Alfred The Great: The Dark Age King Who Defeated The Vikings | History Maker | Chronicle

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[Music] in the year of rord 878 King Alfred and his court visited the Royal Estate at chiam Alfred had good cause to look forward to the forthcoming Christmas celebrations his enemies the DS had suffered calamitous losses when their Fleet had been caught in a terrible storm the Danish leader Guam had worn Oaths and given hostages in exchange for peace as his household celebrated 12th night a breathless messenger brought dire [Music] news [Music] King Alfred's Army had been disbanded for Christmas now he was defenseless a mounted force of Danes had crossed into wessix and in a lightning March were already approaching King Alfred's stronghold at a stroke and without a battle the Danes had defeated him Gathering Together his household retainers King Alfred prepared to flee his fortunes reached the lowest e but King Alfred although defeated was not finished despite privation and hardship he would return Victorious the Legacy he would leave his people would truly earn him his nickname Alfred the Great the story of King Alfred is a story of triumph over constant adversity his Reign saw his kingdom of wessix snatched from him then regained and expanded the desperate struggle against the Fearsome Viking Invaders LED eventually to the foundation of the English State whenever he was confronted with difficulties King Alfred found practical Solutions his achievements in many fields contributed greatly to the future success of his country wisdom humility caution moderation fairness Mercy restraint loyalty generosity Chastity and continents with these anchors you should fix your cable to God to hold the ship of your mind faith hope and charity these are the three anchors which protect the ship of your mind in dangerous Seas the land into which Alfred was born in 849 was green and fertile but life was hard for people wholly dependent on the weather to nurture their crops and livestock small scattered farming communities scratched a living from the rich soil using tools still recognized ible today Woodland was important for Timber Fuel and pasturing pigs larger communities form towns usually cited close to Rivers for trading and transportation England was divided into kingdoms each ruled over by its own Royal House these Royal houses often fought each other equally they sought each other's support in war often cementing alliances with marriage loyalty to the Lord and King was the Cornerstone of Saxon law a man whose Lord fell in battle had to fight to the death for Revenge at Alfred's birth the dominant kingdoms of meria and wessix his father's land were at peace we know much of Alfred's Life and Times a history of his life was written by Assa a monk in his service it gives many fascinating insights into his actions Assa was an important monk at St David's Monastery in South Wales in his life of King Alfred he recalls his journey to the king I was summoned by the king from the remotest part of West Wales and I journeyed to the Saxon land after I had decided to cross the vast tracts of land I traveled to the territory of the South Saxons which is called Sussex I first saw the king there at the Royal Estate of Dean after I had been welcomed most warmly by him the king asked me to become a member of his household King Alfred's early life was dominated by two violently opposed factors firstly the influence of the Christian church and secondly the incursions of Viking invad ERS the monasteries were vital centers in the drive to spread the gospels not only that they were great teaching and Scholastic institutions encouraging bookwriting and making the libraries painstakingly assembled in the monasteries inspired monks to study it was Paramount for books to be translated into the native language and for the monks to be taught to read often monks would act as tutors to the sons of Nobles as a child Alfred was swiftly educated in the Christian faith his mother Queen osber used to read psalms prayers and poetry to him and his four Elder Brothers according to his biographer Assa Alfred was brought up exclusively at court and was a favorite child he would have spent much of his life on the move as his father King Ewolf traveled between royal lodges the kingdom of wessix had expanded eastwards to include Kent Essex Su and Sussex to control all this land the king had to stay on the Move later in his life King Alfred was to recall with regret his childhood travels his parents were unable to find a tutor to teach him to read and write but his enthusiasm for Learning and his quick memory served the young Alfred well one day his mother was showing Alfred and his brothers a poetry book book she said I will give this book to whoever learns it the quickest Alfred spoke in reply will you really give it to the first of us to learn and recite it to you whereupon smiling she said yes I