ALL ACCESS: David Benavidez vs. Caleb Plant | Full Episode (TV14) | SHOWTIME PPV

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<b>♪</b> <b>Benavidez:</b> <b>Man, March 25th, man.</b> <b>...ready, bro.</b> <b>We're...pumped, man.</b> <b>I can't...wait.</b> <b>Super excited, man.</b> <b>We've been working</b> <b>extremely hard for this.</b> <b>This is a fight we've all known</b> <b>that's been coming</b> <b>for a long, long time.</b> <b>I feel like it couldn't happen</b> <b>at a better time.</b> <b>That's one...dead man</b> <b>walking right there.</b> <b>Thank God you made it</b> <b>to conference.</b> <b>Hope you make it</b> <b>to the fight.</b> <b>March 25th. You're gonna see</b> <b>what's up...</b> <b>You're gonna see</b> <b>what's up.</b> <b>All that...talking</b> <b>can't save you no more.</b> <b>[ Indistinct conversation ]</b> <b>I don't got no losses.</b> <b>I still got more knockouts</b> <b>than you.</b> <b>What you want to do?</b> <b>Shut up.</b> <b>Shut up.</b> <b>I got a lot of respect for you.</b> <b>Don't look at me like that.</b> <b>Stop acting tough, man.</b> <b></b> <b>You know you not like that.</b> <b>Me and you never had an issue.</b> <b>Who not like that?</b> <b>Who not like that?</b> <b>You better</b> <b>calm the...down.</b> <b>Like he didn't</b> <b>get knocked the...out?</b> <b>You should</b> <b>be telling him thank you.</b> <b>And what?</b> <b>And what?</b> <b>You should be telling him</b> <b>thank you for saving --</b> <b>Stop, man.</b> <b>I don't be running</b> <b>from nobody.</b> <b>You guys gonna see</b> <b>what's up.</b> <b>Stop.</b> <b>You gonna see what's up.</b> <b>You gonna see what's up?</b> <b>I'm gonna knock you</b> <b>the...out.</b> <b>You're not scary to me.</b> <b>Lot of yip-yap.</b> <b>What? What?</b> <b>♪</b> <b>Narrator:</b> <b>When two former champions</b> <b>stand in close proximity...</b> <b>Custer: The animus between</b> <b>these two guys is real.</b> <b>Narrator:</b> <b>...bodies emanating hatred,</b> <b>eyes narrowed,</b> <b>fists clenched.</b> <b>Custer:</b> <b>We call it bad blood.</b> <b>Two fighters</b> <b>can't stand each other.</b> <b>It's a grudge match.</b> <b>Narrator:</b> <b>Usually it's because they simply</b> <b>don't like each other.</b> <b>I guarantee you I'm gonna knock</b> <b>Caleb Plant out</b> <b>before Round 6.</b> <b>Guaranteed.</b> <b>Narrator:</b> <b>But sometimes blood feuds</b> <b>signify something deeper...</b> <b>Shut the...up</b> <b>and quit interrupting.</b> <b>What? What you gonna do?</b> <b>What are you gonna do?</b> <b>Let him finish.</b> <b>Narrator:</b> <b> urgency that must...</b> <b>Right here.</b> <b>Narrator:</b> <b>...must be fulfilled.</b> <b>He's so mad.</b> <b>So mad. I'm about</b> <b>to beat the...out you.</b> <b>David Benavidez is your favorite</b> <b>fighter's favorite fighter.</b> <b>I got three...belts</b> <b>right now.</b> <b>I'm what you</b> <b>want</b> <b>Undefeated.</b> <b>Heavy-handed.</b> <b>Action-packing.</b> <b>Announcer: Benavidez unloading</b> <b>with blistering combinations!</b> <b>Narrator: But the slowing</b> <b>of the "Mexican Monster's"</b> <b>sky-high ambitions</b> <b>only heightened his urgency</b> <b>to capitalize</b> <b>on his vast potential.</b> <b>Benavidez: I feel like this is</b> <b>the perfect timing for me</b> <b>in my career and in my life.</b> <b>I have something to prove.</b> <b>Narrator: Caleb Plant</b> <b>scrapped to the pinnacle...</b> <b>Announcer:</b> <b>That will go on the top</b> <b>of Plant's highlight reel.</b> <b>Narrator: ...stared down</b> <b>the brightest of lights...</b> <b>This ain't my first big fight.</b> <b>Narrator: ...and showed out</b> <b>on the grandest of stages.</b> <b>Announcer:</b> <b>Valiant effort by Caleb Plant.</b> <b>Guy fought his heart out.</b> <b>Narrator: But satisfied?</b> <b>Not even close.</b> <b>Plant: You can say that I've</b> <b>made it, but have I?</b> <b>I don't feel that.</b> <b>Narrator: "Sweethands'" urgency</b> <b>starts with proving</b> <b>just getting there</b> <b>wasn't enough.</b> <b>I still feel,</b> <b>like, this desperation.</b> <b>Narrator:</b> <b>For two men who are</b> <b>well acquainted with hardship,</b> <b>the default solution</b> <b>has always been "fight."</b> <b>For two boxers with belts</b> <b>and acclaim,</b> <b>"close" was never the goal.</b> <b>Plant: This is what I've done</b> <b>my whole life.</b> <b>This is my destiny.</b> <b>This what I feel like</b> <b>I was born to do.