All electronic components names, functions, testing, pictures and symbols - smd components

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hi please pay attention this is a very important video for every electronic technician and engineer you're going to learn and see all electronic components names and functions you're going also to learn how to test using the multimeter all electronic components we're gonna see two parts in this video the first part is artillery part the second part is a practical part so let's get started with the theory part but please don't forget to subscribe share the video and like the video because your likes motivate me to create more and more reduce value [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] part let's now begin the Practical part so the first component we have here electronic capacitor basically the electronic capacitor contain two terminals as you can see here we have the negative terminal and over here we have the positive terminal we call this capacitor polarized capacitor so it has some characteristics including voltage and farad here we have its micro farad we have 2 200 micro farad and 360 volts so the maximum voltage for this capacitor is 360 volt there is basically many Dimension and shape in this capacitor for example for this for example we have 680 micro farad and 220 volt it has of course two terminals negative terminal and positive terminal that's why we called it polarized capacitor so the purpose of this kind of capacitor is to filter the current and to get a continue columns so depending in the type and the shape and the dimension of the capacitor the characteristics are changed for this for example we have 1000 micro farad and 25 volt the maximum voltage is 25 volts so the second component inductor or winding as you can see basically this is an inductor it contains basically two inductors as you can see you have two color over here we have a red color color and we have this orange color okay so this is the first inductor each inductor has two Terminals and this is the second inductor so basically the inductors has as a purpose to increase the current in the circuit here we have another inductor as you can see it contains just one winding or one inductor okay what there is many types of inductions here we have another inductor we find basically this kind of conductor into desktop motherboard okay so you can't test this this inductor using the multimeter and by choosing the continuity option in the multimeter you should get a very low resistance or a bezel in the multimeter this inductor also we find it natural processor into desktop motherboard okay so the inductor has as a purpose to increase the current now we have the relay as you can see this is the relay so basically the relay contains four pins two pins for induction as you can see here we have inductor and the other two pins are basically for a switch the relay has some characteristics into so the voltage here we have 24 voltage and 10 amps so this really transformed 24 volts to 240 volt okay so we have another really here as you can see so always you should find inductor and a switch here we have inductor and over here we have switch once the inductor received the power this switch will be closed okay and then the power will pass from one terminal to another so the characteristics for this relay as you can see is 24 volts and 125 volt so it runs for 24 volt to 100 25 volt okay depending on the circuit next we have rectifier Bridge rectifier okay so this exercise basically are used into switch smart power supply okay in order to transform the voltage from alternating voltage to continue voltage as you can see here for the projectified it has four pins okay so I will show you in the next lectures how to test the bridge rectifier using the multimeter don't worry I'm going to teach you how to test all these components using the multimeter in the next lectures next we have batteries okay so basically for the batteries as you can see here there are many type of batteries for example for this battery this is an involt battery so the battery has its like to capacitor it has two terminals positive terminal and a negative terminal so basically there are many types of battery for example here we have another battery here we have plus and the minus okay this is basically this battery will find it in the battery of laptop it contains many sales like this I don't have other batteries as you can see so always the batteries has plus and minus the battle is generate the voltage and the current so next We have mosfets basically this kind of component it could be a mosfet voltage Regulators oscillators should get diode Etc so we we based on the part number above it okay for example this could be a voltage regulator or oscillator okay but for this one for example over here we have two diodes this is basically the schottky diode or Rectifier okay we find this kind of three terminal components into switch mode power supply that's why Always you should use the part number in order to identify the type of this kind of components it could be with three terminals or even four terminals so here we have this is an IC basically this is DL A-line package I see this is an IC but specifically this IC is to buy us the basic input output system as so here we have this capacitors this is a very known capacitor cpp61 with 450 volts as you can see and 50 60 hertz so basically this capacitor is used to remove the the interference in the circuit there is many types of