All About Lights | How to Install Recessed Lights | This Old House

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we were up in the attic and we found some ceiling joists we found some water pipes a gas pipe that goes this way and some wires so this is sort of a compromise location that's good for lighting but avoids those obstructions that's right all right so you are ready to drill when I love this you got a six inch hole saw Center bed attached to your cordless drill but this is the part of like a little catch-all for all the dust that's right this really helps us out it helps catch the majority of the dust to keep the job clean there we made it oh beautiful perfect hole no dust holes are cut now we're ready to install the recessed lights what we'll be doing is running romex fourteen to two each light fixture it's called 14 - because it's 14 gauge - conductor with one ground right okay so what I'm gonna do now is I'm going to tape it to the end of my fish stick and I'm gonna fish it on across the ceiling from light hole to light hole does it okay oh it is now that we got the right length we will cut the wire our next light is a little closer and I'll just fish it across myself and go this is the recessed light we will be installing today we're using a remodel housing which will allow us to install the can light from down below and not have to go into the attic I push the romex into the connector now I'm ready to make my connections the new recessed lights come with quick pushing connectors that allows you to take the wire push it right into the back here and you shove it in and as you can see it's really quick and easy I'm old fashioned I like to do it the old way I like to cut the connectors off strip the wire twist them together make a nice tight connection we will add the wire nut and the connection will not come apart now we'll connect black to black the black will be our power wire or switched wire next this is our ground wire that we're connecting together the two copper wires okay now we made nice tight connections on all our wires now we just tuck the wires back into this junction box nice and neat now we can install the cover to the junction box now we just slide the recess light up into the ceiling now you might ask how does this fix your attach let me pull it down and show you real quick it has four clips and you just push them out like this all four of them will end up grabbing the plaster and make it making a nice solid contact this type of housing is called the remodel housing now I'm ready to slip it in and clip it down alright that is our last recessed light in place this is the old romex that comes up from the switch this is my new Rome ex that connects to all my new recessed lights and now I'm going to make all my connections I am now connecting the ground wires I bonded the ground to my metal box and connecting my grounds together next we'll connect our neutrals white wires I'm now making up the connection that will connect the old switch wire to the new switch wire the old Rome ex coming up from the switch has an extra conductor we will not need it in this case we just cap it off so it's nice and safe push it into the junction box put the cover on and we're ready to go and turn the new lights on I'm going to connect my ground wire to a wing nut that's on the housing already there for you right ready to go ok our ground is nice and secure next all we do is screw it in just like a standard light bulb there we're all set now we're ready to flip on the switch and turn on the lights fire it up ready are you Wow
Channel: This Old House
Views: 1,450,486
Rating: 4.8395028 out of 5
Keywords: This Old House, Ask This Old House, DIY, Home Improvement, DIY Ideas, Renovation, Renovation Ideas, How To Fix, How To Install, How To Build, Episode, TV Show, Do It Yourself Television Program, recessed lights, lighting, light fixture, Lights, ceiling light, electrician, charles vargas, home renovation ideas, diy home improvement, diy home projects, home renovation ideas on a budget
Id: 37pzurgTMj8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 30sec (270 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 27 2014
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