</b> <b>Narrator: And for those former</b> <b>champions who want so much more,</b> <b>on Saturday, March 25th,</b> <b>in Las Vegas,</b> <b>they will prove that</b> <b>their mutual hatred is real.</b> <b>Benavidez:</b> <b>This is the type of fights</b> <b>boxing fans want to see --</b> <b>two guys that really don't like</b> <b>each other going at it.</b> <b>Narrator: But that's because</b> <b>of the stakes,</b> <b>because of what they must prove.</b> <b>He has a big...mouth</b> <b>when I'm not around.</b> <b>All that rah-rah,</b> <b>that loud stuff.</b> <b>Real tough guys</b> <b>don't act like that.</b> <b>Narrator: Because there are</b> <b>fights that feel urgent</b> <b>and fights that<i> are.</b></i> <b>♪</b> <b>Bah-bah.</b> <b>[ Grunts ]</b> <b>[ Punch thuds ]</b> <b>Bah-bah.</b> <b>[ Grunts ]</b> <b>[ Punch thuds ]</b> <b>Bah-bah.</b> <b>[ Grunts ]</b> <b>[ Punch thuds ]</b> <b>Bah-bah.</b> <b>[ Grunts ]</b> <b>Bah-bah.</b> <b>[ Grunts ]</b> <b>Bah-bah.</b> <b>[ Grunts ]</b> <b>Boom-boom.</b> <b>[ Grunts ]</b> <b>Bah-bah.</b> <b>[ Grunts ]</b> <b>Benavidez:</b> <b>There's a lot of emotions</b> <b>going into this camp.</b> <b>[ Both grunting ]</b> <b>I don't like Caleb Plant.</b> <b>He doesn't like me.</b> <b>I've been waiting</b> <b>to beat his ass</b> <b>since the first day I met him.</b> <b>[ Grunting ]</b> <b>My only mission</b> <b>is to go in there</b> <b>and actually put a beating</b> <b>on Caleb Plant.</b> <b>I want to go in there,</b> <b>and I want to make a statement</b> <b>for him and for everybody</b> <b>at 168.</b> <b>[ Grunting ]</b> <b>I feel like the only way</b> <b>this fight can end</b> <b>is in a knockout.</b> <b>I don't think I could be any</b> <b>more motivated than I am now.</b> <b>You're gonna see what's</b> <b>gonna happen on March 25th.</b> <b>I got something for his ass.</b> <b>[ Grunts ]</b> <b>Ohh!</b> <b>[ Laughs ]</b> <b>That's right.</b> <b>[ Indistinct conversations ]</b> <b>Caleb Plant is in trouble.</b> <b>I felt that. Now, let's go.</b> <b>Narrator: Realistically, few</b> <b>boxers can expect to knock out</b> <b>every one of their opponents.</b> <b>Ring announcer: David...</b> <b>Narrator: David Benavidez</b> <b>is rare that way.</b> <b>Known for his furious style,</b> <b>he combines</b> <b>a larger man's strength...</b> <b>Announcer:</b> <b>And there's a left hook!</b> <b>Narrator:</b> <b>...with a smaller man's speed.</b> <b>Announcer: Wow!</b> <b>Narrator: Undefeated</b> <b>in 26 professional bouts,</b> <b>he registered stoppages</b> <b>in 23.</b> <b>Announcer: He is down!</b> <b>Narrator: Next up on the K.O.</b> <b>wish list -- Caleb Plant.</b> <b>Benavidez: I'm extremely</b> <b>prepared for this camp.</b> <b>I've been working super hard,</b> <b>and I'm very excited, man.</b> <b>The moment I've been</b> <b>waiting for my whole life</b> <b>is about to get here,</b> <b>and I'm definitely gonna take</b> <b>advantage of that opportunity.</b> <b>[ Telephone rings ]</b> <b>So this is where me and my wife</b> <b>come to talk about our problems.</b> <b>[ Chuckles ]</b> <b>[ Rhythmic beeping ]</b> <b>Alfaro: We have what we call</b> <b>emotional stressors,</b> <b>conflict stressors,</b> <b>relationship stressors.</b> <b>Anxiety.</b> <b>If somebody has anxiety,</b> <b>we can help relieve anxiety</b> <b>in individuals, right?</b> <b>"Age timeline."</b> <b>That means</b> <b>we can tell from birth to now</b> <b>the most stressor times</b> <b>in your life</b> <b>and we can tell you</b> <b>what age you were.</b> <b>This is stuff that everybody</b> <b>needs to work on.</b> <b>You know, you could --</b> <b>you, as a boxer, you could</b> <b>work all day and night,</b> <b>but sometimes</b> <b>you need the rest,</b> <b>and then you need to work on</b> <b>your brain,</b> <b>you know,</b> <b>stuff like this.</b> <b>I want you to sit back,</b> <b>close your eyes,</b> <b>and let's do a little bit</b> <b>of focusing the mind.</b> <b>Now just sit back.</b> <b>I want you to go</b> <b>to your nice, happy place.</b> <b>Really get in touch</b> <b>with it.</b> <b>Narrator:</b> <b>In terms of heavy weights,</b> <b>David Benavidez carries</b> <b>more than most,</b> <b>beginning with</b> <b>a rough childhood.</b> <b>He comes from a fighting family,</b> <b>one started by José Sr.,</b> <b>who ruled with an iron fist,</b> <b>pushing his two sons,</b> <b>including his namesake,</b> <b>into boxing</b> <b>as early as possible.