All 106 Dinosaurs - Jurassic World Evolution 2 (4K 60FPS)

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[Music] foreign [Music] [Music] this bipedal Predator is called the Acrocanthosaurus and it is a dinosaur that has what I like to refer to as presents when it's around you know it this animal should make for a killer exhibit I mean it being a killer and all [Music] thank you foreign the Alamo lizard I'm probably not the first to ask this but surely they can't get any bigger than this right if it's all right with you I'm just gonna admire this one from afar less chance of getting a crick in my neck that way too huh thank you this is the Albertosaurus so named because it was first discovered in the Canadian province of Alberta this animal is a smart Predator that relies on its rows of sharp teeth they exhibit pack Behavior which is very exciting to witness as long as you're doing so from a safe distance but some also capture our imaginations the Allosaurus is one such animal it's that in its original environment it was squarely at the top of the food chain I'm interested over if that's true given the opportunity [Music] it is [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] according to the paperwork I have in front of me another interesting factoid it's long neck and it probably like to feed on the taller branches of trees and such at least that's what it says I guess we'll find out huh [Music] all right [Music] they call this the Ankylosaurus I call it an armored ball of walking breathing trouble still some might call it Charming amusing delightful each to their own [Music] [Music] this massive specimen is called the Apatosaurus an impressive animal that can intimidate even the most determined of predators The apatosaurus's evolutionary advantages are its size and its demeanor [Music] there was a lot of controversy about dinosaurs being the ancestors of modern day Birds before this one was introduced into the park it's an archaeanithomimus I think it puts some of those arguments to rest people often talk about the thrill of the chase but if you got one of these on your tail you'll soon become the kill of the chicks this right here is the atrocerator a truly tenacious under and it is simply Relentless at least that's what I'm told I don't intend to find out firsthand [Music] foreign Ator has been labeled the cheetah of its time and I can certainly see why here we have a hunter with terrific speed power and focus the makeup of a perfect prehistoric predator really just don't get spotted because there's no way you're going to outrun this one thank you okay this is amazing a Baryonyx these animals have very large claws on their first digit this dinosaur take a moment to consider its needs when planning out a suitable habitat for it the Baryonyx was originally thought to be a scavenger but now with live animals to study we can find out for sure foreign [Music] okay what we have here is a Brachiosaurus it has long limbs relative to the rest of its body and what makes it really unique is that it's a warm-blooded dinosaur I mean how amazing is it that in bringing these dinosaurs back we're also learning so much about them [Music] thank you [Music] [Music] foreign snout it prefers to live in groups a challenge but when I'm confident you can handle [Music] thank you now stay with me this dinosaur is called a kakarodontosaurus talk about a mouthful right and seeing that this animal is an alpha predator its mouth is usually full of the slow the weak and the inattentive hence the reason I'm not getting near it you on the other hand foreign [Music] nice Carnotaurus you could recognize his Predator immediately by the horns on its head which give it a real rock and roll appearance those powerful legs can get this dinosaur moving as well so probably best to stay out of its way this dinosaur is so metal [Music] oh now this dinosaur is something special well they're all something special but this one stands out because of the horns on top of its head it's called serratosaurus it kind of looks like a slightly smaller T-Rex but its bite is probably about the same [Music] we are pleased talk about the opposite of subtle and I don't mean Owen no this is the cosmosaurus it has Dynamic coloring and these large openings called fenestre in a frill that rises above its head this is a dinosaur that says look at me so maybe a little like Owen [Music] thank you foreign [Music] first discovered in China the Chun King asaurus has distinctive twin plates that run along its back and it can swing its Spike tail called a phagomizer like a massive Medieval mace this is a dinosaur best observed at a distance [Music] thank you this dinosaur is one of the earliest known animals dating back to perhaps 216 million years ago it's called celophysis their remains can be found scattered across the globe but if people want to see a sealophysis up close this is the only place to do it [Music] foreign is a small Predator but don't let it stature fool you it can be a ruthless Hunter [Music] um this dinosaur the gryphosaurus is a duck-billed animal that looks like it's wearing a helmet I mean check that thing out I wanna butt heads thank you [Music] foreign [Music] named after the author Michael Crichton famous for his stories about infectious viruses sentient Nanobots and also a novel on ancient animals which I quite enjoyed this is a social dinosaur that does well in groups oh this is a Cryolophosaurus one carnivore so take the necessary precautions and don't let its looks