rhonda toil toil wash the dirt and soil soil no time for fun until you're done now R off all the you're theil rinse off all the oil my nana also taught me this she would make me sing it during my two-day long ch days such memories this song is worth $20 you are not evicted a Angela I can't believe you did all of this to help me is there anything I could do to repay you actually there is it would be my pleasure you're fire yeah oh I can't wait to get on this bus okay guys it should be here in 5 4 3 2 on all aboard the beach BX awesome wooo destination be okay people it's the last day of summer so we have to do this beach trip right I am not getting out of the water until I ride a wheel I'm excited about the jellyfish bloom at sundown and there is no way I am missing the end of summer Boardwalk bike race if anyone else wants to ride bus has a few extra beach by a that all sounds so fun but I'm looking forward to a romantic day with just me and Tom boo all you want but me and Angela have been planning a romantic Beach getaway all summer and all we need is a Beach Tow and an entire cooler filled with homemade ice pops this day is going to be Unforgettable hey you're giving up summer fun so you can make Gaga eyes at each other look you'll be begging to hang with us did the bus just break down oh no no do we have to walk the rest of the way I'm wearing flip-flops wow I don't think we're walking anywhere because we're stranded in the middle of the [Music] [Music] desert yeah sure this bus is bus T but another bus can come pick us up in 12 hours 12 hours well sorry little dude we must be like the waves and roll with him huh don't worry everyone I a genius will get us moving with plenty of time to see those jellyfish wow this might take a while oh man the only thing we can do now is eat the Popsicles Tom made and think about what might have been h ah ah guys I see sand and Sun all right the desert isn't all that different from the beach yeah it's like a beach where the ocean is really really far away exactly so I say we all have Beach fun here Angela I believe we still have a date good for you but how am I going to snorkel to a whale oh Ginger you don't need a whale to have a good time hey Tom if you squint the heat waves on the horizon kind of look like an ocean this was surprisingly [Music] nice what are you doing we thought about what you said Tom and you're right we can have Beach day fun even without a beach that's great but we're on a date and it turned into a hangout which is better than a date let's break out those ice pops baby no these are for me and Angela but we need refreshment what if we die in this heat well there is bottled water at the bus stop being so dramatic you win for now but I won't rest until these ice pops are mine something tells me this isn't over this isn't over how did this get [Music] [Applause] here huh people of the bus we were meant to be having beachy fun on this last day before the fall but then came the great breakdown now we all sit B and hot all except the daters the war frozen treats W be suffer I ask you is that right those ders won't give us the ice poxs then I say we take the ice [Music] H so I'm not saying I want to be a rapper but I'm pretty sure I could do rapping hello huh you're so distracted uh sorry I just don't want anyone stealing our ice pops yeah I figured that out but this date is about us not the dessert right come Gaters give us the ice PPS and this doesn't have to get nasty oh I'm fine with nasty Bring It [Music] On no everyone stop me and Tom just want to spend a day together at the beach or a beach-like environment if the ice pops are so important to you take them Angela [Music] no Victory Is Ours to the back no what did you do our date was being ruined by kind of healthy dessert ice pops aren't that important no they're not just ice pops what I wanted to get you a special end of the summer present and I saw these beautiful earrings at the mall that reminded me of you but I wanted to give them to you in a cool way so I froze them in the ice pops and I had planned to surprise you with them on a beach day B A that's so sweet wait ginger has my earrings now yes I didn't tell you because I wanted you to be surprised obviously that was not smart of me well what are you waiting for let's get him back wait I've got to admit for a while I was worried we were acting crazy but now I see you've got results yeah good job Ginger you really motivated us to be our best sell wo I got it let right get [Music] there yes yes I did it as if there was ever any doubt huh where did everybody [Music] go I didn't fix this bus for nothing get ready everyone I'm coming for you yeah W wo W woo go away time I am not telling you sure thing see you let go the ice pops are special all I pops are special dinner out of the way this is harder to drive than I thought no my do we can still eat them sand makes ice pops taste better are these the beautiful earrings that remind you of me yeah because you love pizza and now you get to have pizza on your ears every day they're great very cheesy I'm okay F I'm okay but I don't think that bus is going to drive us to the beach today how are we going to get home H hey look at that it's the first Falling Leaf of autumn bring it on after summer fun like this I'm looking forward to school what's the point of an apartment warming party is Angela and Becca's apartment even cold it's the first big thing they're doing to together as roommate a way of setting their living situation off to a good start and it's a chance to dance I've been practicing my moves for This Dance Party All [Music] Week well either way I'm sure the girls have planned a night of fun and friendship what was even the point of me buying these special dance shoes if we're not even having a dance party I guess there wasn't one dance parties are terrible stupid and a weird Vampire Party tell you how ridiculous you sound but I didn't because I never speak to you again whoa this apartment warming just got really [Music] heated [Music] hey what happened last night I thought you and Becca were getting along we were until we tried to plan that dumb party she covered up my disco ball with ugly creep curtains she wouldn't stop messing with my party playlist and she even tried to get rid of my favorite lamb [Music] we're roommates and that means we're supposed to be best friends but how can people be friends if they can't agree on anything maybe we're just too different it sounds like you're suffering from roommate syndrome it's a relatively common psychological ailment where the stress of living together makes friends [Music] F yeah we definitely have that syndrome now me and Becca will never talk again that's not true this actually happens to me and Hank a lot but we have a system so that when we get on each other's nerves we can find the fun Tom take out the trash I have nowhere to put my two Dum no you take out the trash I did it last month and I have important things to do and watching TV isn't important it's a midseason finale yeah ooh friendship activity wait that really works mhm every time Hank we're having a private conversation here o fine you Ben and Angela just chatt it up in the common room and I'll go hide in the dirt oh friendship activity ice cream yeah huh I think I get it [Music] now hello Becca Angela what do you want I want to show you something something that's going to solve all our problems oh we have roommate syndrome so I planned a whole day of friendship just for us us uh okay why do I have to dress like a doll for this because dressing up is the first friendship saving fun TIY this Tiara is pinching my head oh well think of it as a pinch of friendship from your world's best [Music] roommate yay [Music] wait your pinky isn't up okay that's enough This was um interesting but when do we do one of my things wait what your things today is about our friendship all we've done so far is things you want to do oh oh no Becca you're right I'm sorry I made bonding all about me um you can pick the next thing I'll do anything you want a shopping spree how about scrapbooking o I'll about a movie musical Marathon actually there's a blindfolded parachute event we can sign up for a tandem jump this is going to be great I'll email you the waivers to sign and we can head right over waivers in case the jump goes wrong and we horrifically die the [Music] usual you know it's not too late if you want to do something else there's a tap dancing class this looks crazy race you to the practice [Music] fan [Music] come on hurry up I'll be there in a minute Angela how's your friendship day with Becca going um it's sure going Tom and we are doing all the things I just found something I know you'll love the spa is having a day of total relaxation you and Becca could go right now the day of total relaxation sounds [Music] amazing but it's Becca's turn to pick the activity and it turns out the spa isn't really her [Music] style well just keep doing whatever you're doing you can't friendship on if you're not with your [Applause] friend wait a minute maybe I can't Tom maybe I can I'm so glad you agreed to do this Angela this is an extreme gesture of friendship it sure is Becca and I am definitely right there with you oh hey have we jumped yet what no obviously oh up right OBS I mean I'm just so excited I feel like I'm already falling out of the sky and then floating and then Landing because that's how parachuting which I am about to do works you ready for this best friend y then let's get Angela no no no no I'm so sorry how could I have let this happen to you oh there's your leg your little leg I should never have agreed to this day maybe we'd never hang out but at least we'd both have our heads a angel please forgive me uh sure what I forgive you what did you do wait you're not even here h no I'm so here wo J why did you even agree to do this if you were just going to ditch me oh Becca wait by the time you get home I'll be moved out our friendship and roommate ship is over oh [Music] no does this mean you'll be sticking around because we have some cheese covered strawberries that you just have to try they're very different tastes but they work together they're different but they work together I've got to go I have a roommate relationship to save bye um Angela if you you're here I'm back to not talking to you but I will let the apartment know that I'm leaving forever good Bo Welcome to our disco vampire Den Angela what is all of this this is us look I don't like some of your stuff and you don't like some of my stuff but we both like being friends we're like strawberries and [Music] cheese two very different tastes that go well together okay but you still shouldn't have ditched me earlier I know and I'm so sorry please don't move out Becca I could never move out of a place with such killer decorations and since the place looks so great maybe we can have a party to show it up an apartment warming party 2 [Music] over we did it hey oh money oh my oh [Music] my today is prank day my favorite time of year oh it's prank day so everybody cheer our the prank day so prank your mom come on prank day I hope you will never [Music] end young and old and tall and short franking is our favorite sport it might make some people mad is never [Music] bad other holidays they can be fun but prank is the best I messed up a song Great Prank [Music] we are prank and everybody knows [Music] prank we all happy birthday happy [Music] birthday Hot gotcha [Music] okay the entrances are all blocked I don't think Ginger can get in here but maybe that's what he wants you to think we won't be safe until prank day is over and that won't be until tomorrow hello you who's ready for a great what's with a pillow fort Ben did you forget it's prank day we have to defend ourselves from Ginger's practical jokes oh no that can't me today I need to finish my freeze Blaster whoops a little too much Blaster not enough freeze cool invention Ben oh BLS the back door oops my bad no wow you seem really stressed is it because it's prank day don't worry I'm all pranked out really y there's a new season of my favorite scary show Aliens Versus Aliens versus even more aliens so I had to get my pranking in early I did a whole big thing outside ping well this is a relief we were all worried for nothing prank day turns out to be just a regular day yep anybody want a jelly bean thanks these are good Ginger what flavor are they mine was Apple yours are triple hot [Music] pepper it's even better than I hoped it would be no no that's czy oh no I don't know what's real and what's not real are these actually fries you think a fear of fries is a bad thing I'm afraid of the bathroom and it's becoming a problem we'll just stay here until prank day is over all right if if we're not in the garage then his garage traps can't get us no no no no you all rocking prank day I never knew you were so festive what are you talking about we hate this holiday really because your videos are number one trending on Fast [Music] [Applause] Tock no place is safe the pranks are in the internet we have to do something about this well it's prank day why don't you just you know prank him back that's not a bad idea but he's unfol the only time he lets his guard down is when he's watching that show what's it called Aliens Versus Aliens versus something that's it we're going to turn the ultimate pranker into the pranker who learns never to prank people [Music] [Applause] again was that a UFO alien lawn riding this is the greatest day of my wait a minute nice try amateurs but you can't prank the ultimate pranker seriously