Alabama - Old Flame (Official Video)
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Channel: AlabamaVEVO
Views: 6,231,601
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Old Flame alabama, alabama, alabama Old Flame, alabama band Old Flame, Old Flame alabama band, alabama songs, alabama country songs, alabama music videos, alabama band, alabama live, country music, alabama hits, alabama mountain music, alabama my home's in alabama, Basket case, mountain music, angels among us, amazing grace, Alabama cotton bowl, Alabama band song, country songs, classic country, Alabama, Country, Old Flame, RCA, Records
Id: tP8cYNZj8eg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 19sec (199 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 28 2014
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This is one of my favorites!
Great Band !!!!!❤️
Nice 🙂👍🤠💕