Alabama Gov. George Wallace Opposes TV Movie About His Life

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about it U and as his only son I wonder when you know the thought occurs to me has he not suffered enough the son of controversial former Governor George Wallace describes the devastation his father is experiencing over a new docu drama Governor Wallace tells axess how this movie paints a poisonous portrayal of his life it's a bad movie it's all the Fales and lies and uh very ACC it I don't like it at all who the movie company the former segregationist to his since apologized for his past politics is now 78 years old and suffers from Parkinson's disease and deafness but not even illness has stopped the one-time political Powerhouse from taking on his latest campaign Wallace is taking on Turner network television to stop its production of a film about him he says is filled with lies no they right true I try to commit suicide and she on my wife and uh tried to commit suicide my best friend tried to kill me George C Wallace is governor of the state of Alabama in 1963 Wallace was thrown into the national Spotlight with his attempt to derail desegregation by blocking black students from entering the University of Alabama and I say segregation now segregation tomorrow and segregation forever but the three-time presidential candidate who survived an assassination attempt during his 1972 Campaign which left him paralyzed has overtime changed his costic view of race relations I believe it was in the best interest of white and black uh to be in a segregated school system but I was wrong and once we lost the legal battles I think we all saw we were wrong it's Gary sise who plays Wallace in the film he says the politician's change of heart sends an important message it is about uh our ability to change and and forgive uh even when we're so violently supportive of things that are basically wrong in recent years Wallace has even become a champion of racial Harmony gaining respect of many Americans even in the black community but his son fears the Turner movie will destroy any concept of his change of politics and the impact that it's had on society I see the kind of man he is the kind of person he is to have him portrayed to some ignorant illiterate Southern hehw character I really resent it no here's where you are the film's director John frankenheimer says it's impossible to gain the support of the walles trying to get approval from The Wallace family for this movie is like trying to get approval from the Klux Clan doing a civil rights movie frankenheimer says the film which is based on this unauthorized biography is not a documentary which allows him some artistic Freedom frankenheimer also believes this movie does not manipulate the truth and gives a fair representation of the man they want us to whitewash Wallace and we're not going to do it in point of fact I think they'll be very happy with the movie when they see it in point of fact I think we present Wallace very very fairly to create historical events was never occurred and to focus in on things betray people as they were not is not artistic license it's just it bers on slander and liable in my judgment
Channel: The Art of Alabama Politics
Views: 113,272
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: CFPPT4Nzroo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 34sec (214 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 26 2014
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