will encouraged by this and attracted by the beauty of the initial letter of the book Alfred took the book to his teacher when he had learned it he took it back to his mother and recited it the Vikings were a ferocious race skilled in the Arts of sailing and warfare with the shallow draft of their longboats they could penetrate deep in Land by river the sudden arrival of the Dragon proud ships struck Terror into the hearts of the Anglo-Saxon people from their bases in Denmark and Norway Viking Warlords LED their fleets to the rich pickings of Christian Europe nowhere was safe from their Savage raids the Vikings terrifying reputation in battle led armies to melt before them but where possible the Vikings aimed at easier targets Rich farming communities and the religious houses they bequeathed their wealth to were the Vikings favorite murdering the unarmed monks the Vikings would steal all they could find what they could not take they burnt the Viking Raiders left a trail of Destruction in their hit and run attacks the isolated monasteries established by the Christian missionaries in northern England were left in Ruins by the time of Alfred's birth the Viking raids had taken on a more worrying dimension in 851 ad when Alfred was 3 years old a viking Army wintered in England England this was a major development signaling a new intention amongst the Vikings instead of raiding they now decided to conquer and settle from their winter base on the aisle of sheppy and the river temps they struck out joining forces with another Viking host the Raiders ransacked Canterbury they then swung North to successfully attack and pillage London cutting a sthe of blood and Fire as they went the king of meria hastily assembled his army to drive off the Vikings however by a swift March the Viking surprised him and put his whole Army to flight with the mercian Army defeated the Vikings looked about for fresh opportunities to plunder the monk Assa in his life of King Alfred takes up the story after these things had passed the Viking host marched on sry a district to the west of Kent on the Southern Bank of the temps Ethel wolf King of the Saxons and his son Ethel Bal with all their men fought at a place called Oakfield for a long long time when battle had been fought fiercely uh there by both sides a large number of the Viking Army lay dead and destroyed such was the extent of their losses that such Slaughter had never before been recorded the Christians honorably won the day and were masters of the battlefield in the same year Athlon and elderman ilir massacred a great Viking Army at sandwich in Kent nine of their ships were taken what remained of their Fleet fled such defeats inflicted by the West Saxons on the Vikings provided vital breathing space king ethelwolf must have known that his victories were only temporary Over the Sea more fleets were being prepared and weapons sharpened King ethelwolf could defeat a viking Army in a day the destruction they wrought took years to make good many monasteries were blackened and gutted and many abbots and monks dead the survival of Christianity itself hung in the balance Small Wonder then that Alfred's parents could not find a tutor to teach him to read in later years King Alfred was to recall remember what punishments beell us then at this time when we did not appreciate learning and teaching we were only Christians in name without Christian virtues I remember before everything was ransacked or burnt the churches of this land were full of books and treasures also there were many men and women in the service of the Lord King eth wolf did not only face Danger from outside his kingdom in 855 ad when Alfred was seven ethelwolf took him to Rome once again on Ethel Wolf's return to England he received dising news during his absence his son Ethel bald and his supporters had conspired to prevent Ewolf from resuming his kingship at such a crucial time a civil war between Father and Son would have been a disaster Assa recorded his distaste at the confusion while King athle wolf was abroad a disgraceful incident against the practices of all Christian men occurred King athel bald the bishop of Sherborne and the elderman of Somerset plotted to prevent King athel wolf from taking up his Royal Throne many say this wretched deed unheard of in previous times was encouraged by the bishop of alderman but there are many who blame King athel Ball's arrogance because he was greedy in this and in other of his misdeeds this grasping and iniquitous Son ruled whereby rights the father should have an agreement was quickly concluded king ethelwolf would be ruler of the Eastern kingdoms of Kent Su and Sussex ethelbald would Reign Over the western part of wessix in 864 when Alfred was 16 the Vikings wintered once more in Kent they concluded a peace treaty in exchange for gold with the men of Kent however as soon as this was done the Vikings broke the treaty and laid waste to Eastern Kent whilst