Algorithms: Memoization and Dynamic Programming

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Hi, I'm Gayle Laakmann McDowell, author of Cracking the Coding Interview. Today I want to talk about memoization and dynamic programming. This is a super important topic. It's challenging a bit at first but once you get the hang of it it gets a lot easier. Fibonacci's pretty much the classic recursive example. Fib of n is the sum of fib of n minus 1 plus fib of n minus 2. And then we need some starting conditions like fib of 0 is 0 and fib of 1 is 1. And we can very easily write out the first few cases here. But now let's think about the code. So turning this into code is very straightforward as well. But there's a problem when you think about the runtime here. So if we call this for say fib of 6, fib of 6 will call fib of 5 and fib of 4, 5 will call 4 and 3, 4 will call 3 and 2 etc etc. Then we finish a single branch and we still need to do all the other branches. So that's going to get very very inefficient, specifically if we imagine calling this for say fib of n, we're going to call fib of n, and that's going to call n, fib of n minus one, fib of n minus 2, fib of n minus 3, all the way down, to roughly n levels. So we'll have n levels in our tree. The first level will have one node, the second level will have two nodes each node has two children, so will have four nodes of the next level, then 8 and so on and so on. So if you take one you double it n times because we have double the number nodes at every single level, we're gonna wind up with roughly 2 to the n nodes in the tree. So this gives us a runtime of O of 2 to the n, and if you remember I was able to compute this by hand fairly quickly and so there's a bit of a mismatch here. Why is this algorithm so inefficient? And the reason is that we keep doing things repeatedly. We compute the before twice, here and here. Fib of 3 gets computed 3 times here, here, and here. Fib of 2 gets computed five times, here here, here, here, and here. Now obviously these values haven't changed, fib of 4 is always the same thing, fib of 3 is always the same thing. So what we should be able to do is just compute these values once and if we ever have to repeat them again just return the stored value. So we store the value each time rather than computing it from scratch. And that's what the most basic implementation of a memoization algorithm is. So now if we walk through what this code does we're still going to go and compute this whole path down here but when we do that we're going to build up this table. So then when we get down to computing fib of 1, that's a base case, fib of 2, hey already been computed we just return that value. Fib of 3, already computed, fib of 4, already computed. So although we still recurese just as deeply all our other work has been done by that point, and we're just returning stored values. And now we get a linear runtime instead of exponential which is of course an enormous improvement. So now let's talk about space complexity. Space complexity comes from any memory you use and that includes yes things like creating arrays and stuff like that but it also includes the call stack. So let's think about the space complexity of the non memoized solution. A lot of people describe this as of O of 2 to the n and that's actually a mistake. People were thinking well gee all O of 2 to the n things are all on the call stack so we need all of that. Yes but they're not all on the call stack at the same time. One way to think about space complexity is, if I were to give you a chunk of memory to run your program how big would that chunk of memory have to be? Although all O of 2 to the n things wind up on the call stack overall time, they're not all sitting here at the same time. The biggest your call stack ever gets, the most memory you have used at any one point in time, is O of n. There's only O of n things that wind up on the call stack at any one given time. So the space complexity, the non-memoized solution is O of n. The memoized solution also has a space complexity of O of n, because we need O of n memory for the call stack still and we need another O of n memory for the memo table. But O of n plus O of n is still O of n. So both of these have a space complexity of O of n. Now let's try this out on a new problem. Suppose you're given an n-by-n grid and you can only move down or to the right and certain cells are blocked off in this grid. The question is, how many paths are there from the top left to the bottom right? As you might guess, we want to approach this recursively, so let's break this down into smaller problems. The first, the overall problem is, how many paths are there from the top left to the bottom right. Well let's think about this green guy in the top left corner. The first decision he needs to make is, well am I going to go down or to the right. Those are my only options. So let's picture each of those options. There are only those two ways of going, so the number of paths from the start to the end is the number of paths from position A to the end plus number paths from position B to the end. So, now we've broken down our problem into other sub problems. So now what happens? Well person A has to go either down or to the right again. Same with position B. So now the number of paths from A to the end can be broken down into C&D. Its number of paths from C to the end plus the number of paths from D to the end. Same thing with B. Its number of paths from B to the end, is number paths from C to the end, plus the number of paths from E of the end. This recursion