</b> <b>Benavidez: Before I even knew</b> <b>that I wanted to be a boxer,</b> <b>my dad had already</b> <b>put me in boxing.</b> <b>I think we started</b> <b>in our garage.</b> <b>I was two years old, and I just</b> <b>basically mimicked my brother</b> <b>and tried to do everything</b> <b>he would do.</b> <b>And then as time went on,</b> <b>I started falling in love</b> <b>with the sport of boxing.</b> <b>Narrator:</b> <b>The fighting Benavidez boys</b> <b>flashed immediate promise.</b> <b>First, José Jr.</b> <b>won 11 national titles</b> <b>while setting a record for the</b> <b>youngest Golden Gloves champion</b> <b>at only 16.</b> <b>His younger brother</b> <b>carried heavy</b> <b>and literal weight</b> <b>back then.</b> <b>As a middle schooler,</b> <b>David ballooned to 260 pounds</b> <b>through a diet heavy</b> <b>on soft drinks and fast food.</b> <b>When I was younger,</b> <b>I was the fatter kid</b> <b>and I wasn't really</b> <b>the fastest,</b> <b>so I had to go in there and</b> <b>actually like earn my respect.</b> <b>Literally, I had to go</b> <b>and take it from them.</b> <b>Everybody would laugh at me,</b> <b>but when I'd get in the gym</b> <b>and I'd beat that ass,</b> <b>nobody would laugh</b> <b>at me ever again.</b> <b>Then I started sparring men.</b> <b>that were like 200 pounds,</b> <b>all built,</b> <b>and I'd beat up big grown men</b> <b>when I was 13 years old.</b> <b>It just motivated me</b> <b>to another level,</b> <b>and I thought to myself that,</b> <b>you know,</b> <b>I really am here for a reason,</b> <b>and I'm not gonna let</b> <b>this opportunity go to waste,</b> <b>and I definitely will be</b> <b>a world champion.</b> <b>Narrator: With training</b> <b>and sweat equity,</b> <b>the weight melted off,</b> <b>and a lighter,</b> <b>still ferocious David</b> <b>earned a rare opportunity</b> <b>to become the youngest</b> <b>super middleweight champion</b> <b>in boxing history</b> <b>at only 21 years old.</b> <b>His beloved uncle died two weeks</b> <b>before that bout.</b> <b>But the Mexican Monster</b> <b>made history...</b> <b>Ring announcer:</b> <b>From Phoenix, Arizona...</b> <b>Narrator: ...and honored</b> <b>Moises Balladares</b> <b>in the very same night.</b> <b>Ring announcer:</b> <b>David Benavidez!</b> <b>Benavidez: It's amazing,</b> <b>you know?</b> <b>This fight was a tribute</b> <b>to my uncle.</b> <b>He passed away</b> <b>during my training camp.</b> <b>But it's a very amazing feeling.</b> <b>I did this for him.</b> <b>All my people</b> <b>in Phoenix, Arizona.</b> <b>You know,</b> <b>it's an amazing feeling.</b> <b>[ Rhythmic grunting ]</b> <b>Narrator:</b> <b>For all the dominance displayed</b> <b>by David Benavidez,</b> <b>the knockouts</b> <b>and bruises delivered,</b> <b>his résumé lacks</b> <b>but one critical element --</b> <b>a career-defining</b> <b>signature victory.</b> <b>Win on March 25th,</b> <b>and he'll have that too.</b> <b>Benavidez: It's definitely</b> <b>the biggest fight of my career</b> <b>to this date</b> <b>because it's my first</b> <b>pay-per-view fight.</b> <b>It's actual bad blood between me</b> <b>and a fighter I don't like.</b> <b>This fight is definitely</b> <b>gonna put me on the map,</b> <b>and it's gonna open</b> <b>so much doors for me,</b> <b>so I'm definitely</b> <b>taking it serious.</b> <b>Plant: Growing up, I was,</b> <b>you know, more the lower income.</b> <b>We first started off in that</b> <b>trailer, in a single wide,</b> <b>and then we moved up</b> <b>to a double wide.</b> <b>Then we finally was able to get</b> <b>like a little house back there</b> <b>on the same property.</b> <b>Eventually, you know,</b> <b>the house got foreclosed,</b> <b>and we had to move.</b> <b>I really had nowhere to stay</b> <b>or nowhere to go.</b> <b>And I was living in, like,</b> <b>an abandoned office building.</b> <b>I was just daydreaming all day</b> <b>about boxing</b> <b>and the life I wanted to live.</b> <b>And I just knew, like, "Man,</b> <b>if this don't work out for me,</b> <b>then I literally have no idea</b> <b>what I'm gonna do,</b> <b>so I have to make this work."</b> <b>And just working at it</b> <b>like my life depended on it</b> <b>'cause I felt like it did.</b> <b>It did depend on it.</b> <b>[ OHNO's "Get Swavy" plays ]</b> <b>♪</b> <b>♪ OHNO, OHNO ♪</b> <b>♪ Get swavy ♪</b> <b>♪ Get, get, get swavy ♪</b> <b>♪ Get swavy ♪</b> <b>♪ Get, get, get swavy ♪</b> <b>♪ Get swavy ♪</b> <b>♪ Get, get, get swavy ♪</b> <b>♪ The way that I do it,</b> <b>these bitches, they pay me ♪</b> <b>♪ All I be doing</b> <b>is keeping it swavy ♪</b> <b>I'm a fighter. I'm a boxer.