Alfred was learning to read and hunt a life or death struggle was happening around him when Alfred was 18 his elder brother Ethel R inherited the Throne of wessix it happened that Ethel red succeeded to the throne I asked him before all our counselors to divide our inheritance and give me what was mine he told me that this could not easily be done then he promised that at his death he would leave me whatever he held for us and whatever else he might gain this I readily agreed to but at this time the heathens came once more to conquer our land King Ethel red and Alfred swiftly raised armies from all parts of Wes this was done by dispatching Messengers to the chief Nobles elderman of each kingdom the elderman raised the fear or local Army by summoning the Lesser nobility the more land a noble had the more men he had to provide once assembled the Army was dispatched to Nottingham the Vikings had taken up a strong defensive position within Nottingham as the mercians and Saxons could not breach the defenses a peace treaty was established Ethel red and Alfred took their forces back to Wessex the Vikings withdrew back to North Umbria to Winter in the city of York no side had gained any real advantage and no lasting peace could be possible in 870 ad the Viking Army left York passing through Mercia it entered the kingdom of East Anglia in a fierce battle attle King Edmund of the East angles was killed and his army defeated the Vikings rapidly subjugated the entire Kingdom with much of North Umbria and all of East Anglia in their control the Vikings looked triumphantly towards Wessex Viking influence in England had reached a dangerous point of expansion North Umbria and East Anglia were under Viking power Kent and Mercia were vulnerable to attack and had tried to buy peace wessix was still largely Untouched by the Raiders if it fell the plunder opportunities would be great in 8871 ad the Viking leader halan determined on a plan to strike at the heart of his enemies first his land Force rode to reading to establish a stronghold then his Fleet with supplies and reinforcements sailed up the temps he could now now strike south or west using the river temps and River kennet halfdan's plans went well initially reading was taken and a moot and Rampart swiftly constructed to secure the Viking base halan knew that Saxon Scouts would have followed his March he prepared his forces for the inevitable Saxon Onslaught sure enough Ethel red and Alfred were energetically assembling their forces within Striking Distance when Halon sent out a force to forage and Scout they encountered a Saxon Army and were defeated their morale at fever pitch the Saxon forces Advanced on the Viking stronghold at reading the battle was hard prolonged and bloody despite their determined efforts the Saxons were unable to storm the ferociously defended ramparts when the Vikings burst out of their stronghold in a bold Counterattack the Saxons broke and fled Viking military expertise had triumphed both Alfred and his brother escaped the Carnage they both now desperately set about reorganizing their armies before the Vikings could exploit the fruits of Victory incredibly within 4 days the Saxons had assembled a fresh Army to threaten Halon the Viking forces had left reading to attack the rich Monastery at Abington the Saxon Army intercepted them at Ashdown Alfred's biographer Assa recall vividly the ensuing conflict Alfred and his forces reached the field sooner and in better order than his brother King ethelred was still in his tent at prayer the faith of the Christian King counted for much with our Lord God and as shall be illustrated by what follows Alfred could not confront the enemy Shield wall any longer without retiring or attacking before his brother reached the field he finally deployed the Christian forces against the enemy even though the king had not come acting bravely like a wild boar and strengthened by Divine assistance he closed his shield wall in good order and attacked without delay despite having to attack uphill and against a superior Force Alfred's Men followed him the Vikings were caught off guard by the impetuosity of the Saxon assault as Assa recorded with grim satisfaction the Vikings had taken the superior position the armies clashed where a small Thorn Tree Grows with a great shout from all one side fought wrongfully the other for Life family and Country both sides fought resolutely and fiercely to and fro until by Divine judgment the Vikings were no longer able to withstand the Christian Onslaught one of two Viking Kings five Earls and many thousands of Vikings were cut down and the Army put to flight until they reached the stronghold whence they had come the Christians pursued them until Darkness fell killing all they found the victory at Ashdown established Alfred's reputation as a brave Warrior and good General his solo attack on the Viking Army had unsettled them enough for his brother to press home the