All Batman Scenes in Suicide Squad: Kill the Justice League (4K)

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criminals can strike anywhere anytime and when they do I need to be ready bat pods are my mobile preparedness units a little like one of your backpacks if your backpacks had cuttingedge stealth technology bat pods contain everything I need from my bat suit to my bat gadgets they can be deployed almost anywhere in the world that means wherever people need help I'll be there despite what flash may have told you my cows are aren't just a fancy Halloween mask they're equipped with augmented Vision lenses so I never miss a clue and a Comm link that lets me talk to my friends in the Justice League before I joined the league I relied on these cowls to keep my identity top secret each one is lined with lead so no one can Peak under them not even Superman I was born Bruce Wayne citizen of Gotham at two years young in age I lost my parents to the city's greatest enemy crime from that day forward I swore I would dedicate my life to defeating those who would pray on the heart and the spirit of Gotham so I became a symbol something even evil would fear I became Vengeance I became the Knight I became that man of course I'd have to rely on More Than Just My Wish I'd have to work hard train every day to fight against Crime I'd have to design high-tech tools equipment and the most advanced Vehicles you've ever seen before I had allies but I thought I had to push them away to protect them now as part of the Justice League I'm grateful for my companions because together we are stronger than we are alone oh oh hey guys oh we were just having a little you hear that no more freaks something scared him off pleas help me hey Bruce still using Shadows to scare the crap out of us criminals huh don't sweat it Batman doesn't kill people are you okay [Music] [Music] go get him flash well fit every woman for this is my exit so long flash down I am not donating to this Museum Green Lantern I have the flash your for escaped criminals they led me right to him no not a threat at all still let their corpses strike fear into those who'd [Music] resist [Music] alive of course Brainiac we're ready for phase the insurgents have developed their own rudimentary phasing Tech those four and whoever they're working with are attempting to organize resistance it'll fall apart on our world these criminal collaborations always do free from your vehicular weapons second rate mechanical work gizmos work you four really have been sent to your debts you know know that don't you be aware Lantern engaged with Wonder Woman before returning to his assigned defensive duties she's injured but an active threat push any advantage use her concern for tearing casualties against her grind her down Brainiac I'm capable of maintaining my surveillance and dealing with Luther it's too soon to deploy he wants to prove himself to the cause of course brinc for the glory of new colu someone's sing out your patrols and installations Bruce Luther's weapons or Wonder Woman I also can't discount the gang of miscreants though damage at this scale indicates ability and competence those four don't have got a cool welcome to the mission flash yeah thanks LAN look I I know I made Luther spill his guts a little too literally but come on maybe I can round up those four criminals flash you're going to stand down and recuperate Bruce you can't be serious you lost your temper cost us our best lead on Luther's informant stand down until I decide to put you back in the field flash Bruce Batman are you there Diana get off I always thought you were smart Bruce Wayne for Immortal that is but if you think I'm going to give up on Lantern flash Cal L or you maybe you're not as smart as I thought your choice is simple Diana join us or die law breakers like you for can't be redeemed when Brainiac has reformed this whole world we won't have do just do it right if you need to boost your Arsenal first there are plenty of Argus missions on your map Waller out minor criminals banding together for a campaign of lawlessness you think I haven't seen this before in Arkham Gotham another thing I know the ring leader never cares for their pawns all units Luther is no longer a concern those four miscreant forced our hand I want proof his technology was rendered inoperable retrieve any evidence of it you find for processing criminals it was Flash's mistake to toy with you for what he could have struck decisively a mistake he now knows better than to repeat Mission should have settled him down made BL soon but we knew this get this incubator's Shield still has some batteries left let's kill them Lantern there's a high probability the criminals have access to Yellow Lantern tech oh they do huh could have need the whole Yellow Lantern core to get past me just be prepared Lantern there's a high probability the criminals have access to Yellow Lantern Tech oh they do huh going to need the whole Yellow Lantern core to get past me just be prepared radiac I'm assessing the battle you know I advised more conditioning on Superman not to field him too soon Diana could be a useful weapon both of them are why risk one destroying the other yes Brainiac I have armor converging on Waller's position to cut the head off the resistance Target Wonder Woman has been dealt with she would have been an exemplary follower Brainiac continuing deployment of heavy units to bring the resistance to heal a weed that's all poison ivy ever was tear it out by the roots last one into bat's murder zones a rotten egg if you're seeing this Robin it means I've been compromised I wanted to say goodbye Tim after everything I'm proud to call you Nightwing and Oracle my friends I don't think I can watch Batman cry this Holograms activation means that I probably the entire Justice League have gone Rogue here's the part where he's got a plan Babel Protocols are active I've been secretly developing counter measures to nullify the rest of the league I start started with the Yellow Lantern recovered after our battle with the Sinestro cor Green Lantern once told me that their rings are powered by the will of the user interestingly I found that already did this bit enhancing the power of the battery but that was just the start I tell us how to take you down bats never heard my guy Bruce talk