deceive you [Music] here we have the dino kyrus this Downy dinosaur is often likened to an ostrich not surprising I suppose considering the long neck the feathers the beak it's just a lot bigger in size huh but if things go wrong something tells me this one doesn't need to bury its head in the sand this dinosaur is important for a number of reasons I mean they're all important but this one the dynamicus is the center of debate among paleontologists for many years specifically where the dinosaurs cold-blooded or warm-blooded animals with them alive and in the park we have our answer [Music] this dinosaur the dilophosaurus has a distinctive nectar that can expand when it senses danger it's also been known to spirits of the eyes of its prey blinding it before it goes in for the kill I finally get it I finally understand why people have a fear of the dark once you peer into the shadows and see a pair of dimetrodon eye staring back at you well you'll be having nightmares for years that's if you're lucky enough to walk away because believe me not everybody is foreign [Music] [Music] another massive animal the Diplodocus was once considered the longest animal that ever lived and now thanks to our extensive research it's back my task is to make sure we learn everything we can about this dinosaur your task is making sure these magnificent creatures can survive in the modern world [Music] now this dinosaur the Draco Rex is something strange its name means the dragon king of a fictional school for wizards I think I could have come up with that myself the name not the dinosaur for that we need the scientists thank you [Music] this animal though an urban floor can intimidate most Predators with its size it's a biggie named dreadnaughtus I'd give this dinosaur a wide berth [Music] thank you you know this animal's primary habitat was the ancient primordial Forest that once covered this Ohio it's called dry asaurus before our research there was no information on adult specimens of this dinosaur we only had the fossilized record of juveniles but now that's all changed [Music] foreign foreign this is an herbivore that can move on all four feet or go up right away [Music] we should be able to control and monitor this species more easily than some of the others use that to your advantage as you plan out the park I don't know [Music] [Music] ah this is a yuap Los Angeles an herbivore and relatively harmless dinosaur as long as you stay out of the way of the heavy Club on his tail if it swings that your way you could be relatively finished foreign some of these animals present a real test of our abilities take for instance this latest dinosaur the gala minus it's an opportunistic omnivore that does best in groups that alone isn't the problem but the speed Gallimimus is incredibly fast which presents special challenges for the Ranger teams tasked with monitoring them [Music] for you like this animal a giganotosaurus with the T-Rex they look similar act similar and both have that eat everything within their field of vision thing working for them this dinosaur is also fast bottom line if you find yourself running from this biggie you've already made a fatal mistake [Music] all right the gigant spinosaurus you have here doesn't quite live up to its name don't get me wrong it's big but manageable just watch out for those shoulder blades they'd ruin anyone's day now what we have here is a Herrera Source it's a carnivore and a spectacular addition to our dinosaurs it just requires a little TLC these flat-headed dinosaur the homocephaly can appear unassuming and perhaps even cute to some but let's also stay on top of the science we can learn a lot from a little thank you [Music] [Music] my Chinese isn't very good okay I don't speak it at all but let me give this one a try guayangasaurus nailed it I think anywho this is a type of stegosaur that was first discovered in the Sichuan province of China it's a popular species with our guests and with crossword puzzle creators [Music] this dinosaur is large bulky and has a stubborn disposition it's called the Iguanodon it's an herbivore with Attitude I'd suggest giving it a wide berth [Music] what can I say Vietnam creation nature can create a dinosaur but only I can bring an indominus Rex to life to do so required a tremendous amount of research Gene mixing splicing and manipulation and of course determination the end result is a hybrid dinosaur that is both beautiful and deadly an alpha predator among Alpha predators so treat it with the care and respect it deserves [Music] the indoraptor this is the dinosaur created with a purpose you can even see in the dark and uses echolocation to find its prey now nature might eventually have created the indoraptor but I got there first is it dangerous yes but then so is science [Music] foreign is another of those spiky-backed dinosaurs a dinosaur that relied on intimidation to keep the Predators at Bay and failing that a difficult meal to catch and chew think of it as a prehistoric porcupine [Music] thank you I'm a fairly trusting individual but if anything like this before I'm not sure I'd believe you this time the rap set is list saurus astonishingly this species managed to survive the Permian triadic Extinction and went on to thrive as the dinosaurs began to populate the Earth here's hoping it can enjoy a long tenure this time around too thank you foreign [Music] is known as The Good Mother reptile because its fossils were first discovered in a nesting colony and really who doesn't love a