Airline Staff Deal With An Upset VIP Passenger | Holiday Airline E5 | Our Stories

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the forecast this will rain or rain and more rain [Music] there's just been a reaction red delay during the day so if I get a blood clot on the plane then because I haven't had it will be held responsible for it Monty it's the height of the summer season at Manchester Airport not surprisingly the Monarch passengers are Keen to get to the Sun but it's nice to be brown I mean the people know you've been away we're going for four days and we've got three bikinis we've got factors down from 25 down to the last day which is the oil I think so hi leg and water 38 double d can't but amongst the excitement an elderly passenger has collapsed and check-in supervisor Amanda mclenahan has been called in Margaret Lowe was supposed to be flying on a family holiday to Portugal the paramedics are at the scene she was going funny okay because it is very warm in here though this morning isn't it yeah but the same thing happened on the plane last year it was all right after she died like I say it is very warm in here this morning and I think the the amount of bodies here does it make it uh any any easier unfortunately the family anxiously await the paramedics verdict yeah no problem my mother's very sure he's very anemic yeah it's very weak and I think she stood here for an hour it was hot there's no seats that we could see and she didn't like to bother anybody so she thought yeah I'll be all right biora and she just felt that they went over there and just completely blank down [Music] Amanda's colleague Michael Shelbourne has got problems of his own schedule service said Peter Malaga has just gone Tech passengers are now in the terminal building we don't know where we're going to get another aircraft from so it could be a long delay for the passengers but we're not sure what time it's going to be yet but I'm on the way to the gate amongst the passengers who have been offloaded is a celebrity its TV star Lisa Riley from you've been framed in Emmerdale what sounded me though was right when we were all sat there and we're all bored and everything and we moved and then we just like seems to get on the wrong way and then he went he went Bing Bong um we're not going anywhere sorry this brain is now broken thank you so much for that that's not divided Lisa's presence is causing excitement amongst the Monarch staff just follow the others mother she looks better in real life than she does on the TV quite funny lighthearted better than Jamie Beadle from my past experience a lot of celebrities are never very pleased with delay so obviously they're well known and they'd like to make a fuss she's just a story oh she's got a great set of you but I'm sure she's just taking it in the strides you must be having a laugh off with her in the lounge now [Laughter] back at check-in Mrs Lowe is still being treated we have the paramedics here scene to her now but also we have an ambulance that's just arrived um I don't think they want to take any chances I think they would rather take it to hospital and give her a full check over so watch this space unfortunately we hope that she'll be okay later on to say that she seemed okay now with Mrs Lowe again in Consciousness the rest of the family have decided to travel all bags will be traveling okay because obviously the rest of the party are going to take responsibility leslow will escort his wife to hospital hoping they can fly later okay if they say she's not really fit to travel today and leave it till tomorrow or the day after you'll need to ring that number yes that's that's our duty office number 24 hours and they'll arrange a new flight I don't think you know he's telling him all these different things to do and I don't think he's thinking in because he's worried about her but you know what did you do are you going with your wife thank you thank you very much [Music] out in Ibiza the airline passengers are enjoying the weather you're getting a bit burned on your end oh yeah you can see yeah Anita war is the entertainment manager at the coral player Hotel she sees firsthand the effects of the Sun when people come out here I don't think they realize how strong the sun is especially at the moment it's really really strong we've got people wandering around with really the hunt backs and fronts and tends to be the bits that don't see the sun and I tried to get a bikini without straps nobody's gonna see them when you get home anyway aren't they it looks terrible on a night Zone when you see them coming down lovely dresses with great big white marks or rainbow boobies ear and the white bit of cleavage down there it looks awful it's really awful my daughter has got them very badly haven't you dear I'm one of these ladies that decides to go topless so I don't get strap marks go on girls do it cover them up Anita's big hit of the summer is a male strip show called the half Monty it's performed by holiday makers staying at the hotel and she's on the lookout for new recruits [Music] what I'm looking around for are guys that are just general family guys that aren't going to be not gonna all go over the top no exhibitionists you know we're doing the four months well I want you to get your kicked off on stage for me and we need some sort of a g-string you'd be comfortable in there yeah I guess so it's a lot too loud but yeah I don't want any big big Superman I just want a nice big to be beer belly men that's the sort I like oh I got the body for you we might not need a g string after all if you're very young son I'd rather have the chip and Tails but I'm not going to get them here am I actually know it's gemma's first flight today um in the cabin crew briefing room at Manchester it's a big day for Nick robbotham and Gemma derns today is my first operational flight on the Airbus a300 going down to Ibiza I'm a first operating block