Alaska Adventure: High Banking For Gold

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today we're going to do some high banking I dug a pit yesterday down about four feet and hit a bunch of different layers of soil and on this particular claim I had an old-timer tell me that I'm looking for an orange stain that's the layer that contains most of the gold out here and I found several different layers of different colors is like an orange and a red and a another weird orange color and today we're going to pan them out we're going to go down through the layers we want to take cans of each layer to see which one if any of them contain enough gold for us to do some highbanking that's called prospecting as a prospecting means that means exploring the ground and the soil and the and the riverbanks for strata that contains gold it's not just going onto the sand on the river and just pan in the sand it's looking for the different layers in the soil that were laid down thousands or even millions of years ago by ancient floods that contained gold the source of the gold in the mountains may be long gone those mountains behind me could have been a thousand feet higher totally eroded over tens of thousands of years or millions of years and what eroded from there was deposited along the ancient river banks that's the modern River right there you can see this is what they were in a big bend by the way you can see this is what they call a bench this is where the river used to flow up here maybe ten thousand a hundred thousand years ago you laid down layers of soil that contain gold from the hills that are way up there that you can't really see from here this is the hole that I dug yesterday and you can't really see the different layers because of the shadows so we're going to wait until the shadows are gone and we're going to take the different layers and we're going to put them in that pan and go pan them out and either the river or we want to make a little pond here with the high bankers when we get that morning Oh in the meantime I'm going to go up into the bushes here a little bit higher than we are now up in there and look for I'm going to dig another pit to check out the layers of soil and see if we can get in different bands slightly further up the hill that might contain gold we won't know until we try we may have to dig a hundred pits to find the right one but we're going to dig pits until we find the right one although I'm going to show you something over here this is why we had the highbanker set up Bruce the guy that's staying up here with me boy I didn't know before this trip but he's doing some prospecting up here in the summer he's gonna be up here I'm not sure if it's all summer just a month but he's a really really great guy I'm really enjoying hanging out with him he found this layer of soil right here it's actually really shallow which is nice but you can see there's like this darker soil here darker dirt come on a stand and little gravels in it and the little layer of either room I guess that's long right there but see this red sand he's finding a lot of goals in that are fair month he sees Lee runs crossed here and all the way across here so probably continues out the hill and he's just he's just basically mining this and running it through the highbanker he's getting a fair amount of gold I mean our ton of gold it's not a really rich vein right here but just a few feet over either direction it could be it could be really really rich we just don't know because the river was running 100 thousand years ago and it might have been a big rock right here they posited a lot of gold behind it and that's what we have to search for now the rich veins the pay streaks as they say in the best we'll get to it a little bit later let's go up on top and dig it or two but before I go up in the bushes they're digging let me show you what we're doing here how we have the setup today I don't think I've showed you this yet and for those of you that haven't been watching my videos in sequence or maybe just stumbled upon this one I'm at the Philips gold camp up on the Casa de Paco River in Alaska this is a mining claim it used to be claimed by the GPA and I think they called it the monument camp so if you do research for that you can see exactly where I am and what kind of stuff people find here I don't think they've had to claim since like about the 1980s though the Phillips family has it now Spencer and Steve Phillips while Spencer actually has it and he's running he's a son and I'm friends with Steve we Relic on together and stuff but that's where we are in Alaska so let me show you what we have set up for the high bankers before I go up and dig that pit we have two high bankers set up here this is the one that Bruce is using that's what I'm going to be using I haven't started it yet because I wanted to pan out those layers first and we have them hooked up to this flat hose that runs down to the river let's take a peek at the river well let me show you how these work first basically what you do is you have water that comes flushing out of these hoses into here and it splashes down you dump your dirt into here and the rocks get all washed off and they fall off the back you can see how the that's nothing but rocks there and the dirt and the gold falls through here comes down into the sluice runs down the sluice and all the gold gets trapped most of the gold will get trapped right here you can see it plainly when the water is running and the rest of it will get trapped down here even the fines and stuff it looks like dust we're getting the water from the river you can see the flat hose had them loop it just a little bit because a little too long we have a little pump down here I never ever and we just pump it up there makes it a lot easier than carrying buckets of dirt down to the river they call it a highbanker because it's high