Aizen vs 13 captains (gotei) Full Fight English Dub

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Ichigo we will all fight to protect you you're gonna fight to protect me what are you saying it's just crazy look at you you're all in terrible shape that's a matter of perspective we think letting you fight alone would be even crazier besides if we allowed that we wouldn't be able to settle our own personal grudges with Sosuke it would be selfish of you to take him on by yourself this is a battle for all of us I must commend you though Aizen for not using your pee oka suigetsu right from the start I commend you as well for having the wisdom to not face me alone are you saying we're playing dirty with you how very insulting if that's how you're taking it I stand corrected captain kyoraku I would be dead I'm glad I could help Aizen said without hate in your heart you would never be able to defeat him but the fact of the matter is we know that statements not true even without hatred you've won countless battles and you've protected countless numbers of people you need to know that your desire to protect people is enough to do the job that guy sure likes to talk a lot doesn't he man Ichigo why didn't you bring order to him eh with you when you came for this fight I mean doesn't it make perfect sense if she was here she could have healed all our injuries then we would have been in great shape to help you take on Sosuke but you did bring back captain unohana who is more experienced so I have to give you credit for that now that I think about it it was definitely the right choice for this battle listen to me Ichigo we're going to protect you as much as we can just to make sure you're fighting to protect what's important to you [Music] that's right what is your duty you know the answer your duty is to protect cutta cutta talent go on you are their substitute soul Weaver the visoreds and the captains are behind me I have to believe [Music] good thing you moved when you did I almost had you you seem quite confident captain killed a coup I want to explain something to you the only time a captain ever swings his sword is when it is clearly his duty swinging the sword out of hatred is nothing more than mindless violence there is no honor in such behavior I your words and actions prove that you were never worthy of being a captain how interesting made me more than any other captain in the 13 Court guard squads I never expected you to make such a statement can you honestly say you're not directing hatred at me with your sword right now or perhaps when Momo recovered from her injuries and came to the world of the living how rude I'm talking right now captain ki auric still loved to interrupt people's conversation I guess I'm busted I'm not very good at listening to men carry on the fact is I usually find them quite boring hurry tomorrow I guess what you said earlier this sword is filled with hatred hatred of you I realize now I didn't come here to fight you I came here to destroy you and end your terror I guess what you said earlier was right this sword is filled with hatred hatred of you I realize now I didn't come here to fight you I came here to destroy you and end your terror captain komamura captain kyoraku everybody here they're all raising their spirit energies to the limit if my sword is filled with hatred I'm also unfit to be a captain you want to hear that right it's true as long as I end up killing you I don't care if I lose my rank as captain in the process I'll do everything I can to crush you you won't even have a chance to use your kyokasuigetsu oh you think you can stop me from using my power well I will are you ready Aizen you don't look like you want to fight me too bad even if you don't I'll show no mercy [Music] send me your you send me just checking Maru I'm sorry captain hitsugaya but I'm stepping in this might not be what you wanted but we can discuss that after we've wrapped this up at the group offensive distractions sneak attacks decoys to battle me you'll need to use all of those fighting strategies and more your chance of capturing me is very slim interesting with so many of us attacking do you really think you can stay calm [Music] Aizen he's not even fazed quite impressive and he didn't even get a single scratch you really thought because you had me outnumbered you could crush me you see my understanding of what the word power means is undoubtedly radically different than what the word means to you I will teach you here's what power is I'll give you an example talking dog Tang get your [Music] yeah be sharp you can attempt to safeguard against his kyoka suigetsu all you want but you could never prepare enough even if you put your heads together he will out think you take all the precautions you'd like against unfortunate happenings like the sky falling or the earth splitting black can assure you there's really no use in trying create all the elaborate plans you want but his superior powers will undo any of your schemes told you you're all just field experiments have you forgotten that I rule over the year on cars mock Arrancar like you should never try to attack me is it your turn now very interesting I never expected the stealth forces commander to show up here one must not expect beauty out of a battle or virtue in death it's not merely your life at stake here if you truly wish to protect your comrades attack the enemy from behind really do you think I was fooled by you of all people me cloning huh this is quite an impressive performance I'm going to finish you off with this performance [Music] chica satsu neat geeky kisetsu huh what an amusing technique but it's not good enough how careless of you you really are naive