Albion ONE Trailer Masterclass

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hi there this is Christian Hansen from Spitfire audio I'm just going to do a rendition of the demo I did at music Meza we had a few technical problems at music Messer not to mention a massive noise floor that really interfered with things so I'm going to show you how I would go about creating a trailer under severe time pressure I want to really demonstrate how quick albian one is it's not something that we engineered into the library but this latest incarnation of Albion 1 as opposed to legacy really enables you to work very quickly so I'm going to be working solely with Albion 1 with the exception of the piano sound which is ólafur Arnalds absolutely fantastic piano sound part of his composer toolkit and so let's have a brief look at this now I'm going to basically repurpose the BT Phobos video and obviously the type of music I'm going to be doing using Albion is not going to be indicative of either Phobos or probably Beatty style but it's quite a dynamic video with a few different chapters and stuff the only bit of preparation I've done I'm going to write I'm actually going to compose it on the fly and I'm going to purposely make sure I don't do anything that like I did at music Messer all I've done is actually prepare the sounds because I think a video of me loading in sounds is not going to be great but also I think actually it's almost like preparing a template this is a very quick way that you can get all your favorite sounds in and then just pile in and get composing and working loosely to picture I'm going to try and keep this video uh Ned ative so I'm a waffle and make more mistakes than you think is professional for a video of this type but basically I want to give you a real time example of how quick you can work with these amazing samples from album one which I'm very proud of the only other thing I've done is I've just kind of set up an arbitrary tempo map that's great this new function of logic which you call up a temper map and it's not there but you can go here where is it to tempo show temper list and rather than just having an arbitrary tempo I've got an arbitrary tempo curve goes starts at 120 bar 1 and ends at bar 150 doesn't particularly work amazing with the picture but I've I'm under a time constraint here and one of those is to get diving in so that you guys can see how I would approach this so I'm going to mark some Chat Chat bliss I'm going to mark some chapter markers with some really massive percussion this is the Darwin Easter Island percussion part of the Albion 1 range and here we go so we're going to kick off it is now 12 56 in the afternoon up here in Edinburgh so let's let's go okay so comes on bar 2 that's quite fun okay so just a quick correction of a couple of these notes see none of these are hitting the ones I'm going to stop the music so it kind of blurs the what you know blurs there the cuts a little bit use a few tricks there got another thing coming up here I'm using the very earliest release of album one which has that term flagging difficulty with Darwin but okay and then the beginning of this file section Falls okay I'll leave it just there for month okay I'm going to do some Jerry Goldsmith style delayed colon knows it makes be nice and loud I'm gonna probably bring the Darwin down will run out of headroom before we know it okay so here we go Bank sound see redlight fever here this is one of those tricks of how you blur the carts by just doing a massive flam coming up here so it's all looking like it's really hitting there cuts tightly now I'm going to do a little that time marker let me start it around here we're at the end there cool excellent so let's come up with some melodic ideas so this is the olefin Arnold piano with his special space delay and plate reverb kind of pad I'll just turn down the piano so you can hear that it's lovely has great organic quality to it okay let's do some atmospheric stuff loose the fine just that one and that one okay it's got a nice little piano intro there we need a nice big drone on it so pixie these are from the Stephenson steam band stuff which is all derived from our orchestral IP and you'll actually probably hear a bit of an orchestral sound to this so I'm going to use the expression fader and the modulation wheel to just keep it moving between the dynamic layers and different layers of amplitude so here we go I'm gonna put a gated pad on as well a bit more tension there little think of some other stuff I can maybe do at that beginning part but that's a good just basic thing for now and our thing I'm going to do is I'm going to use a mixture of the Albion 1 short strings spicata and the Lyga and their legacy sorry which is a bit looser difficult to play in and but add it a nice kind of read out real colors which emails of real color to them these react to how hard you play them as opposed to fading through the dynamic layers you can switch it so goes that way anyway that's up like this great fantastic so it's just a quick lesson you just hereby doubling up and putting on these slightly looser it gives it much more kind of a human life I love these woodwind shorts in Albion not often used in cannons epic epic hybrid music but I think it's really cool adds a slightly John Adams II edge so let's see how we can work these in set the level cool and I'm going to do exactly the same with those I'm going to stick those with the legacy ones which again slightly looser but have a beautiful quality to them slightly mellower sound okay let's just pump those a bit let's a listen to that okay all starting to sound a little bit system Z and a bit maybe too pretty for the subject