Airport English | At the Gate

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ooh this woman is going to take a flight somewhere and she is waiting at the gate getting ready to board her flight does she need to know any English well she's waiting at the gate well I think it would be really helpful if she could understand some English that might help her a lot in some different situations so in this lesson I'm going to teach you everything you need to know about English at the gate hey if you like getting tips like this I'd be so happy if you subscribe to my channel right down there ok so at this point she has already checked in she has gone through customs she has gone through security and she has found her gate now she's just going to wait at her gate and she's probably going to hear some announcements and now it's myths lots of different announcements ok so it might be helpful if she understood those announcements for example it might say this attention passengers this is an important announcement for passengers booked on Air Canada flight AC 25 with service from Vancouver to Shanghai there has been a gate change the flight is now leaving from gate D 28 gate change do you know what that is that's a very common thing that happens at airports your flight is scheduled to leave from one gate but then suddenly they change gates and so if you don't know that you might miss your flight so that's why this is very important to understand if you hear the word gate change okay you should always be listening for your flight number ok Air Canada flight AC 25 if you hear that your ears should perk up perk up means you should be you should pay attention okay you should become alert okay so when you hear that and then gait change oh I need to go to a different gate okay so you go off to a different gate and then when you're at that gate you might hear this attention passengers Air Canada flight AC 25 to Shanghai is now boarding please have your boarding pass and identification ready for boarding okay please have your boarding pass right your boarding pass and your passport then you might hear this most airlines have some sort of a first class or a business class or Premium Economy and those people get to board first because they paid more money right so we would like to invite our first-class and business-class passengers to board at this time or at their leisure leisure means whenever they want you can do whatever you want you can board now if you want or at your leisure okay then you'll probably hear this we are now inviting passengers with small children and any passengers requiring special assistance to begin boarding okay so if you have small kids you get to go on one of the first people onto the plane okay now any passengers requiring special assistance you know if someone is in a wheelchair or they have they have a cane or they're using crutches okay those kinds of those kinds of situations they need special assistance right so they get to board earlier than the rest okay so we would we would now like to invite all passengers to board okay this is just a general boarding announcement everyone can board so then you get up out of your seat and you go wait in line now they might board by row number or by Zone number if this is case then they might say all passengers seated in Zone B should should now board okay so you look on your boarding pass then and you can see if it if it has a zone number then you should board or they might say we're now we're now seating passengers between rows 30 and 50 okay so you look at your your seat number if you're in row whatever 35 then you can go and you can board now the reason they do this is to save time to make the boarding process more efficient because they always try to board the people in the back of the plane first because if someone boards and they're near the front of the plane and they they're trying to put their bags in the overhead compartments then all the people behind them can't get through the aisle right because they're blocking it so it's it's more efficient if the people board the back of the plane at first and then it fills up that way okay so the general boarding announcement after after that's done or when that's almost done then you'll probably hear this the final boarding call this is the final boarding call for Air Canada flight AC 25 to Shanghai please make your way to gate D 28 immediately make your way means go make your way to gate D 28 means go to gate D 28 or come to gate D 28 okay so then after you go there you get on out for people who are missing you know very often there are people who just they don't know where they are they're missing in the airport somewhere okay then they would they would say this Air Canada is paging Judy Smith please make your way immediately to gate D 28 your aircraft is fully boarded and awaiting departure okay paging paging means they use like they call you over the over this the airport sound system right they use their little thing Air Canada is paging Judy Smith please make your way immediately to gate d-28 your aircraft is fully boarded means it's full and it's what's waiting to go they're waiting for you you're you're causing everyone to be delayed so you need to run there as fast as you can to the gate and then the gate agent this / the person who works at the gate is called a gate agent ok the gate agent will say could I see your passport and boarding pass then you pull out your passport and boarding pass here you go just say thank you have a great flight ok then you run from the gate through the bridge this is called the bridge and onto the plane and then you find your seat and I made another video or two videos maybe on English for on the plane so you can check out my other videos I'll post oh I think I'll post one or two of them at the end of this lesson okay so hey let's do some homework I want to know have you ever missed a flight have you ever missed a flight let me know down there personally I almost missed the flight once it was this close okay I was in the Hong Kong Airport and I was flying to Chennai India and I went to the gate I arrived at the gate like three hours before my flight right I didn't have anything to do in the airport so I just checked in and I I went to the gate that was a few hours early and I was tired from my trip from Calgary it's a long trip Calgary Vancouver Hong Kong so I was very tired and I thought you know what I'm just going to take a quick nap so I set the alarm on my phone and I fell asleep there on the on the benches on this seats and suddenly I woke up and I heard this is the final boarding call for cafe Pacific flights whatever to Chennai and I looked at my my my phone and I had slept through my alarm so I was like I was I felt really out of it do you know what out of it means out of it is that feeling where your brain is not functioning properly because you've just woken up and you're trying to think about what you need to do and so then I was like okay I need to get on the plane so I gathered my things and then I quickly went to board but if I hadn't woken up I don't know why I woke up but if I hadn't woken up I would have missed my flight to Chennai so it was really close hey let me know if you've ever had that experience down there in the comments and I'll see you over in the next episode of Mad English TV take care
Channel: Mad English TV
Views: 177,993
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: airport english, english for airport
Id: ai34GxYltas
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 14sec (614 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 16 2018
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