advantage within 2 weeks the West Saxons were in action again Fortune did not smile on them King Ethel red and Alfred were defeated both armies continued to campaign marching through Wiltshire and Hampshire in a bloody engagement at meritan the Saxon Army was once more bested by the Vikings King ethelred died soon after possibly from wounds received in battle at the age of 23 Alfred youngest son of ethelwolf was proclaimed King within a month he was once more in the field disturbing news had reached him that a fresh Viking Army had reached English Shores led by Guam who was to be Alfred's main foe in the coming years the Vikings marched into Wessex King Alfred confronted the Vikings at Wilton at first the day seemed to go in the Saxons favor the Vikings retreated in the face of a determined attack the Saxons pursued them only to be themselves overwhelmed in turn in the course of the Year 871 ad thousands of Saxons and Vikings had fallen the Anglo-Saxon Chronicles recorded nine major battles and an uncounted number of skirmishes both sides had fought to the point of exhaustion the Grievous losses they had suffered left neither side in a position to continue before the winter snows began the Vikings pulled back to London an uneasy peace descended on the baguer kingdom of wessix there was much for King Alfred to do he had to reestablish his government over areas the Vikings had overrun he had to reconstruct the administration to assess taxes and tributes most importantly L he had to rebuild his military machine as rapidly as possible at any moment his Scouts might report a Maring Viking Force King Alfred took on the burdens of his kingdom with great fortitude at his wedding the King was seized by a severe illness which plagued him incessantly by day and night for 25 years whenever through the Great of Our Redeemer the illness was waning for a day or night or even for the space of an hour the king's Terror of the accursed agony remained the Vikings were not idle forcing the mercians to pay them off in 872 the Vikings returned to North Umbria quickly reestablishing a puppet government there they turned their attention South despite the payment of more money or dangel the Vikings swept into meria by 874 ad they had bloodily defeated the mercians and deposed their King bergd the Vikings now ruled all of Northern and most of Midland England halon's Army had been fighting in England for 9 years now land was granted to those of his men who wished to settle in North Umbria the Viking Army that had arrived in 871 ad had no such peaceful intentions they looked once more to the kingdom of wessix in 874 gothra marched his army to Cambridge for his forthcoming assault from 875 to 877 the Vikings twice invaded wessix on both occasions they allowed themselves to be bought off by 878 Guam was determined on conquest and summoned his Warlords Gotham knew the importance his enemies attached to the Christmas festival he knew that the Saxon armies would be unprepared King Alfred's defeat and Escape left his people with few choices although some resisted the great majority could not some chose to leave wessix and flee abroad for most of the people submission to the Vikings was the only option Alfred's Exile at the stronghold of Affy lasted for 5 months yet the 5 months he spent in the midst of the somerset marshes became the most famous period of his Reign the enduring myths of King Alfred come from this time and reinforce stories of his fortitude piety fairness and courage the most celebrated of these stories was the burning of the cakes in this story King Alfred in his wretched Anonymous State took refuge in a swine herd's Hut he was entrusted by the swin herd's wife to watch over some small loaves she was Baking King Alfred was so preoccupied with his woes that he neglected his job the loaves were burnt and the swin herd's wife scolded him bitterly over the centuries the story was embellished to show the king's humility and fortitude the other tale further reinforces the widely held belief in King Alfred's personal bravery depending on the version King Al alone or accompanied by a single faithful servant left athel disguised as a Minstrel he traveled to gthm stronghold and gained entry that night he so captivated the Vikings with his singing that they persuaded him to stay during his few days in their Camp he roamed freely amongst his enemies when he left he had gathered much useful information about their strength and plans the Vikings had even paid him for his Services whatever the truth may be it is certain that King Alfred used his time on the run to plan carefully words soon spread amongst the West Saxons that their King was alive the Anglo-Saxon Devotion to loyalty to their King remains strong secretly the West Saxons made their preparations King Alfred's supporters SED out from athy in a series of ambushes and attacks slowly but Sur the initiative the Vikings had won at chiam was rested from them in May 