so I'm quite nervous I'm really really nervous they've just graduated from the company's training scheme I weren't nervous when I'm going from the car part too so here it's like reality hits you know and he had all that training I've done with this big portfolio I have to do it now so we don't know what's happening to our flight we've been here since six o'clock and we still can't tell us when we're flying It's One o'clock And the early morning Malaga passengers are still stuck there's usually a backup plan for the scheduled service but today it's being used elsewhere trying to get another aircraft for you at the moment but I won't I can't give you something definite until they get back and let me know what I'm going to do is as soon as I've I've just finished with another aircraft here I'm going back to monitor now to find out what time eurocraft is going to be departed I think the problem is not knowing not knowing what time we're going to set off and what time we're going to to arrive that's uh that's what we're going to get to me now well I think we're basically upset because we've we've gone for a scheduled Airline we assume that the schedule Airline it would all be safe Charter flight we perhaps expected it a holiday time but at the shed alive and I just think Monica let us down personally because there isn't an aircraft for you here at the moment because it was a technical fault on an aircraft earlier on today it's just been a reaction rate delay during the day I apologize at the moment but I can't give you I can't give you the difference I'm not going to make anything good to tell you I want something different from Monarch before I can come back and tell you up in the VIP lounge life for Lisa Riley is just as uncertain they've told us now we're not probably not going out until like seven o'clock tonight but they're gonna put us in a hotel and give us a hot meal but it's Eileen's birthday it's not fair you know she's in the departure on her birthday we should be in the sun now yeah one lady who might get to the sun is Mrs Lowe she's back from hospital which is you know quite okay now again yeah they're giving us a stacks of tests at the hospital found everything was okay blood pressure and blood count and a lot the news is a relief for everyone including Amanda I could hear her talking she was coming around a lot I think basically what she needed was there and a probably a bit of space I just collapsed yeah I don't know what it was it went to the hospital and they were very very good there and they had all sorts of tests and if you're going to write to my doctors probably I'm anemic and my blood pressure is very low and things like that there's nothing much really you can do because obviously they have first aiders or medically trained people actually on the scene quite rapidly all you can do really is Stand By and if you can help in any way do so Mr and Mrs love had to transfer to another airline but have only missed a few hours of their holiday thank you in Ibiza Anita has whisked her team of would-be strippers up the road to Popeye's Bar for a secret rehearsal ready she's only got a few hours to get them ready for tonight's big performance and things aren't going well I'll bring it on myself I'll bring it on myself gosh get off again off again I want to get it a bit where you drop your pants guys you know what I mean today preferably Colin moncton's family think he's overconfident about his dancing ability I think he thinks he's a bit of a John Travolta actually another problem for Anita is that children will be watching the show so we do it this way around yeah drop your pants pick it up pick them off step back and turn around stood up because if you stood up the left side you see you're not talking about Collins come up with his own solution for the costume dilemma he put the phone on and he said oh when the ears are showing so I'll get a pair of scissors and I'll cut round it so I'll just lift it in the [Laughter] [Music] bathroom's running out for Anita and her dancers are far from polished hello said to be 574 showing on the screen uh waiting in the land of his departing at 1600 isn't it 15 30. back in Manchester Michael's still trying to sort out the early morning Malaga flight no problem all right then yeah cheers bye yeah we've got 15 30 at the moment but they've left it on at 1600 in case of the the slack goes further on and so we're still our depart well we're going for a 15 30 departure it's been brought forward but it's Riley and her friends I [Music] have to know the update on the delay at the moment we've got a departure time of the 15 30. um they bring another aircraft up from Luton I want mine but I always say Monica brilliant I even big Japan wish you were here after an eight-hour delay the Malaga passengers are finally on their way bye you're all right with your seats you know where you're going on the plane to Ibiza Nick's greeting his first passengers his main worry is his height never reach he's only five foot three you don't make diamonds the size of bricks that's all my mom keeps telling me but he's confident that passengers will love him on the Alicante flight gem is also hoping to make a good first impression but can they put their training into practice [Music] you had to be blonde didn't you yeah he couldn't be anything else [Music] everyone's taking to Nick no shush cute you can put him in your top Pockets I might really enjoy myself now now we've got up into the air but gemma's having a few teething troubles well she's rather a lot dizzy actually [Music] but you you fall went the correct way you are carried on going this way and didn't bother turning around come on if you're not gonna if you're not gonna try and do this serious there's no point in doing it Anita's still struggling to teach the airlines holiday makers the dance routine you're supposed to be gone this way boys [Music] you haven't got it have your that's