Akai MPC LIVE overview walkthrough

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right high-low my name is Chris I'm from absolute music and here to take you through the MPC live but first I just thought I'd dig out my trusty MPC 2000xl I've had this for probably like over 15 years and it's still going it's completely busted up but all the pads of noise got a bit of yellowing going on but I just thought I'd bring it out just to show you the journey that archives of really c'mon since this came out because this was of the standalone machine to get when I sort of was getting into music and I kind of did everything on this and I was almost far more I did a lot more music with this one machine than I did with all my vsts or my hardware sense and everything sort of changed everything's moved into Mac and PC and software and I think you know had maybe like two decent snare drums two different decent kicks and I just wrote so much more and I mean this thing had two megabyte of onboard memories and you could expand up to like 32 Meg's you could only record like 21 seconds and mono about 11 seconds of stereo so you have to be really picky to you know how much you wanted to put on there so now they've got this with their soft 16 gig hard drive on there it's it's just incredible you can do so much but I think the point I'm trying to make is once you've got this off stand alone piece of kit you can really sort of concentrate on on not getting distracted with of too many plugins and you know my current setup at home I've probably got about 500 different kick drums 500 different snare drums and you just need just a couple of really decent ones so when I was given this this MPC live I really got on really quite well with it I mean I've only had a couple of days but it just reminded me of what I could do on this original machine and you can just do so much more I mean the reason I stopped using this will as I got more into glitch music and I needed to get more into sort of the individual beats and cutting it up and now the live has come out I can do all that on this so it's kind of bringing me away from software and just something I can sit on my lap you know it's battery operated and oh yeah we had a really good time with it so let's have a bit of a closer look at what this thing can actually do then well ok then so here we have the new MPC live now this works completely standalone so you do not need a computer to use it but should you want to plug it in via the USB then you can take advantage of the MPC 2.0 software now we've got this nice seven-inch full-color multi-touch display what's really good about this thing is it's got an internal rechargeable lithium-ion battery so I've had this a couple of days and the battery lasted probably about like five to six hours which is plenty of time to sort of get on and create what else we got so we've got a 16 gig of on-board storage so it's about 10 gig of sound content included and you can expand that so you could put in a 2.5 inch SATA drive connector so whether that's an SSD or an HDD drive so other main features you really got you've got these 16 velocity pressure sensitive pads that are RGB backlit and you've got eight banks that are accessible via these four Bank buttons so you've got ABCD if you hold shift and hit one of these you'll get to the other set of banks anyone that sort of used the Akai range you'll notice a lot of familiar things you've got your note repeat your full level your sixteen levels you play your stop your overdub so when you first turn the unit on you'll be given the option to load up one of these demos so if you're not really used it before it's probably a good thing to to go into one of these otherwise you can just load up this empty here whilst I'm at it it's probably good to have a look at these connections on the back so you've got two quarter-inch inputs for sampling six TRS outputs RCA inputs as well so if you want to hook up some decks on there and then you've also got the two five pin MIDI inputs and outputs for hooking up to external synth gear whatever hardware you might have and then on the back you've also got two USB type a ports and one USB type B ports and they've also put on their SD card slot as well which is brilliant right so there's an awful lot to learn about it but it's quite easy to get into the basics of it so it might seem a bit overwhelming at first but everything's really done from this main menu here so if you ever get a bit lost in any of these screens you just press the main button gets you straight back to the start again so what you've got here your six have broken down into sequence track and your program down at the bottom here so you could say like a sequence is going to be like your intro your verse your chorus your middle eight and then the track is going to be individual tracks within that sequence and then the bottom one the drum program or the base program that's going to be your individual instrument basically so in the sequence mode you've got how far does it go up we go up to 128 sequences on there so most songs you're probably going to have maybe like 10 individual parts so you're never going to run out of room to create your track on it basically so you've got your home screen here then you've got your grid mode here where you can dial it in so if you're not very good at sort of finger drumming and you want to sort of tap in you can draw in your individual notes so it's probably quite a good time to say up here you've got your pencil tool so this is where you're going to be drawing in your notes for your drums or your bass you've got your rubber tool if you want to get rid of it you got your selector tool so you can select clothes of individual notes get your rubber tool and they're gone and then the last one is your magnifying glass so you can really zoom out and see exactly what's involved in the track next if you go on to this one these are all your individual tracks within that sequence so you can mute stuff you can solo stuff you can adjust the volume you've got your transpose your lengths your velocity if we go into this side of it you've got your step sequencer so again sort of three different ways you can do this you can either record by physically playing the the melodies the beats you've got your grid mode and then you've got your step sequencer as well so if you basically bring those in these are going to be obviously your high hats or your snare drums let's go back to the main menu here and the last one down here you've got your XY pad so at the moment saying we've not got any effects built in so so let's go to this XY effects here so in the moment we haven't got any effects loaded up so insert effects go to setup here and what's quite nice got a nice selection of kind of all you use your effects that you could possibly want you've got delays flanges phasers beat repeat and then you've also got a control of your attack release and your wet/dry so using that you can either use this master knob down here or you can do it with your finger as well which is quite nice when you've got it to a position you're happy with you can close that screen and then you've got your control on here so we're load up some samples in a minute and see how that reacts quite nicely let's cut them a little look at the rest of the features so you've got your sample edit page so every single sample that you've loaded into that specific project you can go through we have a flick through here now this is all very easy