Alex Hogh Andersen - behind the fierce Ivar the Boneless

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[Music] [Music] [Music] and how did you decide to become an actor maybe my mom playing soccer was Nina why man of course right as always I I wish I was sure everybody was gonna hate me and yeah everybody actually in the end and that's the thing about in the and when we did the audition all that did because I had no idea that I was in that I was not auditioning for Iver originally so I I was just out when we got there we were 14 guys in Dublin invited there we'd been auditioning for four hours and then Frank Motel comes down and pokes me on the shoulder and tells me that I should start reading for eyebrow Dever red for him so I was sitting there sweating for half an hour trying to learn his lines and and eventually got up there and I was like so ask Michael what what is up with his character he was like well he suffers from this disease and and I was like is he in constant pain then and then he was like yeah I guess so so in my mind I was like if he's been in constant pain for his entire life he's used to it so all I did was just there we go and then I did the scene and apparently that's what they loved about it was that he wasn't acting it because it's if he's used to it it's all up here and in here it's not shown acting to me do me yeah yeah you said to the guy who can't go walk normally okay yeah is the giggle a part of it as well maybe you should you should try to do that one that thing right here you got that one at Christmas time we let in light and we banished a Ischia and buttons that is for want to swing feel handsome can friendship indeed in classical music plays you got four notes X there goes on there oh we know [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] tonight nothing but happy party who is that what do you think about the need for instant gratification [Music] [Music] [Music] every [ __ ] [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] sorry don't [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Hey [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] [Laughter] [Music]
Channel: Vikings Worldwide Fans
Views: 1,204,820
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Vikings, History, Drama, Alex Hogh Andersen, Ragnar Lothbrok, Lagertha, Ivar The boneless, History Channel, Fan video, TV series, Actor, Historical, personal
Id: Ou1lqTGgnHE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 9sec (669 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 24 2018
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