if you sit up on the bank I guess 100% on that but I probably am this is the pump right here and this is what's called a foot valve which sticks down in the water for the water gets sucked up through this hose goes through that water pump and on up the flat hose to the high bankers one of the limitations you have is you have to have enough water deep enough that the foot valve doesn't suck air down in it so we had to dig a little pit to lay it in you can see how we dug down into the rocks right there we might have to dig a little deeper today because the river has dropped more overnight there's not much coming in it might not be enough to keep up with a pump and I'll show you what I did over here yesterday I actually had to put a little channel in to divert more water into this section because it couldn't really keep up with a pump I think it's probably still enough for today see I made a little dam across there and gathers up extra water and runs it into this area so we have enough to high bank this is part of the old operation over here this is the original mining operation this place is most active in the early 1900s up until about World War 2 era and that's when the government shut down all the mining operations up here and the big mining operations have never come back this far inland but mostly just taking over by prospectors like me for the Phillips Phillips's that have this claim or GPA that used to be up here you see these big pipes right here this is was used to carry the water to run their sluice boxes or or monitors all right so your monitor I think as a big lizard but there's another term for it when they spray water on the banks of the river and it just washes all the stuff down into the river and they can gather it up and run it through exclusive you can tell this is old pipe because it's riveted so that can we can date that to you know ninety nine early 1900s it wouldn't be riveted after that so these are big water pipes they would have had to gather the water much higher up River and in some other videos you're going to see or maybe have seen already I talked about my esteem trenches those are trenches that they would dig from up up in the hills whether with their streams or Springs coming out and it would divert the water from up high in these big trenches and run it down to the lower areas like this and through those pipes or they could increase their pressure naturally run if these big like fire nozzles and it would shoot out like just an incredible incredible amount of power with an incredible amount of power they would just blast the hillsides and just just destroy them you get to the gold for they could just run the water down here to run through their giant sluice boxes and trommel's or whatever they had set up here alright I'm going to go up dig a pit so we'll come back down here and start paying in that gold hopefully gold so came up off the river ways how could they be benches with the old river around could be 100 feet above the natural river the or the river that's there now or could be a mile inland if you look up across there I mean it could be a bench full of rich huh it's gold up in there you can see how it's kind of leveled the river may have come around at one time across that you know a hundred thousand years ago but we can't dig up there because I just tried digging here and I'm hitting frozen ground which is probably permafrost now permafrost for those of you that don't know is when the ground is frozen permanently so permafrost permanently frozen or frosted I guess and it may not ever thaw at least until the earth heats up some more permafrost can be a hundred feet or more thick and it's a problem in the old days they would have to come up here with admitted inject water or steam down into the ground a thought that may run for days or weeks I don't know how long just enough to thought and then they would dig it out and run it through the trommel's with the sluices and that we another camp up here a few days ago and I hope the videos in sequence but may not be but it's called a moonlight can't moonlight or something like that and there's no cabin there that was occupied by the miners back you know 1900 to 1930 probably and there's all kinds of equipment there including a plow that you'd pull behind a horse and they would use that to help cut through the tundra and the frozen ground there are also some things that look like wheelbarrows buckets heavy cast-iron that it would hook up the mules or whatever and they would that would cut through the soil to and help them recover the gold out of the the frozen or semi frozen ground let me show you the hole I just dug and didn't get very far back to only get down below the tundra moss here and this is frozen right here so we're done digging this may thaw out over the summer another foot or two but again it could be frozen for a hundred feet straight down so we're not going to be mining any gold up here on this trip let's get back to the river I'll fill this back in I had to go back to camp and get some extra band-aids I've had a few problems out here I'm a mess when it comes to working with my hands I'm always cutting myself while the Sun is still low on the horizon and there's too many shadows in this hole I'm kind of seeing the layers better now we're going to go work this bar right here I'll show you how I sample an area again this area was already it has being mined by Bruce and getting some gold out of it not a huge amount but he did about I think 20 15 or 20 bucket poles he ran through the yellow sluice boxes behind me and they got a fair amount of gold in this pan so what we're going to do is we run take one pan and we're going down to the sole mosquito infested pool we're going to pan it out and see how rich this streak is and where he was getting his goal was between he said was kind of lomito through here then there's a line