ALAN WAKE 2 - O INÍCIO DE GAMEPLAY em Português PT-BR | PS5 4k 60fps

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Playstation Xbox series s xep game store for w look with back to the beginning we all come to a story with hopes and expectations looking for an answer sometimes it would be better to live with that hope without ever knowing the oh [Music] [ __ ] in a horror story story there are only victims and monsters and the trick is not to end up as either but trapped by the genre we are all ripped to pieces along the way this is not the story I hoped it would be this is not the ending I wanted this story will eat Us Alive this story is a monster and monsters wear many [Music] faces Resident Evil Silent Hill alone in the dark [Music] wake okay right [Music] Falls can you hear me what's on It come on it we should go already godone I been in an [Music] accident [Music] for fore [Music] f foring got [ __ ] we start it now we are the comes of the tree we watching the [Music] light where's the rest of the I'm I'm [Music] don't Al [Music] wake hey kiddo how are you I'm good Mom how are you this trip might take a little long longer than I thought I'm sorry I've been gone so much lately Logan Oh my God Mom it's not your fault people get all murdery what happened just work stuff right well Dad and I are just watching the latest episode of night Springs here so good no spoilers I'll let you get back to the show you were supposed to wait and watch with me I love you both this is what happened when you go on work trips Mom love you too and say hi to Casey tell him to stop brooding so much Logan I will bye kiddo bye kiddo Logan thinks you should try cheering up H snarky kid wonder where she gets that from coincidence that another body turns up just as we arrive in town feels like the Killer is leaving us a message I'm glad you're on this case with me Anderson it's right up your alley you should take lead think of me as the backup okay any words of advice we are time to get to work was supposed to be here to show us to the crime scene there's the car so where's the deputy eaten by a bear I'll check out that map memorizing before we get swallowed up by the trees uhron Lake I think I hear someone not the way back could be our Deputy I can go take a look never said thatan I said we should both be down here dead agent Casey right Sheriff breaker said you'd be coming by to take over the case you're half right Anderson Saga Anderson I'll be leading this case seems you already know my partner Alex Casey shoot sorry about that ma'am I I'm Deputy Mulligan I just figured that you know that uh those damn fits going to show up Mullan federal agents right here thoron my partner thoron down at crime scene he's not what you call the sharpest axe in the shed right here what do you mean are they with you oh [ __ ] they didn't hear me did they what can you tell us about the crime scene tell about the heart I was getting to that thoron well we reckon there some uh organs that are currently outside the victim's person when they should be but you know inside were there any Witnesses Yeah couple Out of Towners I wonder what they were doing sneaking around the woods at I I mention the city Folk it's pretty suspicious not that we have anything against city Folk righted Thornton but don't worry Sheriff breaker took him back to town a while ago I want to see the body how do we get there oh sure that's real simple just through the hole in the fence down the hill towards the lake around the old convenience store you can't miss it everything's been closed since the area was fenced off the store the campground all of it heyan tell them I'm here waiting I'll show them around they got it thoron before the crime scene there's time to review the facts of the case so far make sure I'm seeing the clues clearly the mine place my version of the mine Palace technique to sift through Clues and work the case building the M place again for each case using each field office as a model in my head the bo everything we know about the previous murders taking another look okay for Lake okay for okay I see you're already hard at work Anderson close to cracking it we're just getting started let's head down the hill to the crime scene gives me a headache there too much Sky H hey Casey you putting me in charge why now look Anderson you're a better detective than I am you've cracked cases that had the rest of us baffled I don't want to slow you down are you thinking of retiring you know what happens to Cops who say this is their last case mhm real funny Anderson H stairs are out you okay to jump down I'm not that old bright fallsy not a bad place to get murdered H if Getting Back To Nature is your thing thing damn should have brought an umbrella I like the rain the only thing around here that feels like home you think the local law had the sense to put up a tarp if they did next coffee's on me want to swap going Deputy Thornton I take it that's me At Your Service ready to get this case solved now the body's behind the store come on I'll show you that's so cool hunting down psycho serial killers and shootouts with the mom you forgot the UFO coverups what those are real you guys hiring th he's joking let's just see this body shall we of the crime we found and we didn't touch nothing you know procedures and stuff thanks Deputy no tarp you owe me a coffee okay let's start by examining our guest of honor does this fit the ammo of the previous murders body is positioned on the table ritualistic Lake another body turns up just as we arrive in town coincidence okay okay bruising on the wrist from the