Aliens Vs. Predator 2010 Part 6

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all right or AVP continue doing more Predator stuff oh here we go [Music] alien he I'm coming for [Music] [Applause] you some Marines over there listen [Music] up oh [ __ ] swapping mag swapping mag come on Freak come on you be there I see you [ __ ] die don't let you guard down there he is oh my God what are you made of die get some juice back all right let's go oh I tried to go down there as the marine and it killed me uh okay so I can actually jump down here without dying huh okay I bet there's a trophy belt down here somewhere no h [Music] over here it's so dumb that I can't just rip those apart I like this stubby vehicle it's over this way though nothing I didn't mean to do that you get up there oh I can oh oh [ __ ] you don't see [ __ ] you don't [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [ __ ] peekaboo wrong button check you hear that warning Rift off electric fences deactivated oh yeah [Music] [Music] anything over here no oh I saw some health some stems not stems but yeah these here we go all right let's destroy this activated what if it didn't activate what if I just completely made it useless uh video [Music] games nearly at I can't resist [Music] into the bike head down on the elevator and check the perimeter want regular sit reps oh [ __ ] any of those Xeno [ __ ] in here just looking for stuff let's get up here and then up here up here delter and E te found the hive they're busting a move on the queen I don't envy them you got ter [Music] are you like that he doesn't like that I need to charge my battery oh [ __ ] oh thanks alien are you and enoy your meal no get off I don't think so no heal I hit the wrong button heal hold hold the Y there we go all right come on [ __ ] oh [ __ ] die heal oh no I'm screwed Delta and Echo team found the [Music] hive oh die sh we try this again die I said oh he has a shotgun oh he's dead he's got Optical C now heal oh [ __ ] oh yeah that alien bro takes it out for me [ __ ] it I got you [ __ ] [ __ ] die heavy attack be gotcha oh Nota oh [Applause] [ __ ] [ __ ] delter in equity found the high you heal die [ __ ] I should have taken out the shotgunner first oh I'm not doing so well all right shotgun guy die I can't see gotcha heal oh where's he at all right now I got to really try not to die this time I'm going the wrong way excuse [Applause] me not you die not you heavy attack no die got you yeah I got to use that jump attack more [ __ ] here he comes no there [Music] brother o trophy belt I I'll take that [Music] I should have grabbed him oh well more power Oh wrong [Applause] button gotcha those damn serpents take that yeah that's where I fried the queen reor as the Marine oh no danger immediate evacuation advised oh man some stuff refiner M down imminent evacuate I should probably leave this way go [Music] PR yeah the Queen's [ __ ] [Music] oh [ __ ] I don't think so where you you little [ __ ] poor guy oh man the disc yeah smart disc yeah you like that I don't think he likes that oh it's so cool I don't need that yeah the disc doesn't use power trophy Bel okay yeah but what's over here let's go am I a predator or a firefighter oh you're not going to like this take that oh [ __ ] have a disc oh I missed have another I take that oh [ __ ] disc head shot get back here [Music] disc yeah block that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [ __ ] yeah take your leg out oh man that was a good Ricochet upca some [Music] [Applause] Maneuvers oh man there's so many of them oh [ __ ] I can't I can't see am I not supposed to be fighting them got one hard one head shot no get off no I'm I'm being a you little [ __ ] heal heal I [Music] [Applause] say oh there really do be a lot of them okay uh [Applause] I've been standing my [Music] [Applause] ground take that [Applause] [Music] evacuate where do you think you're going they just disappeared oh whatever [ __ ] [Applause] ah all right let's go ohe don't that way trophy well that was kind of short all right next one you damn humans have a look around all right I can just jump this this right yeah yep puzzle stuff and there's one down here that I saw let me guess it's three of them games [Music] [ __ ] how unfortunate get back up there before I fall again what's that over there though oh some heels okay oh here they come all right come on you [ __ ] don't you turn your back on [Music] me baned them disc gotcha oh it's so satisfying when I do it correctly and don't get myself killed that is oh Kaboom oh I missed it cuz I had to hit the wall instead yeah no one hand [Music] me e platforming here we go oh [ __ ] go quickly oh [ __ ] ah go almost oh oh I did it right hit this oh there's the [Applause] mask he's pretty oh it's cool looking kind reminds me of a bionical mask [Music] [Applause] oh [Music] [Applause] so [Music] cool oh this way or yeah yeah there they are Kaboom oh [ __ ] I see you need more battery we just use a disc I [Music] guess what hit me oh [Applause] [Applause] a [Applause] of course [Applause] you got uh a dead come here you Rec message all wh and utani employees are instructed to contact the laboratory immediately for further instructions I'll take [Music] that o I love this game let's go I was here as the Marine yeah eat that dead Kulu for talking [Applause] don't get up there no there God it wasn't working ow oh [ __ ] I'll maybe look around for a little bit more yeah I've had enough all right let's go hear that I got him oh [ __ ] smart gun Oh wrong what I see you die all right take this oh man she's tanky well now she's dead there he is oh hi there [Music] don't turn your back on me it's not a good [Applause] idea yeah honestly the disc is more useful than the plasma caster anything around here I should be wait [ __ ] there's a trophy belt all the way over there okay what was that this way I guess oh here it is up up gotcha okay right where I came there's no way we don't relax just yet Mar survive until it gets LOM no there's heels up there but I don't really need them avoid that centy gun [ __ ] oh [ __ ] [Music] get out of here oh trophy oh no there's another one all the way back that way well okay let's go get it oh I don't think so spitter jump what about up here though [ __ ] doesn't seem like there's anything up there anyway I should probably healed all right let's go the others are already looking for sec we're going to sweep through the area and see if we can pick up her sign there's the hostle oh hit him my got them I got nothing except the others moving around all these walls ain't help Optics get him oh man I can throw this while cloaked that's cool oh [ __ ] I didn't mean to trying to see if there was a way I can cancel the throw doesn't seem like it oh I can just attack to can with kind of surprise dead oh let me guess there's [Music] three hit him just because he's on some stairs that means I can't hit him take that ow come back you stupid disc I better hit this there's a trophy belt over there oh there one over that way too there's the you little [ __ ] damn it yeah it's up there don't got you there's take it to Pieces open fire no Miss sorry about that no offense nothing personal with juice better go hit this there's a trophy BT over there three of course uh that's a this way H go here I guess here Virg go yeah give me that here she [Music] [Applause] comes roran [Applause] [Music] die oh [Music] [ __ ] come here you [Music] that's a big [ __ ] up gone I guess I got to get rid of the trash first take that I got you what do you think you're doing trying to sneak up on me you're too big to be stealthy [ __ ] of retreat at least some maneuvers [Music] walk attack walk attack disc disc I choose [Music] you heal oh [ __ ] eat this gotcha anyone else would anyone else car to fill her [Music] shoes Kaboom all right let's go any trophy belts around here stem though well not stem but oh that way okay up up oh man the comi stick going to be armed for Bear [Music] now oh so cool anyway that's enough for now
Channel: Valiant Recoil Gaming
Views: 252
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aliens Vs. Predator, Games
Id: rWp2Ru_NAls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 1sec (3301 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 13 2024
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