capacitors as you can see the we use this kind of capacitor basically to remove the interference frequency but for the first capacitor we use it especially in farms we called it sometimes started capacitor and here we have transform as you can see and I am going to show you how to test all these component of course the transmission has two parts or two Stitch the primary stage and the secondary stage this is the electromagnetic interference inductor okay so this kind this is not a Transformer it this basically is used to remove and to eliminate the interface in the circuit here we have another Transformer that contains two inductors or winding a primary winding and secondary winding here we have a switch okay this is a switch we find this kind of switch in laptops and computer motherboards I'm going to show you how to test this kind of switch it has basically four pins or two pins so two pins here for ground and two pins for three volts 3.3 volts okay and over here we have another switch basically the switch has just two terminals okay one table and forget connected to the ground and the other one connected to three point Revolt once you click it you send between 3.3 volt and the ground and the laptop will turn on head basically we have some oscillators we find this kind of oscillators in the switch mode power supply okay this is controller the control the power d control exactly do the Transformers and the power in the motherboard I will we're gonna see all the in the next lectures and here basically this is a mosfet okay this is a voltage regulator that transform from one volt to another volt this is a voltage regulator okay and this one this is the headset the voltage logarithm in the switch mode power supply always need a headset in order to cool down it okay head basically this is capacitor ceramic capacitors okay this is ceramic capacitors we find sometimes the balance capacitors in this shape but this is seven capacitors capacitors has the purpose to remove the noise in the circuit so we'll call it filtering capacitors then we have here transistors okay this is transistors not mosfet so the transistor has the base collector and emitter okay and of course you now I'm going to show you in the next lecture how to test the transistor how to identify the collector how to identify domain into emitter Etc and over here we have uses all this components are fuses okay protection component diffuse protect the circuit for a high current for example this view this is a balloon Fierce this fuse is dimension Fields do you see here the wire inside it the wire is scattered okay it's burned so of course the fuse has two main characteristics so the voltage and the amps so let's see the characteristics for this views for example so we have three amps as you can see and 250 volts so this fuse is failed you should replace it with another fuse with the same characteristics 3 amps 250 volts and of course there is many types of users so let's see the characteristics of this views also so let's Zoom a little bit in order to see the characteristics so as you can see we have 10 amps okay 10 amps and 250 volts so the wire will will be in this fuse very thick and of course there is many other types of uses for example this is another fuse okay that is covered so remember to fuse has two characteristics amps and voltage so here we have a resistors okay this is basically resistors of course resistors you can identify do the capacity of any resistor using just colors okay or of course you can I don't Define it using the multimeter I'm going to show you all this in the next lectures then we have this component we called it Crystal oscillator this is a crystal oscillator that generates the timing and the clock always will find this kind of Crystal oscillator in the laptop motherboard and computer motherboard neutral collection anything nearest to the ich to the BIOS to the superior editor so if we focus here let's see the the how how much megahertz in this Crystal all sensor we have as you can see about 25 megahertz so over here we have electronic capacitor or chemical capacitor this is another type of electronic capacitor we can call it acmd capacitors we find this kind of capacitors into computer motherboard and also in the laptop motherboard okay so basically it has to work two characteristics the voltage and the unit infrared for example this one we have three 390 volts micro farad and 25 volts okay and of course it has two terminals negative terminal and positive terminal of course sometimes you can find some capacitors with a code on it just letters I'm going to show you in the next lectures all about guests so the capacitors we use it to filter and to make the voltage a continued voltage so here we have another capacitor this is basically a capacitor that is used in the circuit this capacitor connect to the the line voltage with the neutral voltage in order to remove the interference in the circuit so this is basically a CMOS battery okay we find many types of battery for example for this one this is for computer its reference is CR2032 this is for computer and laptops okay this is the code the part number for this battery here we have another battery as you can see this is also for laptop okay we have another battery for laptop and the fourth one is for calculator so this small component basically is a ceramic capacitor or PF capacitor picofile capacitor we'll find it everywhere in computer this is a very important compound that remove the noise in the circuit so here we have