guys come out breaking news aliens have invaded this is Guy newsman with the news now go to a live report from the scene of The Invasion oh the whole Army Was Defeated because we couldn't tell who the aliens were they can look like anyone friends family even your mail man [Applause] what huh guys aliens invaded the world and I thought it was a prank they prank but it's for real this is Ser Ser is we know Ginger they got Angela it was the aliens that did it her last words were no [Music] no this can't be happening this is definitely happening I mean you heard guy News man girl we already too late what do we do I don't want to be vaporized by an alien don't worry Ginger we'll never let that happen to you you can use the storage unit is a bunker to hide [Music] in oh we got him now we just we just got to wait a few hours and and prank day will be over no more pranks for another year or maybe ever now that the bathroom is finally safe I got some things to take care of see you in 10 hey somebody throw me a magazine and I can finally get back to working on my freeze Blaster huh okay who took my freeze Blaster you probably left it in your other pants check to see if any of them are Frozen not funny the freeze Blaster could be very dangerous in the wrong hands can we all please look for it huh oh man uh it's not in the couch cushions it's not under the mail pile well then where is oh no back away everyone I'm going to turn these alien slime balls into one big outer space slightly Ginger wait I watch a lot of alien shows so if anyone can save the world I can you're making a big mistake no I'm not don't follow me I'm coming to get you Alias no Ginger look oh Tom what were we thinking they're frozen Ginger must have thought they were undercover aliens all right aliens you think you're cool I'll show you cool Ginger stop don't try to talk me out of this I'm serious there are no aliens I mean look Angela she's still alive it's true I am not a pile of dust that Angela is obviously an alien wearing her body as a disguise have you lost your mind give me back myou I'm starting to wonder if you all are working with the aliens you locked me in a closet so I wouldn't be able to go out and fight them now you're here telling me to go home with an obviously fake Angela maybe I should free you just to be safe Ginger don't freeze us okay this was all just a prank yeah we wanted to teach you a lesson so you would stop pranking us and please if you just put down the Blaster we promise to never try to prank you again and and we'll let you prank us even when it's not prank day you can prank us once a month no twice twice a month and we won't even complain well there's only one thing that I can say to that gotcha whatuh what I thought you'd probably try to prank me this year so I had my girl on the inside give you a push in the right direction Becca you didn't what that's what this day is all about so so the whole town was in on this you can't out prank the ultimate pranker nice try though the best to Cate to [Music] Cate okay right here yeah hey guys we brought you goodies for your stay-at-home camping trip woohoo we're going to be up all night camping our Gut Camp Han and ginger the best Camp around please keep it down I'm trying to work wow Ben you look terrible no offense I haven't slept in weeks I'm competing in the techie contest for best inventor but I don't have an invention yet and I can't think of one because my brain is fried well if your brain is fried you should unfry it with a nap I'm too stressed I couldn't take a nap even if I wanted to well when I was a little girl I would always fall asleep to an old lullabi my grandma with sing I could try singing it to you Angela I'm not a baby a alabi isn't going to work on me oh it works on everyone I'll just show you sleepy ey sleepy Town [Music] everybody lay down seriously I can assure you this will never wow [Music] oh rats we passed out we didn't make it all night hey it's not my fault if your scary storytelling voice is calm and soothing good morning it's a beautiful day and I feel great Angela lullabi really did the trick I told you the song would work now maybe your not tired brain will come up with an invention for the techies oh it already has my invention will be your lullaby [Music] huh uh what is this my lullabi is an old song not not a science thing but what if it was a science thing could cure insomnia in fact I shall call it the insomni app oh I don't know did I mention the app would feature you singing and would be seen in potentially millions of home let's do [Music] this I think we got it finally 100 takes is a lot it had to be perfect we're making groundbreaking sleep knowy here well if we help one person have sweet dreams it'll all be worth you need a break I'm taking you to the movies nothing sooes a silky voice like buttery popcorn y have fun I'll finish coding this right after I try on my tuxedo for the techie Awards the insomnia app is a guaranteed win Ginger what are we doing in here it's the Great Outdoors not the great in the garage doors last night was a disgrace that can't happen again but I have a plan we'll use Ben's new lullabi machine to put us into a power nap now then when we wake up we'll be rested and ready for an all night Camp extravagance I like it do you think the machine's ready yet of course it [Music] is hello sleepy heads W security Protocols are not finished shall I lullaby anyway yes at maximum power very well maximum power if we don't sleep now our all nighter is Doom sleepy eyes sleepy town every lay eyes Brea deep World sleep sleep you think it's a supposed to do that oh World sleep I'd like to thank my biggest inspiration my mentor my guide and truest friend my own brain how did this happen she's not ready for a real user experience especially not at maximum power oh World sleep everybody just lay [Applause] [Music] down why didn't the superheroes all attack the bad guy at the same time because then it would have been a really short movie and we wouldn't have gotten so much popcorn huh weird the donuts after dark cart is empty it's never empty after dark that's their whole thing where did everyone oh hello hell anyone what what is going on Brea in deep till the whole world it's the insomnia we have to wake everybody up Sir five more minutes hey wake up wake up hello hey sir good morning your lullab is too relaxing how do we stop it I don't know unless yes when I was little and didn't want to go to sleep I would make up a song to keep me awake W up had let all Me Wok and sad staying out this much for fun even without the morning sun good morning it's working oh [Music] no sleepy town everybody justay down I didn't know she could do that what do we do Tom Tom I just need to close my eyes for a second no no no no no no no no fight it how are you so awake uh maybe it's hard to sing myself to sleep oh you have to go where it all began Where it All Began do you mean Ben's computer in the garage no it's Dinosaur Land back to [Music] bed oh World sleep Ben listen to me Ben what's going on what time is it your insomnia app is sending the whole town to sleep I'll fix it after breakfast no Ben you have to fix it now ah fine huray down St midnight snacks and late [Music] cartoons so to [Music] miss hey so much to miss when you snooze staying up is what I choose if I didn't have to blink I'd never close my [Music] eyes I didn't close my eyes I'm finishing the code all I have to do is press enter and b b no wake up okay hologram it's just you and me now sleep sleep close your eyes [Music] I don't believe this we slept her the whole night again I guess this is what we get for trying to cheat our way to a perfect camping trip hey sorry your invention for the techie conference went bad buddy oh that's okay I already got a bunch of other ideas it's easy to be creative when your brain isn't fried that's the spirit and at least thanks to your hologram the whole town got the nap of a lifetime [Music] [Music] huh who Could That Be [Music] [Applause] happy Halloween Ginger you scared us what's with the creepy knock in the costume this is my uniform for the spirit of Halloween decorating contest I'm the official kid judge a role I take very seriously come on guys nothing is jumping out of here you better step it up if you want to turn this place into a haunted house of horror oh uh we're not doing that this year what don't you want the first prize orange ribbon well don't take this the wrong way but I've always thought that contest was kind of lame H well you've made your opinion on this clear I guess I'll go check Roy's decorations who wait Roy is in the [Music] contest wow yeah cool hello neighbors I hope your decorating this year remember even if you can't do a great job you're still doing your part to make the neighborhood spooky bats and Graves together oh he's taking a risk and it's paying off yeah Roy's probably going to win he's the best at everything not so fast we're doing this [Music] welcome to the garage of ghouls you know we were wrong about the contest this was fun maybe it is how cool people Halloween indeed looks like a healthy rivalry between neighbors has pushed us to be our best I agree nice work guys sorry to startle you I whipped up a batch of haunted cookies in the spirit of friendly competition what do you want Roy to concede that the orange ribbon is ours Tommy you're so funny no I wanted your opinion on this little thing I set up wow and incredible oh man the judges are going to love that oh I sure hope so The Cauldron is full of actual Witches Brew I'll give you the recipe after I win if you win come on everyone we're taking this to the next [Music] level [Music] Tom huh [Music] Roy is still beating us oh we can't be out of decorations I found Valentine's Hearts if we hung these up people might think they miss Valentine's Day and then they'd be like oh no my loved ones will be so disappointed that's a little scary right I don't know Angela that love stuff is the enemy of [Music] fear decorating progress check let's see what you got is ginger in charge yeah he's very passionate about this nice use of lawn scares pumpkins are spooky no spiders in the webs though there's a deduction on a scale of 1 to 10 gingers you're at five gingers so far five gingers is good most houses couldn't get three but you'll need to go bigger if you want to beat Roy he's sitting comfortably at seven gingers we'll be back tonight for the final score oh I know what you're going to say that it was dumb to try and beat Roy not at all I was going to suggest a change in strategy behold my newest invention the realizer W it can make inanimate objects move [Music] observe wa it's brilliant I've never seen decorations do that if we use that our place is going to be way scarier than Roy's and Halloween Glory will be ours hey tommo you had something to tell me gosh I really hope you're not not quitting competitions like this make both of us better oh I'm not quitting I'm giving you a chance to bow out gracefully bow out why would I do that [Music] huh okay that's a pretty good trick oh it's not a trick it's science Ben brought our decorations to life which means that we're the only house of horrors to feature actual Horrors happy Halloween thank you for visiting the soon to be officially scariest place in town so what do you say do we win or do you have a bunch of monster pumpkins living at your place no I don't I bet you even have a plan for what to do with these one Halloween is over that's easy we'll make them clean up the yard then put themselves in storage for next year and those poor pumpkins will just sit in storage all year a well maybe not all of them we might take a few and roast their seeds for a tasty snack or we can make a pumpkin pie ooh there is nothing more satisfying the bite into a big old slice of pumpkin pie uh Ben the pumpkins can't understand us right they're just pumpkins right well the realizer theoretically would increase the intelligence of whatever it was used on okay looks like you all have a handle on this I should head home to work on my not alive [Music] decorations the pumpkins have gone rotten Everybody Run a the monsters have turned on their creator just like in the horror classic The Ungrateful monster we need to barricade the door I've got this well it's nice to see the two of you on the same side for once we're not on the same side Roy got jealous and made the pumpkins mad at us on purpose how could I do that Tom I don't know how pumpkins think oh yes you do hold on we can't start fighting each other we're already fighting for our lives I've seen a lot of spooky movies okay I know that if we just [Music] St quick into the storage unit where do we Retreat to once they break in here Ben Tell tell me there's a go back to normal button on the realizer no an unrealized would be a completely different invention this is it we're about to get carved by a bunch of pumpkins we'll have to find something in here to defend ourselves with what's in these boxes Valentine stuff this won't help wait maybe it will what's the opposite of fear love Ben give me that [Music] realizer in the Name of Love let's [Music] [Music] go eat living love you overgrown G why [Music] yeah we did it we stop the monster Invasion that we started okay hey let's see which house earn the coveted orange what have you done wait did I miss Valentine's Day oh no my loved ones will be so disappointed it look uh we had a little problem with the decorations well now you've got a bigger problem because you're getting last place of all houses ever a [Applause] gosh I won I'd like to thank my