Alcohol INK WISPIES in Epoxy RESIN | Trying Alcohol Ink Art in Resin #alcoholinkart

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today I want to try doing some alcohol ink art in resin I want to see if I can make some pretty alcohol ink wispies in the resin um if you don't know what that is don't worry you'll see what I'm talking about a little bit later in the video but first let me show you guys my newest trinket dish molds I found these on Amazon and I just love how the edging of these molds are rounded and thick these are going to be so cute and I'm so glad they finally arrived and I can't wait to show you guys what I make with them now this mold right here is the one that made me buy these molds I don't have a cloud mold I think um I'm pretty sure I don't because I have yet to find a nicely shaped one but you guys this one right here to me is perfection another thing I want to try is adding temporary tattoos to these trinket dishes it's about time I hop on the temporary tattoo and resin train and as for the alcohol inks I'm going to be using let's resin alcohol inks funny enough alcohol inks is one of those things too that I've actually been keeping away from um I'll tell you guys why a bit later in the video but again it's one of those things that I should try resin and Instagram at the moment is being persistent and keeps showing me lots of posts about alcohol inks so here we are now the first thing I have to do is cut out the tattoo designs I want to put in my trinket dishes I also bought these off of Amazon and I actually got a pretty big stack of them I think it was like 60 sheets of tattoos for $13 Canadian um it's probably even less than American dollars and there's some really pretty designs there's butterflies flowers there's even Birds um yeah there's a lot of tattoos by the way if you guys are interested in any of the products I use in this video or any of my videos really be sure to check out the description box I put all the links down there but yeah now I have a bunch of tattoos that I can put into my resin Creations if I like the results of these stram conditions I'm going to be making so now because I'm going to be putting the tattoos directly onto the molds themselves I'm just going to quickly grab some tape and Pat it on the molds to remove any fuzzies or tiny particles that can be on the molds if there's any particles it can damage the tattoo design or or it can also create a tiny pocket which again can lead to damaging the design so we want to avoid that so I got my water and now it's time to put the tattoos on the molds comment down below if you've tried putting tattoos in resin and let me know if you like the results so let's do the cloud dish first I'm thinking this one is going to be the trickiest one since we do have some text here on the tattoo and I want to make sure that it's centered right so um okay I think I got it so now what I want to is I'm going to press it down and hopefully we don't get any air pockets under there um I'm probably should have started on one side and work my way along I'll definitely do that for the other two okay so let's see wait why does this look wrong okay so I just realized that the text is what looks wrong and I actually can't put this tattoo down just yet I'm going to have to make the trinket dish first and then I can put the tattoo down um so let's put this one aside and let's through the other two since these other two tattoos are just flowers I can put them down any way I'd like there's no right way I just need to put that sticky tattoo part to the mold and then everything will work out um but with the other tattoo if I hadn't noticed that text from the tattoo would have ended up backwards when I demolded the resin dish I'm just so glad that I figured that out and it's also really lucky I was able to pull that tattoo off the mold without damaging the design either so okay so now that the design is down I'm going to dab the tattoo with some water so I can remove the backing paper I'm not going to put too much water on the paper towel because I don't want any excess water going into the mold resin and water don't mix and I also don't want to have to stick paper towel along the edges so the tattoo doesn't get ruined either I'm going to hold the paper towel on the tattoo for about a minute and I think we should be able to pull off the backing paper now so oh it's so pretty we do have a little excess tattoo here so I'm going to attempt fate and I'm going to be using my craft knife and gently cut off the excess like so and there we go using another tool probably would have been the smartest thing to do but it just needed a little extra care using the knife now I'm going to go ahead and do the exact same thing with the other mold and tattoo and T now that the molds have the tattoos on them it's time for the first layer of resin I'm going to be using let's resin's regular epoxy resin and I'm actually just going to skip ahead with this part and just show you guys the colors I've ended up with and pouring them into the mold it took me way too long to mix up these colors for some reason I was trying really hard to match the colors with the tattoos and although I don't really think I did that I still really love the colors I mixed up this style of mold and with the colors I got these trinket this just kind of look like actual neon lights do you guys see it I'll actually put an example of what I'm talking about on the screen now so you guys know what I'm talking