Aircrete Dome Home, Yap, Micronesia, Domegaia method

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so we poured air Crete into the forum yesterday and this is what it looks like [Music] you can see that there's one by fours there so I come here and I remove the pins the nails that are holding one by four in and then I remove the pin from the hinge and that allows this outside piece so I do the same thing to the other side then unhinge the form then this part just comes right off and I set it to the side and here's the air Crete under the plastic so it's the thickness of a 2x4 so the blocks are or that thick and these these are buddy now and separate this this center piece here and then I'll show a video of what comes next so the blocks this is after one day here [Music] they will continue to harden for 30 days 30 or 60 days into a solid pretty solid brick we can use it's very lightweight but you can see the bricks that we have here the ones that are chipped like this we can still use these because as we're putting them together we can fill in with cement and it will fill in but cement raw stuff with air bubbles makes a very light strong brick and this is what we will use and Julie and I have been making them out of these all these all these air creat blocks they're very lightweight we're getting ready or ready to start laying blocks for the house we've got them over here in the shade so they can wet them and keep them wet and continue to allow them to harden up naturally but some of them are lighter very light and others are a little more dense a little heavier and some didn't quite turn out quite right like this one here has an a froggie mixture at the bottom and a real hard compact thick layer almost like a tile it's like we put a tile on top of this guy so we may not use certain certain blocks but but we can use these for other things like if we lay this down somewhere we could use this like like a steppin area so I don't know we'll see but just want to show you all the air creat blocks we're making here as we get ready to build the dome the archway which will be the entrance we poured the entranceway foundation there the other day and you can see the tracks of a lizard and where I did some repair works and where the dogs got on it but this framework will hold up the blocks for now and we've started taking the blocks and putting them in place there's Julie this is our first practice run at doing this so this is a mixture of cement water and air creat foam but a much less foam mixture so it's mostly a thick slurry that we put on there and you can see how it turns out she's coding each of the sides okay she's putting it up against the wood cuz the first three feet or so or of our dome or vertical so we're lining up the blocks with the wood there stick that's our guide and then join them there okay she's smoothing that out notice with air Crete it's just a frothing mixture that's thick so it's easy to work with so it'll be a straight wall up to that level and then as the arm rotates up that the dome will be formed up that way it's like epoxy it's easy to work with when it's nice and wet and then overnight should harden up and then over the next month it really hardens up nice and hard [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Jon Berger
Views: 176,635
Rating: 4.7669616 out of 5
Keywords: Domegaia, Yap, dome home, island life, micronesia, berger, aircrete
Id: w-xaEnVJnEI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 16 2019
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