Airport Ripoff

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That scene at 3:43 is godly. All in all, pretty awesome vlog!

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/spread-summer 📅︎︎ Nov 09 2015 🗫︎ replies

Thats the third day in a row where I think my screen has a dead pixel. But I dont. His camera sensor does. Doh.

👍︎︎ 14 👤︎︎ u/lordrifus 📅︎︎ Nov 09 2015 🗫︎ replies

6:14 - I had to replay it a million times. I had no choice

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/MichelPlatini 📅︎︎ Nov 09 2015 🗫︎ replies
okay bye honey I'll see you guys later bye Gigi I'm going back to New York City now Candace Owen the baby I'll also head it back today on a different flight different time also is like 655 in the morning right now I think I start every log by saying how early it is if I set that with you all right going to International Intercontinental let's the airport hall thank you very much sir you take care too bye-bye now I honestly think the state of Texas has the greatest uber drivers anywhere in the country how you doing good how about yourself okay rational skateboarder Oh No I was like get around the airport skateboard ha ha hey go thank you okay thanks that's me man you make videos yeah I'm starting to get into that YouTube yeah can we get a picture yeah for sure nice to meet you all right man make those videos appreciate it there was a direct flight home but because of my insistence on flying American I got a layover in Dallas we want a model first-class passenger than anybody I personally you come to water like a 35-minute play - New York City from Dallas is like interesting 50 minutes before Maddox played for Dallas is the main hub for American Airlines so I'm always flying through here $13 salad for dollar bottle of water $2 banana ready to go ímu sir I'm doing very well first person on this plane - that's two in a row - / - batting a thousand permission to come aboard flight number now this lights like four and a half hours I want to get some work done and try not to fall asleep face down in my seat like on what a local time here is 349 for your safety in the city apply 10 Spees whereby this off doors step back or call cool car just talk to Owen him Candice Francine just landed at the other airport in Newark so they should be at the house and I get there yeah we just landed like five minutes ago I had a layover in Dallas yeah not fun is everything okay with the baby yeah tired I did cry a lot in the plane the squad should be home they're on a faster flight than I was oh how come you don't get excited like this when I come home you even take your head out of the fridge I remember before I moved to New York City whenever I would leave the town I lived in Connecticut where I was like washing dishes and then I would come back I get so depressed about coming back to a place where I didn't love living and now whenever I leave New York City I'm always so psyched to come back like when I see the skyline and then I see the city I get excited every time
Channel: CaseyNeistat
Views: 1,828,393
Rating: 4.9445252 out of 5
Id: zQlqdPfq8yQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 2sec (422 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 09 2015
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