you see that red line right there and then there's a like a sandy of material another line some sandy material and it goes back into this alone and he's getting his goals in this band somewhere in this band right here so what we're going to do is get a sample in that band and we're going to paint it out you can see how many colors we get and if there's enough colors which I know there is because Bruce has been working it will run about maybe 20 buckets through the highbanker behind there and point you through yell at you now and see how much we get but let's go ahead and get a pan first just to show you what I do out here sorry well my lip I can see the reflection in the camera oh I get a crack lip right there when I do that all right let's get a trowel and get a sample now this is a salsa rising we want right here so I'm just going to take this trial and scoop up a one pan full of material and want to take it down to that pond the mosquito infested pool I should say and we'll want to see how much gold we have and this little streak so I'm going to just carve some of the sand out like this actually we don't have to be real careful but I want to keep within the boundaries of that band so just in case the goal is actually like well below it are well above it we don't want to get the wrong stuff is if we do this and there's no gold in it and we can go a little deeper and test that or a little higher and test that I think it's this band right here about his fine sand go ahead and gather up a nice buck in there we'll scoop about maybe one inch into that loam underneath not too deep a big rock there we'll pull out of there now and put that rock in there too and we'll wash the rock a lot of times clay will stick to the rocks well like it's sticking to here and the goal will be stuck right to the rock so we'll take this down and we'll just rinse it off real quick as we do the pan I'm not going to take this because it came from a that layer so we'll just move that out of the way for now we don't need to run stuff we don't know that it's above that layer right now we can do that later all right all right there okay one big pan of material let's go pan and see what we have okay so we're going to go ahead and pan this out first thing I do is I get it wet I'm going to find that big heavy rock and we're going to wash it off into the pan get all the gold off of it it could be loaded with gold okay good enough first step remember this everyone has a different technique for gold panning as long as you can pan and have gold the gold left over your technique works you're not sure if your technique works get a little gold in the pan add some dirt pan it out into another pan then check both pans if you've got all the gold in the first pan and you have a good technique so I'm going to shake this up for the completely underwater because you want it completely saturated supersaturated with water that's the word now there's a lot of clay in here something have to dig in here with my hands a little bit move it around because we've got to get everything moving in the pan and you can feel it in the bottom of the pan as you shake it it'll be like when you forsake it you tell you can feel that it's not moving when it finally breaks loose you can feel it sliding and everything's fluid inside the pan you have to have that state to find the gold otherwise it will just stick to the cleave all so you be a little rough but you don't want to throw anything material on does that fan shake like this now I can feel it sliding on the bottom right now so I know that we're pretty good shape I always like to tie a string on my pan one so I can tie it to my belt when I'm out on the bush so I'm tired too a four-wheeler - sorry ties to a four-wheeler and don't lose it and three because I Zizi for me to see where the riffles are because if you have a lot of material in here you don't know aside the riffles on but if you have a hole with a string you do okay moving again around and around he feels very fluid in there I can feel the rocks sliding on the bottom of the pan I'm just going to start tipping out the dirty water whether we that comes in in a way that goes up through there are a few times I like to check it to make sure that the clay is broken up so that's not broken up yet break that up there any big rocks on top I might just scrape them off but there really aren't in the staff so it blew it again can old roll it across the bottom you can feel the rocks on the bottom and just keep doing that generally I like to pan fairly fast some people will really slow but in gold prospecting as long as you have the gold in your pan the faster you go the better it is it's all about moving material now like I said I'm going to go ahead do this pretty quick little clunk of clay there break that up shape of background alright just wait them pull the light stuff rises to the top when you shake it the heavies go to the bottom the goal goes to the bottom the black sand goes to the bar and the garnets go to the bar the sand and the slider rocks come to the top so we just want to keep washing them off in layers think of these little tiny layers that you're washing off the top until you get down to the bottom shake it again wash off the sand that came up that rose to the surface eye cream and the old-timey milk that the cows used to make just keep doing that I usually would do about two pours for every couple shakes I wanted to just rake off this top layer of rock right here that's my technique some people will be horrified and you'll see it in the comments don't worry about that song is gold in your pan the first pan and you're not losing any into that second pan you're good to go I'm actually going a little slower than I normally do I don't want to freak you guys out too much again just shaking like this highly recommend you sit on a bucket like I am because this is