matter so let's darken things up a bit so got these fantastic octave lagartos that's going to be cool it's some kind of crescendo doesn't fix nice low brass a lot more reverb on that I just want to check bit of blanching going on there got nasty that's right okay that's cool brilliant it's the next part we're going to put in a some more electric electronic material we have these fantastic Byron loops some of which are really basic percussion instruments that don't sound like percussions never sounds like Cuban afro-cuban stuff and it goes from really simple instruments to stuff that's really warped I think the great thing about these a lot of these are dynamically controlled as well so very much fits in with the applied music kind of thing so I found this one right let's see what we can do with that save that for that second beat bit at one more time here we go mister miss that in every shape and form that I listen to stick that there and where does it stop so let's take it up to that okay so you want to put that burden okay so now I'm gonna have a go with these ones what I tend to do yeah okay so I won't bother doing that exact agree confer you're my inspector but I would usually actually freeze this that every time I came in it would be how I wanted it to be but not to worry for now so I'm going to add up build some epic hybrid percussion right here we go it's going to be for this bit it's going to be too confusing so let's switch this is incidental stuff they're just going to this last bit here tablet and then some hyper Tom's little bit excessive just going to check these diamonds another fun sense of rhythm today is not great here we get more time right and then not forgetting we've got this byron thing going on as well okay so other bits we can add I think that we got some really nice nice effects so let's whack a couple of those in well I tend to do with these quickest ways just go where I take my finger off is I know where I need to sync it up to so that's the big smack that should work I think we're going to need to make that a lot louder here we go nice and then we've got so again we just put that close by it should do and we've also got nice like a bit cheesy it's in the mix it's actually quite cool other bits to do I've got this octave lagartos I'm going to put them my favorite what I refer to as under base is actually the exs24 in logic without any samples loaded awesome sine wave but what I do need to do is it will go wobbly is I just need to get rid of the modulation wheel data let's get that flat down there so this will help this lovely bottom end here stick that down and octave make this a nice fat okay an idea with this low brass can repeat that at the end just very very low okay so let's do that so crescendos the end just one more time apologies okay I'm just going to do a bit of trickiness I love messing around with orchestras so let's what are we looking at tremolo make it nice and symmetrical no smoothing and then what I'm going to do is automate the tremolo rate and the tremolo depth which is kind of almost like the mix if you will and so then I go up to a direct current and then back down again something like that and then I might add in a bit crusher and there we go and again so it's the down sampling we want to affect there so let's have a go there bit crusher down sampling and okay and listen to that let's just so that goes like that comes down a bit slow up a little bit to left fun there okay and let's put on the pads the drone at the end and the gated pad as well refrain of the piano instead of worrying about automation and stuff I'll just often just duplicate a track doesn't seem to affect system resources but toying with the idea as well of we could possibly have a yep just take down the part of it I think more interesting way duplicate that up a bit that's nice and I'm really not sure about that Byron beat what would do is just stick it replace safe and stick it on the on the thing there and very cool okay so let's have a little run of that there might be a couple of bits and bobs we can add but I think that's pretty much it okay I'm just going to add one more Byron loop I think just we just need to get it filth it up a bit more so just going to see if I can find some it's just a bit more nasty and and sixteenth e that's just the hi-hats of the other one we were using yeah I might just actually add a bit more hell that's Distortion just gonna get a bit more sixteenths in the Darwin as well just bring out some of the top end of that a bit more and I think we'll probably be there just try more of those space the ones see what a little bit of distortion on that might sound like but fine just just again just to make it a bit more bit more edgy might do is actually take a slightly closer perspective feels good okay so let's just one watch that one more time so we started at 12:56 it's now 1326 so that's exactly half an hour and with me showing you around a little bit I would work on this all day and probably go back and make some different decisions make it a little bit less John Adams in the middle for example but I think this is just a demonstration of how quickly you can get up and running using these tools and being kind of quite bold with your approach and thanks very much for listening and here it is for one last time you
Channel: Spitfire Audio
Views: 150,171
Rating: 4.9296188 out of 5
Keywords: christian henson, trailer music, epic music, trailer music programming, albion one, spitfire audio, olafur arnalds
Id: 6AzOGxuRZA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 46sec (2086 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 20 2016
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