Akai Force looper with internal plugins

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okay so i wanted to make a quick video on some other aspects of the akai force looper that i find really useful and fun to play with and helps you generate um songs ideas etc so i've got a default open project here gives me the plugin track and the audio track now one of the things about the looper is you typically think about it in terms of you know taking outside audio sources microphone guitar synth etc drum machine putting it into the inputs and recording it to looper but what i want to do is show you how you can use the plugins the built-in synthesizers and play those into the looper and then put them back into your project so the first thing um that i want to do is i want to make sure that um that i'm going to be hearing the metronome at all times so when i when i look at the metronome i hit shift and touch the metronome button hold it down so i have it set up to record and play that's what i want i want to hear accountant even when i'm just playing and i want it to be enabled while playing as well so that's going to be important to really get the most out of the looper for me you don't necessarily have to have that but if you wanted to kind of follow the beat then then that's important okay so let's hit the menu and then go to the looper over here and the looper typically defaults to endpoint inputs one and two which are these inputs on the back and um we're going to have to change that that's the key piece to change so that you can play the plugin so i'm gonna i'm gonna switch over to the plug-in on i'm gonna hit note i'm on the plug-in track i'm gonna hit note okay so i have this swell i wanna actually change that to something a little bit more audible so i'm going to hit shift clip and change the sound let's let's take the piano it's kind of nice the warm piano stack okay go back to the looper now when i hit these notes you see nothing here there's no input happening so what i do is i click on that and i scroll over to resample left and right which is the internal sound this will also include any tracks that you might be any clips that you might be playing so that's something to keep in mind it's it's useful to use it um and to kind of keep over dubbing and mixing and matching but just something to keep in mind and i'll demonstrate it later i'm going to set this output gain up a little bit higher whoops gotta go down somewhere closer to zero okay okay so the next thing i want to make sure about uh two things sync and overdub sync will make sure that the looper starts on the one one two three four bang comes right in um you can turn that off if you just want freestyle looping and then recording two i i'm going to keep it on overdub so that when the looper goes to the end the two bars it'll come back and keep recording and i want to i want to be able to add things and i can turn that off by hitting the overdub button and turning it back on by hitting the overdub button so let's just start out with something real simple something with you know basic octaves just to keep it real easy so i'm going to hit the play button so i can get the metronome going okay now when i hit the overdub it's going to come in on the one one two three four one two three four so now it's listening to anything i play and it'll keep overdubbing because the overdub button is on two three four so i'm going to play some octaves two three four [Music] okay i'm going to try to make that a little cleaner [Music] okay fine turn it off for a moment the overdubbing so now it's just playing [Music] and then maybe i want to put something else on [Music] top okay so it's overdub that [Music] there we go pardon me i've got some construction outside which i can't control okay so i've got this loop building up let's say now that i want to put something else not just a piano on there so what i would do is i would hit my shift clip to get back to my piano stack the looper stops playing let's say i pick something else some kind of pad sound and i go back to my looper my my stuff is still there i'll hit the play on the one because it sinks now i'll try this new instrument so let's say i want to add that [Music] okay stop overdubbing just play so in this way you can build up tracks or build up a loop with layers let's put one more thing on there let's do something with a pluck sound [Music] here's a pluck go back to the looper i'll hit my play and i'll just mess around with it [Music] i'll put that in [Music] it's a little messy but that's okay i'm just demonstrating okay let's turn off this metronome hit the shift [Music] and the metronome and we'll just say i want it re to play on record only just for now okay again it's synced so there's my clip now what i want to do let's just say i want to put this into my project now so i can hit export to my audio track export there's my audio track it's you can go in clip one i don't have anything there so i'll say put it there turn this off go into my matrix and there it is let's hear [Music] it i have nothing in the in the plug-in [Music] now another thing you can do is obviously i could i'm using that clip as is so instead of using the clip as is i could take that clip and open it up in the sample editor sample edit here it is let me get my pads there and hit the top one to play through [Music] so there it is what i can do obviously from here is i can chop it up and put it on a drum track and play around with it so let's give ourselves a drum track get ready for that and then we'll go to the sample editor and let's say we're going to chop this up i'm just going to do it real quickly uh with you know not a whole lot of thought into it so i'm just gonna hit it [Music] okay so [Music] so i could do [Music] whatever and i can record that in um those playing if i want to find something you know that i like in there so from here i can go to shift convert put that onto a new drum track right so it'll actually make a new drum track i didn't need to put that drum track drum track down go to my matrix and there it is so i actually didn't need this this guy here so let me just get rid of it for this for this purpose so here it is and i can play it now this may not be the best piece of audio to to you know play around with on the on the pads but in chopped up way but you know we could imagine doing something with it i'll turn on record touch it [Music] it's a bit loud [Music] so this is without the sound [Music] bring it in [Music] all right it's a it's a little messy but you get the idea maybe you don't necessarily want to have this clip going turn off record on that [Music] that's just playing [Music] the pads but this is just an example to show you that that that can be done it doesn't really sound all that great with a with a with a paddy type of uh type of sound so that's just a quick video to show you that you can use the looper with resample on to play plug-ins and different plug-in presets or your own presets build up a loop put it into either an audio track or chop it up into slices and play it on a drum track and the nice thing about the drum track obviously is you don't have any limits on that well you have eight limits on this and of course you have eight eight track limit on this and eight track limit on this but this you don't really have much of a limitation at all so there's some advantage even if you don't want to chop it up you could just put it on a on pad you know pad one uh and just play it on a drum track instead of using a precious audio tracks to play those clips but that's that's a secondary issue so that was it i just wanted to look at the looper and using it with plugins instead of or at least in addition to using the inputs on the back okay thanks
Channel: RAXEL
Views: 694
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: Hy_ydSHYP7Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 17 2021
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