to to edit it's all touch so you can bring your start points your end points so that's I'm a little listen to this sample [Music] so you can get into really sort of quite fine detail with it so you can zoom into each individual section these qlink controls or enable you to fine-tune your start and end points so this first one does things nice and quickly second one does finer detail and the third one's even tighter on there so you can do if you just zoom right in as far as you need to go and just edit that final point to make it sound just right alright so if we go back to the the main menu on here you've got your sampling page wheel sample some bits in a minute so I'll get back to that you've got your pad mute where you can turn off various instruments if you want to turn off your kicks or your snare or or your little loop you've got up here to turn them off here and then you've got the pad mixer so if you want to adjust the volume of your kit here you can literally just bring that down again either using the touchscreen and then we have you've got your next sequence so if you want to move on from sequence one sequence two you can press that and you've got program edit up here this is really quite useful so if you want to solve either lay your samples you can have four different sounds going on inside so for instance let's go in here and let's load something else up let's do the same with a kick see what else we could have and then you've got your control to adjust the individual volume of that instrument and you can put another two layers on there the pioneer velocity your filter envelopes LFO modulation and the last page is your effects these are really quite good I had a good play around with these so you've got anything from like Ottawa or compressors chorus decimeters delays so let's try let's gas snare up let's put in a nice reverb on that scroll down here again you can use this instead let's do a medium reverb select that and if you want to find tweak it press this little pencil tool you can adjust the dry/wet of it free delay close that a moment so let's go back on here so again if you want to add possibly a delay to it as well you could do that let's go for this analog delay here let's bring it up a little bit so that kicks quite loud at the moment so if you go into pad mixer let's bring that down a little bit [Music] yeah that's quite nice what else have we got so go back into the menu you've got an onboard looper should you need it so if you're plugging in a guitar and you want to mess around with some ideas you can certainly do that you've got your track mute so you can turn off all your individual parts in the channel mixer you can set levels stereo panning other settings for your tracks programs return or sub mixes you've got song mode where you can build all your individual sequences so if you want to go from sequence two to sequence seven back to sequence two it's a really nice way of making tracks seeing how you go with it you've got your browser up on here so you can browse all the drum sounds all the instrument sounds your Clips your samples the factory demos and then you've got your individual files in here so now you've got a pod performance mode on here so if you're not so good at music theory and you don't know your scales very well this will certainly come in handy so you can select what key you're in and you can come up with some nice melodies that you might not have come up with by yourself if you don't know the scary a blues scale it's worth having a go and see what comes out you've got everything from Hungarian gypsy Persian whole tones chromatic tones so that's a nice little feature to hover on there and then you've got simple stuff like changing the pod color so if you want all your kicks to be in red or your snare drums to be in yellow all you do is literally pick a color pick the pod and it will change so if we want that yellow one to be red we just flick it on there and it could help you know you've got like all these different pads and I think having the colors here will define how you you find your samples this is not very you know clearly labeled when you haven't got an LED above each I see so no all your snares are going to be in red all your high hats are going to be an orange it's going to be good so via the heat at the moment and then you've got your Q link edit so basically you can assign what these are doing within your program so if you want the top one to have reverb effect the reverb the second one to do the delay you certainly can if you hit the menu button and click on the sampler here you've got your options of the inputs and you've got your monitor on and off II basic you've got this threshold level here so any sound beneath this line won't be recorded until the audio passes that level let's arm the sampler remember it won't start recording until you've gone above the threshold so try and get a good signal but not so loud that you're picking into the red then decide roughly how you want your sample to be so for the moment let's do a 15-second loop right here we go let's record this nice drum loop you can press stop when you've captured enough that you're happy with what we're going to do now is give the sample a name and say where the sample is going to go so you don't have to assign it to a pad but ideally it's nice to you know press one of the 16 buttons or 16 pads and just check which Bank you're on and press key go back to the main menu and see what that looks like we press sample edit and here we go you can chop out bits slice parts reverse sections to your heart's content now heading back to the sampler this time at the bottom of the screen we're going to hit slice instead of sample it say every time I hit a new pad it will slice the sample from where I hit it to when I hit the next pad so instead of having the whole sample on one pad you can spread it across as many pads as you like let's give this a slip as a shot [Music] okay so if we hit create and here we have drum loop to tunnel in and what this will do will it broken up the sample across the pads right so what's that done let's go back to the menu and back into the sample edit and you'll see that it's split up up into 16 individual sections and if you want to edit each one you can just press one of the pads see just want to use the qlink knobs you can adjust the start and end points go along until you're happy all in all that's basically how you sample there are two other modes of sampling in you've got pad tap and pad hold but pretty much everything you do will be within those first two slice or sample modes so there's a lot to it but that is the overall main mixer the main menu everything you can sort of get to really so in the main screen you've got access to say to your grid mode and your step sequencer here so those are the main ones you're going to be working with so hopefully that's a good start for you [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Absolute Music
Views: 195,542
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: akai, akai mpc, MPC live, mpclive, mpc, got to dance, midi controller, akai professional, akai pro products, product overview, mpc walkthrough, mpc 1000, mpc2000xl, mpc 2000XL, demo, mpc demo, how to use the mpc live, mpclive tutorial, mpc Live tutorial, mpc tutorial, akai pro, new mpc
Id: zhgIRFWibGY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 8sec (1208 seconds)
Published: Wed May 24 2017
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