Alaska Cabin Life - Snow Will Take Over - Need Lots of Options

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[Music] hey y'all welcome back it was a frosty three below this morning but it's warmed up to a lovely 0 deg yes today we're moving snow but we are not going to be using the plow for my truck because this giant pile of snow next to me is the plow to my truck and it is broken what a world what a world so how are we going to get it done come along we'll show you now our plow works great and it pushes the snow up into big old piles like this one here and this one down here and this big pile up behind me now the problem with just plowing is that this pile here behind me is going to be here until May our snow doesn't melt it'll pack down a little bit over the winter but it stays all winter long and for us that can be about 7 months so with all of that snow that we have to move knowing it's not going to go away for a while we have to have plenty of ways to move it around you up for a joy ride there pretty lady thank you wait it's cold out that's true it is cold out why do we not have a windshield if we have one it's over there it's not a real windshield it's just a piece of plexiglass that I have but where again someday it'll be could you locate it if your life depended on it yes really yeah you're impressive I can show you right now where it's at I know I don't it's even sticking out of the snow oh see you're cheating you're cheating fire up now you got to move the plow move the plow yeah why kind we going to angle it oh it's it's working it's connected no oh oh that wasn't hard no that's not what I'm talking about we're going to plow down the middle we want the snow to go to the side right yeah so we got to angle the plow you didn't even know angle did you no this is all new no oh wow I had no idea did that that's awesome dude yeah so my experience with this plow is I broke both of the feet off on the first day I used it but yeah why don't you show them your experience with this plow did I do that too yeah you did show them show them all right supposed to be straight all the way across there's a little it's beveled fancy that's not called beveled that's called bent oh sorry one of my fancy camera tricks in the winter is if we keep the phone plugged In the Heat of it charging will keep the battery from dying because we've been outside for what 12 seconds 12 seconds and the battery went from 70 to 10 yeah because the cold Wicks the battery power right out so guess what boys and girls we are ready to go uh I think we're charging there's only a little bit of snow in that hole it'll charge just fine that's right right we'll find out like fancy driving footwork you got look at that still yeah you didn't hit any trucks yet you impressive now we're using this plow to clear out the middle section and then we'll come back with the tractor snowblower and clear out the edges this is why I need a beard called out I disagree you don't think I should have a beard no fine no beard you're so picky yeah I like my beards where I like my beards on your own face on me I'm not you yeah okay sure BR he forgot to tell me to Duck oh I didn't forget oh yeah look it look how close this is that's my favorite part of our driveway yeah yeah mama look at that that is beauty backwards wonder what that windchill is I'm serious I wonder what it what it calculates out to zero the wind chill is 30 m hour addition to our zero because we're going 30 10 I wasn't going 30 that's trying to make you sound cool oh no not that I know our side by side tops out at 30 cuz it's like a diesel Farm vehic I've gotten it to 33 on the downhill really yeah you're amazing now back down the other side [Music] I think your Smiler is frozen my everything's [Music] frozen [Music] yeah yeah the Drone was disobeying you it yeah it wasn't listening to one of my thumbs thumb's too cold or something I Frozen I don't know all right take it back take it back to the warm cabin that's what it wants too huh yeah I still got plenty of batteries just not it's a machine after my own heart yeah yeah it likes the wood stove it likes the wood stove baby that's done ni now I'm going to use the other end of the tractor the loader bucket to push that snow around where I can't use the snowblower because I'll bury a bunch of goats and pigs breaks that or Brak stuff or brake stuff yeah but that's my specialty it is your speciality my friend I don't have as much room someone put the deck in the way what you're not you don't have deck regret do you nope good me neither oh you did that on purpose you know you did it on purpose did you hit it on purpose yeah oh okay you what's next boss walk behind snowblower walk behind biggest to Littlest to Littlest oh yeah big huge area with the plow yeah little bit smaller with the snow blower little bit smaller with the bucket now walk behind snowblower [Music] woohoo now as you can see Mr ree plowed back here earlier in the season which is why well there's a big I guess snow dog Watchtower back there but if we keep plowing this Lane then the snow will keep building up and building up and we won't be able to get back here because remember the snow don't melt till May baby so now it's time to use kind of takes more time uh but we have to use a snow blower now because we won't be able to get back there if we keep plowing do that right there h I got it my C is throwing stuff what is that okay I hit some rocks I tried to go over a hill I almost lost control it's all you baby I'm out okay I'm out and just so you know those weren't rocks why they were dog rocks thanks honey of course you that is a Wy Beast my dear it is is it or I'm just a wimp no it's yeah okay it gets after it thanks for making me feel good and now for the way you've seen us move snow many many many a Time the smallest but uh quite effective shovel thanks for watching guys we'll catch you on the next video [Music] bye going to get the milkshed to pretty soon baby goat it's coming when you were a little kid you got real big trouble did you have to shovel with a spoon no really we got in big trouble you had to shovel with the spoon from one pile to the next and then shovel it back that's how you know you got real bad grades I guess
Channel: Flat Tire Farm - Homesteading Alaska
Views: 6,373
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: ZDJG7yfn-J8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 3sec (723 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 16 2024
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