cargo strap putting him down the killer left the heart right next to the body inside Stab Wound chest cut open heart removed okay REM from chest strapped by the wrists definitely matches the previous murders but this time the heart and the straps will Left Behind more clues to work with this makes four murders that we know about okay who is our victim who killed him need to find more clues large amount of Blood on the table the victim died here any idea who the victim is oh I sure do his name is Nightingale he was FBI he came to town about 13 years ago I haven't heard a word about him since well until now n oh yes you probably so you knew Al victim well I didn't recognize him in his current state but yeah I ran into him a few times at quanico never worked any cases together after his partner got killed in the field he went off the deep end got the boot pretty quick after that so what happened to Nightingale after the bureau let him go I only know the rumors depression led to booze booze led to paranoia he got some wild ideas in his head chased ghosts until he fell off the map guess he ended up here I bet there's more to that story but no happy ending went missing 13 years ago 2010 is all the other victims certainly fits the pattern makes me wonder what was going on that year probably something this town wants to forget someone was drinking beer they spent time here waiting someone left in a hurry knocked the tripod over was it for a camera multiple people were here multiple Killers I think that's everything for now at least mhm anything clicking yet not sure need to think about it keep trying multiple Killers quite the [Applause] party Robert Nightingale X FBI came to Bright Falls 13 years [Music] ago they planned for the murder to happen here passing the time with equipment ready they were waiting for him but why nighting Gale he's been missing for 13 years why here why now profiling get into the subject's head see what they saw feel what they felt use whatever I know about them to guide my intuition to a revelation piece it together agent Nightingale has been MIA for 13 years how did he end up here up from the lake that's not a lake it's dark he was there too you are not allowed in the lake until he says otherwise Robert Nightingale came from the lake before his murder okay Nightingale was chosen as the victim why C the switch it goes click lights are off at somebody's home somebody's home this wasn't some random act of violence this was a ritual a nightingale a component they didn't see him as a person more like a container for something I thought Brothers lake lake the lake is connected to Nightingale somehow Casey Let's Take a Look Down by the lake lead the way sounds good uh this way right right well okay well I'll just uh I'll just wait here okay this where your hunch is Anderson did something happen at the lake I think Nightingale came up from that direction from the lake probably looking for shelter safety they were waiting for him when you're ready I'd love to hear what you put together so far sure it's not that complicated Nightingale was out in the woods alone at night possibly n The Killers knew he was here ambushed him dragged him to the campgrounds stra him to the table cut his heart out but then they were interrupted by those Witnesses the Bookers the job is unfinished that seems pretty complicated to me what was this guy doing skinny dipping at this time of year haven't figured that part out yet mhm lots of questions lots of answers for us to find I didn't know trees got that big you need to get out more it is kind of creepy though there's a piece of paper on the ground tracks Barefoot Nightingales they come out from under the boulder makes no sense a page full of texts on one side not a print out written with a typewriter old school noch down edits added with a pen mhm like a manuscript page of a story killer left a message it's for us the text is about us the victim was one of their own FBI special agent Robert Nightingale and then there was a page they found the first step down into ter terrifying depths reading the words these words felt like a message felt like a message someone knew they were here someone playing a game with them an invitation how could they not accept even if they knew it would end up hurting [Music] them someone's been watching us playing sick game with us you were right this is right up my alley Nightingale came this way either he dropped this page or The Killers left it for us all nting Gale about this page a witch with no heart strange echo of Al murder for WI we found a page in the woods story about these events what is nightingale's role in this I carry his words close to my chest now inside The Awful Truth you must dig out something was put inside him in his chest I must find out what okay okay I think he came from the lake but his tracks make no sense okay found all I can here time to properly examine the body see what I can find inside the victim was one of their own FBI special agent Robert Nightingale I think something's been put inside nightingale's body let's tellw the deputies to get the body to the town morg okay whoever wrote that page made sure it read like a story like a scene from a thriller I hate all of it the text said we'd find more I believe it but what's the purpose they're twisting events to create create their own narrative to do what entertain some fantasy projecting their desires are we characters or the audience witnesses to their design all the above it's all about control deciding what happens to who don't let it drag you in too late I'm already hooked I need the next