stops when we have a definitive answer and that comes when you're actually at the end. The number of paths from the end to the end is just 1. You stand exactly where you are. So that forms our recursion base cases. Translating this into code is relatively straightforward. We just traverse down and to the right, obviously making sure we check you know they're not out of bounds or in a blocked-off square, but then we just sum up the number of ways of going down plus the number of ways of going to the right. And when we get down to the actual end we return 1. This is a pretty straightforward implementation of that algorithm, valid square does both the boundary checking as well as making sure we're not in a blocked-off square. If we are then we turn 0 because there's no path, if we're at the end return one because there's just the one path, you stay right there. Otherwise number of paths from here to the end is the number of paths going down to the end, and plus the number of paths going right the end. One little tip by the way whenever I do a matrix problem I like to use row and columns for my variable names rather than x and y. And the reason is that the x-coordinate actually translates to columns and the y-coordinate translates to the rows. But people tend to instinctively write grid of X comma Y, and that's backwards. It should be grid of Y comma X. It just leads to a lot of confusion. So take it from me, don't use X&Y when you deal with matrices, use rows and columns instead. Well one thing we might notice is that in the example above we compute the number of paths from C to the end twice, and that's unnecessary. What we should be doing is saying, hey if I've already computed something just return that stored value. So every single thing I compute I want to just store that value and return it if I'm ever asked for it again. And that's a memoization approach. Now instead we just compute it once and then if we ever need that value again just return that stored value and that's all we have to do here. The runtime now is O of n squared, because we have n squared possible cells that we have to compute this for, but each time we compute it, its constant time given that we have other work already done. So that gives us a runtime of O of n squared. So if we want to we can flip this around and do more of a traditional dynamic programming approach. So let's take a look at how this would work. If we think about what the recursive approach does, the very first concrete values it gets other than the base cases are these two cells and so that gives us two concrete answers. Now where can we go from here? Well the next thing if we take that recursion one step up, the next thing it does is it might be filling in one of these three cells. So let's start with this one here. Well we know the answer to that cell and that cell and that cell and that cell and that cell. All of these cells have just one path from the, from their cell to the end which is this path here. Now what about this cell here? Well if there's one path going down, one path one to the right, the actual answer is their sum. So there's two paths there. Now here again one path there. Now when we go to this cell there are two paths, going down or to the right. The sum is going to be these two, the sum of those two cells. And this one here, well we can go down or go to the right. There's two paths to go to the right, one path if we go down, so the actual result for the number of paths from this cell to the end is three paths, and we could double-check that if we want. One path is going down and then all the way over, another path is going to the right, down, and then all the way over, or to the right, to the right again, down, and all the way over. So sure enough, yes, there are three paths. And we can do this exact approach going through the entire grid starting from the bottom left moving to the left, sorry, starting from the bottom right, moving all the way to the left, up one row, all the way to the left, up one row all the way to the left, filling in these values as we go. So we got a 1, a 1, actually it's 0 here, because there's actually no paths from this cell down to the right, and here they'll be three, because we can only go down. Here three again, we can go only go to the right. 4, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, and then 3 here, 7 here, 1, 2, 1, 2 and we can go through and fill in the entire cell, entire matrix this way. Our runtime is still O of n squared and so is our space complexity but we've reduced the actual amount of memory use slightly because we no longer have to use a call stack. So these are a couple different ways of approaching problems. You can tackle things recursively, that's often a pretty good way to get your handle on the problem in the first place. Then you might implement a memoization approach and just throw in a memo table, maybe that's a hash set, a hash table, maybe just a simple integer array will work, and sometimes you can easily flip that around and implement an iterative traditional dynamic programming approach. So try these problems out, Ireally recommend before your interview practicing a whole bunch of these. These problems are actually pretty formulaic and once you get the hang of them they can be very very easy to tackle, but when you start off first they can be kind of tricky. So do your best, practice these, and good luck.
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Length: 11min 17sec (677 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 27 2016
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