what we got at a minute I know you're having problems but you three are still not getting your footwork right I'm getting the shakes again I am really nervous about these guys we're gonna have to keep practicing it so if I get a blood clot on the plane then because I haven't had a Heparin injection it would be held responsible for it well I don't know Okay evan just flying to Orlando with her children and isn't happy with her allocated seats where's somebody from Mark do you know where there is anybody from what I suffer from DVT which is deep vein thrombosis if I'd known I wasn't getting a bulkhead seat I could have taken a Heparin injection but I haven't made any provisions for that at all you see where's my email do you know where my email Services check-in supervisor K Arrowsmith is in charge of the seating plan we've only got one bulkhead row that's the six three six on row eight because the front of the aircraft is the premium cabin yeah but when I spoke to somebody Mrs Evans thought she'd reserved one of the bulkhead seats with extra leg room she also wants to be near her daughter who injured herself earlier in the week I landed on my foot and I pulled a ligament they told me that there were three seats and they were allocated but she then said that one person who had those three seats did not require them so they were going to change me to that one and give me two behind right to Carolina Custom Services right well our phone customer service this is the first time I've come across this deep vein thrombosis thing everybody seems to be cropping up with it all the time now because it's obviously been on the TV a lot but I think it's something that everybody's going to start developing very soon and I have to say that if I was with British Airways now this problem probably wouldn't have arose you know on the flight back to Manchester Nick's still working hard for the kitties cheers for the kiddies they're usually about your height but Stuart s Claire's size is taking a well-earned five minute break she's got a special reason to want to get home just returned from a Toyota to leave and I've left my five months daughter at home this is the first time I've been away from Amelia since she was born in October it was really hard to leave her because I've always been there for her I've skipped to the airport this morning because I just can't wait to get home I spoke with customer services and they have no record of it at all and they said they haven't got a camera lining customer services so that's handy for them then isn't it well it's bad news the bulkhead seats with extra legroom on the Orlando flight have been allocated to another family with a baby these three in the middle yeah how many babies are there there's one baby but you can only have one baby Peru and that's where that's going on so the other two seats then who's sitting in those others with the baby oh then one of those people is going to have to do what I'm doing and be have one bulkhead see and sit behind but we can't move people that have been people because I'm on it Monica's shoulders they take priority Mrs Evans demands to look at the seating plan well why can't maybe move to the Road 34 that you because they've got infants and that's where the sky comes right the people behind them in row nine because now we're getting to moving the whole aircraft around no I'm just asking you for for those three people to be moved to row 34 that you've given me and then at least three people there for a start I mean we'll check that there might be five seven nine I can't beat 30 rows or whatever it is away from the kids ironically Mrs Evans finally opts for the aisle seat she was originally allocated one of the roomiest on the aircraft let me put you back in Route 38 now before that's right okay there's not ever a plane goes out with everybody happy because it's just not possible to see everybody where they want to because everybody wants everybody wants like room they only but there's you know there's only a limited number of seats there's nothing I can do is there I've just got to take the risk and if I take the risk and something happens to me then you know I mean what else do I do I've got a certain amount of sympathy but then I've got sympathy for other people that I've got you know there's other people on on the aircraft with wheelchair pass you know passengers in wheelchairs and if everybody kicks off like that then we would have an absolute nightmare well I won't be traveling with Monarch again if I can help it I'm just ecstatic for another mum in Manchester it's the end of a journey Claire's flight has landed and it's time for a family reunion it's the first time I've left it in five months and I'm going to use it cool I love my baby Cosmos about this this is terrible country oh no losses or anything in there it's the Moment of Truth for the half Monty strippers the audience is waiting and Anita's still trying to get it right [Applause] so we got one one dodgy one one good one one dodgy one one good one so I'm hoping that's gonna work [Music] ladies and gentlemen the moment you have all been waiting for the half Monday [Music] so far the lads are holding it together for Anita [Applause] you said I'm just taking over his attitude of the game magazine and I'm putting their horses on the front page disaster at the start it got better absolutely brilliant I can't believe they pulled it off Ray Ray [Music] [Applause] see something
Channel: Our Stories
Views: 85,450
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Our Stories, Documentary, Observational Documentary, Real Stories, Full Episode, Full Length Episodes, Full Documentary, Fly On The Wall, Yearbook, Real Life, Documentaries, Real Lives, Behind The Scenes
Id: agEvuGGB2sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 41sec (1301 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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