Air Quality Monitoring System using Thingspeak | ESP8266 ThingSpeak Projects

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foreign [Music] for this experiment are nodemc board mq 135 gas sensor DHT 11 temperature sensor connecting cable and connecting OS oh [Music] foreign .com website here enter the email address and click on next button and here we need to enter the password now click on the sign in button now click the new channel button and create a new channel I am giving the channel name as air quality monitoring here we are going to create three Fields temperature humidity and gas so we need to click on three check boxes next to the field names so the text boxes will be enabled and here we need to enter the field name first one is temperature second one is humidity the iron is the gas and now click save Channel now three widgets are added one for temperature second one for humidity and the third one for gas so if you want we can add more widgets so now click on add widgets and we can also add the gauge widgets so we need to add three cage widgets and here field one before that we can click on the edit button for of this text of this widget and here we're going to enter the field name temperature and under the maximum value as 100 minimum value will be zero and click on save button and similar like the second one click on edit button and here enter the name as humidity and the maximum value was 100 minimum value is zero and click on the save button do the same for the third one guess now add two more gauge widgets since we already added one first one for temperature and select the field name and enter the unit unit as Celsius and click on the create button and second one will be the gauge widget for humidity and field 2 and the unit will be in percentage again click on create button and now create that third one this one is for gas value and the field will be the third field and the unit is in PPM okay we can also and drag and arrange this widget so the first one is for temperature here humidity so we can drag this humidity here and that one is for gas value now go to API keys and copy this APA key and paste node program so here this is the API key and then we need to enter the Wi-Fi username and Wi-Fi password so here everything is done now we need to upload the program to the node MCU board so for that select the board from tools board esp8266 and select node MC 1.0 and then select the port now click this arrow button and upload the program to the nodemc board now the program is uploaded and we can check the output so this is the output from the thinkspeak website thank you foreign [Music]
Channel: Tech Trends Shameer
Views: 7,502
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: R_6twDv8w9A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 39sec (399 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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