back-breaking I like to brace my arms on both legs I kind of use my legs to shake like that called mosquitoes it's getting bad sort out when I first got here this one just makes it easier for me when you start to have less material in the pan you have to go a little slower like I'm going shake shake shake let the CN rise to the top and the stones wash out layer off just be doing that yes I can do it now I'm going to pick a few of these rocks out of here just in the beam here for me extras no nuggets alright now we're in the final stages I like these one hand little shakes like that make sure the gold is settling to the bard we want the gold to settle all the way down to the bottom ripple if possible and start washing it off again you'll see the gold start popping up on the edges we see that you know you have to be very careful and slow down even more or just scoop up the blacks and in the little sucker bottle save it for later you can it out when you have more time week at night we're going to rake a couple these rocks are there just to speed this up a little bit all right let everything go back to the bottom again and keep it nice and fluid everything's in motion then it work its way down the riffles wash this stuff off you see the garnets are coming up now these little red stones right here garnets and garnet see and they're heavy like black sea on so some of the last things that will be in the pan besides gold all right so that's probably low enough it's probably enough out of there well scoop up some water shake everything to the bottom again here I'm using my legs again to kind of help me shake it like that nice easy motions I'm going to lift it backwards tip the pan backwards and kind of make it a fan out a little bit now I can just rinse it like this just get the gold in there and please rocks back just to make it a little bit easier for me we're just again we're just sampling to see if there's gold in that spot you don't have to get our respect we just want to know if there's gold now I can already see a little bit of gold right here there's a little flake and I can see some speck so there's definitely gold in that layer you still in the heart rate you're starting to move down the pan so I'm going to stop right there it's going to be hard to see but if I keep it in the shadows there's a little bit of gold right there I see lots of little specks it's probably at least a dozen little specks in there that's the biggest piece now Bruce had pieces that were much bigger than that so we'll go ahead and run about like I said about 20 buckets through the clock through the highbanker and see if we get some more because we can run it through the highbanker much faster than we can pan it now you can see I've already moved it down to here and the little specks have gone back down into there so let's go ahead and run some of material through the highbanker 20 buckets see how much we get so I have everything set up on River ready to roll the first thing I want to do is I'm going to make sure that both of these high bankers the valves open so that the water can flow through them because some of the hose we have is a little bit shaky and if we run the pump without the I got to move through some stuff over a little bit then get wet we run the pump for those valves close I'm afraid it might blow one of the hoses and we'll have to patch it so let's go on down to the river and I'll show you how that works again if I do want to show you something first here's that ratty old shirt that I've been wearing the whole time I've been in Alaska unfortunately when I was packing I didn't bring I only brought two long-sleeved shirts I brought the one I was wearing to the airport for the ride out here and then what clean one I was going to wear to the airport for the ride home the rest of them I left laying on the bed so only have two shirts to wear which really means I only have one shirt to wear I need to keep one clean so I'm not mr. stinky on the plane you know it's like to sit next to the person that stinks I know because I've done it on a couple flights now and it wasn't me all right so what the highbanker setup or the pump water pump setup I'll show you what we're doing the foot valve is there under water pump set right here on dry alayan hoses going up I'll go ahead and get it started always remember to check the oil and that's the most important thing and gas it up that's the second most important thing cause it won't run without gas but it will run for a little while without oil and then it'll never start again I'm going to fire it up and we'll start digging now you see that the self priming pump I didn't have to prime the water pump a lot of them you do that one you just turn it on but if the pump water pump part of it runs dry you'll destroy it in just a few minutes always make sure it's getting water and if you're working one of these high bankers if you guys come up here always make sure that the water stays running and it's not spitting a lot of air if it does that you need to come down here check the pump or wherever you are see the hose is now full that's not fleeing flat anymore they call that lay flat hose and both high bankers are running I'm probably going to turn Bruce's down since he won't be here for a while this morning he's off prospecting and that will increase the flow in mind they only have that pump running about the motor running at about one third power right now there's no kneading wasting gas we're not going to be running bullets they've got to remember we're you know we're a long ways from the road just on a four-wheeler and we're an hour from the nearest gas on the road so gas is very precious inexpensive up here like 550 a gallon right now I think it's I don't know what it is back home by far closer much closer to three so I'm just going to start digging that we're of just putting that layer in this bucket these