Aladdin & The PLAGUE of Disney Live Action Remakes

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this video is brought to you by curiosity string a few months ago Disney released the sequel to the undeniable classic Mary Poppins and it was kind of whatever but one part I did really enjoy it was when the cast found themselves inside a porcelain bowl which was animated in a classic Disney style and it turns out that according to director Rob Marshall those scenes alone actually added a year to the post-production process of the film because it was such a big undertaking the fact is Disney doesn't do a lot of animation like that anymore old pros had to be called out of retirement just so someone around would actually know what they were doing that kind of lush well-realized animation style that Disney once led the world in has kind of fallen by the wayside replaced by CG animation or by the more simple fast and cheap style found on TV now both these Styles have created great stuff too so I don't want to throw them under the bus but four generations of people who grew up with the expressive beauty of old-school animation it's really easy to miss that style and those stories now Disney doesn't seem to have much interest in reviving that style but you better believe they're aware of how powerful the nostalgia is for these old properties Cinderella The Jungle Book Beauty and the Beast these are all films betting on that audiences want almost literally exactly what they've seen before but with CG instead of hand animation and look this has been discussed before by great youtubers like Lindsey Ellis so I never really thought about making a video about it myself but wow this Aladdin trailer was just my breaking point I mean just look at this like really really look at it it's so self-evidently bad like that creepy deep fake of Steve Buscemi on the body of Jennifer Lawrence looks better than this and yet we all know they're gonna keep making these there's no end of this in sight Capcom has brought a blockbuster movie to the Super Nintendo Entertainment System Disney's a what that's right I get the seductive appeal of these movies who doesn't like Emma Watson Will Smith or Donald Glover stick them in a familiar story that we all know and love and you have a pretty good recipe to make money but with only the slight exception of Jungle Book it's almost never been very interesting to actually watch sitting down to watch 2017 Beauty and the Beast is kind of like drinking a Lacroix it reminds you of drinks you've had before but it doesn't quite manage to really have a distinctive taste of its own it's like drinking a reminder of hey remember actual juice or soda those are pretty good these films take the painstaking work of some of the best animators ever and turns it into this it has the songs you love but they're not sung by incredible Broadway vocalists but by likeable actors who can kind of sing okay I think there's a standard list of things people say to defend these movies like that they bring the story to a new generation the problem with that is that the original movies with all their artistry and skill still exist in fact if anything they're easier to access now than ever but the other thing I've heard people say that really gets under my skin is the idea that the CG movies are more realistic and therefore are some kind of upgrade that's an obvious indication that animation as a medium doesn't really get the respect it deserves Aladdin is a story about a likable thief who meets a magic Genie and falls in love with princess nothing about that needs to be realistic the fact that animation allows the story to feel like pure fantasy is one of the most appealing things about it but even if it wasn't this doesn't look any more realistic than this it just looks way worse and a lot creepier direct from the streets of Agrabah Aladdin Oh Jasmine Jafar some magic carpet and of course the big blue Goggin but you might be asking what about the Jungle Book that movie was pretty good and I would agree that it's easily the best of the bunch but it still suffers from many of the same symptoms it might be a fun novelty to watch Christopher Walken voice King Louie but the time he's kind of singing through a pretty half-assed version of I want to be like you the limitations of that approach become really clear walking is great but in terms of singing in a musical he's just no Louie prima and the same definitely goes for actors like Bill Murray so one of the most memorable parts of the original film the music has to be very downplayed and also The Jungle Book is just a much much older film than Aladdin or Beauty and the Beast we're talking decades and decades of difference here so I don't think there's any need to update Aladdin at all because it still plays really well to a modern audience where Jungle Book being much older does have a few more dated elements in fact if there's one thing in Aladdin that looks and feels really dated today it's the god-awful CG animation found in a few scenes but apparently that's what they wanted to keep most I don't hate CG animation or CG effects both can be incredible but I have to say it's sad to see so many of the older traditions and filmmaking fade away just because doing it digitally has become quicker and easier compare the memorable effects of Tim Burton's older films like Beetlejuice to the completely sterile and lifeless versions of the Burton aesthetic found in something like miss Peregrine's Home for peculiar children this is how I feel about animation as well I really don't see the point in an uncanny valley ich near photorealistic version of The Lion King now when the original is still there and still so great and I definitely don't get how anyone could prefer the semi-realistic dull CG to the colors and vibrancy found here like I know the Lion King remake will probably crack a billion dollars worldwide I'm pretty comfortable making that prediction based on just how well Beauty and the Beast did but I still can't really shake the feeling that I don't get who it's for who wants to see the exact same movie with an extra song or two that looks worse and whose biggest draw is that it has more currently relevant celebrities in it heart pounding levels of gameplay master before you're through after you've escaped your enemies in the marketplace so yeah that Aladdin trailer was just uh I don't think Hollywood is out of ideas which is something you hear people say a lot I think there's plenty of stories out there to tell but it's tough for those to break out when the biggest studio who also seems kind of hell-bent on owning as many other Studios as they can puts its time and effort into making things like this exercises an empty nostalgia that seemed to make everyone involved a lot of money but kind of end up being nothing more than a footnote in the legacy of the original classic they're still enjoyable elements to all of these movies and of course there are they're based on some of the most enjoyable family films ever made but I do think they almost always suck away all sense of wonder and awe they're kind of every bit as watered-down and bland as the originals were colorful and visionary I mean really the least they could do is try a little harder than whatever this is I don't think the problem with these movies is they're not telling a totally new story after all most of the classic Disney films you know the company who currently keeps fighting to keep stories out of the public domain are actually based on stories from the public domain there's nothing wrong with finding new spins on old material but the single biggest problem with these remakes is that the whole point of them is not to put very much of a new spin on anything because all they have other than worst-looking visuals is the promise of nostalgia I don't know much of anything about the upcoming Little Mermaid remake but I pretty much guarantee you that its soundtrack will feature an actor singing an almost identical version of part of your world anything else would risk what all of these movies are banking on that if you repackage the exact same thing and don't do anything daring or new nostalgia hungry audiences will eat it up and I kind of wish we'd stop proving them right you know instead of watching weird cg lie and sing songs you've already heard in a few months how about we all watched some real lions instead Lions Rock The Return of the King was a very entertaining and actually pretty touching documentary about a family of lions returned to the wild after years in captivity it's well shot I learned a lot about lions and on top of that I didn't even have to listen to Seth Rogen try to sing and you can only watch it on curiosity stream founded by the same guy as the Discovery Channel this is the streaming service to get if you love documentaries and learning they have over 2000 to choose from and everything from history to science tech and way more plus curiosity stream is available worldwide and starts at $2.99 a month oh and you can get 30 days on the service for free just by going to curiosity stream dot-com slash captive midnight which you'll find a link to in the description and pend comment below new 1940 flight Patrol you'd better hurry up and join at once because there's a big adventure ahead the thing to do now is to get started because we're going to have not only barrels of fun but loads are free gifts and prizes
Channel: captainmidnight
Views: 822,814
Rating: 4.7247558 out of 5
Keywords: Disney, Aladdin, Genie, Mena Massoud, Jasmine, Abu, Will Smith, Naomi Scott, captain midnight, aladdin, live action, disney, will smith, genie, blue, cgi, bad, jafar, trailer, special look, first look, movie, jeremy jahns, beauty and the beast, jungle book, the lion king
Id: 2QB1H5cvSgw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 38sec (578 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 14 2019
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