878 King Alfred summoned his forces to muster at Eggbert Stone the fears of Wilshire Somerset and Hampshire hurried to join him leaving the Dorset and Devon fears to guard his rear King Alfred's Army marched 2 Days Later King Alfred confronted Gotham who had hastily prepared a defensive position near Warminster in the contest of arms that followed the Saxons were victorious despite heavy casualties the Vikings were able to make a fighting withdrawal to chiam Assa once again carefully recorded the events that followed King Alfred boldly made camp in front of the Viking stronghold with his army after he had been there for 14 days the Vikings totally worn out by hung hunger cold fear and in finally despair sued for peace Alfred could take as many hostages as he chose and give none in return never before had the heathens made peace under such terms in addition they swore they would leave the Kingdom at once also Gotham promised to embrace the Christian faith and receive baptism from King Alfred's own hand all the promises the Vikings made they kept three weeks later Gotham and 30 of his best men were baptized and Alfred received him as an adoptive son Gotham remained 12 days with Alfred and Alfred bestowed Gifts of treasure upon him in the year of our Lord's incarnation 8799 the Viking Army left chiam as promised King Alfred's victory over Gotham and Guam's subsequent baptism marked a turning point in the history of wessix the pressure on King Alfred's government was eased from having to battle simply to survive Alfred was able to focus on the consolidation of his kingdom there was much to do a measure of Alfred's success is that shortly after his victory at chiam a viking Army landed in Kent and then left for the continent stories of his Marshal prowess did much to deter potential Invaders King Alfred had learned from the Vikings about the advantages of fighting from a stronghold one of his first projects was an expanded building program there were many ruined towns Ro palaces and religious houses that needed reconstruction in addition King Alfred established a series of new fortified sites on the wesix borders each site was carefully chosen use was made of existing forts from Roman times or Iron Age Earthworks significantly though the defense system rested on fortified towns known as Bergs these Frontier towns were the backbone of Alfred's military thinking if wessix was invaded the people could flee to the nearest Berg and wait for a relieving Army the military system which Alfred had inherited had proved inadequate to deal with surprise Viking attacks King Alfred therefore reorganized the fears dividing each in half half the men were released to return to their land whilst half remained in arms those men still in arms served as garrisons for the Berg or in King Alfred's standing army after a fixed period these men were released and others returned King Alfred had recognized the importance of a system that allowed for aggressive defense of his kingdom he had a further Innovation to protect his people Alfred had observed how Viking raids were usually a combination of land and Seaborn forces he set about the design and construction of a Navy Alfred designed his own ships powerful and purpose-built to outweigh the long ships in Naval engagements the Saxons would have the advantage of larger Crews and higher fighting platforms over the Vikings The King's Plans cost money and Manpower his system of fortified towns supported by garrisons was suited to an agricultural Community tied to the land however there was Assa records some resentment amongst his people at increased taxation more seriously Assa records that the vital task of building defensive Works was often neglected King Alfred had a hard time ensuring his Royal commands were obeyed but as Assa stated by gently instructing cajoling urging ordering and sharply chastising the author authority of his whole kingdom is seen to be invested to his will to the benefit of the whole realm but if despite the king's reprimands his commands remain unfulfilled because of laziness or because fortifications were started too late then those at fault were reduced to Virtual Extinction as enemy forces poured in King Alfred's defense plan was achieved over for many years however once the building was underway Alfred turned to another vital task the years of strife had created a cultural desert few monks were able to read and the skill of making books was virtually unknown worst of all there were no Scholars who could translate Greek and Latin King Alfred was determined that anyone who held a royal office should be able to read this desire was not inspired by Christian Zeal alone if the king's servants could read he could send them written orders and receive written reports King Alfred sent letters into Mercier to summon to him four Scholars Werth later Bishop of Worcester pland later Archbishop of Canterbury werewolf and Athlon King Alfred himself was still