neighbors for really pushing me to be the spookiest neighbor there is well Roy you deserve to be loved [Music] huh H we're mere minutes away from the MC's dance aooa party concert oo I love concerts I'm not in this is going to be fun but remember we're here for a reason Tom and Ben Enterprises is releasing a dance yourself healthy app so we're throwing a huge party to get the word out as soon as this concert is over we'll ask the MC for help oh yeah I'm sure he'll be up for it he is the most up for it upbeat guy have ever met [Applause] [Music] [Applause] W wiggity welcome y'all make some noise or don't it doesn't matter sness sadly surrounds me oh no something is wrong with the mced by [Music] [Music] [Music] sadness hey MC uh we were going to ask if you could help us throw a party but is it a bad time sorry palerino I'm not feeling very party tastic right now see my parents are coming to town but parents are nice maybe they'll take you to brunch you don't understand my parents are old school business folk which is why they don't know I'm an MC what being an MC is literally who you are I never told them they think I have a business job but I don't I don't even know what that is um well that's no problem we have a business what if we made it look like you're in charge of it huh wait w that's a bad idea Tom parents are tough to trick like my mom she always knew when I spilled soup even if I made up a great story that a witch did it no this will work we'll trick the MC's parents and then the MC won't be too sad to do our party that sounds radical roon I mean good let's do it to seem normal you need to dress normal let's try on a few looks I agree nope um no no [Music] way yes that is it mhm it's perfect next let's work on your walk Baken up businessmen don't Boogie W oh yeah wow talking seriously is essential to being taken seriously now repeat after me hello Mother hello father Moms and Pops in the place to be it's me your baby boy AKA MC not even close you can do this hello Mother hello father hello Mother yo what's up Pops hello Mother hello father woo yeah I've done it by golly I've done it for True everyone meet our company's temporary fake boss the MC oh I always knew you could fake do it do you want a coffee sir one more latte please absolutely sir make it a double [Music] okay Tom I know you're trying to help but this is just going to make things harder for the MC later yeah but that's later Angela and this is now so we're good look boring everyone they're [Applause] [Music] here hello Mother hello father Maurice I'm surprised to see you in a suit what is that thing on your head well that's our boss's business visor he wears it so he can always look at uh business news uh yeah uh look at those numbers go up very professional Martha we should get business [Music] visor uh so this is where the party's at and by party I mean very hard work H I like it I wasn't sure what to expect from you but I had no idea you were so well adjusted you know seeing all this gives me an idea we're in town to host a sales contest hungry young companies all trying to sell the most kitchen appliances and by golly I think your company should compete no yes it would make us very proud proud proud proud absolutely we're in what boss don't you think we're too busy for that there's no such thing as too busy unless you don't want that party oh can't just roll them away and say that they fell in a hole no we need to actually sell them on the briide we've sold so much weirder things than blenders this actually might not be too hard oh okay workers I got something that will really help our sales uh what are these branding which is a word I just read in a book it means people will like us more if we look like a team yeah this is great uh MC but um maybe leave the actual work stuff to us a no can do underling as long as we're in this contest I'm officially your boss [Music] [Music] no let me get get the straight you're going to pay me to buy your blenders it's a long story look will you take a check for all my savings all right 500 blenders so quiet please it is now time to announce the winners of our sales contest and the winner of the contest is it'll be okay I found a way to win this soon everything will be back to normal our son Maurice his company sold over 500 blenders and now for your prize you are now the official seller of These Fine blenders forever maybe even longer I hope your company is ready son because you'll be selling these for years and years and years okay enough that man is not my boss admit it you are not a businessman that's obviously a lie take it back or I will fire you what are you doing this is not how a winning businessman axe I have to control my employees huh beg get about it oh no got your back eat potatoes and F wo wo wo bam bam oh yeah no potato can stop these sweet mov oh yeah stop this at once oh I can explain you see I just um it's all a lie I'm not a normal well adjusted working man I'm a slam Dan at MC I'm [Music] sorry [Music] a well we got our party but it's not exactly the moving and grooving pile of positivity we hope for plus I don't think we're going to sell too many copies of dance yourself healthy at a disaster like this I feel awful I tried to help and I wound up ruining the MC's [Music] life some people need to talk to you uh hello Mother hello father uh you don't have to see this I know I'm a disappointment it was a shock to learn you weren't a businessman then this young lady showed us what you really do and it's quite Charming oh yeah you mean you're not ashamed that I'd rather shake my money maker than be a money maker of course not son in fact I wouldn't mind trying out some funky moves of my own H now let me break off a piece of that freshness I guess telling the truth really is the best idea even if it's hard Tom why did we just get a receipt from Rhonda for 500 blenders [Applause] Tom let's stop a crime now huh wo I've never been a fan of The Bongo and migil Cy show but their new mobile game rules um get it rules because it's a game about La enforcement stop ruining it Ben this is the best app I ever played this week my per confessed I just leveled up to Bicycle cop wo huh yeah oh I love how you can make your own character I'm playing as Jackie a non-nonsense lady of the law who hates crime and nonsense oh don't mess with Jackie wait I just realized something if we're loving this game imagine how Hank the world's biggest Bongo and gilti fan feels this must be the best day of his life yeah must be this is the worst day of my life have you seen this new game it's an insult a joke a slap in the face to our cartoon Boys in blue really we all love it it's fun it's not fun it's wrong the shape of the police station is wrong the rookie ranking system is wrong and Mill's accent it's ridiculous and also wrong let's stop a crime now huh I guess we didn't notice all that we just thought anything with Bongo and McGill Cy in it has got to be good right wrong wrong wrong wrong [Music] [Music] wrong look five stars this game rocks what do they know again five stars why can't they see how much better the show is we did it McGill cudy we made a cake to surprise the chief on the anniversary of his first collar ain't that the truth sometimes if you want something done right you just have to do it yourself oh bngo you are so right I have to do it myself and I think I know just what it myself is going to [Music] do attention everyone do not play The Bongo and mcgilla cuy mobile gam why not I love the you're playing a bad game but don't worry I have a better one the only game that stays true to everyone's favorite TV cops Bongo and Mill's tabletop Adventure [Music] gang [Music] you see how fun this is land it on and give me your badge space that means I can stop playing by the rules Bo this one's lame the bone game is great no the game's all wrong that's the whole point you don't even care it's just a game just a no it's not Bongo and and Milla Cy are my friends Bango and mcgilla Cy are real stop laughing I'm serious Bongo is real millati is real my friendship with them is real real [Music] [Music] real I love this game yes I just arrested a Smuggler and then bought his speedboat at a police auction I've got to catch up to you I forgot to get a warrant and lost 10 badges attention it is I the Super Fan get it Super Fan multiple meetings a tank my message is simple say goodbye to your precious Bongo and millati mobile game because at 6:00 tonight it's game over [Music] har what is Hank thinking I know why wouldn't he edit out that last part we have to stop him but how we don't know where he is or where he's going and we don't have any way to find him that's easy we just have to huh I don't know you usually Hank is the one who deals with the crime stuff in the game if a case is too tough you can ask Bongo and mcguy for advice I mean if Bongo and millati were here they'd know what to do too bad they're not they never will be huh hello citizens we are a couple of undercover cops and as we patrolled this Precinct we couldn't help but perceive your predicament have we met you look familiar no no we're out of town cops I'm Morgan and this is Brad so what do you say we offer you as a bit of police assistance and get hunting for your friend that's exactly what we needed come on everyone let's investigate backdrop camera script now to your civilian untrained eye this probably looks like nothing but to me it's a clue Hank must have recorded his video right here if that's true then someone nearby might have seen something how may I help you officer we're looking for your neighbor Hank oh Hank yes of course I saw him he was flying into town laughing to himself and talking about needing a lot of electronics wait a minute Electronics they sell those at the electronic store yep Hank was here all right and he bought a suspicious supply of electronics but why is Ronnie's name on that receipt he must have used Ronnie's discount card what that means Ronnie probably knows where he's headed I'm getting the hang of this oh yeah now huh run get out of here let's go please I can't go back to jail I've never been to jail Ronnie my mom drove past the jail once and it was horrible well if you want to stay out of trouble you better start talking are you working with Han he he told me he'd used my card so I can get the points from purchas if I showed him how to hook a magnet to a server What Hank is going to delete the game I'm going to delete his face I just wanted points I've been saving up to get my own toaster for a years quick to the server [Music] District up Hank this is where the game sta is stored h H wait wait wait there he is ha you're too late when this countdown ends my mega magnet will erase all these servers nice plan Super Fan but you forgot about one thing Justice what why are you doing this I have to do this the only way to stop people from liking the game is to stop the game from existing Hank why can't people like a thing even if you don't like it because I know more about my favorite show than any of those other people the world will soon be a better place all thanks to me the Super Fan it all sound like a fan right now you sound like a villain wrong Ginger wrong I'm the hero in this story and if they were here Bongo and McGill would agree that's not true and I should know Hank because I'm Bongo and he's millotti Bongo and mcil Bongo and mcil are real oh we're real all right real disappointed in our friend Hank disa what I was just trying to protect you this game gets it all wrong move it's always time for pizza Hank that game might have changed a few details about us yeah a few zillion you know what it didn't change our love of fighting crime and writing wrongs can't just see that I I thought I was helping oh I can't believe I turned evil but you're not evil you're Hank and you can still fix this you're right server deletion order cancelled uhoh without that remote there's no way to stop the countdown the servers are going to be the destroyed this whole Adventure was for nothing not if I can help [Music] it oh I stopped the crime now huh well I never thought I'd say this but it's been nice meeting you real Bongo and real Milla Cy before you return to your home or your reality alternate as it may be I have a few quick questions regarding the scientific implications of your existence alongside ours given a construct of a material Universe always being a nerd but time for us to go hey anyone seen Hank heyk you're a cartoon friends are leaving huh oh hang on I want to earn bigger tires for my police plane okay I guess he's got more important things to do right now well [Music] huh welcome to motivation now ready to hear some speeches you look at all those Future Leaders hungry for success and I'm here to teach them how to take a bite of that success don't forget to mention our company at least twice per sentence Oh don't worry I talk all about our inspiring Tech journey in my even more inspiring speech now from Tom and B Enterprises give it up for time thank you today I'll be talking about something I call the keys to success Secrets Revealed let us potatoes cucumber broccol baby potatoes I really nailed it with this speech Angela nice oh can you get some groceries for me uh celery turnips [Music] well uh see uh cabbage zucchini soy milk thank you goodbye [Applause] forever that's it that's it yes brilliant I love it we love it we [Applause] [Music] love [Music] [Applause] what happened up there you just kept listing food but they liked it I mean maybe the way I listed the food sounded important love you Tom will you sign my potato can't