AK74 & AK74M Differences (Arsenal SLR105 vs Izhmash SGL31)

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how do you this is Nisha and this is an historical video we have quite a bit out there on the ak-74 its development history this is more of addressing a question that I see arising online a lot and it relates to a few different guns basically we're going to look at the differences between the original ak74 and for that matter aks-74 the side folding version in 5.45 by 39 and much newer and more recent ak-74m also known as the ak-103 x' or a k century series now the 74 m is also on five four five by 39 however each maj the manufacturer does offer them in 76039 and 5.56 nato 223 for export now to be clear of course these are not original photos although these are both original imports this is my trusty STL 3194 that i've changed up a bit to make it as close to a 74 M as possible so it'll be good for today this isn't was imported from Russia it was manufactured at the eve Marsh Factory and here is my Arsenal SLR 105 a1 these have not been imported for a very long time but were manufactured at the circle tin factory in Bulgaria back in 2004 and they built them with the mix of Bulgarian and even rushing 74 parts so without going into the history the original ak74 was tested throughout the early 70s early work early adoption was in 74 of course but they didn't always start to see service until 77 and 79 and Russia Bulgaria picked up the ak-74 in 1984 originally they were just building using Russian parts leather they were manufacturing more and more parts themselves in-house however after the end of communism they would basically very quickly discontinue the whole 74 thing in the 545 by 39 thing in Russia however the 74 continued to be very popular throughout the 80s they would upgrade the design they would go to more of a polymer furniture between 85 and 90 this is what we typically call plumb they would also improve the flashhider the magazines and many other components we'll look at in a bit and after several improvements between 1990 and 94 we have the ak-74m which was nominally introduced in 1991 but really didn't start to be issued in large numbers in Russia until 94 so also the fall of communism but they kept the five four five cartridge and in fact the ak-74m is still the standard issue in russia to this day even though there have been newer designs tried out like the ak-12 and a k15 so at first people think in ak-74m is basically just an ak-74 and so you see a lot of people trying to convert sega's into older guns with wood furniture or you'll see them trying to convert older guns such as some of the Arsenal imports like the SLR 107 or SLR 106 in this so-called a cave 100 type guns and in this video we're going to show you whether it's really not possible because there are so many differences they are small but when you have 50 small differences they add up to one real big France so I'm gonna try to start at the muzzle but as I forget things I'm sure I will come back and repeat myself and go on but we'll start at the muzzle this is a real good example of a relatively early yeah mid you know early to mid 80s okay 74 which is what very stuck with it has the single piece with short collar here on 24 millimeter threads it has the so-called zig zag break later they would go to what they would call a Halfmoon to the front side here how it's done lightning cuts we have a bayonet lug under here a cleaning rod we have the 90-degree gas block 16 and a quarter inch barrel now if we look at this critter we still have 24 millimeter threads but we have now a long collar see it sticks out much further and has more of a taper it doesn't have a sharp edge Russia started playing around with a longer collar in the late eighties early 90s they even tried a two-piece design for a while but in 1990 they started doing this long collar to try to stabilize the device make it not wiggle around as much to help them improve accuracy they also removed the lightning cuts on the Excite base as you see so it has a long collar and no lightning cuts the device itself is different it's a two-piece design with kind of an internal baffle easier to manufacture so the device is just a little bit different still have a bayonet lug here still have a 16 quarter inch barrel our gas block is made just a little bit differently now you'll see a different taper here on the lug ak-74m often have what they call dimple pressed hardware on the barrel whereas the ak-74 is have the pinned on these SGL still have the pinned on and to be fair ich möchte still does offer guns with pinned on hardware usually they go for export and the reason is this is more end-user serviceable it's a lot easier to push out a pin to replace it who wrote a gas block then it would be to drill out a dimple on the other hand dimple pressing is easier at the factory and faster so it's just kind of 6:1 half a dozen other as to what someone wants looking at the furniture this has Russian wood on it palm spoil here we've got vents in the upper handguard here wood buttstock with the lightning cuts serrated but plate with trapdoor got the sling swivel on the side we've got a bakelite style pistol grip you know the 74 it's kind of really nice furniture honestly I think a lot but I like it the 74 M has an evolution of the plum furniture the plum was upgraded to a stronger material that's it true Black has a stainless steel heat shield here no vents in the upper handguard have a black pistol grip the big change is they took the aks-74 hinge and made it standard with the ak-74m thus this gun when adopted replaced two guns and service they no longer had a fixed and a folding stock as standard they just had a folder and because of this they tried to improve the folder they would go to this solid body type which really gives the benefits of a fixed stock at havens stores a cleaning kit but it can fold and they would kind of work on this really in the early 90s first versions appearing in 1990-91 they were a little bit different than this they didn't have the cleaning kit compartment but by 91 they would kind of go to this design we know another change they would introduce a couple of years later they would go from the original pivot pin which was four point five millimeters to a thicker one five point five millimeters it would also change the angle in the back just a bit so the stock would fold it a little bit different of an angle next up you see this has a ribbed dust-cover very AKM style although this is a later type what they might call kind of a lazy stamping it also has a dimple here which is above your safety I'm assuming that was to give kind of purchase on your safety in case you needed it but that's a set early 74 feature there they also changed the take down it has a little lip here now on the 74 guns this actually appeared on late a cams we have a scope rail here you can see it's sorry this one doesn't have a scope bro sorry guys forget I grabbed the 105 this is the 104 well no scope around the standard 74 is anyway we have this typical