All About Healing and Sickness (With Greg Laurie)

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hey everybody thanks for watching our YouTube channel we're constantly updating it with new content and never-seen-before content so if you want to get the latest from harvest hit the subscribe button the best stories that are out there be they in book form or in a film that you've seen our stories that have a clear plot usually a character you can relate to and then for you to connect to the story there needs to be some kind of a conflict and hopefully a resolution there might even be a surprise ending and Hollywood will produce films that they will do test screenings with before they release them to the general public they'll show them to a limited number of people to see how that film connects and if the audience doesn't like it there have been instances where the ends of films were reshot so they would be received better you know it's funny when you go to movies there are certain things that are true only in the movies someone compiled a list of them and I found these to be quite true for instance only in the movies when someone has a shopping bag from the grocery store there will always be at least one stick of french bread in it you ever noticed that there's always a you know always a loaf of French bread also in the movies the ventilation system of any building is always a perfect hiding place no one will ever think of looking for you there and you can travel to any part of the building you want to without difficulty is that not true also in the movies if you're in France you can see the Eiffel Tower from every window that's just one of those absolute things of the movies also if you're being chased through town you can usually take cover and a passing st. Patrick's Day parade no matter what time of the year it is how about this one in the movies when you're paying for a taxi you ever notice no one ever checks the amount of money they pull out they just reach and randomly give the bill it's always the right amount and and off it goes also in the movies all bombs are fitted with electronic timing devices with large red doubts so you know exactly when the bomb is going to go off right also in the movies it's always possible to park directly outside of the building you're visiting even if it's in the middle of New York City in the movies it doesn't matter if you're heavily outnumbered in a fight involving martial arts your enemies will patiently wait and attack you one-by-one dancing around in a threatening manner until you have knocked out their predecessors also in the movies bad guys can spray machine-gun fire everywhere never hitting the hero but the hero can hit a bad guy at a hundred yards of the five-shot revolver and then fire 20 bullets without reloading only in the movies now our life is like a movie a little bit but our life is like a story and the Bible actually says that Psalm 90 verse 9 says we spend our years as a tale that is tall the problem is we don't know how this movie is going to end sometimes you'll see a movie twice I won't usually do this but there's a few films that I've revisited a number of times and when you've done that you know what's going to happen but life is not like that because we don't know what's going to happen we don't understand how a conflict is going to be resolved we don't get how this is going to work out I mean imagine if you were Joseph mid-story trying to figure out how this was all gonna work out I mean here's a guy with a promising beginning raised in a loving godly home with a doting father next thing you know he's sold into slavery by his wicked brothers and then he has put into a home of a man who elevates him to a position of great prominence and then the guy's wife starts hitting on him Joseph rejects her advances and is falsely accused of rape and thrown into prison what's that all about but of course if you know the rest of that story with all the twists and turns how God used it ultimately for his glory how about the book of Job imagine if you were in that story Midway I mean one day everything's going great your children are fine the bills are paid you have more money than you know what to do with and and everything's fantastic and the next day your possessions are gone your livelihood is gone your health is gone worst of all your children has gone maybe the only thing worse was your wife still there and I only say that I only say that because of what she said to Joe she said Joe bye don't use this curse God and die thank you that's not really all that helpful right now dear mrs. Jobe he didn't know how the story turned out nor do we but here's what we need to remember there is an author who has written our story and the good thing about our author is he finishes what he begins right he is the author and what finisher of our faith there is a director in our film that we are the star of yes and there is a plot and there's gonna be a happy ending ultimately now I bring this up because we see two powerful stories here in Matthew's Gospel interwoven one is of a poor helpless broken discouraged woman in fact her life just grew more miserable by the day with no end in sight she had lost her health spent all that she had to get better to no avail but she found what she needed from Jesus Christ in contrast