this much in my life nice production on the graphics oh oh stop this is the killing flash [Music] bit Ah I was more fun in person any anyways what are you looking for Harley me there is no anti- Batman device a RS well it was worth a shot Robin was here I do not think he won that's got Robin talk about cutting out the midlan team up with Nightwing Oracle and if you can find him Jason you'll need to rely on all your years of Highly specialized training uhoh discipline loyalty to your [Music] team having a freaking moment you dummy none of us can do this alone the team you lead the family you choose together you'll be formidable that's something you taught me son keep it together shark Shar are you crying I have a complicated relationship with my father join the club man both now Superman he's our friend but he's also the most dangerous being to ever set foot on Earth if you want to have any chance of defeating him Welcome to the the real Batman experience guys shco dead shot Harley Batman Zapped our [ __ ] again oh that's cheating what the bloody hell am I going to do with no speed force guys bats has whammied us with fear gas he wants you to freak out we can't do this alone only together so you're going to have have to trust me I need you to help me mix the P Toxin and then flood this whole damn man cave I know how it sounds but we got this keep radio silence bats will be tracking Us Harley out mix the gas not stop the gas she's got to be joking yeah you're the joke Digger recognize three you already ditched you they probably hav a big laugh about it mate but just're saying let's leave Boomer huffing on speed you guys to B T's what a loser just cut run man coward's way out it's right over there boom don't do that besides if I split and the others stay then they die that the prisoner's dilemma and if you stay and you all die nice one oh that can't be how it works better not [ __ ] [Music] myself I need you to help me mix the P Toxin and then flood this whole damn man cave I know how it sounds but we got this keep radio silence that will be tracking Us Harley out I trust you Harley Quinn though all surface dwellers are duplicitous yes they are duplicitous and they are lying to you way father silence how can they comprehend what you are what you are meant to be H all they want are your teeth and jaws and muscle you're a pet n of we given everything strength Brilliance power you are the hope of a people a kingdom no no no kill you let surface dwellers drag you away shame on [Music] you Deadshot bats is All Over You Like H on an all beef patty switch your target to this vent Deadshot is in danger understand this not our way at the end is that all they are going to leave you just as you left us struggle shark but you're sinking if my friends are over toting on the fear to I to BL J on [Music] the I need you to help me mix the P Toxin and then blood all damn man game I know got this keep radio silence bats will be tracking us har out taking orders from Quinn that sure is my worst fear dad did he bring me here cuz of you Zoe zo it's a trick Floyd it's the goddamn toxin going to get the bat going to kill STC for making this fear gas like you killed Green Lantern and all the others you're never getting out of jail we ain't doing this haunted house Bullit try to throw my game you've got your new crew now is that how it is punch of damn fools but the thing is see right now they're real and you're not so yeah I'm with them Deadshot bats is all over you like egg on an all beef patty switch your target to this vent okay great first I'm going here now it's there it's better work Quinn Batman's coming for you you kind of deserve it Dad Z come on you want to come for me back come for me not my parents here it's a deal [Music] I need you to help me mix the fear Toxin and then flood this whole damn man cave I know that but we got this keep radio silence bats will be tracking Us Harley out great plan Harley gambling it all in an idea you cooked up in intensive care is that you harleen babe you got to work on your bedside Manor oh tell me what you've been working on HQ because it looks like you traded one killer clown teny for three more you like that this game there they're better oh sweetie you think these people can fix you you think they care they w't even follow your plan you don't call right you and then you go straight to the heavy [Music] stuff Deadshot bats is all over you like egg on an all beef patty switch your target to this vent wait that ain't me it's his vocal harmonizer or whatever he can't hear you quino [ __ ] [ __ ] never think that maybe you're a better follower than a leader now that is crazy talk you never say that I know this it's Back fers In My Head har I got this worked out of I hope you'll be proud of me one day Haren I was talking to my s the guys would really think I'm Luffy well someone's about to get a heap and help in a pubus hope it ain't me your faith in Harley deled you right to me binc told me to preserve your bodies but I'm going to enjoy destroying your mind [Laughter] you think I didn't know we'd have this L reunion one day took me years in Arkham to get any sense out of that jabberin cook Meister scarecrow but I earned my degree in neurochemistry some come L see you might be immune to your fear toxin but you ain't immune to mine impossible welcome to your worst nightmare BS weapons free boys he's standing right there no fear the Batman fear the Batman [Music] we beat a giant Lantern we can beat a giant back behind his powers of intimidation he is just a man I hope [Applause] f I told you I'd take you [Music] apart it's getting to him we just got to hold out a d what yeah [Music] no sure glad that worked was fitty fitt on us surviving the toxin big jerk still breathing wait were you trying to kill him Lex Luther wants Batman Al alive oh yeah Ado Harley anyhoo nice work guys now listen what we definitely shouldn't do is put him in some kind of elaborate death trap situation what trust me been there okay Boomerang get Lex on the line what the hell again Boomer what I thought we were going for the hatrick now [Music] fine good day Lexi we got the bat now what excellent bring him to me at Lex Corp how do we do that hello stiff us for the taxi always wanted to do this let's go B shoes on the other bat foot ain't it ain't it bets gosh he's