Alaina Castillo Does ASMR with Her Nails, Talks the Power of Vulnerability | Mind Massage | Fuse

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sorry i'm awkward here we go hey what's up it's elena castillo and welcome to my mind massage i am a singer uh writer singer songwriter kind of in that mix but i started on youtube and then my people found me and i've just been making music just came out with my second ep i started in texas and then in january right before everything kind of started happening i moved to l.a so gonna have fun with this i hope it's tingling but i started singing in the church with my mom and then in high school i decided to switch it up and start my own youtube channel i was constantly making sure that i was doing youtube videos and just trying to like find my sound as an artist i was working at subway and doing covers and trying to like work out [ __ ] of life and everything like that and now i'm here you know what i'm saying so yeah sorry i'm awkward whenever i was doing covers that's like you know making your own version of someone else's songs but before that i had kept my own diaries and kind of just like written down all of my feelings and sentimental thoughts um so i was kind of like in the world of writing but i had never really done any like studio sessions or things like that i think like the first time that i went to the studio it was actually really like natural like that was kind of the first time that i was like yeah because it's just like a different feeling whenever you like make something and then you go up to sing and it just all comes to your head so i started going to the studio and making my own songs i've really learned how to connect to myself because i don't like to share emotions a lot before i went to the studio for the first time i had been doing covers for a long time so i was like okay i want to start kind of moving into my own music and then that's when i i just drew a cloud on this paper that's when i started to kind of go to garageband and create like my own beats and like start i started talking about my own problems like making my own songs and [ __ ] and my first song was called let me know i was in my fields in college college was just great i loved it but i wrote let me know and that was the first time that i was like yeah like i want to create music i want to be able to put my feelings out there in ways that i'm thinking of and you know not like singing through someone else's story and that's when we started to make my first ep which is called anti-social butterfly i felt like that was what i was supposed to be doing like i didn't feel scared or nervous or like oh how am i supposed to write how am i supposed to you know do all these new things it just all kind of flowed and basically antisocial butterfly is just about me being antisocial and stuff and um learning how to express myself through music and basically tell people who i am because i'm not going to be able to say it to their faces so i might as well sing it we have some butterflies here we got pink purple blue green and like orange or like a sunset yellow from growing up in texas i didn't realize this until i moved to l.a but they have a lot of like storms and rain and it rains a lot in texas i feel like whenever i started writing my own music that's when i realized where i get my inspiration from because when it rains or when it's like dark outside or gloomy and like depressing that's when i feel really inspired to write or to sing or to be creative like i get scenarios or images or colors in my head that i then try to put into the music like as you're listening to the song you can feel what i'm saying and it's like an escape it's a different world that you're putting yourself into when you listen to music or when you listen to a sound so texas thanks for inspiring me my favorite track from anti-social butterfly i can never really pick but i think my top one is back to you i like to write in metaphors and like say confusing [ __ ] that makes sense if you really think about it and that's the first song that i really started to do that in because i wanted to kind of take people on a little journey for that song so that's my favorite because it's really like spacey and vibey my dad is from mexico but growing up he never really spoke in spanish to my brothers and i so i had to learn in high school um or like talking with my friends um in spanish but whenever i started making my music i knew that was something that i wanted to incorporate into like the stuff i was writing about because i'm still learning and i hate not being fluent like it pisses me off but i'm still learning and i just wanted to be able to put that into my music so i think like whenever i sing in spanish i don't really worry as much because you have like a set story to what you're talking about so you can try and feel those words but whenever i speak in spanish that's when i get a little bit nervous because like i gotta think about what i'm saying sometimes i think in spanish sometimes i think in english so i'm like comfortable singing in both of them but when it comes to talking like spanish stresses me the [ __ ] out but that's okay because i hope to get better growing up i was a nerd kind of in school i like to learn a lot of [ __ ] but social studies was one of my like favorite things so whenever we would learn about different cultures that was my favorite thing because i just like loved learning about different people and the things that they do and like just all that [ __ ] it's fun to know different things besides like the normal [ __ ] that you do every day so that's kind of why i also really tried to learn spanish and then also put it into my music because that's like sharing so many different sides and i wish that i was fluent in every language and like could relate to people in all those different ways um but i'm just glad that through my music and kind of like me taking a side to spanish and wanting