</b> <b>This is what I do.</b> <b>David, he's making it a point to</b> <b>let everyone know that,</b> <b>"Oh, he thinks he's the..."</b> <b>I mean, yeah, I do</b> <b>when it comes to boxing.</b> <b>I feel like I'm the best.</b> <b>I don't feel like</b> <b>anybody can beat me.</b> <b>You tell me one great fighter</b> <b>who don't think he's the...</b> <b>who don't think he's good,</b> <b>who don't think he's the best</b> <b>or that he can beat you</b> <b>or beat him</b> <b>or beat anybody in the room.</b> <b>This fight with David,</b> <b>it's just something</b> <b>where I want to win</b> <b>in a fashion.</b> <b>[ Punches thudding ]</b> <b>Man: Nice.</b> <b>Narrator: The intensity in camp</b> <b>shows most in training,</b> <b>as Plant shuttles between</b> <b>his boxing and home gyms,</b> <b>his core team always in tow.</b> <b>Good job.</b> <b>Plant's father, Richie,</b> <b>runs the sweat-and-sacrifice</b> <b>part of the operation.</b> <b>Nice shot.</b> <b>Very crisp.</b> <b>Like many a boxing dad,</b> <b>he guided his son</b> <b>from the very start.</b> <b>And after suffering his first</b> <b>pro loss 16 months ago,</b> <b>Caleb added a new member</b> <b>to his training staff.</b> <b>Nice!</b> <b>Meet</b> <b>Stephen "Breadman" Edwards...</b> <b>Nice.</b> <b>...the man tasked with</b> <b>continuing Plant's</b> <b>boxing evolution.</b> <b>Edwards: Caleb might have to go</b> <b>to a really dark place</b> <b>to win this fight.</b> <b>You're dealing with</b> <b>a young, hungry kid</b> <b>that's getting their first shot</b> <b>like that.</b> <b>He's literally coming to try</b> <b>to ruin Caleb's career,</b> <b>end his career.</b> <b>You know, you're gonna</b> <b>have to turn him back.</b> <b>Narrator: For all the reasons</b> <b>that Caleb Plant fights for,</b> <b>the first</b> <b>marked the most primal --</b> <b>to be able to eat.</b> <b>From there,</b> <b>respect became important.</b> <b>After all,</b> <b>Plant is a white American boxer,</b> <b>and expectations</b> <b>within his Venn diagram</b> <b>tend to stay low,</b> <b>which just pushed the kid from</b> <b>the trailer park even higher.</b> <b>Coming up as an amateur,</b> <b>you hear</b> <b>a lot of stereotypes</b> <b>being you know,</b> <b>tossed your way</b> <b>or people telling you, you know,</b> <b>because you're this color</b> <b>or come from here</b> <b>that you can't be a good boxer</b> <b>at the top of boxing.</b> <b>You know, I'm from the country</b> <b>and I'm a Caucasian.</b> <b>You know, this and that.</b> <b>Oo-wee.</b> <b>Good work, Caleb.</b> <b>I hope</b> <b>that my life can prove,</b> <b>regardless of your ethnicity,</b> <b>your background,</b> <b>your religion, whatever,</b> <b>it doesn't matter</b> <b>where you're from</b> <b>or what you look like,</b> <b>you can be --</b> <b>you can be</b> <b>whatever you want.</b> <b>Ring announcer:</b> <b>Ladies and gentlemen,</b> <b>please welcome</b> <b>Caleb "Sweethands" Plant!</b> <b>Narrator: It didn't take long</b> <b>for Plant</b> <b>to flash immense talent.</b> <b>His nickname owed to his speed</b> <b>and his technical proficiency.</b> <b>And only five years</b> <b>into his pro career,</b> <b>he won the IBF</b> <b>super middleweight championship.</b> <b>Ring announcer:</b> <b>...and the new IBF...</b> <b>Narrator: Plant defended</b> <b>his title three times,</b> <b>rising and rising,</b> <b>until he landed</b> <b>the bout of a lifetime --</b> <b>a date with pound-for-pound</b> <b>superstar Canelo Alvarez</b> <b>in November of 2021.</b> <b>Despite a valiant effort,</b> <b>Plant lost</b> <b>to a generational talent,</b> <b>suffering his first pro defeat.</b> <b>Plant:</b> <b>Losses hurt, you know?</b> <b>That's life.</b> <b>That's boxing, you know?</b> <b>But it works for me in a way</b> <b>that I can use it</b> <b>and propel myself forward.</b> <b>♪ Ain't gonna let you rain</b> <b>on my parade no more ♪</b> <b>Narrator: Undeterred,</b> <b>Plant needed a victory</b> <b>to start his climb back</b> <b>to the pinnacle.</b> <b>♪ It's time to let go</b> <b>of this charade ♪</b> <b>Only a year later,</b> <b>with Breadman at his side,</b> <b>he was back in the ring</b> <b>against two-time world champion</b> <b>Anthony Dirrell.</b> <b>The savage left hook earned</b> <b>Plant knockout of the year.</b> <b>[ Crowd cheering ]</b> <b>Plant: Yeah, I know you</b> <b>weren't expecting this.