the other principal character in this story was a man of great importance while she was low he was high he is powerful she is pitiful he is in demand she is insignificant but he his beloved daughter is dying and it just reminds us that tragedy levels social typography pain visits every home there are no exceptions to it so they find themselves on the same path in the village and on the same page of the Bible and it's just a simple reminder that everybody needs Jesus and then this message I'm going to answer the following questions number one where does sickness come from number two why does God allow sickness number three does God heal today and fourthly why doesn't God heal everyone all right so let's read together Matthew chapter 9 starting in verse 18 a ruler came in worshiped him saying my daughter has just died but come in lay your hand on her and she will live so Jesus arose and followed him and so did his disciples and suddenly a woman who had a flow of blood for 12 years came from behind and touched the hem of His garment for she said to herself if I only touch His garment I will be made well Jesus turned around and when he saw her he said be of good cheer daughter your faith has made you well and the woman was made well from that hour when Jesus came to the rulers house he saw the flute players and the noisy crowd wailing he said to them make room for the girl is not dead she's sleeping and they ridiculed him but when the crowd was put outside he went in took her by the hand and the girl arose and the report of this went out into all of the land we'll stop there 12 years is a significant amount of time in the lives of both of these hurting people this woman had this medical issue for 12 long years and another gospel tells us that this little girl who had died was also age 12 so here is one girl living in 12 years of relative happiness and the sick woman who had experienced 12 years of pain rejection and tears yet they were both impacted by Jesus Christ now first we we read that gyruss comes to Jesus asking for help and we read that giant iris was a ruler of the synagogue this meant that he was a spiritual heavyweight a man of great importance of men under normal circumstances you would give your full attention to in that interesting because we read he bowed before Jesus and the word that is used therefore bowed as the Greek word proskuneo it's the same word that we read earlier when Jesus casts the demons out of the man the man bowed down before Jesus or the demons in the man acknowledging this greatness and so though gyrus was a powerful influential important man he wasn't too proud to beg as the expression says and he got down on his knees and he pleaded with Jesus he didn't care how it looked all he cared about was his daughter sure that little girl was the apple of his eye she was daddy's girl and also she was at a significant age and the Jewish culture a girl became a woman at the age of 12 a boy became a man at the age of 13 he would be bar Mitzvahed today I become a man you know voice cracking and so a girl became a young woman at the age of 12 so she was now a young woman and yet very very ill to the very point of death and so gyruss Russ's to Jesus to try to get some aid for his hurting daughter because he believes Jesus has what his daughter needs but here's the interesting twist on the story this is what I love it the stories following a certain trajectory and all of a sudden this other person enters the story this woman who decides that she must touch the hem of the garment of Jesus to be healed of her particular medical problem now we would have understood it if gyruss would have said hold on now no cuts I was here first the Lord was coming with me because after all he said come with me Jesus said okay so gyruss is stuck I've got Jesus everything is okay and he's on his way home with Jesus to his daughter and this girl comes out of nowhere in interrupts girl interrupted her girl interrupting something like that so she breaks in on the scene and in the defence of gyruss he doesn't say anything he doesn't protest it he just lets it happen which shows us that Jarvis was probably a pretty godly guy because maybe he heard about Jesus he knew all about his reputation the reputation of Jesus was he always was for the underdog you know you can even just read the accounts leading up to this particular story don't forget that Jesus called Matthew not long before the story were reading about took place and in Matthew was the lowest of the low he was a tax collector remember I pointed it out and my first message plus Jesus went out of his way because he had an appointment with the men who has possessed with many demons so that was the Lord always reaching out to the hurting person perhaps Jairus was aware of this I think this was a test in the life of the ruler I think if gyruss had said forget about her what about my needs it may not have gone as well as he had hoped it would but because he passed his test beautifully he was greatly rewarded you know God will bring tests in your life and he doesn't always tell you when they're coming remember when you were in school and the teacher would get up in front of the class and say we have a pop quiz for you all the Nerds would say yeah you know sorry I don't mean to denigrate nerds we don't call them nerds