wait to hear more hey [Music] so how'd your speech go hey you're the guy with a hot new food philosophy tell us should we sell our car to fund our dream of opening a piano store well all I can say is strawberry smoothie Garden salad of course thank you it resat you're welcome really everyone stand back the master needs space to list his groceries ice pops chips pretzel sticks and there you have it now it's up to you to discover what it means it pretzel sticks it's so true thank you hello my children are you here to buy my new book it's called Russel sprouts celery turnips when did you have time to write a oh I see it's just lists of food yeah Tomy works by me listing food and then you find meaning in the list I mean the tomies oh they love it what's a Tommy tommies are followers of the wisdom of Tom of course we abide by the principle of banana cupcake rhubard more like baloney baloney baloney yeah this is getting out of hand you're reading grocery LP yeah and it's helping people give that back creep Tom your brainwashed food freaks are out of control what well there must be some mistake the tomies are a peaceful Bunch it is for the greater good what are you talking about bad news my bad news app says this is happening all over town they took it all all I have left are the crumbs in this pie TI no pretzels today those salty tomies ruin me okay this has gone too far now it's time to end the inspiration brilliant absolutely brilliant hello people I inspired okay so it seems like some of you have taken my wisdom in a pretty intense way yes we did you too Hank look here's the thing my wisdom is not real wisdom it they they really are MH just lists of food I know right it's a bummer anywh who uh please go home and also bring back those groceries you stole cuz they're not yours okay thanks but but but your speech changed our lives I I I know but I'm going to say it again it was just a grocery list it doesn't mean anything our leader has lost his way he needs the healing power of food items go no we got to do something those food freaks are going bananas well well well it looks like we have a couple of split peas here hey help us no oh come on guys as the leader of the tomies who no longer wants to be the leader of the tomies I demand you to free me crackers pickle peanut butter look I don't know what that means but I do so I will speak for you after you are locked away forever uh-oh [Music] yes we have to get out of here before those those nuts hurt Tom what are we going to do um how's it going hey get lost you're a bad guy now I didn't think it was going to get this bad I just thought Tom's speech was inspiring you know with the onion and the carrot Hank he was reading my grocery list yeah but it was the way he said it or well maybe I was just hungry forget the big speech okay Hank we need to get out of here can you help us I sure can try H he what are you doing yeah all right Hank you can stop now huh let's save [Music] Tom wait no stop [Applause] I'm so glad to see you I thought I'd be left to rot in here we're not out of this Jam yet those rotten eggs are trying to rescue their town stop them come on run [Applause] faster no we have to climb that wall go go go go go up up up up up stop him [Applause] oh no I'm sorry I should have never given that fake speech yeah but if it helps I found the real speech back in the garage I don't know if you want it though you might be done inspiring people maybe I'm not [Music] [Applause] done hey leave them alone now you've been inspired by a speech I gave but what if I told you that I had a better speech the keys to success Secrets Revealed fine let's hear this wisdom quickly we have people to attack the keys to success by Tom of Tom and Ben Enterprises got you bub uh there are a few keys to success the first key can unlock any opportunity so the fifth key is the key of never giving up if you give up you'll never achieve your Dre circled here key number nine are the captain of your own ship wherever that ship may say thank you that's it this is making me question everything we're doing that was a I could have read a greeting wait we don't need Tom why did we follow this guy I will be your new leader come on everyone let's go home uh pesto sausage orange juice wow guess they didn't like my speech you guys like my speech right um oh come on that speech could start a whole new movement I mean you heard the last key about the ship right I mean you got the key to the ship because you're the captain look it doesn't have to be a ship with a sail it could be a rocket ship if you want W yay wow Merry Christmas Eve Jeremy right back at you have a soupy cane oh uh I'll stick with Gingerbread besides we're in a hurry to tell Santa what we want for Christmas come on people I'm sure you'll get what you want you deserve it more than anyone I see Santa thr get ready to hear some ho ho oh [Music] no he's already gone off to get ready for his big night come back Santa we have presents to discuss oh oh is this Santa's phone it must have fallen out of his pocket when he was sitting chinger put that phone down Santa might have Secret gift information on it it would be wrong of us to look yeah totally but maybe one quick peek wouldn't hurt yeah if anything it might help right uh I don't know come on just do it come on let's open it fast o it's the naughty and nice list with real time updates on everyone's gifts nice tech there Santa let's find us on this thing then we can be sure we're all getting nothing we're on the naughty [Music] list [Music] how can I be on the naughty list everyone I know says I'm nice don't you think I'm I don't like this we shouldn't have this information we can't Panic Santa's phone is probably just broken right Ben I don't know let me see if I can access the merry Mainframe oh dear it seems Santa has video evidence of all our bad behavior but we don't do bad behavior I this must be made up uh-oh what is all this our most poorly behaved moments all together in one awful lump we have to do something but what we can't change the videos on Santa's phone H wait can we change the videos on Santa's phone well [Music] oh boy I can't believe we're going to change the videos on Santa's phone but that's only because they're giving Santa the wrong idea about us everybody believes videos so we'll fix our videos so they show us being nice are you sure this isn't breaking some Christmas rule well we're helping Santa make a more informed decision let's start with the time I was a super villain you Vanishing felons where did Ben go I'm right here I stopped time so I could change into this bad guy costume how dare you all distract me from my work now it's a few audio adjustments oh D we are playing a fun game together get the time slower okay jener your turn nice one that's one game point I would like to play this game too boo boo Bo this is greaty everything's fine that was awesome all right all right I feel dirty I just lied to Santa I know but Hank think about how sad we'll all be if we don't get presents in a few hours isn't it a nice thing to try to prevent that sadness I I I I don't know but so confused here's some more Badness the time Angela thought she was a zapper and wanted to zap everyone into cubes let's nice it up you belong in the real world you have to remember I wait I do remember something you do I remember I remember that I love giving ice cream to all my friends have some ice cream Tom thank you but I have already had had dessert yay ice cream for everybody do the time I pranked everyone oh that's tricky it might require extra fixing to make it clear we're the good guys lucky I'm a genius no no no no ha Hank you've been pranked by The Mad prank prer and certainly not Ginger it's even better than I hoped it would be Hank what are you doing uh nothing just nothing huh I mean I'm I'm writing a Christmas Carol what is this this is a letter to Santa telling him what we're doing C you what you're doing is extra naughty don't you get it extra [Music] naughty no listen Hank you're a part of this whether you like it or not now we're going to fix one of your bad Deeds remember when you turned into a bad businessman I bet that cost you a ton of toys we are doing the right thing making ourselves look nice because we are Hank enough is enough you're coming home all right Tom but first could you take three steps to the right okay step problem oh that's perfect nice joke Hank we're always playing drop the cage with each other that's right if Santa were watching this he'd be like this is fine don't you agree Hank me when I don't believe the video said and none of it is true they're lying to you Hank no we trusted you the plan is ruined every prison get her for himself I only like to help people Santa once I pushed Tom to teach him a lesson sometimes it wasn't actually me the back we're practicing ninja moves there's nothing nice angel I'm totally innocent I was trying to sweetly feed my voice oh you're the perfect couple this never happened I've never raised my voice at a friend in my life a wait that huh oh no it's Christmas morning wow look at all these toys how did Santa carry all this loot it looks like there really won't be any gifts for us this year Hello friends happy Santa morning or o maybe not so happy what's going on we're all on Santa's naughty list and I think we deserve to be except for Hank he's the only good apple in this whole rotten Barrel nope I'm on the list too probably cuz I don't support my pals oh take it from somebody who's been on the naughty list let me tell you you can't dwell on past mistakes if you want things to get better you have to just start acting better and trust that the presents will follow you think I guess we could try to be better people and say we're sorry for what we did sorry s from now on I'll be so nice it'll make you sick and then I'll get quadruple presents next year we'll all be nice and I know one nice thing we can do right now Hank would you like to help me do the honors oh we're sorry [Music] Santa what just happened did our video tricking work after all no you were all on the naughty list because you were digging around on my phone that's an invasion of privacy I've got some pretty embarrassing selfies on this thing but now that you've return my phone All Is Forgiven really what about all those videos you had of us being bad Ben you don't have to be perfect to get presents everybody makes mistakes but it is important to say sorry so Santa since you're here can we still get this year's presents nope it's too late for [Music] [Applause] that just kidding that's a little bit of holiday [Music] wow wow a true Christmas miracle you know who deserves these presents more than us thanks [Music] Santa wow thanks s and now taking the lead in the hot air to care charity balloon race from Tom and B Enterprises it's Tom woohoo yeah woohoo yeah to I never knew there was such a passion for ballooning in town the competition is tough but my balloon improvements will ensure that Tom can float his way to Victory how's it going up there easy breezy these other Drifters can eat my charitable dust especially you Roy hello fellow Aviator [Music] hey Jinger having fun here in the junior ballooner race I am not putting a balloon on a bike do not make it a balloon race you got to get back on the course remember when we race safely everyone wins no that means everyone loses too Tom is everything okay I'm getting some weird readouts here ah nothing it's just some wind I mean it's nothing you soon to be winner like myself can't you're off course quick adjust your area stabilizer what uh I I I don't see anything like that Ben did you forget to install it I could I could never be so caress is Tom going to be okay don't worry an ace pilot doesn't need fancy Tech stuff to [Music] balloon [Music] huh you're in terrible danger take my hand Roy no thanks I've got this under control oh that doesn't look under control to me oh no ow if I had another minute I could have figured that out now what now I can't get the hook out your balloon is dragging us down it's possible that was a soft Landing right I don't know the crash must have busted Tom's radar so I can't track his location it says he's in four different countries at once he must have hit hard to break up into all those pieces I mean it's probably just a computer mess up I'm sure he's just fine Tom balloon stabilizer missing Tom Bon can you hear me butt [Music] Roy I'm alive I'm alive h oh we both are cool that's the spirit buddy but we're not out of the woods yet we got pretty off course could be a while before anyone finds us we're just going to have to walk back to town great idea do you even know where we are don't worry I can handle this I used to rescue pilots who crashed on desert islands oh [Music] man a That Could Have Been Me Roy saved my life take my hand hey uh listen before we go there's something that I should say what's that Tom I know things with us aren't great but you I I can't hear you you saved my life okay I mean don't make a big deal out of it but you know thanks oh of course of course Tom you do the same for me right um and don't worry I'm not going to make a big speech or anything at the rescue celebration wait what celebration oh the one they're going to throw when people find out about this they're going to want to honor me you know how it is oh come on watch out for the branch buddy see that guy you owe your life to him every time you breathe you should think of Roy renamed our company Tom and Ben Enterprises courtesy of Roy since Roy saved you he also saved our relationship now whenever I look at you I