Akai GX-F95 3 Head Cassette Deck - Unboxing and quick test

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[Music] [Music] so i've never done a deck unboxing before so let's unbox this deck what could it possibly be to go along with all the other decks i've got what could possibly make me want to get another deck and is it indeed in one piece let's check it out so the first thing is how was it in box well we've got the power lead just a standard figure of eight but there's uh plenty of bubble wrap that's one thing we've got bits of polystyrene around the edges but here's the main event what is it any ideas yet well it is and it weighs in fact you see that let's have a seat you got this angle properly for the camera it is an akai gxf95 so uh well it's not like rattling around so that's a good thing i reckon we should plug it in wire it up get a proper good look at it impressive looking bc isn't it so uh i wasn't planning on doing this video i've just done it on the fly turned up and it's like oh well i might as well film it i'll give you guys something to watch and i don't do a lot on decks so here we go so why the akai gxf well says a lot for a deck of this age look at the features on it auto tuning it's quartz locked it's a direct drive two mortar system it's got the gx head and it's obviously a three head with real time tape counter it weighs a ton this is a heavy deck so let's fire it up now and let's uh fingers crossed see that it works ready it's alive what a beautiful looking thing it is as well look at that vu display proper red lead for the counter auto computer tuning now you want a couple of issues with when i bought it which i knew about one of them was this little ding here that doesn't really bother me there's another one on top um also you see a lot of the controls are under here and this is motorized and this doesn't work so well supposedly let's have a look seems alright so let's see if he closes bonus just when he needs a bit of lube but that's about it so uh what do you do now well the first thing to do i think is to uh check to see whether it actually ejects let's have a look yay okay that is yes goody gumdrops right so let's have a look here this is the auto tuning system test right memory and reference and of course being a bloke i haven't read the book you know i mean it doesn't come with a manual i'm not seeking out but i'm pretty sure i know this should work so uh let's uh because i've just put it up temporarily let's just whack it here just put the old headphones in and i'm not gonna give you a live audio you're going to get the audio via speakers because like i said i'm just testing to make sure this is what it is so let's put reference tape in 1990 sa i would think if a deck can't handle that there's something wrong with it so that's saying yeah reference it's recognized it as a cro2 but it's fast forward on a bit oh they're nice buttons and the light up okay stop okay now take it we just click here which is a test yeah all right it's going to go away and it's going to calibrate let's have a look oh yeah it's flashing on there it's flashing uh test is doing the bias let's do the eq what's this next to the level is it yeah level i call the button to light up different colors it's awesome okay they're done rewind it to where it was and about the fact that paul's wreck and player are done it's ready to record so right first things first let's uh put a test on through it and see what the old levels are like i mean obviously it's straight out of the box now and it might need tweaking because it isn't he wasn't sold as beings fully serviced or anything so let's uh i think getting it this far it's in one piece and it seems to work is a good thing so let's just uh right so look here we go tape and source so i'm going to switch it to source i'm going to put 440 hertz tone through it okay right okay so this is pretty level but we can see we've got a big big desperate change between left and right channels so let's see if we can adjust this i'm going to match rather than having to do it internally afterwards get that to zero let's see if we can match them up [Music] yeah i think this switch might need a bit of [Music] deoxit okay right yeah i've got it about zero there so let's see how this translates to the cassette so if i press pause here or play even it should yes just start recording let's listen to the tape and you see the tape balance is out so i'd rather i'm gonna take balances out so let's adjust this again okay that's well around the tab but i can see on the source it's quite a bit different like you say it probably needs some calibration but that doesn't matter i'm just seeing that it works okay so let's stop the test tone put a bit of music on it let's see [Music] real time tube counter if it changes up to time whether it does it [Music] okay okay that seems a bit low this will be a bit hotter than this maybe it's the volume on the sauce no [Music] quick [Music] it's a pretty thing though isn't it [Music] [Music] oh crap's a bit hot now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] do [Music] so so this might be adding more bass to it but yeah so stop it fast forward does that work okay yeah it seems to be okay stop it and rewind it so that's all the quick testing that i'm going to do with this deck some plug that press that that's so cool i love that yeah because basically i wasn't planning on doing this video because this isn't actually my deck i've got a friend over in america who um i'm not going to mention his name but if i said to you uh he's probably got more decks than anybody i know uh he he has like two tanburgs and a 1000xl but he really wanted one of these it was one of his bucket list decks to get was this one in the uk and the guy wouldn't ship it to him so he asked me if i would fence it for him so more than anything this is a video for you fella you know you are uh send me an email let me know that you're happy with it as it is so i can give the guys sent me some feedback it looks okay it's all in one piece everything seems to work it just needs to i think just have a good clean of the pots which i'm sure you can do um probably a relay maybe but and a bit of calibration but other than that it seems to be all working nice and as described so now if you're happy what i'm going to do is i'm going to pack this all up put it in probably a bit more bubble wrap and get it sent across the atlantic and that's going to cost a fortune because prices to america recently have just gone up 40 odd percent because of usps wanting more for a last mile delivery thing which can't help but make me think maybe they don't want people to be importing stuff keep america great don't buy stuff from abroad but yeah that's what it seems to be so yeah i just thought while i had this deck and it's an interesting and rare one might as well give you a little video on it but yeah looks really good and if another one cropped up for a decent price then yeah maybe i would actually get one to add to my collection but there we go that's it for now so please like and subscribe until next time happy taping bye you
Channel: The Cassette Comeback Archive
Views: 228,858
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Cassette, cassettes, cassette reviews, blank cassette, blank cassettes, tape, tapes, blank tapes, tdk, maxell, that's, ferric, type 1, normal bias, cassette comeback, review, Type 0, wish, saehan, Nakamichi, Nakamichi Dragon, SKC, Type 2, High Bias, High bias cassette, type 2 cassette, chrome bias, chrome cassette, Type 4, Metal Cassette, BASF, Maxell UR, New Cassettes, Cassette 2020, panasonic, denon, tdk ferric, tdk!, akai, akai gx-f95, akai cassette deck
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 15sec (735 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 27 2020
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