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what's up YouTube this is two bigger in this video I'm going to take an in-depth look at the various queue link modes in the Akai MPC live so what are the queue link modes in the Akai MPC live let's first press our menu button and go to queue link edit and first off we'll see it's set to screen mode we'll get to that in a minute I'm going to go from left to right instead and explain all these different modes first of all so project mode allows you to mix and match all different types of parameters project-wide so let's first press our queue link button and you'll scroll through the different banks of cue links let's stay in our first Bank so your first red LED should be lit underneath your queue link button and let's just tap on the bottom queue link knob as you can see I've tap that and volume has appeared here okay so our first knob this bottom knob in our first Bank this one here is currently controlling the volume of outputs 1 & 2 we can change that by selecting that field moving our data wheel and choosing the different outputs let's keep it outputs 1 & 2 as you can see it's gone off now because we selected a different type of parameter so now we have to reset that to what we want okay so let's choose that to be the volume of the entire output of the NPC I'm just going to trigger a pad as you can see I'm controlling that now and I'm turning my bottom physical knob okay if we tap the second knob up or tap on the screen here that's currently set to pan let's change that to something different so let's change it to a program parameter okay once you tap that you get a different set of options underneath is it a mixer parameter you want to change or an actual program parameter you want to change so let's choose a program parameter but first we have to load a program in because as you can see it's not looking at any program in this field to do that we highlight that and we have to press the data wheel to access the menu that comes up here on the left and then just scroll down and select whatever program you want and then hit the data wheel again okay you can also just double tap that field and that menu will come up it won't respond to just the turn of your data will knob you can actually change it once a programs loaded in okay so now as you can see we're in program mode we've selected our program and now we get options to change that to a program parameter which would be something like the master semi tune for the entire program or fine tune you just get those two options or it could be a mixer parameter which would be the entire volume for that program or the entire panning for that entire program okay mute solo and sense okay let's go back to program let's change the type to pad okay so now we can select an exact pad that we want to set a parameter for for this second knob okay let's keep it at pad 1 and as you can see down here we can now change the parameter of that particular pad you get access to all your program parameters for each individual pad so let's just choose tuning so now our second knob is controlling the tuning of our first pad and we've still got the entire output volume on our first knob so let's just put another one on our third knob there let's change that also to actually let's try it an audio track so it's loaded out there full audio track and let's just change that to volume turn that all the way down if I go to menu now channel mixer use the data wheel to scroll through and then we can see that our audio track is at the lowest volume setting that's what's going on in the background without cooling let's now tap our fourth knob in our first Bank which is this top one here and let's change that to program parameter again and let's set it as an insert parameter now we have got an insert loaded so this isn't going to take effect so we're gonna have to go to menu channel mixer go back to our programs view for the mixer let's choose the dream program double tap inserts load and effect let's just load the compressor let's go back to menu queue link edit and then will get access to let's actually change the program needs to be changed to dream that's where we loaded that insert effect and now insert one we will get the individual parameters for that compressor we loaded and that's now on our top qlink so we've set up four knobs there that controlling project-wide parameters now let's look at program program is different in the way that it's just looking at the program and the pads within it on my first track i've got this dream program and the second track I've got program 0 0 1 so let's go back to queue link edit let's just set the first key link knob which is our bottom knob in our first Bank to a program parameter and yeah maybe a pad parameter and that change pad a1 - tuning okay so we can now change the tuning of pad one from our first key link but what's interesting is you can go up to your second track go back to the key link edit and you'll notice that our first key link is set to something completely different in this case send one because the program is different so no matter what program you're in these parameters will change depending on what parameters you've setup your lobster control for each individual program which is really flexible so let's go back to our first track back to queue link edit let's tap our second knob up and choose another pad parameter let's choose a different pad I'm gonna actually mirror the the layout of the pad so I'm going to choose my pad number five okay to be controlled by qlink five and let's choose the parameter to be filter cutoff and there you go so we can control the filter cutoff of pad five with this second qlink or qlink five rather and the tuning of pad one okay and so on and so forth so that's what program mode does as you can see now this gray highlighted area is