you recklessly charged him and you see a chance at victory you act on impulse that is your biggest deficiency captain hitsugaya [Music] [Music] they did it they sure did the captains they finally did it they defeated Aizen hey wait a sec yeah Smoot oh how about that we finally turned this thing around didn't we Dean hey guys [Music] [Music] my kyokasuigetsu spouse complete hypnosis so I have the ability to alter your perception of what's real it's so overpowering it can control all five of your senses and lead people to hallucinate all sorts of strange things shut up I know that I'm asking you when you use your guilt guess we get sue so here's the question for you [Music] captain control yourself damn won't kill you your powers will allow you to remain conscious but your wounds have been targeted specifically so you won't be able to move I want you to watch the outcome of this battle as you lie on the ground paralyzed unable to do anything to affect the end result that's the old man it's about time the head captain showed up but you're too late Yamamoto you have no support team you're the only captain left you can still oppose me desperation is evident your death will mean the end of the 13 Court guard squads you shouldn't have come on your own you've missed your best opportunity to defeat the old man don't get cocky boy believe me you would not be the first fool who thought he was strong enough to take me down I'm not really worried about whether I can or not because I already have enough talk you can slip away now sosuke aizen is the limb you're holding so tightly really my arm you know how powerful my kyokasuigetsu is are you saying this is part of your complete hypnosis that may be true you might have clouded my mind despite what I can feel and touch and it soon shikoku all of your battles up to this point was simply preparations for the one you are about to face you were setting up this confrontation while your subordinates were being defeated is that right that is quite devious of you call me what you want prepare yourself you will die with me in this blazing Inferno they are prepared to die necessary whatever it takes to exterminate your evil that is the will of the 13 Court guard squads behind you watch out [Music] boy what caused real jean-jacques flames to disappear let me enlighten you your ryujin jakka is the most powerful zanpakuto there's no question about that if I fought you head on I would be at a distinct disadvantage however I have a strategy to overcome your power it requires the creation of a specific weapon one that can neutralize your zanpakuto his name is Wonder Weiss he was created for this one purpose he sacrificed his speech intelligence memory and reasoning to concentrate his strength and carry out this mission he's the perfect weapon you say he sacrificed his faculties you rub them from him this is simply the will of the hogyoku you have no chance against this power the overwhelming force that wonder wise has given his life to acquire farewell genryusai yamamoto [Music] you think you can kill me that easily just by neutralizing my real jean-jacques uh naive I'm astounded by a complete lack of insight only you think a romaine head captain of the 13 Court guard squads for over a thousand years [Music] I must admit you're quite a resilient opponent I held nothing back in that last attack are you prepared to deal with my next attack it's going to hurt oh that's right I forgot your Creator wiped away your powers of sight too fast no question about that but in spite of your modifications you're still a prize you have no census strategy because of your youth do you think that I would succumb to your relentless pounding your attacks are too predictable [Music] pathetic is that all you've got I'm learning our monstrous creation is no longer just a child I can kill you without being tortured by feelings of remorse poor creature when he created you he didn't take away your feelings did he what a cruel thing to do what do you mean creatures who become hollows have no free will their one obsession in life is to devour souls just for the fun of it how can you then say that what I did was cruel when it gave him a purpose what are you talking about you have to think back on what I told you earlier I said that extinct ear was created for the sole purpose of sealing away Ryu jean-jacques flames what that means is he prevented you from creating new flames by sealing your zanpakuto and his own sword [Music] but were those the only flames you created weren't there more what about the flames you had already released her you're well aware of what would happen if all the power and energy you were able to produce here - suddenly released in one huge blast [Music] well done head captain you were able to contain the explosion a remarkable feat I must admit I'm very impressed if you hadn't thrown your body over the explosion to contain it the flames would have blown away your barrier this small town and everything around you all that you see here would have instantly been turned to dust I have to thank you genryusai yamamoto by your heroic actions you have protected my world damn you out of respect I have decided I will finish you off quickly don't make me explain it again sosuke aizen you're a fool don't number 96 he choked a soul [Music] yeah [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Snowbaws Music
Views: 583,429
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Aizen vs 13 captains, Aizen bleach final fight, Aizen vs Ichigo, Aizen final Ichigo english sub
Id: TDEF5SywuJg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 49sec (1309 seconds)
Published: Sat May 23 2020
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