chapter I hope you didn't get stuck in any of those big puddles crazy Buton down there huh just like I said Deputy I want the body taken back to town for a proper examination ASAP well sure but the coroner won't be back in town for another week after deer fist not a problem I'll do it myself oh and Sheriff breaker called to say he's got the Bookers at the OD deer Diner in town oh and I've got a key to the gate it's a shortcut back to the parking lot just up the hill H thanks Falls let's get the car drive to Bright Falls and talk to these Witnesses the Bookers at the diner right I can use a cou of coffee let's try that shortcut the deputy mentioned sounds good ah they left a lot of garbage not the fastidious type okay Ranger fore for parking lot really is did you get lost Anderson no seems like a nice town so far murders aside pretty Woods cute Lodge we got set up in we should go for a hike if we get a chance now you're just being mean Anderson deputies aren't exactly up to the task but hopefully the sheriff will be more helpful not a surprise the deputies doubt they see much stuff this gruesome I is that a kids lunchbox an Alex Casey movie lunchbox Casey hates the endless jokes about coincidentally having the same name as a fake detective he hates those cheesy crime books but he really hates the movies [Music] okay [Music] Alex casy finding a casy movie lunchbox out here can't be a coincidence another message okay Lake K they show calron Lake the clues together heart removed tripod tracks leading to a dead end a tripod for a camera to record a a snuff film maybe and why take out his heart just to throw it away to stump in something for us to find here we are let's drive back to town and meet the sheriff at the diner brights I can't get that manuscript page out of my head I've never seen Killers reach out so directly before damn impressive for so far with your Technique these hunches were moving fast I wasn't sure about taking a case so far from home but I'm thrilled to be here for this mystery need to swing by the lodge to get anything from the field office no I'm all set I'll park there anyway I want to walk to the diner get a feel for the town oh the din's just up the Waterfront shouldn't keep the sheriff and ey Witnesses waiting I smell [Music] coffee I'm going to go check something out be right back got it be allow at this's in the fish I need bolt cutters fors for cut welcome back Anderson hi hi just how much coffee have you had today Charlie don't know dear my own horn but I am pretty darn sure my I mean our Flo you'll be the Bell oh dear the FBI welcome to Bright balls it's nice to have you here hey oh it's Washington finest break nice to meet you Sheriff I'm seph for coffee you know I wouldn't say no to another I'm agent Saga Anderson this is Agent Alex Casey Tim breaker and let me just say I'm happy you two are here frankly we could use the help your deputies said you had a couple of witnesses here they made them sound like suspects Mulligan and thoron are still on about that no no the Bookers don't strike me as the murdering type but you can decide for yourselves they're just inside having coffee and Pie to calm their nerves I'll see what they have to say Casey you compare with the sheriff take your time through the Case Files have you had many people besides the known victims go missing sure but it's slowed down ever since C Lake was fast off then to guess spiked around 2010 was Booker excuse me I'm agent Saga Anderson are you the Bookers that's us I'm Tammy and he's Ed hello officer just Saga is fine Ed so are we being charged with anything because if not we'd love to get back to a hotel and decompress after what we saw take a bath screw into pillows that kind of thing we're not charging you I just have a few questions nothing to stress about okay uhon Lake yeah what were you doing at cauldron Lake last night I'm True Crime we're here from New York doing some research on a famous novelist Alan Wake who went missing here I was down at the lake getting some details perfectly legal so what did you see in the woods this naked dude came out of the lake and he was acting crazy shouting weird [ __ ] at us he must have been on something unless skinny dipping a dawn is a thing around here then we heard shooting we ran into these psychos in Deer masks they would cheering into the naked guy with knives like some kind of satanic cult and then we bolted and call the cops being what makes you say it was a cult the masks and knives AR an ass me they were shouting Cult of the tree The Cult of the tree called up the tree oh and then we found her the whole thing was the cult of the tree what aren't the Bookers is telling me I found their necklace the symbol is two triangles the cult wants their spruce tree bag Tammy finder's keeper is Ed my publisher will want this on the cover Tammy found something to one of the [Music] cultists the Bookers were at cauldron Lake why prin was built to hide what's there they say the riter fell in the lake private party no trespassing my book has questions past the Bol Cutters they broke in for the sake of Tammy's book nothing to do with the murder they were telling the truth it [Music] is uh so you found something there right a necklace these cultists may have dropped okay wow how did you put that together it's evidence you need to hand it over told you not to keep that thing to me thanks this could prove to be helpful do me fa stick around town for now in case we have any more questions like we'd even dream missing dear oh God Saga Saga Anderson as I live and breathe I thought we'd never see you back here after