about but that's actually really cool I might have to make something else with these molds to try and mimic a real neon light maybe add some glow powder in there oh that actually sounds like a really cool idea so maybe stay tuned for that video okay so now I have to let this resin cure up and I'll be back tomorrow so we can try doing those alcohol wispies good morning guys this first lay of resin has cured up and it's now time to use the alcohol inks and see if we can achieve those alcohol wispies so I've gone ahead and already taken out the colors that I'm going to be using I've chosen pink green purple blues I want to match the colors to the colors that are in the tattoos and of course white white is what I'm going to be using in all the dishes for every drop of color I put in I'll be putting a drop of white ink right in the middle okay guys so I'm going to be starting with this one here because it doesn't have a tattoo and then that way if this one goes wrong you know I can switch something up I can try and change it for those two so I've gone ahead and mixed up 6 oz of resin I did pass it through my um res bubble remover machine so yeah let's get started and actually let me just quickly undo these bottles so it doesn't slow me down as you guys can see I'm a little shaky I have no idea what I'm doing so let's get to it so now what I'm going to do is I'm going to pour a little bit of resin into my mold and as that resin is spreading out I'm going to drop the alcohol inks onto the resin I'm going to try and avoid dropping the alcohol inks directly onto my mold Ms because I'm pretty sure alcohol inks can stain resin molds but don't hold me to that um I don't know if the let's resin alcohol inks specifically do that but I'm just saying this as a precaution in case you guys do decide to try this technique now it's time to spread the resin and start moving it to manipulate that ink to get those wispies I'm actually going to pick up my mold and tilt it back and forth to move that resin and then I'm also going to go in with my heat gun to break up the ink Splats having this first layer of cured resin already in the mold is actually really helpful it's keeping the mold stiff and it's so much easier to move it back and forth um I Wonder If It's Tricky if the mold is soft and floppy without that first sorry guys I'm being a little immature but yeah I Wonder If It's Tricky if the mold is soft and floppy and then that way it's a little bit harder to um you know move that mold back and forth so maybe if you guys do want to do this maybe the first time you do it have that uh first layer of cured resin in there so it's easier for you I'm also going to add a little bit more resin to help spread the resin to the edges of the molds and now I guess I'm just going to keep adding more ink and moving that resin until I get a look that I like as I'm doing this and the other dishes I'm going to talk about what I mentioned before at the beginning of this video that up until now I've been keeping away from using alcohol inks with resin and that's because um I think it was like 2 years ago I did buy a set of alcohol inks for Michaels and it just went wrong for for me I think I was mixing up orange and then the resin came out green and I also tried gold and then the resin came out brown I don't know it was weird and the worst part was that those inks were expensive because they were a well-known brand and funny enough a couple of weeks later I came across a video of a resin artist complaining that those same inks didn't take long to fade in resin so I was just like nope this isn't for me and I just put those inks away and haven't touched them since I don't know if I got a bad batch or if they were reacting with the resin brand that I was using but they're still here in my cabinet tucked away and I wonder if I should try it again after doing this and see what happens maybe try using the alcohol inks this way instead of mixing them into the resin though I'm pretty sure I did try also doing something similar to this at the time it was very trendy to do the petri dish technique in resin and that's what I actually bought those inks for anyway so I recently got these let's resin alcohol inks because I saw Steve McDonald review them and how 6 months later these inks still had their color so I decided to give alcohol inks another try and I'm happy to say that so far the alcohol inks haven't gone weird so hopefully it's a good sign fingers crossed okay guys so what do we think about these alcohol ink wispies um we do have a couple of patches here where the ink is just really concentrated so I'm going to try to run a toothpick through to see if I can spread it out a little I don't know whether this alcohol ink is going to sink into the resin or if it's just going to sit on top but that's going to be something that we have to wait until tomorrow to find out but aren't these alcohol wispies just so pretty I just realized that I keep calling these alcohol wispies but if you guys know if there's an actual name to this technique be sure to comment it down below so I know what it is so now I'm going to let these cure and keep your fingers crossed you guys so the ink doesn't move much in the night because I really love how they're looking and I'll see you guys in the morning okay so it's now the next day and our resin is cured up and I want to see if these alcohol inks are in the resin or if they're on top of the resin okay good the alcohol ink did go into the resin and