anymore now we call them boss because we work for them you see because they studied so hard but I was one of those guys who never studied I was never prepared and I would get that sinking feeling pop quiz no I'm not ready I I didn't read the material sometimes we're being tested and we don't even know it and I think this was the case for gyrus and to his eternal credit when he interrupted he said nothing he just waits on the Lord and he kept following Jesus and that's our theme here in this series following Jesus and that's a good thing to do when things aren't making sense here's what you do just keep following Jesus it's gonna make sense in time as gyruss would soon find out a being a ruler of a synagogue he would know the scripture maybe he remembered proverbs 20 22 that says wait on the Lord and He will save you so he was waiting you know waiting it's hard to do isn't it especially when someone you love is hurting I don't know about you but I'm not the most ancient person on earth I hate to sit at lights I like to be on time when I say I'll be somewhere and so it's hard for me to wait sometimes and some of us say that way some of us are more patient by nature but gyrus was a very patient man at least in this instance and he not only accepted Jesus but he accepted his timing and sometimes we become impatient with God like God what's up are you paying attention to my circumstances I need some help here when are you gonna open the door of ministry for me hey Lord what are you gonna provide me with a husband or a wife Oh Lord when are you going to judge that person that's committing that sin how long are you gonna let them get away with that or how about this one Lord when are you gonna come back to Planet Earth and judge this place what are you going to return where are you and we can grow impatient with God and sometimes in our impatience we can take things into our own hands and try to help God out and end up making things worse so really it's up to us but we should wait upon his time he asks for our trust here's what God says and Isaiah 55 he says my thoughts are not your thoughts neither are your ways my ways as the heavens are higher than the earth so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts are not your thoughts here's something to consider his delays are not necessarily his denials let me repeat that his delays are not necessarily his denials just because God says no today does not necessarily mean he will say no tomorrow wait upon the Lord that's what gyrus was doing and when this woman appears suddenly verse 20 tells us wanting to touch the hem of His garment why the hem of the garment well the Jewish men according to scripture were commanded to sew a piece of blue material on the very edge of their garment and so perhaps this woman thought if I can just touch that little bit of blue cloth I know I'll be healed I don't know where she got this idea but in her mind and in her heart she believed by just touching the cloak of Jesus would heal her and why did she need his touch well she had some medical problem that the Bible doesn't exactly explain to us she bled for 12 years which would seem to imply it was some kind of a hemorrhage which caused continual bleeding blood would not stay in her body now under the law there was a stigma associated with this that probably wasn't what she was experiencing but this would have made her be thought of as an unclean woman and therefore she would be isolated from other people she would not be welcome in the synagogue because of this particular problem and so this woman was alone the synagogue was a spiritual center of the life of the Jews and so she was just out there on her own hurting Mark's version of the story says she suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and spent all of the all that she had and instead of getting better she grew works and you have to understand that the medicine so called of the first century was questionable at best a for instance among the traditional memory remedies for such a problem the people were told to carry the ashes of an ostrich egg in a linen bag in the summer and a cotton bag in the winter and you would be healed that makes a lot of sense how about this one another superstitious remedy from these times said that you carry a barley corn kernel that has been found in the dung of a white female donkey now that must have smelled nice how stupid this a but yet I just read about one of the most exclusive coffees you can now purchase have you heard of it it's called Kopi Luwak I'm sure I'm mispronouncing that also known as svet coffee listen its coffee made from the beans of coffee berries which have been eaten by the Asian Palm Civet which is kind of a weaselly looking creature passed through its digestive tract in defecated then they washed the berry sundry them and presto the ultimate coffee defecated decaf listen to this you can buy a cup of it for $79 not even a bag that would already be crazy a single cup of coffee for $79 one website described it this way decadently luxurious syrupy body in a laid-back orchestra of pleasant earthy and herbal flavor notes Wow dung coffee for 80 bucks a cup you've heard of Pinkberry this could be poop berry I don't know it just they might want to rebrand it because coupie Luwak doesn't sound all that good to me poopy loo