highlighting it horizontally and if you press your Q link button it will be scrolling vertically okay it says assign sixteen parameters to edit the current pad in a program okay so that means that you would mix and match all different parameters there depending on which ones you want available to you okay and then whatever pad you select those parameters can be changed for each individual pad so I'm pressing pad one let's open the up the filter cutoff okay but then I can choose another pad and those settings default back to where they are for that actual pad so what this is good for is a quick way to sculpt your sounds rather than being in the program edit mode and jumping between these different pages so you essentially selects all your favorite parameters and then they're just applied per pad that's how I would interpret the pad scene mode is a quick access way to sculpt and balance your sounds just by pressing a pad and then you've got all your parameters grouped rather than you know doing what I said before and flick in between all the different tabs qlink grid mirrors the pad layout assign one parameter for all cue links it's similar to pad scene but you're changing just one parameter per pad so let's set all the levels for our different pads for example say we were happy with those then we can just move up to the pan of those start mucking about the pan so again it's another convenient way to edit your program without having to sort of faff about between different tabs within that program we've got it currently set to mixer we can select program parameters and again you get all your individual program parameters and you can literally just flick through those as you go and just go right well I want to level out all my LFOs or change all the different waves of my LFOs from here hopefully that makes sense the last option is screen now screen mode it says cue links are fixed to the controls of the mode you're in so you don't get any options to change these these are just governed by whatever particular area of the NPC life that you're currently in so as an example if we go to program at it my fourth red LED is lit underneath my cue link if I press the Q link button it won't do anything because the Sens are the only things that I can use the Q links to change here as you can see this is the top knob second one down third bottom likewise in the samples tab you can use the first bank of Q links so the first LED should be lit and then you can change the start point of your samples you'll see it's highlighted gold and there's a little Q as well to signify that that's a Q linkable parameter that you can change in the second bank you can change the end points for your samples so the top knob is the the largest increments the second knob down is even smaller increments and it's even finer tuning in the third knob and the finest tuning to get really macro with your sample editing there you and Paul to give a good one is the main page so you wouldn't have a clue as to what parameters can be changed there because there isn't any gold box if you press and hold your Q link button it will show you what current mode you're in so we want to see what's going on with screen mode and there you can see we can change the sequence tempo sequence length sequence loop start and sequence loop end in the first bank we go to the second bank that's now highlighted we've got current track track length track velocity track transpose press my key link again and press and hold then we've got the third Bank program level program pan metronome enable metronome level and the fourth bank press and hold again now that's highlighted we've got time correct swing shift timing and time correct strength so if we go to the sampler for example press and hold qlink we can see we can adjust the amount of time we record or the amount of minutes seconds and we've just got access to the threshold which is this control here that basically determines just as an extra little tip until I talk loud that's what that does so for this last example I've created a new cue link setup in a new program they're just simple pads with a couple of layers to create chords and drawings and as you can see I've set up this cue link patch in program mode so my first two columns are controlling parameters on pad 1 we've got the filter cutoff just keep an eye on there that's the pad filter resonance LFO wave delay time LFO to pan LFO rate and this last one's off likewise for these two columns so they're controlling various parameters applicable to pad - we've got filter cutoff again we've got layer one sample pan that we've got dry/wet balance for the frequency shifter and we've got the frequency for the frequency shifter we've also got dry went balance for the decimator we've got the decimation amount we've got a rate so I'm gonna be quite subtle with those but I just wanted to bring the minks they're kind of more interesting effects than some of the others so I'm going to create a sequence is school going to be recorded on the fly I'm gonna put my MPC live in to write automation mode just sit back and relax and listen to this play out and that's going to be it for this video I hope you've enjoyed the video please like subscribe share this is to Digger an amount you [Music] [Music] [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Tubedigga
Views: 11,153
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mpc live tutorial, mpc one, mpc one lesson, mpc one tricks, mpc one tutorial, mpc tricks, mpc tutorial, mpc x, akai force, akai force tutorial, akai mpc, akai mpc live, akai mpc one, akai mpcx, mpc, mpc 1, mpc lesson, mpc live, mpc live lesson, mpc live tricks, mpcx tutorial
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 48sec (1128 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2017
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