All 10 ROLES in Rainbow Six Siege Explained

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a lot of you have asked me what are those roles you keep talking about so I've decided to make a video about all 10 roles in Rainbow Six Siege and I'm going to explain them to you starting off with the first one in Attack the entry flager so if you're that entry of course you have a good shot you got those clean mechanics they good peing and getting that map control by getting these initial gunfights when it comes to taking area of course you could just take a gunfight outside the building sitting on the roof and then waiting and say oh yeah I got that kill no you you need to have those in your entry engagements when you're actually fighting for area that help your team win around also you need to understand that most of the time you should be taking 50/50 gunfights so most of the time you'll have a drone in front of you or someone giving you info that there is an enemy somewhere in that area so you coming in from this way and the rors are coming in from that way and somewhere in the middle ground you're going to have that gunfight but one of the hardest things for entries is when when do they slow down just like Bosco said on the 6 and6 podcast from Canadian and Intero another big thing about the entry that I don't think people really talk about or think about is like you got to know when to slow down people are going in with like Ash and they got a drone in front of them it's easy to like get carried away when you get a when you pick up a couple kills and you start getting map control like you got to know when to slow down just hold your position and like play start playing it more passive while your team comes in and sets up and gets ready for execute I think that's also a very important thing cuz like a lot of times you'll see an entry go want and get a couple kills and then like maybe they'll get a little too aggressive on something and then lose their life it hurts the execute and the setup I think that's another important thing with entry is just knowing like hit the braks and I agree you need to be disciplined enough to say oh I'm going to stop I'm going to wait for my team now of course as entry it isn't that bad if you die but you always want to stay alive and don't risk your life in an unnecessary way also when following a drone make sure to keep three to five met of distance often times not more as most of the times if you give it 10 to 15 M the info the Drone gave you is already outdated and the enemy could have already moved into a different position moving on to the next R we have the flex as it already says in the name Flex he is quite flexible but he also has to fill a lot of gaps from other players for example if your entry surrounding in Ash or in Sofia he's obviously not going to bring another soft Brier he's going to look more into either NES A Flores maybe even a hotb or heart Bridge charger so you can open that extra set up patches so you always want to aim for filling the gaps that your team needs as a flex player you often switch up between having to play a sort of second third entry and second SL third support so it might be that you're just trying to reack your entry or build up crossfires with your entry or even when you play the heart Breer stay alive as long as possible and get those Hedges open so that your heart beater then doesn't have to rotate all around the map but with that you're really not limited on operators but please don't pick black pit and just sit on the roof for 2 minutes right so yeah Flex is one of these easier roles but you have to do a lot of communicating with your team and if you don't communicate properly you're just simply not going to be really playing the flex Ro to its full extent next up we have the support players the support players are basically the ones that always play for the objective if it is getting the bomb down or droning you in so you need to understand that you really really really need to be alive your main job with droning is so important that before you die you should have already lost both your drones and no please don't just drive your drone into sight and get them destroy and be like oh yeah I don't have drones anymore I can no FR right no that's not correct you have to drone smart you have to find the way around of enemies for example don't jump with drones as it makes a ton of noise but yeah I understand that that doesn't always work in rank so once you've actually used your drones use your gadgets then you basically just a gun as long as you're not carry during the diffuser that's the point where you can actually go and be like oh yeah I can get this frag out because there's nothing more to lose You've Lost Your drones you've lost your utility once everything is gone is get a kill because that's the next thing up on the list droning done use your utility now is the part where you got to use your gun and finally go for that kill next up we have the flank watch flank watch is often called to be the most boring role as you're that Nomad that gridlock just holding flanks sitting on camps and managing your teammates Camp positions while it does seem to be boring it is one of the most important roles is otherwise you will get flanked every round so that if you make a mistake it comes in at a big cost as a flank you should always have one camon bucket in drone face you probably should leave your cam outside because you're going to need at least one Cam most of the times even two positioning wise you shouldn't be too far away from your position cams as if you see an enemy on your cam and you're like oh yeah there is an enemy get after the the cam bum bum he's dead get back onto the cam so you need to be really patient you can't be ADHD just wanting to run in everyone getting those kills that just isn't your job as a flank watch but most rank players won't flank at the 20 second Mark as the average rank player just isn't smart and he's going to flank it like 2 minutes or 1 minute 30 so so isn't quite as boring as it is in competitive Rainbow Six but as a flank watch you also need to manage your teammate's camps or if your teammate is dead to tell him oh yeah hold this camp now so let's say you see there's a cam missing on for example blue stairs on charie you're going to tell your teammate we need a cam there or if he isn't reacting your Ash I need a flank cam blue stairs managing your dead teammates to get on cams is super important because you can't be sitting there in a in a 2v5 oh yeah he's uh he's flanking now he's flanking now he's flanking now one V5 and you lost around so you need to be communicative in order for the RO to actually work for you next up and last for the attack set is probably the hardest role it is the IG the in-game leader in order to be an IG you need to be super vocal you need to understand the game you need to understand your team's position and actually actively manage them to go oh yeah open breach oh yeah go there oh yeah bum bum bum in order for you to be a good a you need to understand all the rules in Rainbow Siege because you