to share that with a lot of people um or doing like translations of songs i like that those people can then be able to kind of get the message that i was putting across through music because i feel like music connects everybody and kind of brings them all together so and hopefully i don't [ __ ] up and make it sound like [ __ ] here we go terrified of eating it's sour [Music] and you're gonna have to go check out the rest of the song to see what comes next [Music] so my style i feel like it changes a lot i want my music to kind of like be a reflection of myself and [ __ ] and i'm kind of quiet and stuff but whenever i sing i don't really feel that stress or like the anxiety that i usually feel while just living my day-to-day life so i feel like my style is really spacey and like ethereal or whenever we're making music i just like to add [ __ ] like that so that like you'll hear little like sounds of nostalgia and then you'll just think like it'll get you thinking i remind you of things and that's what i always love to do because those triggers are like the best like when you hear a song and you know and like it reminds you of something like i love [ __ ] like that so i just always try to do that with my style [Music] yeah 2020 has been a bit [ __ ] like a [ __ ] slime in my hair but besides it being [ __ ] i was chosen to be spotify's us radar artist or their first radar artist um that was like a shock to me because before that i had like released my ep and gone on tour for the first time and i was just moving out to la to start working in the studio and then i get that news and i'm like what the [ __ ] like holy [ __ ] and from like since then the amount of support that they've shared has been astronomical so that was insane um but then so wet i also just came out again with my um second ep the voice notes but it's also in spanish is [Music] so that's that's been very very exciting and very fun even though it was like really weird because it was like a quarantine release and then besides that i've just been in the studio literally every day just working on new music again some new things to put out just break that [ __ ] it's just disgusting my newest ep the voice notes is really different than the first ep that i put out it's really vulnerable for me i think a lot of the songs were written at night because that's when the feelings really start to hit um they're like songs about problems that i've had in my life things that i've been going through and like things that i've been usually like keeping to myself because i just don't want to burden people with that [ __ ] um so being able to make an ep about that and put it out there is really something that i'm happy about because it's like a new stage for me of of writing but then also for people who need that stuff too because everyone's going through their own [ __ ] so it's nice to know that you have somebody or like you have music that can they can kind of help in those moments and then we decided to do it in spanish because my culture i just wanted to kind of put that through and be able to translate it so that other people could understand those messages as well and whenever we were translating i knew like there couldn't be an exact translation because that's just not how it works but the thing that i love about spanish is how like whenever you are kind of trying to translate it it develops a kind of like poetic sound to it so i feel like we were really able to still catch a lot of like the metaphors and the imagery that the voice notes had in it and put that in some insights that was as well so i just love singing the spanish versions yeah we're having fun with this bottle i think i kind of shut down when i used to shut down when like chaotic things would happen and i wouldn't really know what to do because a lot of times that just scares you and takes you by surprise um but i think the best thing to do is to do everything that you can in your power to make sure that you're on track whether it's something that you know is global like that or something that's like a problem within your own mind is to make sure that you're okay that you know what's going on and whenever you're kind of like feeling like shit's going down you don't know what to do i think just take a second to step back evaluate what's going on realize that things will get better things do get better and to try and act on that um in order to kind of create a less less chaotic situation where you know that everything will be okay because you're working towards a better tomorrow and the people around you are working towards a better tomorrow that know that tomorrow will always get better and you can tell yourself how you're gonna feel you can tell yourself to feel happy and to feel okay so just to do that choose to help just to go out of your way to make the world a better place i know it sounds cliche as [ __ ] but it's not it's really true so yeah thanks for watching my mind massage on views i hope you guys enjoyed it uh don't forget to check out my new ep the voice notes women's is there's a final at urban outfitters first [ __ ] vinyl yeah but i hope that you guys enjoyed it hope you guys enjoy that and i hope that you stay safe through this quarantining coronavirus time
Channel: Fuse
Views: 345,075
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Fuse, Fuse ASMR, ASMR, ASMR Fuse, Celebrity ASMR, ASMR Celeb, Mind Massage, Mind Massage Fuse, Celeb ASMR, Food ASMR, ASMR Eating, Eating ASMR, Nails ASMR, W Magazine ASMR, Meditation ASMR, Alaina Castillo, triste como yo Alaina Castillo, pass you by Alaina Castillo, Alaina Castillo ASMR, Alaina Castillo covers, just a boy Alaina Castillo, Mensajes de Voz, Justine Skye, Victoria Monet, Jessie Reyez, Pink Sweat$, Sabrina Claudio, Power of Vulnerability, brain tingles
Id: YmCSNcrnBJ0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 5sec (965 seconds)
Published: Tue Jul 21 2020
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