learning to read he showered gifts upon the scholars at his court however he was still not satisfied he had sent letters to important churchmen on the continent asking their advice two monks grimbald and John were recommended to him and by 886 ad they were established in England finally King Alfred summoned Assa from his Monastery at St David's in Wales the result of this sudden influx of learning became apparent in 887 ad when ASA recalls King Alfred learned to read and translate King Alfred resolved with the help of his Scholars to produce General translations of selected Latin works the first Alfred undertook personally was Pope Gregory's pastoral care in the preface to his book King Alfred was at pains to explain his reasons for writing I would have it known that often I have wondered at what learned men there were once in this land and how there were happy times then and how people from abroad came to England seeking wisdom whereas now if we seek wisdom we must seek it outside our Land Learning had declined so thoroughly in England that there were few men who could understand Divine services in English let alone translate from Latin into English thanks be to almighty God that we now have any teachers at all so I beseech you as often as you can apply yourself to that wisdom God gave you remember how we were punished when we did not value learning or teaching others I then began to translate this book into English as best I could understand it I intend that each Bishop Rick in My Kingdom shall have a copy so that all Freeborn young men may be set to learning it until they can read English properly the choice of books King Alfred had translated reflected his personal concerns they were not exclusively religious a book of cures and remedies leech book was translated bead's famous history of the English church and a book of English saints were translated from anglian dialect into Saxon King Alfred also turned his energies to education a school was established within the Royal household for the sons of nobles by the late 880s King Alfred had three children of his own two daughters and a son the function of the school was to teach reading and writing writing Alfred's own translations were studied as well as providing his successes with literate administrators the king wanted to provide the church with literate candidates for holy orders the suffering the church had endured during the Viking Onslaught was visible to all Alfred financially supported the existing monastic buildings throughout his Reign he also founded two new religious houses the first was a monastery constructed at alony to thank God for his victory the second a nunery was constructed at Shaftsbury his daughter Ethel gifu was made abbis Alfred set his monks to work busily copying books and manuscripts to provide for these new establishments King Alfred's unflagging support for the church brought additional benefits the neglected arts and crafts of sculpting carving jewelry Mak making and book decoration were [Music] relearn King Alfred himself was a keen patron of Craftsmen as king he was expected to reward loyal servants the king commissioned intricate Jewels fine cloaks and other Treasures in the peace and security of wessix the people slowly erased the destruction of War having attained a degree of stability King Alfred began to consider expansion the success of Alfred's kingship was already producing allies by 886 ad the kingdoms of South Wales were abandoning their traditional alliances and seeking Alfred's overlordship in return for submitting to King Alfred's rule these kingdoms received his military protection the kingdom of meria petitioned King Alfred to protect them and accepted his lordship while this was happening Alfred was planning carefully y although his kingdom was enjoying relative peace the Vikings were still active in 885 ad a viking Army crossed from Europe to Kent marching swiftly they laid Siege to Rochester the local people took shelter within the town's walls and waited the Vikings busied themselves constructing Siege works but before they were able to capture Rochester disaster overtook them King Alfred's Army arrived so rapidly and in such numbers that the Vikings abandoned their stronghold captives and horses and fled the success of the Berg system must have boosted Saxon morale the Vikings fled back to France although some headed north into East Anglia King Alfred therefore determined to recapture London from the Vikings if he could capture London he would be able to safeguard the roads and Waterway ways into Southern England little is known of Alfred's campaign against London what is known is that after a brief and bloody struggle the city fell to his forces immediately Alfred ordered the construction of two Bergs straddling the Temps at suuk this effectively denied the Vikings access in land King Alfred's military successes were backed up with sound diplomacy London had been in mercian territory