good mother like this the majungasaurus that can really be a handful and lives for the hunt this is also one of the only dinosaurs we know of that man cannibalistic Behavior nothing like having your friends over for dinner [Music] foreign [Music] okay this dinosaur is something special seriously look at the size of this thing it's called The mementia Source this thing is one of the largest animals to ever walk the earth and now thanks to the wonders of genetic engineering it's doing just that again underwear [Music] you know you're dealing with something significant and the Megalosaurus is no different this meat-eating theropod dominates any environment it finds itself in while that's an admirable tribal trait it's also one that we cannot accept here at the park I want to make that clear all right let me introduce you to the Atria canthosaurus say that fast three times this is another alpha predator that well not as big as some of its cousins tends to stand more upright so I guess it has good posture while it's televisions thank you [Music] nimai is a relatively small armored herbivore from Cretaceous Australia what sets this species apart from other members of its family are the horizontally orientated place that run along the sides of its backbone hence the binomial name Min my para vertebra [Music] thank you let me introduce you to monolophosaurus this is a no girls Predator straight from the giraffes honestly I could wax lyrical for days cause it's hard not to be impressed by such a colorful Crest but don't be fooled this is one monacy's hunt thank you [Applause] ancient mythology may not be my specialty but I've been told that morose intrepidus was named after the Greek deity morose the personification of impending doom it was said that he gave people the ability to foresee their demise and if you come face to face with this Tyrannosaur I suspect there is a good chance you will meet your fate [Music] thank you if it is possible for a dinosaur to be both elegant and awkward at the same time the mataborasaurus takes the prize this is a large herbivore that should make for an excellent addition to our collection foreign [Music] [Music] do you see any resemblance between the pseudoceratops and modern day cattle look closely at the horns and their relation to the eyes it's clear to me that as we bring these animals back to life connections between the past and the present sharpen and along with it our understanding this is what my science is all about [Music] [Music] this sauropod venezerosaurus was originally discovered in fossilized form in the Republic of Niger now it lives thanks to our efforts and our science notice the long tail a flat skull however this dinosaur is smaller than some of its kind of now that we have them to study perhaps we can learn why oh [Music] my God [Music] is it noticeable this dinosaur tends to be shy and likes to keep to itself Andy has a thick skin sort of the opposite of Owen [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] this duck-billed dinosaur is an Alara Titan it was one of the last non-avian dinosaurs to go extinct until we resurrected it that is now it lives to be studied and put on display the Elora Titan is a herbivore as it grinds away its teeth while eating it has hundreds more that continually take their place there's a lesson in there somewhere [Music] this one's more my speed the aranosaurus is named after the Arabic word for courage which is kind of my thing is easy to care for and really only wants a comfortable place to eat and rest and to be left alone sound like anyone you know [Music] if you ask me I think this animal gets a bad rap back when fossils were all scientists had to go on this Mongolian Doom dweller was branded an egg Thief but you know what it was really just looking out for a song so as far as I'm concerned the oviraptor is all right in my books [Music] [Applause] this is the brachycephalosaurus or thick-headed lizard in Greek which is where it gets its name Claire has accused me of being this dinosaur more than a few times it's also an herbivore so obviously she couldn't be more wrong about me I mean [Music] [Applause] [Music] they say fences make good neighbors I say without them dinosaurs like this one the Pachyrhinosaurus shouldn't be in the park this animal is built like a tank and it has the personality to match [Music] [Music] okay so this next dinosaur the Parasaurolophus has a flare for the dramatic especially especially words that is concerned it has a distinctive cranial Crest which is used for added resonance and vocalizations and to regulate its body temperature [Music] foreign [Music] tops here it has five horns one on the nose two on the brows and two extending out from its jugular bones seems excessive but maybe it's necessary thank you [Music] [Music] this is the polar canvas and it's covered in armor plates and spikes mess with this animal at your own risk [Music] you successfully introduced a new dinosaur a pro ceratosaurus this animal is instantly recognizable by the colorful Crest on its snout while smaller and stature than some of the other Predators it is not a dinosaur to be taken lightly let me tell you um oh there's certainly something special about this one uh it's a pyro Raptor had it not been for a forest fire sweeping through southern France our little feathered friend here may have gone undiscovered and my life insurance would be just that little bit cheaper the changiosaurus neat really great we're bringing back all these fast hungry Predators