Alison Roman's Caramelized Shallot Pasta | NYT Cooking

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it's like that video of the fire place that's just a fire it's just this is just a video of shouts of me slicing them ready ready okay so this is a story about a humble pasta born from an actual thing that i did which you would think all the recipes do but they don't always have like such a pure origin story it's really about the shallots let's celebrate the shallot this pasta was something that i made for christmas eve i have an annual party with my friends and this year's theme was feast of the seven fishes i thought okay we're gonna have a lot of fish at this party so we're gonna need something that is fish adjacent but uh different so i thought okay anchovy pasta here's the thing through a hilarious mishap we had an abundance of shallow an extraordinary amount of shells how will i possibly eat all those shallots and i was like well i guess this anchovy pasta is now really a shallot pasta but in the end i was like damn that is so delicious um are you following is this confusing you make this really delicious caramelized shallot mixture with tomato paste but the best part about this whole dish is you take half of that mixture and you put it in a jar or container whatever and you use it later for like a million other things and it's gonna make your life so good like for no like just by having this in your fridge you are gonna like get a promotion you're gonna like i don't know find a parking spot immediately like it's gonna just improve the quality of your life 20-fold i promise you this is honestly the longest part of this video it's just me peeling shallots so get cozy go pour yourself a glass of wine come back i'll still be here peeling these shallots you may be saying yourself you know that they sell shallots that are peeled i would never do that if you're gonna cook if you're gonna do the thing you gotta accept this part with it you gotta get to know the shallot [Music] are you sure you don't wanna miss this one this could be the one scott this could be the one shell you're going to really want to capture five hours later our shallots are peeled that's literally the hardest thing that i'll have to do this whole time [Music] this kind of makes double what you'll need for four people aka eight people or four times as much as you need for two i'm a bit of a mathematician here's a shallot moment so when the shallot comes like this i will separate them girls so that i have a naturally flat surface for which to chop oh my god just kidding i love to cook i'm gonna start them in a bit of olive oil it's not like we're caramelizing onions somewhere between a caramelized shallot and a fried shallot most of the garlic is going to go in with the shallots and then some of the garlic i'm actually going to finely chop and keep raw and mix it with some parsley so we can sprinkle it over the pasta at the end while that's happening i'm gonna make the garlic parsley situation that we're gonna sprinkle on top [Music] i really like it to finish a pasta with something other than cheese to be like oh it doesn't always have to be a sprinkling of parmesan how else can i add like something interesting and sort of fresh and salty at the end and here it'll be a mixture of parsley flaky salt and raw garlic so these are almost done the other nice thing about this recipe and this is intentional and it's because i care about you and i care about me this recipe calls for an entire tin of anchovies and an entire tube of tomato paste because who among us has not opened up a can of tomato paste and been like well thanks for the one tablespoon and now i have an open can of tomato paste i would rather you make this really delicious base to like do with what you will than have you figure out what to do with that half a can of tomato paste so it's all for a reason so in go the entire tin and as you can tell i'm just adding them all at the same time i'm not chopping them i'm not even really separating them we're not going to use the oil that they come in because they're just going to melt into the oil it's not a fishy pasta and the anchovies here are kind of just working in tandem with the tomato paste to just create like a really deep rich flavor nobody's gonna eat this and think are there anchovies in there so once the anchovies are melted i'm gonna add a little bit of chili flake you could very easily leave this out but like in my opinion why and then we're gonna have the entire tube of tomato face this is extremely gratifying if you've never squeezed a whole tube i can't recommend it enough so we're gonna just take the edge off of that raw tomato flavor by kind of toasting it in the oil while you look at this and you're like well how am i going to add pasta to that and it will be like nice and coat the strands but we are going to add the pasta water and that's going to kind of hydrate this paste that we're making i really love like a long noodle for this but you can use sort of any brand linguine fettuccine spaghetti um a tube pasta would work really well like a rigatoni one lucky rigatoni um this is a hilarious amount of pasta i'll just make this much season it's a fun little pasta i just really like this shape because it has a hole in the middle i really like it and then i'll kind of just like immediately move it around so it doesn't stick to each other i'll add about half of this okay our pasta is ready and i'm just gonna lift it out i'm not even gonna mess with like a full-blown strainer i'm just gonna put it right in there i just like these noodles because they're just kind of like silly little floppy noodles it's not like a serious fettuccine so when you pull your pasta you want to make sure it's super al dente and the reason being is that when you add that cooking liquid to the pot you want that to not only rehydrate that paste that you're making but you want to then finish cooking the pasta in that sauce so you see how it's like thick and glossy but it's not necessarily saucy it almost reminds me of spaghettios actually it does it does remind me of spaghettios and not in in like the soupiness but like in that gosh what is this spaghetti to me this is like decidedly unsaucy just like a sticky pasta reason number 400 000 you should own a pair of tongs so that to me is like the perfect little pot of pasta but you're going to eat it and you're going to be like wow that is so flavorful in a way that like maybe you don't expect because you know just looking at it it doesn't look like there's a ton going on but guess what there's a ton going on [Music] that's a silly noodle it doesn't look like that familiar bowl of like marinara pasta with like tons of sauce but this has i think like just as much flavor and is just as satisfying if not more so how much pasta can i eat on camera i'll keep going that's a caramelized shallot pasta for ya and bonus you get to keep the other half of that caramelized shallot paste to do with whatever you want how lucky are you use it to start your eggs when you scramble you can use it to finish off fried eggs you can spread it onto toast and then like put an avocado on it if you wanted i wouldn't do that but you could probably smear it on a chicken you could probably toss carrots with it and roast them just a really nice all-purpose sort of deeply savory like condiment that just so happens to be like instant delicious pasta
Channel: NYT Cooking
Views: 1,027,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cooking, cooks, recipes, recipe, how-to, how to, kitchen, new york times, new york times cooking, nyt cooking, nyt, nytimes, shallot, pasta, alison, roman, alison roman, anchovies, caramelized shallots, tomato paste
Id: HSVI5oqtlAo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 19sec (439 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 07 2020
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