think of Roy Roy two balloons in the hot air teare race have crashed but no survivors found yet some people wonder if balloon should stick to being party clown Supply I can't connect to Tom's tracker we need to go higher up to have any chance of getting a signal but this is the tallest tree what could be higher than that huh num n it's not stealing if it's an emergency come on go up wait what are you doing and can I come with you I can't take this junior balloon race anymore I crave Adventure this isn't an adventure Tom is lost out there in the wilderness then you need me I can track him with my Scout skills there you are did you get lost again little guy don't worry I'll help you steer your way back hang on Palm we're coming [Music] woohoo re question backup we got a grand theft [Music] balloon oh someone's hungry I'll go find berries that are safe to eat I'd hate for you to starve right after I saved your life because there wouldn't be much of a celebration then would her Ben Tom you're alive describe your location we got a signal we can bring you home really you can that's actually I don't think I want to go home right now what did you hurt the part of your brain that thinks no it's Roy he saved me so he could take credit for saving me and humiliate me what are you talking about I can't owe my life to Roy he's the worst what do I do I don't think there's much you can do unless you saved Roy's life that it even things out but Roy doesn't need savings so ro ro ro down that's genius I'm going to save Roy's life I just need to put his life in danger first Tom stop you're being ridiculous oh I'm losing you oh later call him back the signal went out freeze you Bona titics let's get out of here looks like it's Ginger time baby H watch out a big rolling [Music] log uh that log's not rolling but it is Big good find Tom Killer Bees run yeah we'll be okay there's an acorn conveniently plugging the hive uh I made you a hat so you don't get a sunburn already got a hat buddy yes hey I saw a snake Nest to head on the main path this way looks safer I don't know looks unstable it's just I really want to avoid those [Music] snakes Okay Tom okay oh look out it's a freaky accident huh I'm coming Roy your life needs saving and I'm here to save that take my hand I'll carry you up no I I'm rescuing you I'll swing over and grab you stay where you are I don't need grabbing I'm fine I really feel like I'm in the best position to do the saving I really respectfully disagree uh-oh your rope is fraying somehow good thing rescue Roy is here watch out it's an avalanche better hop over to Hero Tom you are not saving me oh you wish I wasn't buddy ATT huh this is a balloon adventure oh it is good to see you how did you find us I was watching your video call and recognize the place you're in from a scout boys hike you L the hike you should have remembered oh that's a little embarrassing no that's a little embarrassing it's getting late and there are still no signs of our lost ballooners also lost our H attention I rescue these Boos even though I'm just a kid wait what's this it's a miracle Ginger Ginger Ginger Ginger Ginger way to go Ginger but how'd you get away from the junior [Applause] race I am so glad you're alive we tried to save you but got arrested but it worked out in the end I still wonder what caused that crash though isn't it obvious Roy sabotaged our balloon so he could save me wow neat Theory Tom kind of like my theory that you untied the Rope Bridge so you could save me the important thing is I save you both this season on Brave race Brave race a quest for reality show Glory eight Racers will face Their Fear and to get to the end they'll have to take on the most terrifying ride ever built the ter Raider that show looks intense is Becca really doing it I guess she has a lot of natural confidence look there she is what up world I'm Becca and the only thing I'm worried about is how embarrass my competitors will be when I grind them into sand wait what is she wearing that hair looks familiar isn't that the wig Angela Barrow the turned her into a total jerk oh no Becca's natural confidence isn't natural at all it's coming from that bad news [Music] [Music] wig oh hi Becca but what did you do today so much and uh while you were doing that were you wearing this wig chill out I was going in my audition I'm feeling nervous or whatever huh I found it in my room I put it on and I felt confident like nothing could stop me plus it looks cool NBD no big deal it is a big deal this wig used to be mine and it made me feel great too but then it made me a total jerk Angela's guns and I take what I want what is she be Becca this wig changes [Music] you it is a good thing I'm looking out for you today on Brave race you've heard of a zipline and you've heard of lava but what happens when those two things Collide uh Becca are you sure watching all these old Brave Race episodes won't freak you out I need to know what I might have to do besides I can handle it after all I've got natural confidence yeah you do okay I'm going to bed don't forget to be awesome tomorrow you know it boom the great Racers have to turn the plane to the finish line but this plane only goes upside down the racers have to take a shark [Music] no H good morning I made you a PowerUp breakfast for your big race today Becca she took the wig I knew I should have put that thing in the garbage disposal we can't let Becca wig out on TV we have to do something I said I wanted a pizza I'm sorry I'm the makeup girl don't talk back to the talent now get me what I want looks like mom is here Becca take off that wig the extra confidence isn't worth it Becca if you do the race like this you will be forever labeled a reality show [Music] villain the world will never forgive you I don't care what the world thinks most of the world is lame anyway no the brave race starts here You Walk This Way from this very tall building to that very tall building trying not to fall everyone but watch out I greased your wires so mean but Allowed by our insane rules okay Racers get braak [Music] out of my way what are you doing I'm proving you don't need that wig to be confident you can do anything by just being yourself the real you can do this Becca and I know because I'm doing it and I'm not even on the show I had to sneak past security to get here wow Angela I guess you really don't need the Weg to be confident yes that's what I'm saying so imagine how confident you would be with the wig wait what Jo our confidence would be unmatched we be a great team what is happening Angela we saw what happened it seems the wig is some sort of parasitic confidence seeking organism I thought this might be the case you did well I like to keep an open mind mind about neat little scientific possibilities guys what do we do about Becca she can't hurt anybody while she's stuck in that toe oh there it goes oh no Hank come on Angela put on the wig everybody's doing it Hank that's not you talking it's the wig run into the race course hello can someone get me down that's cheating you little brat Beat It Bad Hank Here Comes Ginger baby go put on the wig Angela it's the logical thing to do the terar raater lives up to its name I should we go around [Applause] it we can't run from the wig forever it's time to give it what it wants but but trust me and hand me your phone [Music] hi oh yeah the Babe is back what are you looking at chump you you wanted me to give this to you hi Angie I guess you won you took over my brain and you're feeling super confident now yeah that's right okay if all you want is confidence then you might as well use it so let's see how confident you are after you ride the terator 20 times in a row what whatuh huh no no no no no wait no no no no huh wooo you'll thank me for this no no no [Music] no what is Angela doing she's teaching a wig that confidence isn't everything she's 10 rides [Music] in Angela you beat that wig at its own game yeah I did it thanks for looking out for me an sorry I didn't listen to you Hey listen everyone gets nervous but remember you can do anything you just have to believe it y hey you're not an official Brave race contestant all right this was for TV hey we never meant to mess up the show it's just mess up are you kidding that girl was not only the only one to finish the brave race course she finished it in record time W yeah Angela where you go did Angela win anything cool yes the brave race winner gets unlimited rides on the terror radar and so do all her friends I'll her what now no I'm good not again no thank you no thanks I don't think about oh this Buffet wasn't kidding when they said it was all you could eat I couldn't have another bite speak for yourself there's always room for a fortune cookie your brain will open new doors ah yeah I love it when my brain does that embarrassment is in your future what hey trade Fortress with me quick oh are you kidding I got you will have good luck for a week no way am I trading that what is it Angela it says your true love will break your heart just pull another one you can call that a practice cookie oh uh yeah okay here we go take two um under the light of the full moon your heart will be broken H that's another practice cookie third times the charm here um beware the number 12 hey that one's not so bad because your heart will get broken at 12 as you stare at the beach Angela these silly fortune cookies are just for fun I mean it's not like they ever come [Music] true oh Jinger just got souped that's not only hot and sour it's also an embarrassment just like The Misfortune cookie said Tom do you know what this means our relationship is [Music] due [Music] why are we at the movies Tom the universe just sent me a message sh actually three messages and they're all bad news for our love I know you're freaked out about the fortunes but even if they're true think about what they say um that you're going to break my heart by a beach under the moon at 12 sh exactly and we're nowhere near a beach and we're not under the moon so if we just stay here until 12 the fortune can't come true take that [Music] fate a thanks romantic candy makes this night even better Chad it's so romantic being on the beach under the light of the Moon oh no Tom we have to get out of here sh sh no come on 12 $12 that's 12 for 12 F I got sand s say sand next stop the beach stop the bus W um you might want to check with the landlord before you redecorate the garage we're not redecorating we're hiding Cosmic cookie forces have bought us a oneway ticket to heartbreak Town might I suggest perhaps ignoring the meaningless slips of paper that you got out of some novelty cooking ow Ben I wasn't sure I believed either but then I saw the beach movie at the light of the moon and the $12 fruit $12 explain the fruit how you explain the fruit Ben well um you know what you guys just need to stand up to this curse dead in its cursy little face and say hey curse this couple is unbreakable hanink that's actually not a bad idea if we can't run from the Heartbreak maybe we can fight it yeah we just have to make sure there's nothing that can split us up if we solve every one of our relationship problems will be breakup proof okay this is a safe place to work out your issues I'm not a licensed therapist but I did watch the entire series of relationship rescue let's do this so Tom what bothers you about me well I don't know nothing really you're a great girlfriend stop that if you're going to save our relationship you need to tell me what you hate about it uh well uh H okay if you can't go first I will you eat with your mouth open and it's gross you look at me during comedy movies to make sure I'm laughing you tell my stories at parties Angela do you even like me it's just things we could potentially fight about I'm getting everything off my chest so we can stay together hey I feel like I'm under attack here acts like a baby when he gets criticized you know what maybe we shouldn't be doing this right now because we are going so crazy we're about to make the curse come true I need some time for myself Tom wait [Music] stay tuned listeners we're counting down the 12 best speach songs from the last 12 years I'm still not really a cursed guy but I have to admit that series of of events was almost statistically impossible and I'm awaiting a scientific [Music] explanation hey I saw your crying selfie on Fast toic kind of an overshare but also is everything okay oh Tom won't talk to me I think my fortune is coming true don't blame yourself you're up against the Universe I guess I just wish I was strong enough to beat [Music] fate [Music] woo oh ow a what gives I thought I had good luck for a week wait this isn't my Lucky Fortune This is Ginger's Misfortune Ginger did you switch Fortune to me I'm going to the arcade while my good luck laughs wait a minute maybe I can't beat fate but I can cheat fate Becca come with me this might get rough okay what's the plan I put all my bad Fortunes in this curse cookie if we can trade this with another couple then the curse might get passed to them W Angela that's really dark are you sure you want to do that I don't have a choice there is Cynthia huh ever since we locked eyes at that demolition Derby I knew I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you oh will you marry me oh Gary of course I will oh he just proposed to her we can't curse this couple don't worry there's loads of other love birds in this restaurant we'll find someone happy anniversary darling I can't believe I've been able to spend 30 wonderful years with my soulmate thanks for asking me to prom Alvin I didn't