buckets which more over their top stuff I'm not going to put in the bottom stuff I'm just going to leave where it is we're on 20 buckets or so and see what we have I'll show you how I dump it in there just a minute let me gather up a couple buckets first just off the top layer all right there you don't need to process that you know there's nothing in it sorry to accept it start gathering up that candy kind of reddish soil that we saw earlier only now maybe I need you to below it no more than that no need to all right let's just go ahead and take this bucket over to the high banker and we'll do one bucket together and then we'll start the video again when I'm done so one head intern Bruce is down to a trickle to get enough flow in this one I think it's going to be good we want to clear out the material that might need to bump it up just a little bit more from trying to save on gas so we have that pump working at about a third power right now so let me go ahead and drop some material in there for you I went ahead and put my rain jacket on because a lot of water this flash is not so bad with this one but the keen white is black is a lot bright and sunny right now I'm roasting in this thing but if I get wet chances are the Sun is going to go behind clouds it's going to get foggy and rainy and I'll be freezing the rest of the day all the camps only 100 yards that way but I only have one shirt that's wet because they can wash it in the river dump the material in here you'll see you will get the really cloudy the water will get really muddy here I'm just washing all of the clay in the sand off of the rock so that the little gravels and smaller rock and the gold pull through go down over the riffles and get trapped behind the riffles I'm going to have to turn the water up a little bit and I'll do it after the bucket they don't have quite enough flow here but let me show you how I do this one bucket beat it in there you don't have to feed it by the teaspoon just make sure all the Mart in the stand it's washed off of the rock rock the fall off the back I'll put my gloves on after the video after it stalks off film and I promise while my hands are torn up I know we're just washing it good I'll walk the falling off the back stand and gravel going down through the riffles you know muddy it is that's one bucket now if I tried to pan that bucket it probably would have taken me a good 20 minutes four more three or four pans just to get through it it only took me probably less than a minute really so now I'm going to turn up the water a little bit get 20 buckets running through it and then we'll see what we have so we ran into a little bit of a problem here and that as I was following that pay layer it was about this thick it ran into frozen ground now I'm not going to pick up frozen ground I mean it was really really rich I'd work at it but I don't think it's a really rich layer so we're going to quit here I work my way to here and that way the pay streak actually ran out over here disappeared so I got exactly 13 buckets lucky 13 I hope let's go over take a look at the sluice box and I'll show you what it looks like after 13 buckets have been run through it you see the water flowing in here is a little bit of gravel left these are the clean rocks that have had all the mud and sand washed off of them that's waste the smaller stones and the sand and the gravel have run through here and hopefully the gold is still in there and you can see it's piled up down there now what we're going to do is have to go back down to the river going to turn off the pump we don't want to turn this valve off because it will create a lot of pressure and all this hose and we'll probably you know blow out so back this one doesn't look too happy already so we'll go ahead and turn that pump off well let's walk down together really warm out here today as you can tell I took my jacket off mosquitoes are not bad at all got a couple on me maybe three or four but I haven't put any deed on me if I did that I wouldn't have any now keep in mind to keep mosquitoes off you really have to have 100 percent DEET DEET other things might work like Skin So Soft you know for the baby mosquitoes you have down in the lower 48 it's not really it works a little bit but you really have to have 100% D to be effective I'm going to walk down there turn the pump off go back up and we'll take care of the sluice box see what it looks like telling you a little bit about the mosquitoes here they come and go when it's kind of cloudy and a little bit damp and rainy it seems like they come out in force but like right now there's very few now I mean my shirtsleeves it's hot too I mean I'm actually sweating it's hard to believe but it is mid-june already so I wasn't really expecting it to be quite this warm alright let's go to sluice box I'll show you how to clean it out and then we'll pan out the concentrate so you can see how there's just concentrates in here's a little more mud then I would like to see and if I turn the pump on ran it again probably get rid of a lot of that but we're not going to do that we'll just pan that out I'm going to take all this contraption apart get these mats right here there's different kinds of mats in there and clean them out and this bucket of water right here make sure they're nice and clean because those mats are holding the gold and after I'm done that will go down there and panic what I did is I just lifted this beast up unbuckled it lifted it and I want to clean off all of the mats and hands it we're really pretty garnet right there I'll show you in a minute you want to get as much of this stuff off as you can into the bucket hopefully it has gold in it the upper one actually you have to take them wing nuts off first I forgot about this this particular high banker is a lot harder to take apart in the team that's over there but I keen splashes so much I