</b> <b>Clearly none of these people</b> <b>were either.</b> <b>So I'm pretty good, huh?</b> <b>♪ Ooooh ♪</b> <b>[ Child cooing ]</b> <b>Narrator: Six months ago,</b> <b>Caleb Plant and his wife,</b> <b>Jordan,</b> <b>welcomed their daughter, Charly,</b> <b>into the world their creating.</b> <b>[ Imitating</b> <b>airplane engine buzzing ]</b> <b>The joy</b> <b>of adding a family member</b> <b>can make a man bullish</b> <b>about his future.</b> <b>[ Imitating</b> <b>airplane engine buzzing ]</b> <b>Mmm.</b> <b>Hence the urgency.</b> <b>Plant's latest</b> <b>and smallest reason to fight.</b> <b>Num-nums.</b> <b>Plant: You know what drives me</b> <b>is just to --</b> <b>to accomplish more.</b> <b>You know, I'm just trying to see</b> <b>how far I can get</b> <b>before my time expires,</b> <b>you know?</b> <b>It was<i> a</i> goal</b> <b>to become world champion,</b> <b>but it wasn't<i> the</i> goal.</b> <b>You know, the goal is to become,</b> <b>you know,</b> <b>multiple-time world champion,</b> <b>multiple weight classes,</b> <b>become undisputed,</b> <b>be on the pound-for-pound list.</b> <b>March 25th,</b> <b>I just see myself having my way,</b> <b>doing what I want to do.</b> <b>Fighting hard, boxing hard,</b> <b>get my hand raised.</b> <b>[ Engine revving ]</b> <b>Benavidez:</b> <b>We're on Sport right now.</b> <b>[ Engine revving ]</b> <b>...engine sounds insane.</b> <b>And then there's another one --</b> <b>Corsa.</b> <b>I'mma let you feel it</b> <b>real quick.</b> <b>Already feel it.</b> <b>It's not playing no games.</b> <b>[ Engine revving ]</b> <b>[ Chuckles ]</b> <b>Yeah, but it is, uh --</b> <b>it's easy to get a little bit</b> <b>out of control with this car,</b> <b>so I got to tame the beast</b> <b>a little bit.</b> <b>♪</b> <b>♪</b> <b>♪</b> <b>Narrator: Boxing gave</b> <b>the Benavidez family</b> <b>far more than distinct rides.</b> <b>From prospects</b> <b>to pros to champions,</b> <b>José Sr. has shaped the family</b> <b>business along with his sons.</b> <b>And naturally</b> <b>they'll continue to expand.</b> <b>So I started boxing</b> <b>like around two years old.</b> <b>My son is two.</b> <b>So, look, he's already</b> <b>following in my footsteps.</b> <b>So this is the making</b> <b>of a great champion already.</b> <b>It's definitely gives me the</b> <b>motivation I need to keep going,</b> <b>to be able to provide him</b> <b>with everything he needs</b> <b>and be successful in his life</b> <b>and in his career.</b> <b>Well, you should see</b> <b>when he gets going,</b> <b>he gets</b> <b>the little combinations going.</b> <b>He's unlike anything</b> <b>you've ever seen.</b> <b>Yeah.</b> <b>Good job!</b> <b>He throws more combinations</b> <b>than me.</b> <b>One-two.</b> <b>Let me see some combinations.</b> <b>Go, go, go, go!</b> <b>Ohh!</b> <b>Combos, combos, combos.</b> <b>Let's go!</b> <b>Ayyy!</b> <b>Good job.</b> <b>Good job.</b> <b>Good job.</b> <b>Big hug.</b> <b>Huh?</b> <b>Big hug.</b> <b>♪</b> <b>Narrator:</b> <b>Should he pursue boxing,</b> <b>Anthony Benavidez</b> <b>will surely encounter obstacles.</b> <b>After all, Grandpa can attest</b> <b>to an unassailable truth --</b> <b>Even prodigies are human.</b> <b>♪</b> <b>David owns</b> <b>the infamous distinction</b> <b>of being the rare fighter</b> <b>to lose belts twice</b> <b>without dropping a bout --</b> <b>first, for a positive drug test.</b> <b>Benavidez: The first time I got</b> <b>suspended for doing cocaine.</b> <b>At the time I was</b> <b>just a fat kid, that outcast.</b> <b>And then you start winning,</b> <b>you start making money,</b> <b>people start coming around you</b> <b>and you get invited to parties</b> <b>and one thing leads to another.</b> <b>But I'm glad it happened</b> <b>when it happened.</b> <b>You know, I feel like</b> <b>I've had a lot of time</b> <b>to mature from that,</b> <b>and I really do believe that.</b> <b>♪</b> <b>Narrator:</b> <b>Weight also remains an issue.</b> <b>Benavidez was again</b> <b>stripped of his title in 2020,</b> <b>this time for failing</b> <b>to make weight.</b> <b>And the more critical skeptics</b> <b>wonder if this lingering issue</b> <b>isn't due to motivation,</b> <b>despite the knockout rate</b> <b>that suggests otherwise.</b> <b>I mean, I still deal with it</b> <b>to this day.</b> <b>Caleb Plant's talking...</b> <b>saying fat boy this,</b> <b>fat boy that.