think I was ever going to find a date after my braces got stuck to my gym shorts hey what's in your hand oh uh nothing definitely not a curse cookie hey these ladies are trying to curse us get them out of here get out here beat it beat it that was a disaster I'm out of ideas who's going to save our relationship now Tom I didn't think I'd see you here were you going to use a curse cookie too what no I I've been thinking if this is our last night together I want to spend it together oh okay this seems like a not Becca situation I'll just go well I just want to say it's been an honor being your boyfriend and also I was the one who broke your favorite coffee mug a few weeks ago oh Tom I already knew that was you so how do we do this is it just like ripping off a Band-Aid [Music] or [Music] oh no did I break you with my sad hug oh no it was nothing you just broke my heart-shaped lollipop wait a minute the full Moon Cafe Tom do you realize what just happened you broke my heart under the light of the full moon at 12 and we're looking at a beach so does this mean the fortune came true just not the way we thought it would our relationship is saved I'm the luckiest boy in the world I can't believe we actually thought a cookie could come between us I know but today was still creepy Fortune should be taken seriously maybe except my fortune never came true my brain hasn't opened any new doors for me lately ow and that is how they made candles in the Middle Ages this is so boring why can't we learn about cool stuff like Knights and ogres and Dragons hey I like candles they're the second best part of birthday wishes come kids there's plenty more educational things to see finally something good a sword oh that's the sword of virtue no one has ever been able to pull it from that stump Legend has it that whoever does will become the night protector of this realm but that's not part of this tour next up how nails were made come on we've got nails to see I you're not going to get the sword out it's stuck forever sorry I didn't hear you I was too busy becoming light [Music] [Music] protector come [Music] stop that's enough Ginger back away N I Belong To Sir Ginger the night protector what the my magic sword just got more magic why this is absurd let me check that thing for speakers back away name Ginger no ow this might actually be real the internet Legend database says the sword of virtue was enchanted with speech to teach its owner the way of nights sir database speaks the truth what now Brave sir Ginger ready to learn a pretty sure I know how this works huh sender please I simply want to teach [Music] you please sender listen kid this is a crime scene here okay someone stole a statue right out of the park and we're looking for Clues your night protector will help peasant won't you please just stop so excited about the laser show yeah this is going to be great I grow weary from a long day of heroics and I demand a payment of candy candy I say Knights don't get paid in candy I mean didn't your sword tell you that no sir ginger has not given me a chance to teach him he's been too busy yelling and Swinging me sorty I know how to Hero I don't need to learn anything but Ginger please raise your hand if you're a knight Oh I thought so no candy whoa whoo wo Ginger stop huh huh what happened in here Hank Hank your friend isn't here right now he's been taken by me guys what's going on I'm scared I have been awakened from my Slumber because someone is claiming to be night protector would that be you Ginger the weak more like ginger the going to kick your butt give me back my power oh what you could never defeat [Music] me if you want to rescue your friend meet me in the wearing in the woods at sundown but you'd better be ready that wizard doesn't know who he's messing with right Ginger Ginger I don't know how to fight a dark wizard I thought being a night protector would be fun not scary what am I going to do well I hate to be Captain magic but the sword did mention it could train you to be a better Knight can you really do it sorty of course Ager you simply must follow the knight's path the first step is no time to you for Now's the Time to make your shield now we're talking I want one with and a laser but if you want to win the day you must do it in the right way what's that mean I think I might know medieval blacksmiths were Master technicians observe their process that looks like a dinner plate for a first try it's not bad huh well okay sorty I made a shield what do I do with it that Shield will help you save the day as you learn to night the nightly way but to strike fear into a fo chest you must create your nightly Crest what's that that a cool helmet oh I know this a knight's Crest was a picture representing who they are what I went through a castle face Ginger ask yourself who are [Music] you okay this is everything that's important to me right now not sure how it's going to help me fight a wizard the third step is no small trick and learn the craft of wax and Wick the craft of wax and Wick M wax and Wick huh it sounds like you're supposed to make a c now slowly pull the candle by the wick from its mold and voila not bad huh but what does that have to do with being a knight guys it's almost Sundown we're running out of time to save Hank this makes no sense how will a candle a picture and a junky Shield help me fight a wizard win your fight you must be clever use the things you've learned together uh not helpful sorty Ginger you don't have to do this alone we can help you I am the night protector this is my fight it always has been ever since earlier today when I got this sword I have to trust my P where'd you get a staff like that did you have to make it is there a guy who sells staffs silence I sense someone nearby well well well do you think you have what it takes to fight me you bet you're looking at someone who just did the night's path you young fool I could banish you to the dark Realms with a single spell no you can't because I can use the things I learned together candle crust junky Shield okay sorty what now sorty Ginger what happened I lost my stupid sword gave stupid advice using the things I learned together didn't do anything I'll never understand being a knight H wait maybe that's not what together actually [Music] meant to watch I Tom The Squire hereby announce the arrival of Sir Ginger the brave you fool yes lady Angela The Candle Maker yes getting your friends to fight for you what kind of night are you real Knights depended on others to succeed blacksmiths Squires and candle makers all help too yeah now e our name congratulations on completing this interactive lesson on medieval night sorty what are you saying hey you're the museum guy I am we got a lot of feedback that our normal tours are well very boring so this Quest is a new program we're doing but the sword talked yes it has little speakers in it what but how did you know that sorry for fooling you Ginger but they said if we played along they'd give us tickets to the museum laser show I don't understand are you saying the night's path stuff wasn't training me to be a wizard fighter no it was learning you tricked me that's true but Ginger look what you did you were a brave knight and you saved your friend and I bet you had some fun too okay but my next adventure better be real well I'm glad you liked it I'm going to have to ask you to clear out another kid is coming and we can't spoil the [Music] surprise this garage Garden is great your yard looks way better than it did with a broken down t taxi in it yeah I'm still not sure how that taxi disappeared but I'm glad we replaced it with something that really makes us proud huh hey neighbor looks like we're both sprucing up our yards huh wo what is that this oh it's just a rare and exotic plant I'm going to put in my garden it's still officially undiscovered Roy that is really cool looks like me and you are plant Pals I guess we are plant Pals see around Plant pal not if I see you first [Music] huh did you just not get mad at Roy even though he was being really royish I've been busy lately with a bunch of new hobbies so I haven't really had time for Roy well good for you you know that whole Tom Roy rivalry thing was going nowhere plus sometimes it made you seem like a jerk I'm glad that's over no Hank don't touch that why huh what what this is [Music] awkward [Music] this is outrageous Roy's pictures old report cards texts with Billy emails with Billy wait who's Billy well okay Billy is me what he's a fake online identity that I created so that I could talk to Roy and get clues about what he is up too Roy loves taking credit for helping people right so I made up someone who needed a lot of help I reached out to Roy and hey Billy bingo bango you lied about who you were on the internet you're going to delete this entire Billy profile right now what if people found out you did this you'd be called a lunatic and a creep and so would we for being your friends come on Tom do it oh but come on I fine forget my cool plan I'll wipe Billy off the internet there happy now it's a start seriously I have to do punishment dishes and you guys do not get me keep scrubbing Billy nip that in the bud it's nice to deal with something before it spirals out of control I need help something terrible happened and I don't know what to do my buddy Billy is missing so boy who is this Billy guy Billy and I were friends on the internet he thought of me as his mentor he was so inspired by me that he was starting to follow his own dream to become an astronaut Billy lived in a cave but he had so much potential Billy lived in a cave I think that's a really interesting thing about his character well Roy maybe Billy just got rid of his computer no you just don't understand Billy wouldn't just vanish like this he let me try to [Music] explain Oh Billy my buddy you came to me in your time of need and though I never ever met you before I helped you indeed and even though you live far off really we became the closest [Music] Bros the things I taught you stuck with you like sweaty clothes am I some s of hero well that's just not for me to say but I know that Billy thought I was and now he's gone away Billy and now he's gone away oh that was weirdly beautiful yeah I know but you can't just sit around worrying about some random person on the internet but but Billy was wait Tom you're right I am I mean I am so are we done here I can't just sit around worrying about Billy I have to find [Music] Billy uh that's not what I meant I know hundreds of people I'll contact them all I'll call in every favor I can I'll start the biggest Manhunt in the world we interrupt our regularly scheduled news to bring you this special announcement from Roy thanks Neil you can go I want to talk to all of you about a man named Billy a missing man who we need to find can't believe it huh we're looking for Billy bil huh Billy Billy Billy oh no [Music] bil not too many people are going to see this music video right are you kidding lots of people will I'm sending it to my influencer friends now and yep it's gone viral oh great build join the COS whatever you can do yes ma'am yeah looking for him everywhere I printed out some Billy posters to put on telephone calls in town I wonder if Billy was hiking near his cave and fell in a hole Hank Billy isn't real remember oh yeah this is out of control I need to stop Roy Tom great news this little Gizmo is going to solve our big mystery and it's all thanks to you yeah I sure inspired you to do all this uh what what is this thing it's a person tracker you goofball it locates the source of any online message all we need to do is put Billy's last messages into this thing and it will tell us where he was when he sent them it's got a make on it oh boy we're coming Billy Billy this is awful you wrote all those Billy messages in our garage didn't you they won't stop looking for Billy until they find me oh they're like me when I watch the guy who disappeared part one it ended on a huge Cliffhanger and I freaked out until I watched the guy who disappeared part two and learned where the guy [Music] was that's it if we want people to stop looking for Billy we have to show them how his story ends come on follow me huh Billy around we're getting close to Billy's last known location hey that's weird bil always told me he lived really far away [Music] Billy Billy is that you it sure is Billy Billy look Roy I'm an astronaut now wow I went to space I'm sorry about my sudden unexplained disappearance but the last time we chatted I was inspired to start following my dream right away and your dream was to be an astronaut Oh Billy you did it I was so confident because of what you taught me and I inspired you to do it they put me on a secret mission to be the first guy on Mars but I had to tell the guy who made it all possible you you yeah me Billy that's great when will you be coming home help I'm the Princess of Mars and those two Mars goons are chasing me help princess don't worry princess watch out these Mars goons are no match for Billy the look out W wo wo [Music] yes get out you saved me Billy will you be my boyfriend now if you insist oh no Roy my phone is running out of batteries and there's no way to for me to ever charge it again up here but as you can see I'm totally happy now and everything's going to be fantastic thanks for everything bye goodbye Billy our Search is Over Billy's in space like he always wanted to be Billy everyone is going home we did it oh are you kidding me you're not even close to being off the hook you've got some dishes to do buddy a almost