Alan Rickman - Charlie Rose Interview 28.2.12
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Channel: MsSardonicus
Views: 270,071
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Alan Rickman
Id: zFXRzP3iD_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 13sec (1513 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 29 2012
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I've had this conversation with other actors about the parallels of music and acting. You need the notes, but the music is not in the notes. The notes on paper is the logical part of the brain. How you play and express those notes is the music. It is the same with the words. You need the words. You should know the words well, enough so that you don't spend too much time thinking about them. The feelings, emotions, the connections you make are not in the words.
This was perfect. Thank you.
I remember a friend during graduate school who had already completed an MFA and was working on another MFA, just because he could, explain that I needn't worry about how to act so much as learn to listen and learn to experience life. He said in five years, you'll become a better actor because you have a better understanding of yourself and the world around you. Helped relieve stress and change my frame of mind when working on the techniques and text.