walk would be better I said the word pooped twice in this sermon that's pretty disturbing okay so that's uh so all the moms are saying to their donors don't say that now just because Greg said it doesn't mean you can say it but this is how absurd it is to carry around a barley corn kernel found on the dung of a donkey I mean it's stupid but some people will fall for anything or pay for anything but despite her disappointment and rejection she believed that Jesus could heal her her belief was the moment I come into contact with Jesus I'll be healed now is it presumptuous to expect that God couldn't would heal us so let's address our first question why do people get sick in the first place here's the big answer sickness and even death itself were never part of God's original plan far original parents had just stayed away from that stinking tree we would have never aged we would have never died and I would have had hair and we would not be buying quoc coffee or whatever it's called because we would have our brains working more effectively now but because sin entered the human race we were barred from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil which would cause us to live forever there's the aging process there's illness there's sickness there's tragedy and all the rest of it Romans 5:12 says sin entered the world through one man and death through a man and in this way death came to all men because all have sinned now I'm not saying that sickness is a result of someone's personal sin specifically because I believe sickness as a result of seeing in general having said that it should be pointed out that some sickness rather is a result of personal sin our earlier Matthew chapter 8 jesus heals a paralytic man in Capernaum and said son your sins are forgiven which would indicate in this man's case at least that perhaps his paralysis was linked to personal sin and as not to say that all or even most sickness is connected to personal sin but it is to say that some is to another man that was healed in bethesda jesus said you're made well stop sinning or something worse may happen to you so it is possible God can allow his sickness in your life or an illness why well maybe he wants to get your attention maybe you don't listen so well and as the psalmist said before I was afflicted I went astray but now I have kept your word so it is something of course to consider but then again there are many times God will allow illness in the life of a man or a woman that is walking very closely with God and that illness has nothing to do with their sinfulness in fact the reality is it's because of their godliness they've been afflicted you say well I don't get that why would God allow someone who was walking with him to go through hardship well here's one answer the Apostle Paul had the glorious experience of being caught up and seeing the Lord in heaven but then he was given a thorn in the flesh remember and he wrote about it in 2nd Corinthians 12 and he said to keep me from becoming conceited because of these surpassingly great revelations there was given me a thorn in the flesh a messenger of Satan to for me me three times I pleaded with the Lord to take it away and God said my grace is sufficient for you for my power is made perfect in weakness Paul goes on so I'm gonna boast about my weaknesses so Christ's power may rest on me I delight in weakness and insult in hardship and persecution and difficulty for when I am weak then I am strong maybe you have a thorn in your flesh and by that I mean there's something that keeps you deflated it keeps you humble it keeps you dependent upon God so there's a lot of reasons we can cite but God does allow sickness now the question is does God heal sickness and the answer is why yes he does does God heal all sickness no unfortunately he does not but there is a promise of healing in scripture Isaiah 53 says he took our infirmities and carried our sorrows we considered him stricken by God and afflicted but he was pierced for our transgressions he was crushed for our iniquities the punishment for our peace was upon him and by his wounds we are healed and then in 1st Peter 2:24 he says by his wounds you were healed on the word healed that Peter uses is a verb that always speaks of physical healing so there is healing available now here's what is holding a lot of people back from being healed it's so simple it's crazy the Bible says you have not because you ask not I suggest to some of you that the reason you may not have what God wants you to have is because you have simply not asked for it really well I have a financial crisis really have you prayed about it have you gone to the Lord and said hey Lord I am in a financial crisis could you provide for me Lord I need a job would you provide one for me Lord I'm ill would you heal me Lord I don't know what to do would you speak to me this is totally appropriate and something every believer should do it may be that you have not because you ask not and clearly in the case of bulge iris and the woman they got what they needed because they asked no I'm not giving the credit to them Jesus did it however they did act out and pray about it you see and here's something to consider when we think about healing because some will say you know if you're not healed it's Patricia of a lack of faith just speak