hate to use it now this one's so tight some there we go okay I'm going to take these wing nuts out have washers on them and I'm going to put it back together so I don't lose them remember we're a long way from any stores and then even the closest store and Nome which would take you probably three or four hours to get to buy four wheeler in truck may not have the parts that you need so make sure you take good care of anything that you take apart here and I have learned that from experience same thing I'm going to go ahead and put these in my pocket I'm not going to set them on the ground on a rock because I'll lose them if I do that alright so take off these little wings and hold everything together another Maddie Oh garnet I had a really pretty garnet I wanted to show you guys I don't see it now a bunch of little ones we might be able to find it when we pan it because they're really heavy anyone the last things that go up so this is a hard thing to clean because you can't get in the bucket but we're just going to do the best we can I'm not going to worry about too much you spend all day doing that or we're going to be shoveling gold alright roll up the mat this is the first one we're going to take it and put it in the bucket completely underwater because again we want that fluid aqueous take take it good better than you would clean your carpet in your house your wife made you clean the carpet and she wasn't watching yeah she was watching you'd have to probably clean it that's good too all right get it shaking up good get all the gold are there that's close enough for today another mat this is a coarser mat don't see any gold nuggets on it so we'll go ahead and wash that into there to stay thing you want to get nice and clean or any gold left in there for the next person although I'm sure they would appreciate it okay there's another thing in this one the green thingy different texture a little teeny Nuggets in there so go ahead and wash that off too check it for nuggets no nugget now this little rubber strip this little black rubber strip probably holds most of the gold and the other dredge over there if you're using it as much those a lot more water before you can see the gold right away even when it's flowing this one you can it doesn't really matter because if it's there we'll find it in the cleanup and then up good just like that one more mask we've got a big green one here is very coarse I don't think anything is very little dirt in it but you never know we're going clean this one off same way shake it up good today thing about doing it the next guy will get it maybe you'll get it use a tender edge clean highbanker okay good enough for government work alright now we're going to splash some water up in there is to clean out the try to catch as much as we can is that if we put a pan under it but I really is very little dirt up in there so I'm not going to worry about it this is the bucket of concentrate so we're going to take over to the mosquito infested pool and we're going to pan it out see what we have going to take to a three pin because there's a lot of junk in here probably didn't have it turned up quite high enough so we're back at the mosquito infested pool I put my rain jacket on again because they're a little bit getting bad down here I'm going to go ahead and for the concentrates into the pan pan it out and we'll get close we'll turn the camera back on and you guys are expert painters now I think you don't need to see this part but this one shows one thing some of your best goal can be stuck in those corners down there where the edges so you make sure you wash your bucket I'll get everything in the nice fluid motion so it's going around and around you can feel the rock sliding on the bottom just like your pan pour it in where after that once or twice that's it my feet I'm going to get the parent in so how's the pan work down to where we can see the gold in - too bad thirteen buckets probably spent an hour or so shoveling them a little more time during this setup and doing this let's take a look together if everything worked down into the bar and that's a black sand I forgot to look for the garnets so it's gone what I'm going to do is just kind of pull it back a little bit let's just see what we have ah look at that that's a nice flash of gold so I don't think that's too bad it's not as great as we'd like to see it out here but that makes for a nice show if we ran 100 buckets through would have quite a bit you see this some of the heavy down here and a couple of flakes of gold in there so what we'll do is I'll pan it back to the end and get the sucker bottle out and we'll put that in the sucker bottle all right so I hope you enjoyed this little episode of seeing the pay streak and how to follow it and run it through a highbanker and then pan it out it was a lot of fun we're going to go ahead and get the metal detector out next jump on the four-wheeler and go up river with us in bedrock Michael Dunn River a little bit - we'll see if we can find a nugget with the metal detector unfortunately the river has been kind of high and a lot of the bedrock is under Swift Current so I'm not really going to go in it but it did drop down about three or four inches since we last history first guy here so let's give that a shot next thanks for joining me on this little panting your venture we're going to have another one or two I promise you
Channel: Aquachigger
Views: 134,318
Rating: 4.8658834 out of 5
Keywords: gold, gold prospecting, prospecting, prospecting for gold 2017, history, gold panning, how to pan for gold, how to high bank, how to highbank, high banking for gold, gold concentrates, gold camps in alaska, alaska gold
Id: WHDComsGv_s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 11sec (2531 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2017
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