rivets up here so on and so forth and now you see this top cover it's smooth it over for you it has this lip still but no dimple again this is thicker it's kind of a return to in some ways the original aka type three top cover the thicker stainless steel smooth this is easier to machine or stamp out I should say it was also a little bit stronger what am i durable and this would appear in the early to mid 90s as well with the whole design it was kind of part of a whole packet of changes another change is the takedown button went from having that lip to retain it to an actual spring-loaded button now this was primarily introduced for rifle grenade launching or their heavy activities and it did not appear until quite a bit later I honestly don't recall right now but it was the late 90s early 2000s and it was a while before all guns if any I don't think it was until like oh seven it became pretty common in the Russian military so it was one of the later changes to the 74m any of you that have a better or Saiga 12-gauge are familiar with this part as well and the spoke Braille was also upgraded the rail pattern is different it's still the same basic style but the pattern is a little different from the 74 and a rail became standard whereas before it was only optional on the 74 guns so part of the EM upgrade was to make the rail along with the folding stock standard now on this side you still see your two rivets here but now you see this third one I really on when the sake and SGL started to come in people thought this was done to add a bullet guide it's not this is a common part on all ak-74m so it was introduced and around 92 to 93 and it is therefore the bolt to rotate and as a stop and the thing is if it were to where you would not have to replace your entire trunnion you could just drill out this rivet and replace it it's flat on this side but it's rounded on the other and it works with the bolt during functioning there are other little parts that have changed I don't know if you'll see them on camera but I'll point them out just in case the safety for example it shaped a little bit differently I said I don't know if you can tell on camera it is a little different the trigger guard you see here is square on both sides on this one it is kind of has a dimple on this side right here a little fork there the triggers also changed over time but since these are changed out for import purposes it's not really worth checking out here the rear sights also changed up a bit as did the bases one thing that this would have normally a military service would be a grip reinforcing plate which is really only visible right behind the trigger is a small tab the SG else Amato's didn't have it it's not really necessary but folding stock guns in Russia would now fixed guns like this would not have it but if you look at an SLR 104 fr it does the aks-74 started to have it well for our final we'll take her apart here look at our bolt carriers there we got that little spring there we're gonna get there are some differences in our carriers here where did I put that yeah do I didn't take it out yeah dude I know I didn't I don't why didn't you tell me probably the biggest difference you'll see if the piston head the original 74 has flutes in it like a Saturday cam they would delete these around 1988 1989 in Russia so you have just a smooth head a little faster to machine a little heavier the bolt handle you see here this is kind of the late the mid so 80s style it's a reinforced flat back here he doesn't have the early curve to it you see the Lightning cuts how it shaped the carrier they change that up a bit more even more squared off even more reinforced with the ak-74m the lightning cut has changed up a bit to different general shaping the bolts are also changed up a bit but that kind of goes to show you that the carriers are a bit different themselves now there are plenty of other differences if they if they entrust you it's probably better to look at pictures online because they're pretty detailed but I hope that kind of gives you an idea how the ak-74 and the ak-74m are really not that similar think about comparing say an m16 a1 to an m16 8 - yeah they're both m16 same barrel link same caliber all that good stuff but many of the details are different and it is no different for the 74m so if you get a Saiga or an SG L are trying to go for a clone or anything remotely authentic it's a good idea to stick with something in the modern aka 100 or family because that's what it is things like the trunnion and the scope rail you really can't go back you know some things like furniture of course you can change but some of the key parts are different and it would be hard to make a good replica it's not just putting on a rib dust cover likewise if you get something like an Arsenal SLR 107 this is really hard to do at this angle it's not really an ak-103 guys because Arsenal never had the manufacturing plans or anything to make the 100th series there we go they only stay on Lee received technology up until nineteen 1991 at the very least but really by 89 it was very much slowed down from Russia so the last changes they received were basically the the plum furniture if you see Bulgarian plum furniture it's actually Russian so getting an A K at getting an SLR 107 or 106 from Arsenal you're basically getting an ak-74 chambered in a different caliber you're not giving an a K 101 in 5/6 or ak-103 and 76 to 39 now that's saying these make them bad guns it's just something to be aware of sitting and I'm a stickler for detail and you know if you've stuck with this channel long this gives me long enough you probably kind of like details too these are both awesome guns for being imports well just thought this video might help some people kind understand the differences I know I forgot some some of them so please feel free to help out and and put them in the comments and longer pictures if you can if you have any questions we'll do our best to answer them just to understand you know visual stuffs a little on the difficult side for me so I'll do my best if you liked the video please click like and also check out some of our other aka oriented vids if you would and if you really like to help support us please check out our patreon page this is Nisha and we will catch you next time
Channel: Mishaco
Views: 22,103
Rating: 4.9400301 out of 5
Keywords: Misha, Mishaco, Ozark Bear Arms, Russia, Russian, Bulgaria, Bulgarian, AK74, AK-74, AKS74, AKS-74, AK74M, AK-74M, vs, comparison, compare, compared, difference, differences, different, 5.45mm, 5.45x39, M74, AKS74U, SGL, SGL31, SGL31-94, SGL31-95, SLR, SLR105, SLR105A1, SLR105R, SLR104, SLR104FR, SLR-104FR, import, clone, replica, AK47, AK-47, AKM, Romanian, SLR107, SLR107R, SLR107FR, SLR107CR, AK101, AK-101, AK103, AK-103, SLR106, history, historic, historical, educational, documentary, review
Id: gg8Zgj7Bho8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 14sec (1214 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 18 2019
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