it into existence and believe it's true and it will be true to you and if you have a negative thought or saying negative word then you'll lose your healing that's nonsense okay because it is on always about your faith because sometimes you're gonna lack faith I mean sometimes you're healed because you apply your faith and in this story we see that in the case of the woman with the issue of blood but then sometimes it's a faith of someone else because in this story we also see it was the faith of gyruss for his daughter all right and also we see in some cases it's just the lord intervening and doing it all by himself without anyone's faith how much faith did anyone have the day that Lazarus was raised from the dead Mary and Martha his close disciples were freaking out accusing Jesus of letting them down everyone else was devastated so it looks to me like that was just Jesus acting sovereignly and deciding to bring his buddy back from the other side my point is simply this God is in control God is sovereign and he will do what he wants to do when he wants to do it but we have our part as well so here's what you need to do with as much faith as you have just pray Lord I believe and then he can even add help my unbelief oh that's in the Bible that's what the guy said to Jesus Lord I believe help my unbelief and Jesus responded that man's prayer and he'll respond to yours as well maybe you would say well I'd love to have Jesus touched me but I don't feel his touch we'll reach out and touch him like this woman did so let's imagine they seemed for a moment here's Jesus he's walking along there's a crowd around him as her always was people are grabbing they're pushing they're pulling there's a cloud of dust there's noise there's commotion that Jesus is sort of moving the crowd and this woman gets in behind him bursts in she gets her fingertip there at the little blue edge of his garment and suddenly the power of God is released in her life and she's healed and Jesus as president he says all right who touched me well it's like we all touched you know he says I perceived that power has gone out of me and he looks around maybe the crowd parts and there's that woman hi how's it going well he didn't do that to embarrass her he wanted to commend her factor Mark's Gospel of the same story he says the woman fearing and trembling knowing what had happened to her came and fell down before him and told him the whole truth another translation puts it this way she gave him the whole story that's why I called my message that the whole story how long had it been since someone listened to her story I bet Jesus was a good listener are you a good listener I'm really not so good you know I'm very I don't know if I even believe in all this stuff but if there is such a thing I'm definitely a TD and I heard there's hdat the I'm probably H I'm probably 3dhd a I don't know I need some more things added to it but you know I'm easily distracted all right and you know how that can be when you're talking to someone are you listening to what I'm saying right now you know maybe have you ever been talking with someone and and you know they get it they get a text and you can tell because maybe it's even on vibrate but they they're gonna go like do you know you can tell and and they you know you say put that thing away okay but you can just tell they're kind of looking at it and they're just doing this you know over on this side they're there at texta holic is what they are and they just can't get their eyes off of their phone and that's how they're just distracted by things Jesus was a good listener girl tell me your story he listened and she told him the whole story twelve years of suffering spending all of her money on quack doctors and and he hurt her completely out and he was moved by her situation and he said to her verse twenty-two be of good cheer daughter your faith has made you whole and the woman was made well from that hour wow that's a great story but wait a second what about gyruss he was the guy that was sort of the main character in the story she sort of interrupted everything what about him well his story wasn't going so well I'm gonna have you turn to another gospel now so we get a little different flavor let's go over to mark chapter five we're gonna pick it up in verse 35 so let's imagine the scene before we read okay so gyruss approaches Jesus come to my daughter Jesus is on his way to the home of the ruler of the synagogue a woman from out of nowhere bursts on the scene interrupts everything she's healed of her infirmity that she's had for twelve years and now the story picks back up in mark 5 verse 35 while he was still speaking some came from the ruler of the synagogue's house who said your daughter is dead why are you troubling the teacher any further as soon as Jesus heard that word that was spoken he said to the ruler of the synagogue don't be afraid only believe and he permitted no one to follow him except Peter James and John the brother of James and they came to the house of the ruler of the synagogue and saw a tumult of those who wept and wailed loudly when he came in he said to them why do you make this commotion and weep the child is not dead she's sleeping and they ridiculed him and when he put them all outside he took the father and the mother of the child and those