even better that I get to stay in the office with locks on the doors good morning [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] interested in a dinosaur with an extremely long day and this dinosaur is for you it's called the sauropelta covered in bony armor it has long spines projecting from its neck all that being said it is a relatively calm animal when placed in the right environment [Music] not much gives me the chills but this this is something else now listen to me very carefully it is imperative that you Scorpius Rex under control if this thing escapes well I'm not even gonna go there [Music] oh right the sinus ceratops an herbivore that shares many traits with its more famous cousin the Triceratops this is a docile animal that you could make into a solid favorite with a little effort of course we're all expecting more than a little effort but I'm sure you get what I mean good evening [Music] [Music] you might think that the Sino syrup direction is the perfect size for a cute plushie to take home but this dinosaur is a pretty mean hunter for something so small trust me you really don't want this one snapping at your heels oh okay even I have to admit that this next dinosaur is impressive the spinosaurus is perhaps the largest of carnivores of course I'll never get close enough to one to see for myself but that's why I have you foreign [Music] those plates running along its length from head to tail make it one of the most iconic dinosaurs our guests are going to want to see it so make sure you do right by this animal thank you [Music] look at it ostrich oremu then look at this latest dinosaur destroytheomimus and tell me you don't see a connection this is one of the more bird-like dinosaurs that we've brought back from Extinction it literally has a beak instead of teeth it's an herbivore that prefers to move in herds overall the Fantastic addition to the park [Music] [Music] this is the stiggy model and it is one hard-headed dinosaur it has an armor Dome ground by horns despite this it's a social and relatively docile animal but less threatened then steer well care of it this dinosaur can do a number on its enclosures and Bash its way through any number of obstacles take that into consideration when you're planning its environment [Music] all right foreign has huge horns and a large Spike similar to a rhinoceros it also has the personality to match it's an herbivore uses those horns and a beak to break into even the toughest of plants [Music] foreign this dinosaur has a skull similar to a crocodiles and the disposition that isn't that far off either tsukamamas originally fed on fish and small prey let's make sure it doesn't expand its diet into two-legged animals wearing collector t-shirts [Music] foreign just when you think you've seen it all along comes the Therizinosaurus and believe it or not those huge claws you see they actually help to feed on vegetation for real but uh just do me one favor okay don't let it near my hair with those things [Music] thank you here we have the Taurus horse a dinosaur that has the largest skull of any known land animal and people say I have a big head [Music] foreign [Music] what can be said about the Triceratops this is one of those dinosaurs that really finds our business you want to see them and we want to share them with the world don't let that fearsome appearance fool you those horns are mostly for defense and impressing other Triceratops this animal is an herbivore it can be a star attraction or a security nightmare if it turns those horns in our fencing thank you personally I don't think the Troodon gets as much respect as it should it's one of those dinosaurs that seems like an evolutionary bridge stuck in time in transition the Platypus of its day and now ours it's also incredibly interesting to study and display so make the most of this animal [Music] now here's a funny little dinosaur decent sized one if the truth be told it's called it's synthosaurus the t is silent like the pee and swimming yeah and it has a mohawk at least that's what I'd call it foreign um there isn't a more iconic dinosaur than the T-Rex even people who don't know the difference between herbivore and carnivore know all about the Tyrannosaurus Rex and when you see her up close feel her gaze I don't understand why the T-Rex was the ruler of the Cretaceous Period [Music] wow [Music] everyone knows I have a soft spot for this dinosaur the Velociraptor and the get a bad rap as far as I'm concerned but an imprint early enough you can make real connections other than Claire Raptors are the most intelligent Partners I've ever had and like her they could kill me in the blink of an eye that's it that's a joke [Music] don't spend too much time looking at those plates when it comes to thesaurus it pays to keep an eye on this animal's stagmizer you don't want to be on the receiving end of a swing of that tail [Music] baby you tyrannis The Feathered Tyrant brought so much excitement to the scientific Community when it was first discovered and here we find ourselves in the presence of that illustrious tyrannosaur just don't be too surprised if it Ruffles a few feathers okay [Music] find myself tasked with assessing the danger that these prehistoric animals pose I can't help but being orally stunning creatures the barber adaptilus for instance costs a striking Shadow thanks to its boomerang-shaped wingspan let's just keep them safely contained okay I'm not sure I trust them to come back of their own accord [Music] honestly