that awful awful thing happened to your baby girl how are you um I'm sorry who are you I don't know what you're talking about it's me silly Rose you know me I don't think I do and what horrible thing happened to my baby girl she drowned your daughter that's so weird you don't remember how do you know I have a daughter oh I know what this is you're blocking out your traumatic memories happens on TV all the time no what you're mistaking me for someone else if you say [Music] so Rosie so Rose help me out how do you think we know each other we all know each other around here it's been a while but I never forget a face or a coffee order guess I just have one of those faces seen anything out of the ordinary in town lately suspicious people in Deer masks no one's suspicious but soon enough there will be lots of happy people with wearing deer masks for deerfest practically everyone will be wearing one good to know Bo okay all set my guys have nting Gale at the morg if you're ready to go take a look let's go what well Casey I got a lead looks like we're dealing with a cult The Cult of the tree a murder cult [ __ ] have you heard of this Cult of the tree Sheriff only the urban legend if you're in the woods at night the cult will get you that sort of thing we're not going to find out you're the grand Wizard or something are we I played some D andd back in the day wizard was always my favorite class morning Sheriff looks like you have some guests ah morning Ted yeah real important guests deer Fest always draws a crowd right too true more the marrier have a good one Sheriff hm okay hey what do you know about that waitress from the diner Rose yeah she's a bit of a space gase she always has been why what she do now she kept saying that my daughter drowned she even knew my name it was all very weird rose has a talent for saying the weirdest thing possible but it's best not to take a person one hey boss downstairs ready to go yep in the morg all prep I'd like to take a closer look as soon as possible lead the way Sheriff oh this is the brightfall sheriff station anything you need just uh let us know we appreciate the support Sheriff have a nice [Music] day next a budget I guess you guys don't have that problem though our only coroner rotates between a few other towns and he's away this week but you can handle this right I'm qualified to perform examinations yes something about morgs they always cheer me up I can't say I feel this same he's joking okay I'll start with the external inspection before performing the internal examination okay what was the cause of death what other Clues can the body give me I'm over here like they did leave something inside his chest there's writing on here out writing how did you manage that the body shows signs of being submerged in water postmortem it doesn't add up this looks like text a tattoo night Andale didn't strike me as a tattoo two guy defensive wounds they put up a fight well yes time to see what night body can tell us thanks Saga okay Tex is smudged looks inverted hard can't have been marked before removal there's definitely something in his chest did The Killers leave it there we're dealing with an organized group of killers not a lone serial killer I need to know more about the Cod of the tree if I'm going to shut them down [Music] that's not right okay [Music] it's the same type of page we found at cauldron Lake night Andale hunted Saga didn't see her the taken could not see into bright light light hurt them made them vulnerable night Andale had no heart but here he was killing someone's created a [ __ ] up fantasy about us hey hold on we found these kinds of pages I didn't think they were relevant to this case I have them right here no no no wait Sheriff what the hell Acker [Music] casy put your fo Le it's dark [Music] no didn't see her could not see into bright [Music] light I'll make you [Music] p he's [Music] coming the page said to get into the light [Music] okay can't see me in the light my gun out in the hall got to get it back get out of my [Music] house vanished [Music] oh boy oh boy he didn't have a heart but he still got up the page predicted all of it it helped me fight him he he just dis appeared what the hell is going Saga was back at cauldron Lake Saga had to pursue night Andale into the overlap finding a way in would be difficult a ritual s would learn how stop the monster okay there is no rational explanation to what we just saw I'd love to blame this on mass hallucination caused by inhaling volcanic gas but we both know that's [ __ ] this was Supernatural Well I'm glad you were the one to say it now we can figure out a way forward right before things got crazy Sheriff breaker just vanished maybe the sheriff knew more than he was letting on H he seemed anxious like he dreaded what was coming one more mystery the victim of a ritualistic murder turns into a monster is there a connection looks to me like the cult of the tree is performing rituals to create monsters maybe we need to start with learning this cult's goal their purpose okay must be locked from the other side thinke [Music] foree on you okay it's not opening [Music] for [Music] n
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Keywords: alan wake 2, alan wake 2 gameplay, alan wake 2 game, alan wake 2 inicio, alan wake 2 em português, alan wake 2 dublado, alan wake 2 maxmrm, maxmrm, maxmrm terror, alan wake 2 vale apena, alan wake 2 gameplay ps5
Id: GhegDSgbnUk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 67min 3sec (4023 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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