well played Tom but now I think it's time you and I finished our rivalry once and for [Music] all [Music] what which of you wants to be the test subject for my duplicator it can duplicate things this could be dangerous but I say it's worth it to be a science pioneer I'll do it really are you sure yes this is exactly what I need my weak is so busy I can't get everything done as just one Angela I have to post a video for my fans about my top 10 smoothie recipes practice my new heads spin dance for this huge concert and I have to do all the chores in my apartment because Becca did them last week uh plus you promised Ginger you'd go to his soccer playoffs to cheer him on oh I forgot about that b I need there to be more of me all right hop in yes see you soon times [Music] two huh hey why is my soccer ball not near my foot anymore huh huh oh no Angela open the door the ball will confuse the ration centors Angela get out of there did it [Music] [Music] work I thought the duplicator was supposed to duplicate not you know combine the Kate you have to fix Angela I'm sorry there wasn't supposed to be any anything else in the Pod I need time to figure out how to reverse this what am I supposed to do until then I don't want people seeing me as a dog woman it's embarrassing huh hi most of judger friends H what are you doing I'm checking to make sure you're all going to the big soccer game tomorrow Ronnie is taking pictures for the team website come on you guys everybody in the picture graab ears hey that new ball let me show you my new sweet mov Ginger well we'll be there in the meantime why not kick this banana outside but I don't want pick the banana for practice I'll just go in a closet until Ben fixes his machine no you won't Angela I'm here for you and I'm going to help you live a normal non soccer ball life that's sweet Tom but how will I do that I can't even scratch an itch then I'll scratch it for you trust me in a little while it'll be like nothing is [Music] wrong are you sure I look real you look great and if anyone notices they'll just think it's your cool new style because singers get cool new Styles all the time good point Tom let's do this ooh maybe I can still do one of my cool new been dance moves huh Angel [Applause] [Music] wait oh [Applause] no are you okay so many fans have pointy shoes new plan you can sing from behind the wall be on mysterious I'm sorry but if I'm a ball there's no way I'm doing shows ah it's okay everything else you have to do will be way easier look at you doing chores like a normal [Music] person huh you can still make your smoothie recipe video all your fans need is your voice h P I'm in [Music] here do no transformation can stop you from enjoying a simple home no I I'll I'll get you I'll get [Music] you a okay I have calibrated the machine to undo its mistake which is it fault it did it let's see if it works and uh this is bad fixing you seems to be outside of the power of this machine but why well figure it out Ben I can't do anything when I'm like this I'm not even me anymore I'm just a dumb ball what was that I feared this might happen your body is settling into its soccer ball shape if this isn't reversed the change could become permanent oh great I'll be a dumb ball [Music] forever Make It Stop Ben wait that's it there's nothing that I can do the changes are triggered by Angela's attitude when she feels like she's just a ball just a ball is all she'll be you mean like in that fairy tale movie where the princess has to learn to be herself or she'll be stuck as a pumpkin now hanet you just don't get it but Angela if you don't start feeling like yourself again soon I fear you'll be a ball shh forever [Music] H sorry Hank I'm trying to find a way to help Angela feel like she can brush her teeth on her own Tom I admire your dedication to dental hygiene and the helping Angela she is one lucky Sporting Good oh I feel like I can't do anything right I don't know how to help her it's exhausting Angela is the best but if she stays a soccer ball forever I don't know if I'll be able to deal with [Music] it oh Tom I never meant to be a burden on you hi guys I'm Angela seems like I need some new friends you don't have to say anything you all understand welcome to the junior Global soccer playoffs W come up me up la la la la la guys Angela's gone I can't find her anywhere oh I hope she didn't roll into the trash stop saying things that are going to make me panic and help me look Angela Angela Angela come on we have to hurry if we want to watch the soccer playoffs the soccer playoffs that must be where Angela [Applause] went this sticks the ankle breakers are kicking our butts I almost kicked the ball once but it was toward the wrong goal oh excuse me sir have you seen Angela that's her how can you tell I just know no Tom H Angela hi Tom what are you doing leave me alone I don't want to ruin your life you could never ruin my life you're the best part of my life huh but I heard what you said about not being able to deal with me oh Angela I'm sorry I I didn't mean it Angela I'll always care for you you're not just a soccer ball [Music] no Angela yes that's right I'm Angela and I'm a soccer ball but well after a slightly strange game delay we are back at ction and the momentum is Shifting to the kicker [Applause] kids wow those kicker K are on a roll it's almost like the ball's on their [Applause] side yes incredible say hello to the new Junior Champions the kicker King did everyone see that shot I am the greatest kicker that ever lived [Applause] hey Angela was that your new head spin dance move yeah I can actually spin better like this I want to do a concert and show my moves off I even have ideas for a new soccer ball song you sound like you Angela I feel like me and I want to [Music] sing [Music] my advice was right changing her attitude reversed the socer rising of Angela's cells it's like a fairy tale after all and the girl the edge of their seat watching as Ginger lines up for the game winning k a come on Miss B why do you hate fun I have my reasons now listen the school wants you all to take take an exam that test her extraordinary intelligence frankly I find this entire class to be impressively unimpressive but this is your chance to prove me wrong Look test of the worst can't we just watch a movie instead just take the test [Music] [Music] Ginger Ginger my desk now I'm speechless never in all my years of teaching have I seen anything like this wow I must have bombed that test good oh well can't win them all you didn't bomb you received a perfect score I can't believe that I'm saying this but you're a genius a genius [Music] huh no there must be some mistake I'm a regular kid a regular [Music] kid guys I got some awful news I took a test at school and it turns out I'm a genius you I have a hard time believing it's true I don't get it I barely even tried when I took that stupid thing and the answers came to you anyway wow you must really be special yeah even Ben didn't get a perfect score when he took the test in school so now I'm smarter than Ben chinger I am sorry I never saw your potential before but that ends now as of now you are a colleague and I grant you access to my collection of reference books pass can I take a piece of this cake before I go home and hide forever well we were saving that for our company anniversary a but you know what chocolate is Great Brain food you should have it instead wait you're letting me have free cake just because I'm smart uh can I borrow all your Dino wrestler video games so that I can you know uh entertain my busy mind is there anything else we can get you your braininess huh maybe this isn't so bad after all oh man there's nowhere to park oh there's plenty of extra room in the gifted lot mystery loaf again not for you Brainiac we make jumble donuts for the smart kids today's subtraction lesson is too simple for a genius like you so you can spend the day in the advanced virtual learning room wa virtual reality sword fighting finally something I want to learn why' you ask me back here I have important plans involving a Super bounce ball and fragile stuff prepare to embark on a quest for invention a playground for The Mind itself huh I built you your own [Music] laboratory what am I supposed to do with this anything question hypothesize disrupt uh this is boring I'm going to get back to my Super Bowl what's so intellectually stimulating about that it's a genius thing Ben you wouldn't get it so with eight sides you might say the Octagon is twice as fun as the square but you'd be wrong because shapes don't have personalities oh dear my lesson is boring the smart kid I'm very sorry Ginger perhaps you could suggest something more interesting to study today seriously you are ginger to choose what we learned about of course I'm nowhere near as intelligent as he is why should I decide what's important to te [Applause] Beach keep your hands to yourselves don't put your tongue on anything wow Ginger I can't believe you convinced Miss vrax to take us on a field trip to the Candy Factory this is [Music] incredible here we have our marshmallow tanks these are full of boiling marshmallow mix which will later be cooled and it into tasty treats don't touch anything hey hey what would happen if one of those things exploded every square inch of this Berg could be buried in hot molten sugary liquid marshmallow goo but that could never happen cold white cold white 10 minutes until Marsh meltdown Marsh meltdown no don't panic kids I can stabilize these tanks I just need need to balance the ingredient levels yep no oh this one there I don't know what buttons to press to figure this out you have to be some sort of genius genius uh what come on Ben you idiot Ben you shouldn't be so mean to yourself you have to spend the rest of your life together this test is impossible it's no wonder my attempts to connect with ginger on an intellectual level have fail I'm incapable of comprehending his complex mind I I give up nice smiley face drawing no Hank this is Ginger's test pav P he was just making a picture with his answers H Ginger must have used that make a picture of a smiley face test guessing technique I used to do that when I was stumped in school do you know what this means Ginger isn't a genius he's just a really really lucky guesser exactly and more importantly I'm the smartest guy in the room again all is right in the world all is not right in the world today as a marshmallow tank at The Candy Factory is at risk of exploding luckily a young genius who happened to be at the factory is exped to solve this sticky problem good thing Ginger's there fears oh [Music] right I don't want to pressure you but you are a genius which means you're the only one who can save our lives please hurry up I can do this let's go brain 1 minute until L meltdown hurry we have to get Ginger out of here before we all turn into spores look there he is ginger come on ginger do something yeah come on this should be easy for you I can't believe it my friends came to cheer me on get out of there they put themselves in danger just to come support me they must really think I can do this don't do anything you'll kill us all if they believe in me I believe in me I'm going to save this [Music] town well this is the end everyone three Mar melt down we got to get out of here 4 3 2 Marsh meltdown averted yeah the Well Done he's a genius way to go J guys I saved the town I didn't know if I could do it but then you believed in me and so I could about that how did you know what buttons to press huh easy I stopped thinking and answers just came to me but that that kid really is a lucky guesser that's it we need to put a stop to this I'm going to tell him the truth Ben wait Ginger believing he was an actual genius gave him enough confidence to save the town just think what he could accomplish if he keeps thinking he's gifted I mean maybe part of being a genius is having people beli in you if we support him Ginger could end up being an astronaut or a president or an astronaut president I guess I haven't thought about it that way maybe we shouldn't tell him the truth good news I just got hired as The Candy Factory safety manager I'm dropping out of school baby you're not a genius H are we remodeling did we win a house decoration Show contest no Hank we're finally being evicted because we're broke our savings are down to one coin no I'm not ready to be Gress I know it's bad our only hope is that our newest invention is a massive hit that saves the company the reviews will post any minute if people don't like it we'll lose the garage and the business don't talk like that we'll do whatever it takes to keep this team together whatever it takes excuse me oh thanks so this is the new invention huh a food returner interesting we call it the helping hand it helps you do small chores by giving you a helping hand hence the name no not yet we need a minute huh the new helping hand from Tom and Ben Enterprises is awful awfully good it's great at opening pickle jars and I own a lot of pickle jars highly recommended w w that's a good start but one review won't be enough to save us the helping hand is Greatful reaching High shelves when you're a little guy like me anyone without a helping hand is missing out on the next big thing by a helping hand now will you we did it our invention is a hit yeah movers you can put everything back because all our problems are [Music] [Music] over [Music] with us are Tom and Ben inventors of the helping hand the must have Tech breakthrough of the Year Tom Ben thanks for coming on the show glad to be here you know