need to put all the other four rules together and combine them to something that it actually works for you to win the rounds you also need to be a for if you need to be able to say guys we're going there don't be uh guys we can can can we open bre no say guys we need to open breach now but you also need to understand that if you for example tell your Flex or your entry go there and take the area don't just say oh yeah go into the room check this corn that that they should know how to play the role so you need to trust your teammates actually play their role properly you go Char you enter library and you're going to meet up at for example m aine cwalk however you want to call it then we're going to breach the wall so you actually know oh yeah I'm going to take this clear everything and then hit my brakes un mine and hold the piano door so the enemies can swing out of course I understand that not everyone is smart enough to actually understand how roles work but that's just how ranked is unfortunately you can't teach people who don't want to be taught you just need to live with that and be like yep we move on it is what it is the hardest thing to do apart from managing a teammates is to call for the execute because you need to find the right Gap and the right moment to say guys we're hting side now so if there's four enemies offside of course you're going to scream to teamates go inside go inside four offside if there's two offside and three onside and you're only in a four versus three situation you need to find the right Gap you need to find the right path into side because you don't want to run at those three people because even though you have the greater Manpower they have the advantage of being the defender side they have the advantage of setting up their angles and you need to force into them you see it is a very hard R but it is very rewarding if you're actually good at it so now we're going to move on to the defense side starting off with the first Defender role the RAS the RAS are the same thing as the entries in attack as a Roma you're running around the map trying to find those entry engagements and slow down the enemy's attacks you need to create the most amount of pressure but you also need to be able to say oh I'm falling off now I took 30 seconds of the enemies just on their entry point you fall back maybe closer to side maybe closer to another teammate and then team up with him and then try and do that again as a Roma you don't need to stay alive for the whole round that it just won't work like that if you're a Romo there is a high risk of you dying just like it is an attack with the entries also one for one traits are not as bad as they are in attack as a four versus four is way easier to win if you're in the defender side but you should always try and stay alive and don't risk risk your life unnecessary as most of the time you won't have that much of a setup you can also go and Hunt camps in prep so that the enemies will take even longer to enter the building just like in attack if you got the man Advantage don't go and Peak instead play with your teammates also just like in attack we have the flex the flex is probably one of the easiest roles as uers are super flexible for him from a Goyo to oric sui and the Bandit you can play basically everything as long as it seems useful to you and your teammates you also you're also going to be somewhat of a second SL third Roma and 7 a second thir support you just got to be that perfect Middle Point communication is again key for the RO as when your teammates are asking can you do this you're going to say yeah I can I'm coming this this then there you're going to be setting up crossfires of your rors but you're also going to be sitting onite helping out the smoke helping out the echo you're just always that middle p point the support the support is very similar again to the attack you don't want to die early as you are a key operat is very important in the late game let's see EST if is evilized or a smoke with smoke grenades Your Role a lot about being on camps and giving int for your flx your rors and your lurkers think of it like this your rumor just can't go in a room and be like oh yeah let me check camps oh there is an enemy I'm going to Sprint across the now at this time he already long gun or R got cut off guard instead you should be the person saying yo V there is a guy entering small Tower and then you have live information on him he's still there he's on piing he's peing you now it the support is a really easy role to play for the first two minutes but after that that is where the actual action for you starts you can go crazy in late game with that smoke shotgun or the SMG or the of myestro the support shines in the late game second last role is the lurker the lurker is really similar to the romor as its main objective is to catch the enemies off guard and always like snake behind them with the main difference being well the Roma is like super active at the start the Lura is more active towards the mid game as the Roma is there to make sure that the enemies are not taking room the Lura is there to take back the Lura is the one who's going to flank the enemies but you have to rely a lot on information on in because without that you're basically playing blindfold as you just don't know where enemies are or where they will be the most common problem I see with locers in especially ranked is they're not patient enough you got to wait for the right moment to strike and catch and catch some of not looking at you as a loer you should know map layouts default entry routes and also be communicative with your team the igl and defense isn't really igl he's more there to call we doing this defense we're going to do that Strat as in defense you don't actually need to shuffle around if your players a lot because you're going to have a lot of set positions the main thing you're going to do as a supporter is you're going to communicate with your rumors yo guys come back to side we need you or tell them Yo slow down we got them at advantage of one minute left you're also going to be calling for them your Vel Jagger goof flank now they're full focused on us this was my video about all 10 rules in main SI if you think you understand the rules just 1% more be sure to leave a like And subscribe to my channel as it would help me out massively until the next video bye
Channel: Reaxys
Views: 4,575
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Keywords: Gaming, Fun, Play, twitch, rainbow six siege, siege, r6, gaming, vods, streaming, full stream, rainbow six siege full game, rainbow six gameplay, rainbow six solar raid, solar raid, r6 ranked 2.0, r6 crossplay, r6 new season, r6 new op, r6 g2, r6 pro league, r6 tips, r6 champion, r6 diamond, rainbow six funny moments, rainbow six console, rainbow six pc, maciejay, beaulo, coconut brah, shawk, marley, bikini bohdi, r6 solis, r6 new map
Id: JraDgyAg2yI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 42sec (762 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 22 2024
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