Air Fryer Pork Chops | Crispy Recipe | Air Fryer Pork Chop Recipe

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the detailed ingredients will be in the  description box below so go ahead and   go out and get those ingredients now we're  going to be using a combination of spices   and herbs that's going to make these air  fryer pork chops absolutely irresistible and   you know these flavor combinations are going to be  absolutely a pairing a match made in heaven right   now we're going to get all these bad boys in this  bowl and then once we do we're just going to give   it a mix right got to get these ingredients all  mixed up now what i'm gonna go ahead and tell you   and you know share with you that smoked paprika  is gonna give you a nice color so it's gonna   do the trick for you know these air fryer pork  chops that's the secret ingredient right there   now we're going to get these bad boys seasoned up  so we're going to hit it with a little salt bait   and we're going to season these pork chops  front and back so you want to make sure that   you season these you know well because you want  that flavor right anything that you cooking you   know with your meats man you got to make sure  that you season it well now you also want to   save you know a little bit of that seasoning  because you also got to season that flour right   now look at that right there we're going to take  you down to it so you want to rub the seasoning in   so it can kind of bind on these pork chops and  then after you do that you in the game so we got   our flour we got our corn starch mixture and then  we're going to add the rest of those seasonings   in there like i said you got to season your flour  right and then you know best practices taste your   flour however your flour tastes that's how your  meat is going to taste all right so we're going to   take these pork chops and then we're going to get  them coated in you know that flour mixture right   so front and back you want to get a light coating  on it and then you know press down on those pork   chops so you know that flour and that corn  starch can adhere to that pork chop right   now we're going to set this on the cooling rack  that wire rack and then we're going to let these   boys chill out just for a little bit right now  i always got to shake that bad boy off right   all right so now we're going to put this on  that cooling rack let that bad boy sit off   and then we're going to let that you know  those that flour penetrate that meat and   then we're going to go back to it so we're  gonna follow the same steps right and then   we're just gonna repeat this for all the  pork chops and like i said we're just gonna   let those bad boys chill out for a little bit  and then we're gonna come back and revisit them just a thin coat right all right so now as you see right here pork chops  are going to sit there and they're going to rest   now what we're going to do is like i said we  got to revisit them we're going to come back   and we're going to hit it with just a tad more  of that flour mixture and then like i said we're   just hitting some of those bald spots as it you  know sits and rests right so as you can see here   that flour has penetrated that pork chop  but now we're trying to build a crust   on those pork chops so we're going back  with a thin layer another thin layer of   that flour mixture and then we're going to  let this rest you know just for a little bit   and then we're going to come back and then get  these pork chops ready to go in the air fryer and then you just gotta trust the process man all  right so next thing i got you know the power xl   air fry comes with a mesh grate now you want to  make sure that you you know spray your grates you   know very well with that cooking spray right so  it doesn't stick now before we put it in the air   fryer we're going to also lightly spray these pork  chops and this is gonna assist in you know getting   that golden brown you know outside crust right so  we're just trying to mimic the deep frying process   now you're not going to be you know  drowning in the oil just a light   you know like mist of it now we're going in with  the air fryer like i said i got that powerxl   and then i'm just cooking two at a time  because these pork chops are on the larger side   and then we're going to take this for 400  degrees for 20 minutes right and then power   editing halfway through 10 minutes we're going  to take a look at them look at those right there   that looks like they're coming out pretty good so  we're going to bring them out so you can see them   they're not done yet right so we got to do  a couple different things right so now when   you see these pork chops you might see some dry  spots so you'll take your cooking spray you know   lightly mist it don't drown it lightly mist it  and then you're gonna flip it on the other side   so here's the key right here as you can see that's  why i said you know spray your grates well so it   doesn't stick right all right now we got the  second one we're gonna do the same steps right   and then just take it the rest of the  way for the remaining another 10 minutes   as you can see right there it's a little bit dry  on that side so like i said just just a little   bit of spray cooking spray would do it now we're  going to place these bad boys back in and then   oh they're ready to come out so here's the moment  of truth going to pop that top right here we go them bad boys are steaming hot too   look at that right there nice and golden brown so  now you want to make sure that you let these bad   boys rest to because they're going to continue to  cook you know because like i said they piping hot   but look at that right there that is a nice  color on those pork chops and i'm going to   tell you man that was probably the best looking  pork chops on youtube right there look at that   air fryer pork chops and those bad boys are  golden brown let's take a look at them real quick   now you see those bad boys now you already know  what we got to do we got to get these bad boys   a taste test right so instead of cutting thss  bad boy up man i'm just going to take a bite out   of this bad boy right now normally you know we'll  cut these bad boys up but look at that right there that bad boy's delicious that's absolutely  delicious guys now that flavor was amazing  
Channel: Cooking with Manual Focus
Views: 26,167
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Keywords: air fryer pork chops, air fried pork chops, southern pork chops, how to make air fryer pork chops, airfryer pork chops, fried air fryer pork chops, crispy and juicy air fryer pork chops, air fryer crispy pork chops, air fryer, air fryer recipes, air fryer pork chops recipe, how to cook pork chops in air fryer, air fryer pork, how to cook pork chops in the air fryer, pork chops in air fryer, air fryer recipe, air fried pork chop
Id: j9wKnwsulfI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 46sec (406 seconds)
Published: Tue May 17 2022
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