Aliens Power Loader Scene - Homemade Behind the Scenes

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what's up guys welcome to the behind-the-scenes for our homemade alien scene we're doing the power loader fight come check it out when I got to make something really big I call on Bianca we've made all kinds of big stuff before like Goro the the big ol Raptors yeah the Batman mecha-suit the big gun from terminators right that big gun you go back I love it good so yeah we've made a lot of stuff together and we also made baby this is Corvis mm-hmm and Corvis is homemade homemade so here is the power loader before paint so the base is styrofoam as well as cardboard yeah these where do we get these the inside of TV pictures around you right yeah we start off with the cardboard for the backplate and then we did the legs are actually all cardboard pieces the feets got storage baskets and then either buckets that we've kind of modified as well as some straps that will fix the feet to the buckets and hopefully she'll be able to walk and then measured out the arm pieces the top of the arm and the forearms I made those out of cardboard and the styrofoam at this this is huge we got zip ties holding these together right in there so we had to set this up on a couple of C stands because it was so big and we needed it to be standing upright so we could add details to it some Tupperware container lids I think that's the lid to a top we've got clothes pins just edit in all those details with hot glue and then I put some dowels in for the hydraulic systems the base of the cage is a hula-hoop that we've cut in half then it's just covered with some pipe padding got a basketball hoop the net oh that knot on the top yeah we have the big giant pincers for the power loader hands the base is that styrofoam packaging from our TV that we've been using pincers are made out of cardboard entirely out of cardboard there's a couple shots where they need to rotate so I put a dowel in the pincher so it can fit in like that and it rotates and yeah ready for pie right here pain it's a good thing it's sturdy like your drunk friend or something but here is the final loader with all the details on most of the details I drew on with a sharpie then there's some tape some red tape details like a light up here is the Tupperware with a hole cut in it and I spray-painted that orange we're gonna put a strobe light in there these handles are toy golf clubs that I zip tied to the poles the shoes are a loon pump strap and go silver and put those on the boots oh yeah and the wires are some jump ropes now they're not as thick as I would have liked but these are working here we go this is our Sigourney we got our friend Karl here and we're gonna put a wig on her though never know what you're gonna get with you ridiculous in the gas way poskim you see Ripley's shoes the high-top Reeboks are super iconic and I think they actually released them but they only released him in men's sizes which seems kind of crazy right I actually found these high tops at Goodwill though Bianca's here modifying knees these are homemade exclusive Reeboks your wardrobe for the rest of the day and so we're gonna do is we'll have you in there and then we're going to measure out where your back is on there and then we'll put the straps to everything out there we go and in a way it's lighter this you can I don't want to get out of baby it was sound great okay we're ready to do the first shots you big wide shot we've got the doors opening up and I wasn't able to use the garage door because it's too big to go through the open garage door so we're gonna do is she's going to be in the garage way in the back I'm gonna be shooting but I'm also going to have a piece of paper to use as the door that opens up and then Bianca is gonna be in the back just filling that whole area with smoke get away from her you this is the only shot where the forks turn so what we're gonna do is put some rope on them and then run them through the rafters and Bianca is going to be somewhere off-camera she's gonna pull them so they can get some movement here we have the final Queen xenomorph puppets and this is made out of a bunch of different stuff the base is in oatmeal container and then a colander for like the chest cavity and then the head is made out of a scoop and then a little dust pan and some cardboard and then the mouthpiece is actually some measuring scoops the arms are some pieces from a skeleton decoration that I got at the 99-cent store some Forks for the claws the little arms in the front are actually pipe cleaners I wanted to Bob around and have some movement the tail is bendy straws with these toy skulls on them it's Halloween time so it's like the perfect time to shop for alien stuff gonna paint her and then put on the teeth cool your alien ma'am thank you okay the thing that I was afraid would happen happened want wanna power loader surgery time Andrew came over to help out with some of these shots tonight Andrew Bianca are trading jobs being the aliens this head right here is just for the tongue I've been calling it the tongue xenomorph we've been using it for a couple of shots where the mouth has to open really close to life-sized Ripley I made it out of a salad tosser and I added some plastic we're on there we lost the other arm great got it Wow Wow doing some force perspective so I've got this mini alien in the foreground and then life-sized Ripley in the power loader in the background so here's the final Queen miniature this is made out of a skeleton bird decoration the arms are some bone pieces from a skeleton figure I had to add a dinosaur head upside down to the bottom jaw to give it more of a shape and then the top head piece is made out of cardboard it's all spray-painted black and then the teeth are actually tips of plastic forks this is the tail yeah it's a turkey baster on a pole and some hair clips for the bones we're going to do this in Reverse which means this is going to be in all ready then we're going to pull it out and we play it in Reverse it'll pop in instead of her crouching falling down because she can't in the suit I'm gonna have to raise the camera up to make it look like she falls so today is miniature and puppet day here we have the final miniature power loader and turned out pretty sweet the base is a robot that I got at the 99-cent store I just cut it apart I used a toy truck for some of the pieces the pincers are popsicle sticks with Lego pieces glued onto them I use the tires for some of the joints on the wrist and Ripley is a GI Joe figure that I repainted hey Chuck me hello hey I'm gonna shoot this shot on the GoPro cuz the wider lens it's Bianca's idea by the way to shoot that on the GoPro yeah yeah that was my idea good idea there's two shots of Newt in this scene and so we got our neighbor Jessica she was also in our Terminator Genisys so she's she's back and she's in a cage hey that's a wrap pictures of power to go in it I don't anymore hands to move its head you do your nails for the shot oh of course they look fabulous why can't we be fast can we be first oh I think we get loopy where's my stunt double I don't do my own stunts you know he's a wrap thanks for having me guys good job ladies all right thanks for watching guys that's how we made our aliens power loader fight thanks to Kyle for coming over and playing and make sure to check out the links below to see our video as well as the side-by-side comparison don't forget to subscribe to Cinna fix alright guys fight
Channel: CineFix - IGN Movies and TV
Views: 1,125,052
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: homemade movies, cinefix, aliens, power loader scene, diy, diy prop shop, homemade behind the scenes, james cameron, sigourney weaver, benjamin martin
Id: x73Ns_x5v4U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 19sec (619 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 01 2016
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