Alatriste ~Battle of Rocroi (English Subtitles)

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Rocroi, May, 1643 The Cartagena Infantry Regiment after eight hours of battle Fire! Take aim! Fire! Fire! Spain! Pikes! Don't you write any more? No, not any more. This writing thing... you never forget how? No. No. Soldier. Sir. You are...? Alatriste, Excellency. I remember. Didn't I reward you with eight escudos for saving a sergeant major at Nordlingen? They lowered it to four, Excellency. Well, well... Bad luck, soldier. Yes, bad luck, Excellency. Bragado! Diego... If I can't, you go on. Gentlemen. The Duke of Enghien considers that you have fought with valour beyond words. Therefore he offers you an honourable surrender. You may keep your flags and leave the field in formation. What say you? Tell the lord duke of Enghien that we appreciate his words, but this is a Spanish regiment. Diego... This is as far as I can go. Inigo. Tell them of our exploits. Veterans, to vanguard! New soldiers, to rearguard! He was not the most honest man nor the most pious, but he was brave. His name was Diego Alatriste and he had fought with the infantry regiments in Flanders. When I met him, he was surviving in Madrid on unsavoury tasks, often renting his sword for 4 maravedis to others who lacked his skill and daring...
Channel: Chancellor of Preußen
Views: 1,424,002
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Keywords: captain, Alatriste, Full movie, 2006, full, English, Rocroi, pikes, captain Alatriste, french, Spain, warfare, pike and shot, pike, battle of Rocroi, france, movie, calvary, muskets, Spanish, English Subtitles, shot, (2006), era, Subtitles, gun powder, cannons
Id: 4y6agtVxWi8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 19sec (799 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 24 2017
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