King Alfred returned it to mercian control marrying his daughter athal to the mercian leader King Alfred used his strong position to negotiate a fresh treaty with Gotham Alfred was now recognized as ruler by the peoples of wessix meria and Wales between 886 and 890 Alfred concluded an agreement which established Anglo-Saxon and Viking territories the Dan Law an imaginary line divided the two spheres of influence running up the temps to the river Lee the D law Then followed the Lee to its source from the Lee the line went to Bedford and followed the river oo to Watling Street the Dan Law Then followed the old Roman Road to Chester all land to the north and east of the D law was deemed to be under guthan's control all land to the South and West was under the rule of King Alfred Alfred's territorial success was obvious as Assa claimed all Angles and Saxons willingly submitted to King Alfred's Rule King Alfred's Authority was a unifying factor for the Anglo-Saxon kingdoms to further unify his kingdoms and to demonstrate his Royal Power King Alfred embarked on two new projects in the early 890s King Alfred ordered that a Chronicle of the Anglo-Saxons from Roman times to his own be compiled it emphasized their common Heritage from early Christian times it also stressed How the West Saxon Kings had assumed control by Divine wish king Alfred's second project was even more far-reaching he had committed to record his code of law first we enjoin what is of most importance that a man be bound by his pledge and oath if anyone is compelled by oath to an evil act such as treason or treachery it is better they leave the ACT undone however if a man is pledged to a deed he does not fulfill he must hand all his possessions to his friends and humbly submit to prison for 40 days at the king's estate if a man refuses to go to prison and has to be forced he forfeits his possessions if he escapes he is to be outlawed and excommunicated the making of laws established the king's desire for peace and Justice as well as capital offenses Alfred developed the system covering punishment by fine and compensation to victims If any man plots against the King's life or supports fugitives or the king's enemies he has to pay with his life If any man fights or draws weapons in the king's Hall the king is to have Judgment of life or death over him if anyone openly ignores the church's law during Lent without permission they must pay compensation of 120 Shillings If any man disturbs a public meeting by drawing a weapon the fine is 120 shillings to his elderman I Alfred King of the West Saxons showed my counselors these Lord LA and they were happy to agree to them as king his duties were widespread overseeing his court household and government King Alfred also attended judicial hearings received foreign diplomats planned new buildings and still somehow found time to hunt however his oath to divide his time equally between his God and his kingdom presented a problem there was no way that the daylight and night hours could be measured King Alfred came up with a solution according to Assa the king ordered a quantity of wax to be purchased weighed and divided to make Six Candles each candle was 12 in tall King Alfred then had each candle marked at inch intervals when lit the candles burned at the rate of an inch an hour the marks providing a guide to the passing of time King Alfred further instructed that the candles should be placed in lanterns made of wood and oxhorn this prevented the candles being blown out or burning too quickly in a draft thus Alfred was able to keep his oath to God he took equal care in the division of his Revenue the annual revenue King Alfred gathered from taxation was divided into halves the first half was for the maintenance of his kingdom a third went to pay his Nobles and soldiers a third was reserved for payment of Craftsman and skilled Artisans the last third was reserved for gifts and charity the second half of Alfred's Revenue was bequeathed to the church divided into four equal parts the money went to the upkeep of his school the two religious houses he had founded arms for the poor and finally a general fund for the upkeep of the church in 892 ad Alfred's Lookouts in Kent saw a familiar sight the dreaded sails of a Viking Fleet defeat and famine had pushed two desperate Viking armies to leave the continent and sail for England the two fleets crossed the channel and divided one Fleet struck into Southern Kent and embarked at appledore the other Fleet sailed around East Kent and made landfall at Milton reges King Alfred's Scouts followed their progress and reported their movements once again King Alfred called out his army perhaps taking Solace from the Psalms he had recently translated oh Lord why are there so many of my enemies who afflict me why do so many rise up against me many say to my spirit it has no protection from God but it is not as they say rather you without doubt are my shield