that were with him and entered to where the child was lying he took a little girl by the hand and he said to her Talitha koum I which is translated little girl I say arise it could also be translated little lamb Rhys immediately the girl arose and walked for she was 12 years of age and they were overcome with great amazement and he commanded them strictly that no one should know it and something should be given to her to eat first 35 your daughter is dead hearing words like these are almost incomprehensible I've been with father's on two occasions whose daughters were injured and I was with them as they were waiting to hear and I heard them both I was with them when they both heard the news your daughter is dead Oh your heart just breaks and of course I was there when I heard that my son had died and when you hear words like these as a parent there's just no way to describe it but I mean to say it's a fate worse than death is actually an understatement because you would so quickly trade places and die yourself if you could and bring that person back to life and this is a special bond that gyruss felt with this daughter you know as I said earlier she was probably daddy's girl and you know the the inclination of a father is to protect you know dads we fix things our job is to protect and to provide and and when something's not right we go and sort it out and we get it right and and how helpless he must have felt to hear these words and he probably even thought it's my fault I should have worked faster I worked harder I should have brought Jesus faster I should have done more and you know he could have said a lot of things but he was still trusting and I loved the words of Jesus as soon as he heard the words Jesus said don't be afraid only believe it was the words of Jesus to gyruss that made the difference and it was the words of Jesus to me that made a difference and the words of Jesus that still make a difference I look to his word to get me through what I'm going through and you need to look to his word to get you through what you're going through because the platitudes of people will not help and sometimes they'll even hurt people with the best intentions can say some of the most bizarre things imaginable and it could be like a knife inside of you when they're trying to be helpful so go to the words of Jesus instead his words are always just right like apples of gold and frames of silver as the scripture says don't be afraid only believe don't quit now buddy you're done you're no well man hang in there don't stop believin this isn't over yet your whole story isn't done Jesus now comes with the home of gyruss now this is a bizarre scene it's hard for us to understand this all these people wailing well back in this time funerals were different than they are today one of the things they would do is they would actually hire professional mourners I know that sounds bizarre but it's true I don't know if you found them under you know mourners R Us so you know or whatever cut-rate Wailers or whatever it was but even the poorest person what hired some people would come and play musical instruments and wail and repeat the name of the departed loved one over and over again the wealthier you were the more mourners you would hire and gyruss being a rule of the synagogue probably had a whole army of them in there so this is sort of chaotic environment of screaming and shrieking and wailing and bizarre music being playing and and Jesus walks in and says hey it's all right she's only sleeping and all the people who are weeping and mourning start laughing at him they're like mocking him now so it just shows that their heart wasn't in it at all and he says get these creepy people out of here clear the room they're all taken out why because unbelief hinders the work of God the Bible tells us that Jesus could not do any mighty work in his home town because of their unbelief Matthew 13 58 when we say God will never work in my life God would never change me well you know what maybe he because of that attitude but if you'll say oh man Lord I don't have all the faith in the world I have a little and I'm gonna just use it right now god help me hey listen God will respond to a prayer like that so first of all Jesus says get all these doubters out of here get all these weird people out of the room and then he goes to the little girl he was clearly died and he calls her back from the other side only Jesus can do that I love the way he does it he doesn't yell when Lazarus there was Lazarus come forward this girl's just right there in bed he goes little lamb arise their little eyes flutter and she looks up the first thing she sees is Jesus he lifts her up and I love the way how the story ends he says give her something to eat yeah it's so practical you're probably very hungry being raised from the dead get the girl some fruit loops whatever she wants it that's sweet it's thoughtful really so what can we learn from this story number one if you ever need reach out to Jesus if you ever need reach out to Jesus if the woman and for that matter gyruss had not sought Jesus their problems would have remained there were thousands of people alive during the time of Christ I mean we read of a lot of miracles but guess what he didn't heal everyone there were other people in graves he didn't raise everyone