</b> <b>But at the end of the day,</b> <b>it makes no sense</b> <b>that these dudes are all cut up,</b> <b>they're all marked up,</b> <b>they don't have</b> <b>no...knockouts.</b> <b>And then you go</b> <b>to the opposite side</b> <b>and you got somebody</b> <b>that's a fat boy supposedly,</b> <b>he has 26 fights</b> <b>and he has 23 knockouts.</b> <b>So you tell me who's doing --</b> <b>who's doing it right?</b> <b>I don't care what people say.</b> <b>At the end of the day,</b> <b>they say I'm fat,</b> <b>they say I'm this,</b> <b>they say I'm that,</b> <b>they say I'm not dedicated.</b> <b>But then at the end of the day,</b> <b>I'm doing my...job.</b> <b>And when I get his ass</b> <b>in that ring March 25th,</b> <b>I'm gonna break</b> <b>his...mouth.</b> <b>I'm gonna make him regret</b> <b>everything he said.</b> <b>Plant: So after the fight</b> <b>with Dirrell,</b> <b>I knew that it would be</b> <b>a viral moment.</b> <b>And it was really</b> <b>a perfect night.</b> <b>You know, I figured that</b> <b>that would be a perfect time</b> <b>to drop the action figure.</b> <b>2022 K.O. of the year</b> <b>kind of memorabilia.</b> <b>Shovel's included.</b> <b>I'm just trying to expand</b> <b>on the merchandise path,</b> <b>you know, what a lot</b> <b>of the other people are doing</b> <b>and, you know,</b> <b>push things forward.</b> <b>Narrator: From in-ring action</b> <b>to action figures,</b> <b>Plant pushes to capitalize</b> <b>on his status and success.</b> <b>Moving forward</b> <b>after starting from behind.</b> <b>Still, with a career-altering</b> <b>fight upcoming,</b> <b>enjoying the rewards</b> <b>is also part of the plan.</b> <b>So this is the shoe wall</b> <b>right here.</b> <b>Salomon Kith collab.</b> <b>Solomon Margiela.</b> <b>Salomon Hidden collab.</b> <b>Chrome Heart Chuck Taylors.</b> <b>Animal Pack 1s.</b> <b>Union 2s.</b> <b>Union 4s.</b> <b>Supreme 5s.</b> <b>86 1s.</b> <b>When Jordan broke his foot,</b> <b>Nike made him a rehab shoe</b> <b>to give him a little more</b> <b>support for his ankle.</b> <b>85 Dunks.</b> <b>Kentucky Wildcats.</b> <b>Ben & Jerry's.</b> <b>Like, clothes and shoes,</b> <b>that's one thing that, you know,</b> <b>I've always been into.</b> <b>Fashion and sneakers.</b> <b>There's a couple, like,</b> <b>I don't wear.</b> <b>Like, I don't wear these.</b> <b>Grateful Dead.</b> <b>I never went too crazy,</b> <b>but I definitely spent</b> <b>a couple of dollars</b> <b>on shoes and clothes.</b> <b>It's not all about</b> <b>the material things, obviously,</b> <b>but I have the things</b> <b>that I dreamt about as a kid.</b> <b>You know,</b> <b>I sit back sometimes</b> <b>and give myself</b> <b>a little pat on the back.</b> <b>Even when I had nothing,</b> <b>even when I owed money,</b> <b>I feel like I knew</b> <b>this day was coming,</b> <b>you know, where I would be</b> <b>in the financial situation I am,</b> <b>so I wanted to make sure</b> <b>that I was prepared for that.</b> <b>Jordan: Too often we hear</b> <b>stories of fighters</b> <b>who made a bunch of money,</b> <b>and then they're 45,</b> <b>50 years old, and it's all gone.</b> <b>I just think it would be nice</b> <b>to kind of change the narrative</b> <b>for fighters,</b> <b>where they can figure out</b> <b>how to make that money last</b> <b>and live a nice life.</b> <b>Narrator: Speaking of making</b> <b>things that last,</b> <b>Caleb and Jordan Plant</b> <b>haven't forgotten date night</b> <b>in all the hubbub.</b> <b>Middle of camp, new baby,</b> <b>night on the town.</b> <b>They hop</b> <b>into the 1964 Chevy Impala,</b> <b>a low rider for shared</b> <b>sky-high ambitions</b> <b>from a boxing power couple</b> <b>since 2016.</b> <b>♪ No roundabout ♪</b> <b>♪ Just say it to my face,</b> <b>my shoes stay laced ♪</b> <b>♪ Time to put him</b> <b>in his place ♪</b> <b>♪ On my mind ♪</b> <b>♪ Ticktock on the watch</b> <b>at a line ♪</b> <b>♪ Hopscotch in the drop,</b> <b>feeling fine ♪</b> <b>Jordan: When we first met,</b> <b>he didn't have much,</b> <b>but I didn't have much either.</b> <b>Not that that really matters</b> <b>because I'm not</b> <b>with Caleb for things.</b> <b>I'm with him</b> <b>because of who he is.</b> <b>We enjoy being</b> <b>around each other.</b> <b>That says more than</b> <b>just loving each other</b> <b>because he's my best friend.</b> <b>I'm gonna do the</b> <b>strawberry shortcake, please.</b> <b>Thank you.</b> <b>Plant: Jordan never</b> <b>treated me like some scrub.</b> <b>She treated me as if I was</b> <b>in the position I'm in now.