there's no residue now we can go ahead and finish these trays just one more layer of resin guys just one more okay so I've gone ahead and mix up another 6 and 1/2 ounces of resin and I'm going to dye it white I'm also going to add a dash of glitter to give it a little Sparkle though I probably shouldn't be doing this um I don't want to take the focus away from the wispies and tattoos but you guys already know glitter is life now the reason I'm adding this white layer of resin is so that the trays have this opaque background and that way the tattoos and alcohol inks will really stand out I think if I just leave it transparent those colors will be really muted and it'll be hard to see the alcohol wispies and Tattoos so we really want them to stand out and the white is just going to do that for us now I'm just going to quickly give the resin a blast of heat to help pop the air bubbles the flowery mold one has quite a few and now these trays will sit here for a day or two to properly cure I'll probably end up leaving it for 2 to 3 days actually and that way the resin will fully be solid I hope you guys are just as excited as I am for this de molding don't mind the gloves I'm wearing my gloves because my hands look horrendous the cold has arrived in Canada and my hands are really dried out so I'm just protecting your guys' eyes okay so I'm thinking let's mold a tattoo one first then let's do the cloud that doesn't have the tattoo and then we'll finish off with the heart that has the other tattoo okay so these are a little bit harder than I thought um to demold so let me quickly get these out of their molds and then I'll do the reveal with you guys afterwards okay that's a good sign the tattoo is not on the mold so that means that the resin did fully um cure with the tattoo okay mold number two with the tattoo is also cleared no residue has been left on the mold and now our trays are out of their molds you guys that was a that was a a a workout for my hands my hands are hurting a little bit I'm not going to lie okay so let's do this one first ready 3 two one a that looks that looks interesting we cannot see our tattoo so our tattoo has been lost in those alcohol inks but we did get those alcohol wispies as you guys can see it does look really pretty but yeah it does look like we lost the tattoo and for some weird reason it looks like the alcohol inks actually came up in front cuz like right here do you guys see that it looks like that tattoo is behind the alcohol ink so that's interesting but yeah that looks really pretty I really like that pink okay now let's see the blue one three two one flip oh wow just look at this one you guys okay this one is absolutely gorgeous just look at that wow I love it oh and look at that that Glitter so I thought that Glitter was going to actually like take away from the um alcohol inks and the tattoos but look at that in this one here that Glitter is actually adding that little bit of Sparkle to make it even more beautiful wow I don't think I'm going to be adding that tattoo um where is it here we go I think I'm going to change my mind and I'm just going to leave this straight as it is and not add that tattoo um I think it's just so much more beautiful the way it is wow I think this one's my favorite so far wow okay and now lastly the heart uh let's do it this way 3 2 one boom Oh no so the tattoos and these alcohol ink things I don't think go together um we do actually this one I think worked out a little bit better than this one you can still see those flowers but yeah the I think it's just too busy and then you cannot not tell the difference between the FL the tattoos or the alcohol inks but this one looks really pretty too I like how you can still see this flower here um it's still in Focus this is really cool you guys and I would love to know which tray is your favorite and do you agree with me about like the alcohol inks and the tattoos not going together it's just it's just too busy okay guys so I was just here trying to put my trays away and I happen to touch the middle of my tray and can you guys hear this it's sticky that tattoo needs to be sealed so I'm going to have to mix up another layer of resin doring I'm not going to do that in this video you know this video is already long enough but I will have to um mix up another layer of resin and seal this tattoo so then that way whenever I put something on top of this uh so it doesn't stick onto the tray and then that way it won't get damaged so keep in mind that if you guys do do this where you put the tattoo onto the mold like I just did you will have to seal that tattoo at some point because it will be sticky I hope you guys enjoy this video and that you've learned something if you guys did please give this video a big fat thumbs up and if you guys want to see what else I've done with resin on my channel then be sure to check out one of the videos that are popping on screen right now thank you all so much for watching and I'll see you guys in next one [Music] bye
Channel: JBKonsCreations
Views: 7,717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: alcohol ink art in resin, let's resin alcohol inks, trying doing this with alcohol inks in epoxy resin, beautiful alcohol ink art, resin trinket dish, easy resin tutorials, watch me resin, jbkonscreations
Id: 233UPsz1u10
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 37sec (997 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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