since our invention came out things have been just the best we got invited to the best parties Tom I recognize people here from magazines don't be nervous since you're my girlfriend that's how people going to recognize you we won the best Awards world's greatest company I'll put it with all the others we had the best time the people who made this hover vest want to know if we can give it our endorsement but more than anything we had the best feeling knowing that we had made the world a better place people ask what's next for us I don't want to give it away but let's say I have plans to colonize is a planet that rhymes with BL and I want to take up surfing never had time before but now that everything is good forever I'm ready to hit those [Music] waves now let me tell you a story it begins in a garage where two good friends had one big dream there would be good days and bad days but through it all we had uh hello kind of giving a presentation up here it's chaos in the streets as The Helping Hands go out of control cheeks have been slapped wedgies have been given and valuables have been stolen what careless inventor could have let this happen this just in I've been pced by one of these Mean Machines we have to get out of here run be wear their hands how could you do this to us we trusted you let's stay St calm I'm sure this is a minor glitch that only affects every helping him in the world take who brings a potato to a Tech conference there's no time to wonder about that b we have to go we the helping hand should be B get away from the window if we ignore them maybe the'll leave doubt it they're setting up tents and I see a gift shop boy I don't think it's ever been this bad what do you think is it ever been this bad no and I don't see how a commercial is going to fix things it's an apology app it's what tech companies do when they screw up you trusted us and we let you down but we also heard you we want you to trust us again perfect but maybe the music could be a bit more sarer [Music] they want more than an apology you know something isn't right your inventions don't go crazy for no reason right we need to get to the bottom of this but how Roy what are you doing here I apologize for the dramatic entrance but you boarded up all the doors anyway I have something for you it's a bad machine squish it hey you easy there huh I caught him raiding my sock drawer probably trying to steal my socks I thought this thing could help you figure out what went wrong Roy you're such a good neighbor no no he's not this is just his way of embarrassing me or making me look bad or or or something gosh I'm so sorry you think that I just thought Ben could reprogram this thing or do some science stuff actually I have a better idea I saw on the news that the hands have been stealing from people nobody knows where they're bringing the things they steal so if we follow it we might be able to figure out who's behind [Music] us are we there yet my feet hurt Angela can we really trust a machine that came from Roy I don't know maybe we should just ask that giant group of machines over there the hands have clearly lost all interest in helping everyone be careful it's not my fault somebody left their stupid twig lying around look out here they [Applause] [Music] come [Music] [Music] [Music] Yay good work everyone now we need to see if there's a clue about who did this in the Treasure pile do you mean like that clue that's weird that's the same surfboard Tom wanted to get come on Hank I that is a popular surfboard that doesn't count as a clue yeah we have to keep go wait Tom this is your journal what is this doing here I don't know the Helping Hands are going to make me Rich even even if people don't like them I have a plan whoa whoa I did not write that someone is messing with me or maybe someone moved the journal here so it would never be found don't you see what is happening what I Roy must be controlling everything he sabotaged The Helping Hands whoa whoa Tom please don't you think you blame me enough for things I didn't do I would not sabotage my own company you say you do whatever it takes to keep us in business did you mean programming The Helping Hands to steal oh no I meant writing a company [Music] jingle what is this I've seen enough I never thought you'd sink this low Tom wait no Angela you know that I wouldn't attack the world with bad robots right you know Tom my name is on this company too next time you want to destroy everything we've ever done I'd appreciate if I at least got a memo wait wait [Music] [Music] wait [Music] [Applause] I agree I also hate Tom Guys open up it's me there's someone at the door Roy Tom your friends really don't want to talk to you right now God move aside Roy I need to tell them this is a huge mistake Tom it's not a mistake it's really really not it really was you I hacked The Helping Hands and made him evil huh and then I placed your journal in the forest Tom this is your Journal I've been after this moment moment since I came to town and it's finally here I stole your life no don't it's not fair game over Tom everyone hates you oh angry mob he's right here see you uh never bye-bye hey guys I'm back w so here's what happened Tom made a successful invention finally but everything went wrong now everyone thinks it's his fault and every friend Tom used to have is uh on my side oh poor Tom hey on with the [Music] show [Music] I used to think sunglasses were about style and sun protection but now I know they're about letting me see a virtual world I can even feel the forest mud in between my toes great job Ben it looks like our fun glasses are going to be a real hit they were your brilliant idea Roy I just made them a reality a virtual reality good one partnership is already better than the old one with what's his name yeah TV thinks so too look the helping hand horror is behind us thanks to Roy and his new tech company Roy and Ben Enterprises thanks Craig but I'd rather call it Ben and Roy Enterprises put Ben first and it turns out he's humble as well People Like Us yeah but I say let's make him love us Us by throwing a big party for the fun glasses launch yeah I love our lives [Music] now hey you okay oh it's nothing I'm just a little sad about what happened with Tom yeah well he was a big part of your life I guess I could invite him to the party if you think that no he betrayed us and I have to forget about him like I'm sure he's already forgotten Forten about [Music] [Music] us this couldn't possibly get any [Music] whoever you are you better watch out I'm willing to try Kung Fu there will be no Kung and fu fight today landlord sorry about the bag head Tom we thought you wouldn't meet with us if we just asked nicely why are you wait who is we hello hello aha Tom oh no come on haven't I suffered enough we need your help what you see something has to be done about Roy wait you also think he's up to evil secret bad guy things no but we're used to clashing with whoever leads the garage group and we preferred clashing with you Roy is too clever he convinced me to cut the rent in half why did I do that he put our science lab out of business now how will we Ro our competitors he told the school board I was too tough on my students now I have to give them positive reinforcement huh well I'm really more worried about the secret evil bad guy things but I am on board with getting rid of Roy and I know exactly what we need to do Roy seems perfect but he's hiding something in a secret room under his house if we can break into that room and EXP expose whatever is in it we can take him down but the room is locked with a Hightech eyeball scanner that only Roy can use so we need to fool that scanner but we'd have to do it when no one would notice people sneaking around Roy's house that could be tricky normally yeah but I happen to know about a party I wasn't invited to and it's a perfect opportunity wow the whole town is here celebrating our fun glasses who'd miss a chance to party with the new top team of tech time to tango we need a photo of Roy's eyes so we need to get those glasses off of him as soon as possible I'm on my way Roy you simply must try these top oh no I've tripped an utterly soil your pretty head let me get that the glasses are G gone repeat glasses are gone landlord vanthrax you're up Roy I was just saying how positive reinforcement has really improve my teaching I absolutely need a picture of us to hang in my class to remind me of your great advice say [Music] CH photos in one eyeball coming up adjusting for the Coriolis effect and F nice work team I'm going in you know I always knew charity was important hello everybody remember me I bet you all still hate me but that doesn't matter right now because I'm in Roy's house and I'm about to open his secret door let's see who Roy really really is hello Roy now watch this please enter surprise password now what so sorry about this everybody a sick weirdo's broken into my home and I need to get him to help he needs in the meantime how about some [Applause] tunes Tom Tom Tom Mom did you really think I didn't know you'd try to crash my party nothing to say I'd be speechless too if I were about to be sent to prison I'll lock this door up then I'll lock you up let me just enter my secret code huh huh what the heck [Music] huh wait these aren't my sunglasses these are fun glasses aloh we switched those with your normal glasses when you took them off you never went into your house it was very realistic virtual reality why would you do this oh just to trick you into giving Tom your secret code no biggy stop hands off the student what are you doing [Music] [Music] H wait don't do this just because Roy is a private person doesn't mean he's a bad person let's find out hey gotcha that'll teach you not to oh oh Roy it's all the things that have mysteriously disappeared from town my stolen silverware Tom you were right the whole time Roy really is a thief not just a thief a liar these are plans for sabotaging The Helping Hands Roy frames Tom and this says he wanted to use the fun glasses to distract the whole Town while he stole even more okay everyone I know this looks bad but soon it won't after I destroy the evidence and Escape I was sick of this dumpy town anyway warning self-destruct initiated salom losers no no no we can't get blown up right after I finally proved I was right we'll never be able to run out of here before it's too late baby we don't have to run come on come on come on come on we'll never make it just let me try [Music] a here this is brain a dream come it's my I'm the best driver ever uh oh Roy Got Away Tom I'm so sorry we doubted you me too yeah definitely can you ever forgive us of course I can I missed you all so much now let's go home wow do I need a shower ooh you really do what is happening uh no so Tom how does it feel to have a statue of you added to the Museum's Hall of coolness I always knew that I was cool but I never knew that I was Statue cool wow I can't believe to's image will be next to the Ruby that fell from space it's around this corner prepare to Marvel at some marble huh uh pardon me but uh quick question why does this statue of me uh not look like me because it's not you a cooler guy moved to town so he got a statue instead what some fell named Roy Roy Ro baby had for our family once and planted two gardens just for fun I choked on a grape once and Roy saved my life who the heck is Roy oh when little Museum statue isn't a big deal this isn't going to change our lives or anything well yeah I guess that's true guys look we're getting a new neighbor and they have a bunch of cool stuff I wonder who it is what if he's a jerk n just kidding he's me hi new neighbors I'm Roy [Music] H what do you think of my welcome to the neighborhood present for Roy huh what a nice gesture a especially after Roy dethroned you as the coolest person in town according to the museum but who what a museums know it's fine in fact that's why I'm giving him this pie so that Roy can be like a homemade pie Tom is way cooler than I am so it's not a nice gesture at all mhm hey guys just dropping by to give you a little something just to show you how much I appreciate being your new neighbor a Lightning Man at figure I stop making these after all the lightning injuries a blue flame 5,000 that's the best bun and burner you can buy wow the buo and theilla Cy complete box set MW mwah MW it even has the Christmas special everyone hated wao are these real gold mhm and real microphones well Roy you shouldn't have yeah Roy you shouldn't have I wanted us to get off on the right foot so I did a little research on y'all to see what you like well that's creepy oh Tom I wish I could be as hilarious as you by the way I didn't forget about you oh that pie looks amazing well it's not a contest Oh and before I go I'm having a little housewarming shindig tonight y'all should come if you're not too busy yeah you know we'd love to yes I just don't understand why we are going to some stranger party Roy is not a stranger he's your neighbor stop being such a grump fine but don't come complaining to me when this party is super lame
Channel: Talking Tom & Friends TV
Views: 285,668
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Talking Tom and Friends, Talking Friends, Talking Tom, Outfit 7, Talking Angela, Talking Hank, Talking Ben, Talking Ginger, animated series, Talking Animals, Funny Cat
Id: 4ET66VDP384
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 282min 25sec (16945 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 16 2024
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