</b> <b>That's a rarity.</b> <b>I understand that.</b> <b>And so I don't</b> <b>take that for granted.</b> <b>♪</b> <b>[ Crowd "oohs" ]</b> <b>Franco: It means a lot</b> <b>for people like us</b> <b>to have somebody</b> <b>like Caleb.</b> <b>He came up from the bottom,</b> <b>just like most of us here have.</b> <b>To see him being so successful,</b> <b>to still be able to keep it real</b> <b>and stay in tabs</b> <b>with the lowrider culture,</b> <b>the people out here,</b> <b>they all take notice of that.</b> <b>Appreciate it, man.</b> <b>God bless.</b> <b>Plant:</b> <b>My dad put me in there with</b> <b>a multitime national champion</b> <b>my second fight</b> <b>when I was a little kid,</b> <b>I was like nine years old.</b> <b>Got my butt whupped.</b> <b>When I first started,</b> <b>I was 1-4,</b> <b>and now I'm at the top.</b> <b>I've seen where Caleb's come</b> <b>from and where he's at now.</b> <b>And he's a man of his word.</b> <b>He would always do what he said</b> <b>he was gonna do.</b> <b>I think it's kind of rare,</b> <b>and I love it.</b> <b>[ Engine revving ]</b> <b>Franco: Do your thing, man.</b> <b>You know,</b> <b>all these people got your back.</b> <b>You already know that.</b> <b>All right.</b> <b>♪</b> <b>[ Making mouth sounds ]</b> <b>[ Snarling ]</b> <b>Billegas: Tonight for dinner</b> <b>for the Plants,</b> <b>we've got</b> <b>a lovely panang curry.</b> <b>So instead of having to go out</b> <b>and grab something like this,</b> <b>we can still have it</b> <b>here in house</b> <b>and let it be nutritious.</b> <b>Get him fueled,</b> <b>ready for tomorrow.</b> <b>He's got a good run</b> <b>up in Mount Charleston.</b> <b>Sous-chef Charly.</b> <b>Narrator: Don't tell Chef Nick</b> <b>about the ice cream.</b> <b>As one of the most critical</b> <b>members of Team Plant,</b> <b>the superfoods guru handles</b> <b>all dietary needs,</b> <b>which is why, shortly after</b> <b>winning his first belt,</b> <b>Plant compiled a super team</b> <b>to ensure his continued rise.</b> <b>After everything, he's grateful,</b> <b>especially for everyone</b> <b>around him.</b> <b>Jordan:</b> <b>When we didn't have anyone,</b> <b>it was stressful, like making</b> <b>sure his weight was good.</b> <b>Plant: You got to do your</b> <b>laundry by yourself.</b> <b>You got to find something</b> <b>to eat by yourself.</b> <b>You know, you're doing</b> <b>everything on your own.</b> <b>I felt like I was falling behind</b> <b>a little bit on that.</b> <b>You know, I always knew</b> <b>that when I got to that spot,</b> <b>I would start to bring on</b> <b>all these people</b> <b>and expand the team.</b> <b>Jordan: It's important for him</b> <b>to have a team he can trust</b> <b>and that is going to do</b> <b>the right thing on his behalf.</b> <b>And it's a huge commitment.</b> <b>I respect him as a man,</b> <b>and I respect the career</b> <b>that he's in,</b> <b>and I respect the training that</b> <b>he does to get to this level</b> <b>and what he has to do</b> <b>to stay at this level.</b> <b>Tough times create</b> <b>hard men, right?</b> <b>And good times</b> <b>create soft men.</b> <b>So...</b> <b>Plant: The only thing worse</b> <b>than being poor is</b> <b>being poor</b> <b>and then getting money</b> <b>and then having to go back</b> <b>to being poor.</b> <b>I'm sure it's crushing,</b> <b>you know,</b> <b>and I'm doing everything</b> <b>that I can to prevent me,</b> <b>my wife, Charly, my dad,</b> <b>and everyone else</b> <b>who works with us</b> <b>from having to go back to that.</b> <b>It's hard enough</b> <b>to get there,</b> <b>but it's another to have to</b> <b>stay there, you know?</b> <b>So you got to got to continue</b> <b>to do more and improve.</b> <b>As Richie says, it's simple...</b> <b>But it ain't easy.</b> <b>But it ain't easy.</b> <b>That's right.</b> <b>♪ Oh, Father, tell me ♪</b> <b>♪ Do we get what we deserve? ♪</b> <b>Benavidez: I want to be a form</b> <b>of motivation from anybody</b> <b>'cause it's hard out there.</b> <b>The world is not easy.</b> <b>I came from somewhere</b> <b>where, you know,</b> <b>there's not</b> <b>too much opportunities.</b> <b>What doesn't kill you</b> <b>makes you stronger.</b> <b>And I really do believe that.</b> <b>♪ And way down we go ♪</b> <b>♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪</b> <b>♪ Way down we go ♪</b> <b>♪ Oh, oh, oh, oh ♪</b> <b>♪ Say way down... ♪</b> <b>Narrator: For two</b> <b>former world champions,</b> <b>urgency starts with a simple,</b> <b>uncomplicated question --</b> <b>What price are</b> <b>they willing to pay?