diodes as you can see this is diodes normal diodes as you can see with cartoon and anode okay as you can see I've cut out a node and here I have two cut it okay so this capacitor led to current to pass just in one direction from the anode to the cathode we use often this component to rectify the current Enterprise some circuit here we have the zener diode that we use to stabilize the current in the circuits here we have cathode as you can see designer diode stabilization of current in the circuit so this is another capacitor we called it 10 Talon capacitor 10 telum capacitor this is basically a polarized capacitor as you can see polarized capacitor also we use it in everywhere into in any circuit in the computer so here we have another oscillator basically this component include inside it two components an oscillator IC and the mosfet we use this kind of IC into switch mode power supply this one also in the switch mode power supply so this one is connected to its helsink so the helsink is very important for this kind of component so here this is a very dangerous component this is a high tension inductors you can see high voltage never touch this components please pay attention never touch this kind of component in the circuit okay never touch it this is a high voltage component we'll find it in television and in some devices so this compound basically it's not diode it's not resistive this is inductor okay you can find this kind of inductor for example in computer motherboard On All or other devices and here basically we have LEDs okay this is LEDs light emitting diodes this is edit this I'm going to show you how to test these LEDs okay in the next lectures and of course next to the LEDs we have some resistors and transition resistors as you can see and also I have some transistors and capacitor 7 capacitor Etc we're gonna study all this and of course I will have an Ico regulator IC so here this is a very important component that I'm going to teach you all right so this is the motor the motor contained two parts inside it a rotor and a stator okay so this is the router okay here I have plus and minus two terminals in order to power it so this is the rotor and the stator inside it let's I'll show you how so here this is the inside of the motor so here in this true this the rotor and this is the stator this inductor means shelter a fixed component and a moving component I have a video in my channel that explains the motor how the motor works so here we have some connectors as you can see okay the connectors don't neglect the connectors to connect us sometimes is the the cause of the Fairly in the motherboard and other reversive so this is a connection with two pins a connector with three pins as you can see and here we have USB connectors it contains four pins okay four pins so this pin is for 5 volts minus D data plus d Delta underground okay I'm going to show you how to test it using the multimeter in the next lectures and we have an all off button this is on off button or two terminals you can find two terminals or even three terminals so here we have a selector this is another switch but we called it a lecture between 1 15 volt and 230 volts okay so this is selector with two terminals of course you can find others with three cameras or even four terminals so here this is the power jack okay this is a power actually find the spell check in motherboards okay when this Power Jacket is failed the motherboard will be a deep motherboard so there is power Jacks with two terminals with three terminals okay and here we have the headset so please guys don't neglect the headsets the headsets has one of the most important role in every device without these headsets everything will burn out in the motherboard the CPU need heatsink do not originate heatsink to ich to graphic card the mosfets every tank needs to head sink especially the main components in every device need headset so please don't neglect headset and of course here we have the black the power plug that will connect to the power jack it consigned two terminals I can show you also for beginners of course how to check and how to test using the multimeter discount of components thank you very much guys for your interests please don't forget to subscribe share the video for other people's like you and to like the video your likes are very important for me because you motivate me with your likes to create more and more videos for you so don't forget to like the video and of course for anywhere who want more content and more advices on how to repair motherboards don't hesitate to join me on my partnering page where I'm share many other useful information speechless schematics for laptops so thank you very much and see you in the next video
Channel: Electronics Repair Basics_ERB
Views: 390,555
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Keywords: Laptop Motherboard Repair, Electronics Repair Basics_ERB, electronic components, smd components, all electronic components names and pictures, smd components identification, electronics components, electronic components explained, electronic component, electronic components and their functions, electronic parts, electrical components, electronics components and their functions, components, electrical symbols, electric components, all electronic components and their functions, smd
Id: 81o8OYPK5TQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 8sec (1448 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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