Ali G, science, evolution, and creation

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yo science what is it all about technology what is that all about is it good or is it wack there is a block from real manhood stains called rainbow Jeremy who reject everything to do with science he just chill at home he smoked his own homegrown and take this he don't have a telly ain't you he don't have a telly yeah he lives in a house though yo you said house is a product of technology oh you ain't got no technology you can check out his website yeah go see yourself got a web snow shoes well eats food as computers made our lives better I don't think there's any question about it whoo computers ever be able to work out what nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein x nein nein nein nein nein nein nein yo I am finished you don't know I was gonna say nine nine eight nine nine nine nine nine nine nine nine point eight 8 nine 9 eight 8 nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein nein yes is yes the most powerful computer in the world today does 36 trillion operations a second so would it be able to multiply pen pen pen pen pen pen pen pen pen pen pen pen pen pen pen pen pen pen pen yes you don't know what's gonna say multiply it you don't even know pen pen pens whatever no is you name on - Don - Don - Don - Don - Don 200 hundred hundred hundred yes million yes thousands yes million yes whatever numbers you want we'll be able to multi point nine and yeah without blowing up yes yeah gonna move it on a little bit where did men come from men evolved out of lower species in the way that all the species evolved out of lower species this is ridiculous this is what if he wants to believe this happened he's welcome to believe his grandpa came it was Lucy and came down from his tree or something but that is pure religion we offer a quarter million dollars for anybody with any real empirical testable scientific evidence for evolution so you said we ain't come down from monkeys no no these are still having babies why don't they have another human today okay as ufa in banana oh yeah it all kinds of food yeah the people engaged in this kind of nonsense always set up the rules that you could never win the money no you're just a banana thing going man yeah it started saying because you start going Reds when I said that think alike you fought oh I finally know the fact that why did you start oh he went red didn't know because I'm surprised at how illogical your question was oh yeah I speak to them because they said listening you know we're Homo sapiens and that's about yo H step step I just want to make clear because this is going out the TV or wherever Dale I I don't do that stuff ain't got nothing against oh it's the homo that's really more it is a scientific nomenclature it describes who we are as part of a phyla or a stream of you know goes hominid hominoid and then yeah whatever there's different names for it we're also mistake all humans would be consumed my wife is a homo sapien that's not almost well it's just a way of describing who we are what I say you know I I just want to make clear you'll respect for coming on and I ain't gonna treat you differently now the dads come out you know that's a come on you're confused here let's settle the confusion all of people in the whole world the biologists have in a group called homo and the particular human group below that is sapiens and all that is Greek it just means the Greek word for man smart yeah a lot of them is very talented that has nothing to do with homosexuals and nothing to do with the homos that you meet on the street it's an entirely different lingo but my point is so it's not with you one of the home alone I am NOT almost like Ian I think all humans are Homo sapiens you are to say you are yo the term homo and Homo Sapien has nothing at all to do with sex alright let's talk about when technology goes horribly wrong is there technologies that you won't use I try to avoid foods that have pesticide residues on them no disrespect wherever but does you use a toilet or does you just drop one in a hole of course I use the toilet like icing everybody hear that so I hope you'd use it but would you flash certainly yeah absolutely so would you use the toilet or does you just drop it now I know I've been to quite a few countries where they don't have toilets and I'm very glad to get back to America so would you flush oh sure and I think you should have a septic system that's properly designed to handle the waste you say that but there's evidence backstage to the contrary was it was it you I have no idea what you're talking about know was talking about no I've no clue the floater covering it with paper don't make it alright yeah that goes for the rest of you whoever it was right ain't pointing any fingers well it does have my suspicions well I don't it was it was not me if that's what you're saying I would not if I understand what you've been talking about which I got part of the time here you know what I'm talking about because if it was in shame on you I still your very confusing your I ain't pointing fingers you know but is you the one backstage it didn't flush no sir you know what song about custom that's what you you know I you know talk about that on a TV program blows my mind dissent out respecting was all talk about respect wherever whoever it was name just you know I don't care they just won't go on to something else let's put to the side fire bein right shame on you I didn't do it don't so shame on me I didn't do anything so what a thank you for coming on here this was very interesting keep it real yo respect respect respect
Channel: ADA [Live]
Views: 544,125
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Ali, science, evolution, and, creation
Id: H3Qlhyp0oZo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 50sec (410 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 11 2008
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