</b> <b>Easy work.</b> <b>Let's go.</b> <b>♪ Whoa, you let your feet</b> <b>run wild ♪</b> <b>Narrator:</b> <b>In order to fight back to</b> <b>the pinnacle and settle a beef,</b> <b>they must not simply sacrifice,</b> <b>but endure the inevitable</b> <b>and acute pain sown</b> <b>into their clash ahead.</b> <b>♪ 'Cause they will</b> <b>run you down ♪</b> <b>♪ Down till you fall ♪</b> <b>Plant: It's the biggest fight</b> <b>of my life,</b> <b>so I'm laying it all out</b> <b>on the line.</b> <b>I've pushed harder this camp</b> <b>than any camp I've ever been in.</b> <b>I'm feeling supremely confident</b> <b>going in.</b> <b>I'm feeling good.</b> <b>I'm in the best shape</b> <b>of my life.</b> <b>I'm ready to get in there.</b> <b>♪ And way down we go ♪</b> <b>Narrator: The fighter known</b> <b>as Sweethands</b> <b>long ago</b> <b>left the trailer park behind.</b> <b>His story</b> <b>is resilience personified.</b> <b>But to again reach the heights</b> <b>he once ascended,</b> <b>that resilience means taking</b> <b>the most dangerous route,</b> <b>the one he chose.</b> <b>Plant: I've been at the top of</b> <b>the division for some years now.</b> <b>Experience plays a major part</b> <b>in this game.</b> <b>You got to go through the fire</b> <b>to get it, and I've done that.</b> <b>♪ Way down we go ♪</b> <b>Narrator:</b> <b>David "the Mexican Monster"</b> <b>Benavidez can relate.</b> <b>He too endured,</b> <b>turbulence, violence, loss.</b> <b>He too transformed,</b> <b>elevated, triumphed.</b> <b>Benavidez:</b> <b>By the time I'm done boxing,</b> <b>I just want to be the greatest</b> <b>of my generation, you know?</b> <b>I mean, I'm made for this.</b> <b>Narrator: Only his hands</b> <b>are heavy these days.</b> <b>He too is willing</b> <b>to pay the violence tax...</b> <b>I really am here for a reason.</b> <b>And I'm not gonna let</b> <b>this opportunity go to waste.</b> <b>Narrator: levied shortly</b> <b>by Caleb Plant.</b> <b>Plant: I'm looking to continue</b> <b>to just</b> <b>pick one top super middleweight</b> <b>off at a time</b> <b>until they're all gone.</b> <b>Come March 25th, I plan on</b> <b>cementing myself as that guy.</b> <b>Aaah!</b> <b>Aaah!</b> <b>Benavidez:</b> <b>The stars are aligned,</b> <b>and everything is happening</b> <b>in that perfect sequence.</b> <b>I'm gonna go in there</b> <b>and try to inflict</b> <b>as much damage as possible.</b> <b>Narrator: And so on Saturday,</b> <b>March 25th, in Las Vegas,</b> <b>both fighters will seek</b> <b>to answer the same question.</b> <b>♪ Way down we go ♪</b> <b>What would they pay</b> <b>for what they desire?</b> <b>♪ Way down we go ♪</b> <b>The answer, either way, is,</b> <b>"Anything."</b> <b>♪ We go ♪</b> <b>♪</b> <b>On Saturday, March 25th,</b> <b>David "the Mexican Monster"</b> <b>Benavidez</b> <b>will meet</b> <b>Caleb "Sweethands" Plant,</b> <b>only on pay-per-view.</b> <b>Woman: [ Laughs ]</b> <b>Let's go.</b> <b>♪ Load up the truck</b> <b>with all your bad friends ♪</b> <b>♪ Push your luck,</b> <b>let's see what happens ♪</b> <b>♪ What you scared of? ♪</b> <b>♪ You know what to do ♪</b> <b>♪ You just be yourself,</b> <b>they love you ♪</b> <b>♪ You can feel the bass</b> <b>down to your bones ♪</b> <b>♪ Can't pause for haters ♪</b> <b>♪ Sticks and stones ♪</b> <b>♪ On another level,</b> <b>they better rise up ♪</b> <b>♪ There's something special,</b> <b>pour another cup ♪</b> <b>♪ There's no better time</b> <b>than the here and now ♪</b> <b>♪ Right here, right now ♪</b> <b>♪ For holding it down ♪</b> <b>♪</b>
Channel: SHOWTIME Sports
Views: 1,769,973
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: showtime, shosports, sports, Showtime Boxing, Boxing, Shosports, Showtime Boxing PPV, Showtime PPV, Press Conference, boxer, Ufc, David benavidez, Caleb Plant, Benavidez Plant, david benavidez highlights, caleb plant, caleb plant vs david benavidez, caleb plant vs anthony dirrell, Canelo, jermell charlo, jermell charlo vs tony harrison 2, David benavidez Caleb Plant, Knockouts, boxing knockouts, KOs, Boxing KOs, all access boxing, all access gervonta davis, all access showtime
Id: O1E8iJQKG50
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 7sec (1807 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 11 2023
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