Alan Wake 2 on RTX 4070 + i5 9600k 4.6GHz | 1080p | 1440p DSR | DLSS | FG | RT | UNDERVOLT | Part 2
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Channel: Belec_Benchmarks
Views: 49
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Keywords: Alan Wake 2, rtx 4070, i5 9600k, 32gb, fps, test, comparison, undervolt, raytracing, rt, dlss, fg, frame generation, dlss 3.5, ray reconstruction, 1080p, 1440p, fhd, path tracing, dlaa, dsr, alan wake 2 rtx 4070, alan wake 2 i5 9600k, alan wake 2 benchmark, benchmark, alan wake fps, alan wake performance, alan wake comparison, rtx 4070 i5 9600k, 32gb ram, alan wake 2 1.0.8, rtx 4070 undervolting
Id: 2XvQMzaGBxc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 36sec (456 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 05 2023
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