Akai MPC KEY 37 FREE Plugin Voucher! Where is it? @zZoundsMusic

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[Music] [Music] glory to yall welcome into the channel so this is something I wanted to cover in my first NPC key 37 video the overview video but I missed it somehow in a rush I guess that I'm always in having other responsibilities going to work and all that but I wanted to talk about the stock plugins that you get with the NPC ke37 just to clear things up because if you saw the last video you might have seen that on my screen I have a bunch of plugins so I own more than just the stock ones that come with pretty much all NPCs but it's all right that I kind of missed that because there is an issue with it that kind of deserved a little dedicated video so first of all let me just show you what you do get and then talk a little bit about that all right so with the NPC ke37 you get eight stock plugins so you get the hype the tube syn The Odyssey soina melatone Baseline drum synth and electric so those are the eight plugins you get as you can see I have a lot more uh luckily you do get a free plugin so I wanted to go see what that process would be like to redeem my free plugin so first thing first is you're going to want to register your NPC ke37 so you want to be logged into some sort of Wi-Fi and then from that page after you're logged into your Wi-Fi you go to activate plugins page I'm going log out just to show this process again all right so I've logged out of my account when you first get this and you go to your activate plugins page this is what it looks like so you got your in music profile log in so of course if you haven't made a profile yet you should probably go on the internet go to akaipro.com or in music create an account with an email and all that but once you click that button you'll get this little QR code so I'll go on my phone and click on the scan QR code just line that up there and you'll get a prompt it say open in browser and you'll get this connect to device and then you'll log into your account you have successfully signed in you may close this window okay so now you're logged in your accounts are connected so now from here just go over to a computer I guess or your phone and log into your account from there so I'm going to pull up my in music account over here and so you'll see your registered products and under your registered products you have a view downloads so you click that and then right there to the right you see there's an offer free Standalone plugin all right congratulations on your purchase and then it has these little steps to access your free plug-in voucher please follow the steps below connect your NPC to the internet preferences Wi-Fi or ethernet sign into your inmusic profile on your NPC activate plugins login once logged in on your Hardware your complimentary voucher will be deposited in your inmusic profile account using a computer open a web browser and loging inmusic profile find the complimentary plug-in voucher in your account and follow the included instructions to redeem your voucher so this for me has kind of been like a circular movement a little Loop because it tells you to go into your in music account and redeem your voucher but I'm already in there I've already done those steps that whole process and then it's not in here I haven't seen it anywhere I went on to the FB NPC gang FB group uh left my little post about this found out quite a few people are having the same issue there was a couple people that put a ticket in and they got an answer about yeah this is a common issue and they're trying to uh resolve the issue so last night night I went ahead and sent my own little ticket for this matter and I'll show you the email all right so here's the email uh for the ticket I made I cannot find free NPC plug-in vouchers so I got a reply this morning says hi ra thank you for reaching out to aai Pro I'm very sorry to hear you are missing your NPC key plug-in voucher we are working diligently to get the NPC plugin vouchers deposited into your user accounts we greatly appreciate your patience on this matter for the time being please run a trial version of the Plugin or your choice if you have any issues please let me know okay so this looks like the the same answer I seen someone else in NPC gang post up so cool it's obviously an issue it's all right I'll wait a little bit so I decided after seeing that email to go into my in music profile again and then I took a look and sure enough they actually have fixed the issue right here you'll see a plugin so it's an npc1 logo there and it says NPC free plug-in offer so if you click on that your choice of complimentary plugin boom and then just hit redeem voucher and then you'll get this page that comes up uh congratulations on your purchase and then you can pick your your plugin so we got Flex beat air Jura air delay Pro flavor Pro U mini D Stage piano stage piano EP organ Studio strings opx 4 so the only plugin I don't see on here for some reason I don't know if it's because I already own the fabric Excel but I don't see it on here so if any of y'all have have redeemed your voucher and you come in here please let me know if if fabric Excel is just one that's just not offered or is it just because I own that one although there isn't a consistency in that because I do have some of these other plugins it would be sad if it does if it wasn't offered as one of them uh as one of the free plugins because it is the one that I was going to recommend to everybody just because the plugins that you do get stock are really like synth based plugins while the fabric XL is acoustic instrument plugin so if you're looking for realistic instruments the fabric Excel will be the one to go with there's other plenty of good options if you're more of a synth sound type of person then you can pick any one of those and of course you got like the the effects plugins that you could choose [Music] from [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] he [Music] all right so there it is that's the vid I hope you found some value in it because um like myself I was pretty confused about the subject so but they were pretty quick as far as me putting a ticket out to see what was going on they you know made it available the next morning or the same very same morning I do recommend the fabric XL plugin if you can get it CU you you know just gives you more of a variety of sounds of acoustic instruments to kind of balance out the syn ones that the syn plugins that do come with the NPC ke37 let me know in the comments if fabric XL if you do finally get your voucher uh deposited into your account if the fabric Excel is is uh available if it's offered or not as the free plug-in cuz I'm kind of curious to what is the thinking if it isn't is it because it's a larger instrument I don't know is it technically a larger instrument it is it is more of a collection of instruments because you get a bunch of different categories versus like one synth instrument you get pianos guitars choirs electric pianos pretty much every category that you would see like the bread and butter workstation type of stuff so that's my top recommendation otherwise if you want to do get another plugin I do recommend the air flavor Pro which is um something that I love that L five sound just to add a little bit of flavor to your to your already existing instruments yeah go check it out for yourselves I appreciate y'all y' bless till next time keep on running with your dreams peace
Channel: Lifted Noise
Views: 4,713
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: akai mpc 37, akai mpc key 37, mpc key 37, mpc keyboard, akai mpc plugins, mpc plugins, akai mpc standalone, lifted noise, boombap, boombap beatmaking, free mpc plugin voucher, free mpc plugins, mpc plugin voucher, mpc fabric xl collection, mpc studio strings plugin
Id: yuaJQ4v-hWE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 31sec (571 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 15 2024
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