really heavy no nobody help me um do you plan to carry him the entire way to Lex Corp who says I can't you couldn't have mentioned the doohickey two freaking minutes ago sorry more like dark B you know cuz he's really small we get it okay gang last one Del Le corpse a demon bat let's handball back to Lex cor and no killing them until after we get there by any definition you have become a criminal yourself but Luther is so the informant was another Luther and he's using you check it out Luther we bag the bat leave him on the medical station be careful I'll need a clear brain scan to set the Baseline before the more invasive procedures now let's begin that'll be all uh you've already lost Luther I am Vengeance I am I hit the freaking jackpot mine I think this gun really gets me you know all right Lex is going to need some time and we ought to Tool have fun donating your body to science bats pre my spot for gliden H if you want to do some gluten honestly I ain't got that much to say to him we have very different multiple personalities when I'm done with Batman he's all yours until then he's all mine my laboratory my laboratory protocols don't disturb the subject bringing a mark in alive not used to this man first time for everything Floyd huh yeah I hear that like fighting the damn Superman this is why I abolished bring your kids to work days strapped down experimented on it reminds me of home you don't need B rev shark man hanging with us gets you beat up plenty I should get a selfie with draged up Batman have that look on the front of the dily planet yeah you might actually read that newspaper I do like the ones with pictures you can stand and gloat after I've got what I need out of him for a human your resilience is impressive Batman I'll show you how resilient I am but I already know I just said good day Bruce feeling a bit crook there mate I'll [ __ ] you first you'll watch the others die hey steady on just making conversation oh hey bats you look like [ __ ] buddy Luther didn't break me nothing can because I am the Vengeance the night we know we know I've already calculated 10 ways to kill you who you talking to man your ass is benched 10 ways you only delay the inevitable you can't escape from Justice there's no place for criminals in the world Brainiac will make what do you think you've accomplished it won't stop us while you plot your petty schemes your time is running out gather up Squad Luther made us glow sticks using the mutagenic properties of brainiac's corruption I've synthesized a more potent Vector for Kryptonite radiation I call this new metam material gold cryptonite gold Kryptonite so what's the word like tacky but for rich people ghost wait so this ugly [ __ ] supposed to kill the man of steel the gold Kryptonite will dampen Superman's abilities that should give you a Fighting Chance hold on hold on hold on dampen him a Fighting Chance that's it the alternative is he obliterates every atom in your bodies as soon as he sees you oh all right Fair New so where are we supposed to do this thing people actually I have a suggestion Centennial Park I've dreamed of seeing my Superman broken before his own pompous statue to have that dream realized with this Superman it moves me wouldn't be the weirdest [ __ ] I ever done in a park sure Harley even you can't be stupid enough to think that you have a chance against soon our presence alone may not be enough to go Superman into confronting us know what I'm thinking nope not a chance but whatever it is I'm down is it something violent with the surrealist quality Lex to I'm going to need you to discharge the patient into my care I'm done with him take one of my counterparts cars if Batman is going to Superman's funeral he might as well travel in [Music] style oh we forgot that sorry expensive let's [Music] scream [Music] don't screw this up [Music] you're going to die screaming at Superman's feet why what's up with his feet I don't know man we're too two on killing your boy so far love makes and work and pleasure you think you're a team now you're herd animals dependent on someone else to survive like you Harkness an illiterate alcoholic who's desperate for the spot Floyd's a dead be dad Sharky is a freak will never be a real boy and I what was it oh yeah I never was too bright get some new material jerk off you know Joker used to be real good at hurting people with words but you boop even when you're evil you're still too good you had a good run Brucey flying around Gotham punching bad guys clean up the streets causing long-term mental emotional damage to everyone you knew it's our turn now after all we've been through but you didn't think it'd be me at the end H are we done with your bad standup routine almost but you always got to end on your best joke time for us bad guys to save the [Music] world hell of a bad signal huh what's up that's got the last laugh after all oh he would have wanted this the real Batman I mean remember his inspirational video his plan did help overcome Flash and Lantern should we have watched the segment on Superman what matters now is our plan we're out here making it work so what's the plan how about we shove these gold Kryptonite bullets right up his ass I don't think that's how we're supposed [Music] to [Laughter] one of the world's finest Heroes snuffed out by this mhm and you're next [ __ ] sure sure you can tell Wonder Woman all about it not so funny now is it [ __ ] Metropolis this is Lois Lane from all reports it seems that Batman is gone as Batman and as Bruce Wayne everyone knew him everyone knew his voice always prepared he left a communication with the daily planet in the event of well it reads when I put on the cowl I became a symbol but I never stopped being Bruce Wayne citizen of Gotham remember that we are all handed adversity in our lives no one's journey is easy it's how we handle that how we help others that makes us unique that's what the Batman will always stand for Metropolis will get through this and Batman goodbye you will be missed but never [Music] forgotten [Music]
Channel: Dan Allen Gaming
Views: 167,408
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 97trrJyRDcs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 48sec (2868 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 31 2024
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