there are a lot of people with needs he didn't touch everyone but for those that reached out to him that cried out to him with genuine faith he always responded didn't he and this is a perfect example of it so call out to him Jeremiah 33:3 says God speaking calling me and I will answer you and I'll show you great and mighty things what you do not know are you in a personal crisis right now reach out and touch him maybe it's something else a it's not a child that's dying but it's a marriage that's failing or it's some other problem you're facing reach out to the Lord number two the story is not finished yet the story is not finished yet God always finishes what he begins as I said he's the author and finisher of our faith in the beginning of the story things were going badly for gyruss then they went from bad to worse what appeared to be the worst day in his life turned out to be his best the same was true for the woman her story seemed to be coming to a close but Jesus intervened in gave her a happy ending number three if we trust in Jesus our stories will all have happy endings if we trust in Jesus our stories will all have happy endings I know some of you are thinking hello Greg earth to Greg reality check what about the person who was not healed what if the child has not brought back to life well life this side of eternity is very hard but on the other side in heaven when we have the whole story or realize it did have a happy ending maybe not on earth but certainly in heaven Paul said in first Corinthians 13 right now I see through a glass darkly but then I will see face to face and I will know as I am known so we need to come to Jesus you see here's the thing with gyruss he felt the reality of what was happening and he knew he had to get help to his daughter listen here's the thing that we need to remember Tyrus daughter was raised from the dead guess what she died again the woman who was healed of this 12 year infirmity she died - and Lazarus who has raised from the dead he died I think the only thing more depressing than dying would be dying being raised from the dead and dying again yeah so here's my point I'm not trying to be depressing I'm just trying to say it's a good thing when we know that death could come at any moment not as a morbid thought but as a liberating thought because only those who are prepared to die are really ready to live so we realize that this day given to me from God no matter if I've heard bad news from a doctor or good news from a doctor this life is from God it's not mine I don't possess it I live it for his glory each day and as Paul said to live is Christ and to die is gain so if I have many more years praise the Lord I'll use those for his glory if I have a few more years while I use those for his glory and if this is my last day then to the best of my ability I'll live this for his glory because no matter what if you're healed you're not healed if you die and are raised and you're gonna still die again because life comes to an end but eternity is forever and for the believer death is not the end it's a transition from Earth to heaven that's really what it is and it's a glorious thing and Jesus died on a cross and suffered in our place so we don't have to be afraid to die Jesus defeated death of the cross of Calvary death died when Christ rose and the same Jesus that did that dying on that cross and rising to come from the dead is here with us in this room right now and he is standing at the door of our life and he has knocking saying if we'll hear his voice and open the door he'll come in so let me ask you a question have you asked Jesus Christ to come into your life maybe you're in trouble right now here's my question have you cried out to God well I don't want to do the doctor crutch Christianity isn't a crutch it's a whole Hospital I need more than a crutch I need big-time help and I'm not afraid to admit it you shouldn't be either he's there for you cry out to him maybe he's allowed this sickness or this calamity or this hardship or whatever it is you're going through to get your attention so you'll see your spiritual need and call out to God who will hear your prayer and answer it when you trust in him call out to God you know it's just like if you're out drowning you know there's a lifeguard we'll ask for help you kook what are you gonna drown ask for help it's all right and the lifeguard will come to you and you call out to the Lord and you help you as well the Bible says whoever will call upon the name of the Lord will be saved would you do that right now you
Channel: Pastor Greg Laurie
Views: 69,627
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: harvest, greg, laurie, Harvest Christian Fellowship, Greg Laurie Sermons, bible study for me, bible study, youtube sermons, all about healing and sickness, does god heal?, will god heal me from my sickness, will god heal me from my illness, does prayer heal illness, does prayer heal sickness, healing prayer in jesus name, will god heal my cancer, will god heal my body, bible study for women, bible study for men, Will god heal me from my sickness, bible study for beginners
Id: sAjJKFungTI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 38sec (2558 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 10 2020
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