the flying animals concerned me the most from a security standpoint we can Round Up Escape land animals but when they take to the sky all bets are off this is the say aerodactylism and we need to make sure it stays confined to the Aviary the only known species of this animal before today was named after the Latin name for frightful I should tell you something okay [Music] now you'd think a mouse full of teeth would be scary enough but this animal the dimorphodon actually has two distinct types of teeth in its jaws and it flies well more accurately Glides guys [Music] I'm not sure about you but I've not seen anything like this before check it out the Sunco ripterous this Terror sword would use its curved Jaws like a crowbar Levering shellfish out of the mud before cracking them open with their blunt teeth that's pretty resourceful huh [Music] if you don't think nature can be Bonkers at times then you've never laid eyes on this newest animal the geosternbergia however it is apparently graceful in the air not that I would know but isn't that your job [Music] this fuzzy little reptile is the jlopterus it's pretty cute huh well you see those Tiny Little Fangs they'll give you a nasty nip if you're not careful so be careful [Music] okay this latest animal is also a flyer the maradactylus its name is based on an ancient legend of a Chief's daughter her name was Mara turned by sorcery into a river monster with long teeth that devoured fishermen change a few of the details and this could be my ex laughs thank you The more I've studied these animals The more I've noticed that there's a fine line between Fascination and fear prehistoric flying reptiles like the archetypal Pteranodon have been my imagination since I was young yet there's something about these creatures that makes me feel somewhat keiji shall we say they say everything is bigger in Texas and that certainly applies to their fossil finds this tiring pterosaur is definitely one for the record books we're talking about one of the largest flying animals like ever it's not a bird and it's not a plane it's a Quetzal coatless foreign [Music] what's the show without fireworks that's what this next animal gives us aerial color and excitement and check out that cell behind its head spectacular oh I meant to say that this is a tapajara one of our more interesting flying species if you couldn't have guessed by now I'm a fan I think you should be too [Music] all right the trobial nathas is one of the larger pterosaurs and is known for its keel-tipped snout in the Aviary should make for one heck of a draw [Applause] [Applause] ah [Music] this dinosaur the attenborosaurus is named after the famed naturalist and documentarian David Attenborough I guess you could say dinosaurs run in his family [Music] foreign [Music] we know that all life began in the sea the primordial soup some creatures made their way to Shore and started the chain reaction of land animals others stayed in the oceans like the elasmosaurus and set the pattern for the marine life that would follow this beautiful animal has a long neck and a flat tail with the right setting it should really attract the crowds [Music] while dinosaurs once Ruled the Earth other animals ruled the Seas take the ichthyosaurus a perfect example of what I'm talking about they have a large dorsal fin much like a dolphin or actually more like a shark thank you all right [Music] okay here we have the chronosaurus a predator that once ruled the Seas of Colombia and Australia now get this the Marine reptile was named after the Titan Chronos a legendary ruler of Greek mythology's Golden Age pretty cool right [Music] beautiful it is the diversity of life we are discovering that I find to be most interesting take this animal the lyopleurodon for instance this is a carnivorous Marine reptile that is optimized for efficiency both for swimming effortlessly through the water and for relentlessly hunting its prey and what nature created we can recreate and maybe if I can be so bold improve upon or at least find ways to exploit [Music] thank you so when people come to the park they want to learn something sure but they also want to be entertained and this Marine reptile the mosasaurus is just that a showstopper if the T-Rex is the ruler of the Dinosaurs on land then the mosasaurus holds that title below the waves make sure this animal is a premium attraction thank you foreign [Music] flippers that help it glide through the water like modern day sea mammals and has to come up for air it basically spends its time searching and eating which is not a bad way to live [Music] [Music] if you're going to survive in these Waters you've got to be prepared to stick your neck out I mean it was hard enough for stixosaurus 70 million years ago when the hunters were already becoming the haunted but we're not in Cretaceous Kansas anymore a bit of Courage isn't going to save you from the dangers that can lurk in these deaths foreign [Music] remember when you were a kid and they told you not to eat then go in the water but with this Predator the Tylosaurus if you go on the water you're gonna get eaten I mean seriously this is every sailor's nightmare come to life [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: World of Dinosaurs
Views: 578,263
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: QoGwkF1BIo4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 3sec (4623 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 20 2023
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