and Glory therefore I do not now fear the multitudes of the enemy although they surround me for you oh Lord arise and make me safe unfortunately accounts of what followed are confusing Alfred LED his army into Kent and took up position near Rochester from here he could see the Vikings fortified position at Milton Alfred's son Edward was entrusted with an army to watch over the Vikings in South Kent a stalemate ensued with neither side willing to commit itself to battle King Alfred seeing this attempted a diplomatic solution he opened negotiations with the Viking leader haston in exchange for a large sum of gold haston agreed to take his forces beyond the D law to cement the agreement Hon's two sons were baptized under Alfred's sponsorship by Easter 893 ad the Vikings in North Kent had sailed to the shores of Essex the Vikings in South Kent now divided the fleet put to Sea to sail to East Anglia a mounted force of Warriors made a raid through Kent aiming to pick up booty and CR into the DW by the time they reached faram Alfred's son Edward was almost upon them and anxious to prove himself as soon as he could Edward attacked in the Vanguard Edward's bravery inspired his men the Vikings fell back in confusion they left behind all their plunder and prisoners during the battle the Viking leader was wounded the Vikings managed to withdraw to to thorny island in the temps Edward's Victorious Army was quick to follow up its Advantage the Vikings to their despair found themselves surrounded King Alfred's Army was approaching from the West the Vikings were trapped incredibly the Vikings were able to escape King Alfred had received word that a viking Army was attacking Devon he immediately turned all his forces Westward to C to the threat meanwhile Edward's Army left the siege having served their allocated time in the Army the Vikings retired into Essex the Viking attacks in the west peted out without a major engagement King Alfred launched assaults across the Dan Law into Essex defeating the Viking Army and destroying their stronghold at Ben Fleet by changing the style of Saxon defense and launching attacks against Viking strongholds King Alfred negated the effect of Viking raids while he could not stop the Vikings from entering his kingdom once in he could quickly contain them by 896 ad the Vikings had had enough once more they set their sails for the continent and left for easier victories King Alfred was now 47 he had three more years to live right to the last King Alfred was still studying and translating he died aged 50 on the 26th of October 899 the significance of King Alfred's Reign was not evident to the Anglo-Saxons his achievements gradually came to be recognized during the Middle Ages King Alfred became all things to all men a romantic hero father of the Navy founder of the English State creator of English law his heroic stand against the Vikings was held up as a mirror to princely behavior it was not until the 16th century that he became known as Alfred the Great and from then on his place in English History was assured a thousand years after his death King Alfred was a Victorian school boy hero to the modern world he is remembered if at all as a king who burnt some cakes [Music] what King Alfred would have made of his future popularity we cannot know surviving documents he wrote give us glimpses of a man committed to his God his law his people and his children we are left with a curious picture of a man who would lead his Warriors into a ferocious battle one day and spend hours studying a Latin text the next a chronicler descended from his brother wrote wrote The Following in the late 10th Century perhaps in these few words we have a measure of King Alfred's greatness in the year of Our Lord 899 there passed from this world King Alfred of the Saxons unshakable pillar of the people of the West a man full of Justice active in war wise in speech studied in sacred literature over all things for he translated unknown numbers of books from Latin to his own tongue with such variety and skill that not only Scholars but any who could might hear it read the king died on the seventh day before All Saints and his body rests in peace at Winchester only say reader Redeemer Christ save his [Music] soul [Music] [Music] the that
Channel: Chronicle - Medieval History Documentaries
Views: 111,714
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alfred The Great, Alfred the Warrior, Anglo-Saxon, Anglo-Saxon England, Anglo-Saxon Era, Anglo-Saxon Heritage, British Culture, Chronicle - Medieval History Documentaries, English History, English Monarchy, Generosity, Kingdom of Wessex, Medieval England, Medieval Heroes, Medieval Ruler, Norse Invasions, Reign, Viking Age, Viking Attacks, Warrior King, Wessex
Id: q07jUS2ywYM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 53min 41sec (3221 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 17 2024
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